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To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

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Please let the rest of the world know how you like ArmA!

Did it meet your expectations?

How's the AI compared to OFP?

How's the netcode?

How does it run on your system (include specs)?

Is you wife ready for divorce yet?

Please let us know!!  smile_o.gif

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Is you wife ready for divorce yet?

Please let us know!!  smile_o.gif

I think the wives have smashed all the computers, that's why we hear nothing!  Flowers.gif   rofl.gif

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Is you wife ready for divorce yet?

Please let us know!!  smile_o.gif

I think the wives have smashed all the computers, that's why we hear nothing!  Flowers.gif   rofl.gif

ROFL ! tounge2.gif Nice one !

I dont have game yet but I'm preparing my girlfriend for ArmA whistle.gif

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Please let the rest of the world know how you like ArmA!

I second that!

I'm aware that the ArmA is only a few days old and I appreciate the efforts of showing nice screenshots and videos but what I'm really waiting for is more info/comments about the improved AI, physics, collision detection, in game voice chat, light effects/tracers, TIR support, netcode, HW requirements, JIP and other important stuff...

I'm trying to be patience but it's hard when knowing it's released in some parts of the world... Hopefully you Checz guys are just to busy enjoying ArmA at the moment and will fill us all in shortly  wink_o.gif


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How's the AI compared to OFP?

In reviews says "AI is much worse that in OFP!"


slow reactions, bad driving ...

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ArmA is just great! It's everything that I expected; not a new game, but operation flashpoint as it is meant to be; the realism, open world, do-as-you-want-it style... Now in beautiful graphics (ok, not oblivion like, but what are we talking about!?).

The ground cover is so much better than ofp... many many grass, bushes, trees, and the cover really works cool and nicely.

Audio is great, nice positioning and effects (also audio reflections etc)

Very nice added gameplay aspects... movements, animations and shift-states etc. are really really nice

Shadows and lighting... breath taking at times!!

Swimming is pretty basic, nothing special, but it works and serves its purpose well enough.

Driving but especially flying has changed a lot, I can't really say if I like it more or less, I guess it's just getting used to...

You control ur choppers/planes more seperate now, so you need to do more things at the same time to get ur bird doing what you want.

If it's more realistic... I guess so, but it feels somewhat arcadish eitherway.

Shooting is pretty hard, mainly due to recoil, but doable. I also like the aiming options incl. holding breath etc.

Bullet impacts are nice, and the new material properties seem to work as advertised

The AI is in some parts better than OFP, but I have seen some stupid reactions etc... but this could also be a problem of the skill settings used... I will get into it deeper myself when I start editing this week.

I have an AMD Athlon 64 running at 2.5ghz (~4000+), 3gb ddr 550, ati radeon x800 xt 256mb pci-e, and I can run the game on medium-high details on 1280x960 (1600x1200 gives me too low fps), usually an fps of ~30 but at times the fps drops to around 15. I think older systems can still run it ok as long as resolution and details are kept low.

It also runs under Vista (RC2 & RTM tried), but I had to uninstall the SPTD drivers (underlying drivers used in e.g. Daemon Tools) before I was able to boot the game (it was erroring on Starforce).

If I turn on hardware acceleration for sound, I can only hear ingame voices, but can not talk myself, if it's turned off it works properly, on both XP and Vista. Soundblaster X-FI card, current drivers. But if i'm right, other soundcards don't have these problems.

I can not host a dedicated server on my colocated servers yet, because it needs the disc.. starforce grmbl... but I hope they create an independant dedicated server as with OFP aswell.

You can play the game over 2 monitors widescreen if you have a videocard that supports using 2 monitors for 1 wide windows desktop.

There is also support for true tripple head gaming

Only thing I don't like, or better said, trouble adjusting to is the interface, it's more fluid but it sometimes makes it hard to get a good grip on it, but I guess that just needs time

There are some minor bugs here and there, but until now nothing show-stopping.... Audio positioning of vehicles bugs on some systems.

BTW... you can convert the Czech to English (German, Polish or Russian aswell), except singleplayer missions&campaign briefings & overview (Just not in other languages than Czech included), So if you don't want to wait, go get it from Czech, and read my topic on the how to in this forum

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Im already getting in trouble reading forums all day.. lol banghead.gif

Same here  crazy_o.gif


wel, not exactly trouble with My GF but i dont think its normal to stare at forum and refresh it every 5 mins wink_o.gif

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Thanks for the input sickboy looking forward to more comments from you and/or others that are lucky enough to already have ArmA installed!


