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Civilian Men/Women

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I sthere a posting of all the Civilian characters in game. I have seen several shots and it seems like they are more numerous this time around. Also, I stheir children and animals modeled? I know VBS1 has an Animal Pack I wonder if they aren't if it will be possible here.

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From what I've seen, there is only civiallian men, but there seems to be a decent variety.

Children would draw a great deal of negative media attention, and a lot of people would be opposed to it, so I highly doubt it is included. A possible add-on, maybe.

The only wildlife I know of is birds, bees and flies.

I would love to see a wildlife add-on, though.

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Then I have to assume this is an edited pic....

No. It's the only one woman in game. Only cutscene character. She even doesn't have animations for movement in game... sorry.

Edit: Oh and btw... your image has 183.04 KB wich is 84KB over the limit allowed for images posted here...

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To my knowledge, that is a reporter which appears in various cutscenes throughout the campaign.

I don't beleive you actually see her outside any sort of video/cutscene.

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To my knowledge, that is a reporter which appears in various cutscenes throughout the campaign.

I don't beleive you actually see her outside any sort of video/cutscene.

So I cant buy her a coffee? sad_o.gif

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Is the case the same for the male news actor in the studio wearing a suit?

I was hoping to find some playable civilians that don't look like they're college students on vacation.

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maybe a boiling point mod could be made? wink_o.gif ofp and arma has lots of modding possibilites smile_o.gif

Well... theoretically... yes. But we have to wait. No MODding tools yet sad_o.gif

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Is the case the same for the male news actor in the studio wearing a suit?

I was hoping to find some playable civilians that don't look like they're college students on vacation.

This character isn't included in editor, but it's easy to make small addon, wich will let you put him in... he seems to be of the same shape as other male characters in game, so there is (theoretically) no reason, why he shouldn't work smile_o.gif

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Yeah, up in the north where the weather isnt so nice, there should be civilians that could be used as population, the beach boys look great but a little out of place when far from the beach...

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beach boys look great but a little out of place when far from the beach...

I guess this games AI is really great. They all wanna be at the beach knowing in summertime they could have some nice females to look at.

To bad they dont know there is none right now, maybe with the release of 505 it will be updated with a couple, till than.........

Lots of missions called "A day at the beach".

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beach boys look great but a little out of place when far from the beach...

I guess this games AI is really great. They all wanna be at the beach knowing in summertime they could have some nice females to look at.

To bad they dont know there is none right now, maybe with the release of 505 it will be updated with a couple, till than.........

Lots of missions called "A day at the beach".

If there was fish they could go fishing... its hard to imagine that beautyfull sea with nothing to be found down there, a sunken ship would be one hell of an eastern egg wink_o.gif .

I dont know, we might be expecting too much so soon smile_o.gif .

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beach boys look great but a little out of place when far from the beach...

I guess this games AI is really great. They all wanna be at the beach knowing in summertime they could have some nice females to look at.

To bad they dont know there is none right now, maybe with the release of 505 it will be updated with a couple, till than.........

Lots of missions called "A day at the beach".

It would be rather bs if they released women with bikini's and whatnot but no female soldiers.

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Other than the bun of hair under the helmet and the slightly different face shape, 99% of all female soldiers would be indistinguishable from their male counterparts when in full combat gear.

I'd be more worrried about getting height and build variations than an overly-explicit female soldier model.

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Same here,but what I mean is that I would rather see a female soldier before any women in scantly clothing,its almost sexist.

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Oh, yeah. Very true.

Also fairly inevitable tho... (damn horny nerds tounge2.gif )

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No playable civilians woman!? ( Not very realistic! ) huh.gif

The women are essential! I hope that they will be added later on...

... and what about people of NS? I did not see any film or image relating to them.  wink_o.gif


I have my answers now!

151 playable units - without the prachutes wink_o.gif

ArmA 1.0 All Units Photos Pack @ ArmedAssault.pl


Can somebody mirror this file?

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Maybe there is a hidden Hot Coffee mode in Arma like in GTA we only need to ask BIS how to get it to work. tounge2.gifrofl.gif

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Other than the bun of hair under the helmet and the slightly different face shape, 99% of all female soldiers would be indistinguishable from their male counterparts when in full combat gear.

I'd be more worrried about getting height and build variations than an overly-explicit female soldier model.

Yes and no. To cut hairs, men and women move differently, especially under load, and have different hip to shoulder width ratios. If you really wanted to get very detailed, you could have different anims for the male and female soldiers as a result of the differences in anatomy. I can't explain how they are different, though, because I'm not a professional animator. That's my girlfriend's vocation. I'm also not drawing a distinction between manly and effeminate gesticulation, but purely elementary movements. There would be a difference in baseline walk cycles, if you wanted to get detailed enough to draw that sort of distinction.

I guess most of the distinguishable characteristics would be largely up to the player. There are marked differences, but would anyone really notice?

edit: She says that apart from the anatomical / muscular kinetic reasons, the centre of gravity is different for both sexes. She says Robocop was actually a good example of that - The lady cop in that was wearing very masculine uniform but there's no way you could mistake her movements for masculine and she certainly wasn't swishing her hips

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Same here,but what I mean is that I would rather see a female soldier before any women in scantly clothing,its almost sexist.

I was just joking a bit........

Offcourse I want to see female citizans and soldiers in the game too. I guess it will be maybe in a patch or maybe in something else.

And I guess people will start making their own if they have waited for to long. They will just have to find a woman wanting to lent her voice to Arma biggrin_o.gif

I take it other than the reporters voice there are no femaile voices in arma  huh.gif

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we need women when we are not in army duty we need to get morale back again biggrin_o.gif

better ask my gf in real life about that HAHA

dudes don't worry. the talented mod makers from arma are still here and I'm sure we will see very good mods back again in arma + female soldiers and civies.

woohoo I imagine about a virtual beach party whistle.gif

gdamnit real ones are better but hey it's arma rofl.gif

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