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Thanks for the input sickboy looking forward to more comments from you and/or others that are lucky enough to already have ArmA installed!


No Problem smile_o.gif I already updated the post and will continue doing so while I find or think of things.

I only played for a few hours and few missions, been too busy and desperatly need sleep wink_o.gif

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looks like your spec is about what we going to need .

i was talking with a few czech player today and so afr reported is.

- Star Force and his problems with other applications)

- textures bug (sometimes not loaded or their blinks)

- error report accompanied falling the program

- restart PC (sometimes)

- problems with AI (RPG man shooting on tank after his destruction, somtimes fail AI - slow reactions and others)

these problems are hit and miss

but alot of users have reported them

ty for beta testing cz smile_o.gif

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- Star Force and his problems with other applications)

- error report accompanied falling the program

- restart PC (sometimes)

reactions and others)

I hear these things now and then, but usually those ppl have crappy systems and/or with outdated xp's, outdated drivers, tons of 'special' utilities, 'super reg tweakers', cleaners, bla bla bla.... ppl usually make it all too complicated and soo far overdone (all not nececairy anymore since 2k sp2 and xp and newer)...

I never have such problems wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I hear these things now and then, but usually those ppl have crappy systems, with outdated xp's, tons of 'special' utilities, cleaners, bla bla bla.... ppl usually make it all too complicated and soo far overdone (all not necairy anymore since 2k sp2 and xp and newer)...

good to know , i was worried i needed a super pc.

altho i do want to keep my cookie cleaner and virtual drive tool

so i guess its fingers crossed we dont get the dreaded sf.

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Thanks for the peek Sickboy!

Just wondering if you've noticed any difference with the AI in Urban environments such as using indoors, lean + roll and windows?

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Is you wife ready for divorce yet?

Please let us know!! smile_o.gif

I think the wives have smashed all the computers, that's why we hear nothing! Flowers.gifrofl.gif

ROFL ! tounge2.gif Nice one !

I dont have game yet but I'm preparing my girlfriend for ArmA whistle.gif

make sure the rope is tight enough whistle.gif

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Is you wife ready for divorce yet?

Please let us know!!  smile_o.gif

I think the wives have smashed all the computers, that's why we hear nothing!  Flowers.gif   rofl.gif

ROFL !  tounge2.gif Nice one !

I dont have game yet but I'm preparing my girlfriend for ArmA  whistle.gif

make sure the rope is tight enough whistle.gif

.... LOL .... I was thinking weather to reply to that or not too! Q. How do you prepare your GF for a PC game?

My wife gets pissed off with me always on the forums, but will happily get stuck into a good FPS game with me! In fact she is a better virtual soldier than me!  biggrin_o.gif

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The AI is in some parts better than OFP, but I have seen some stupid reactions etc... but this could also be a problem of the skill settings used... I will get into it deeper myself when I start editing this week.

Does the AI now search for cover if he's under fire or what parts are better than in OFP?


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How do you prepare your GF for a PC game?

I've prepared myself by not getting one biggrin_o.gif I'll be 21 in early January, I still have over 4 years of school left with on-board practice during summers if possible, there are lots of TV-shows I love to watch, I gotta do barhopping with my buddies, the local basketball team has home matches on regular basis and ArmA will be the cherry on top. getting a woman involved in all this would tip over the first domino piece, in other words, my life would be totally ruined. yay.gif

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My girlfriend is an avid puzzle pirate, and she loves Starcraft, so that helps.

When I tried to make her play "Steal the Car," she died after about 5 seconds without firing a shot, crossed her arms and said, "Can we play something fun now?" smile_o.gif

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hmm, Im sure I read there was a InitWildlife function in the BIKI

but I cant find it anymore. They removed it?

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hmm, Im sure I read there was a InitWildlife function in the BIKI

but I cant find it anymore. They removed it?

Probably for birds and flies only, and i think you mean initAmbientLife tounge2.gif

@Stryder, look in the video topic or here for 2 videos made by Shadak to get an idea of what the AI is capable of biggrin_o.gif

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One question I have for current arma players is if the mission editor has the "real time editing" function as VBS2 will have http://www.vbs2.com/media/movies/real_time_editor_high.wmv

It seems like it would be very easy for BIS to include this so can someone check it out and verify?

No it's not in ArmA, I believe the realtime 3D editor is not finished yet. I'm hoping they add it to ArmA in a future patch.

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