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Al Simmons

ArmA .pbos openable with Winpbo

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Hey Al,

This is great news!

Can I ask for a favour? Can you tell me if it works with addon pbos as well?

Thanks in advance,


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There should be no problems opening PBOs in ArmA as the format is the same as the one used in OFP: Elite.

So any tool that worked with Elite pbos should work with ArmA pbos.

(The difference between Elite PBOs and Resistance is tiny so in reality all PBO tools should work)

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Well Resistance pbos didn't open with the pbo tools that worked for CWC pbos, right? They could update the format without changing the extension, like adding a new compression that would make it unreadable by the old programs. In fact, I'm quite surprised they didn't update it.

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What's this thread got to do with missions? And of course the PBOs still open with PBO editors - they're PBOs ffs.

Don't be stupid.

the rAP file format has changed for example, so you won't be able to view the config.bin files in ArmA with the OFP tools.

Tools made for Elite should work though.

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Don't be stupid.

Stupid? Pfft, I made a relevant statement, this is in the wrong section of the forum, and why would you even make a thread discussing it?

Yay. The PBOs still open with a PBO tool. Hooray. End of story.

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this is in the wrong section of the forum, and why would you even make a thread discussing it?

Maybe you dont find it interesting, i do, so if you dont like it then fuck off and go read something you do like xmas_o.gif

(And are ArmA editing questions still supposed to go into the old mission editing section?)

Quote[/b] ]texturs not work with txwiev

Thats probably because of the normal maps etc

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Moving to Arma general.

salisan, I suggest you change your attitude unless you want a vacation away from the boards.

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Considering Armed Assaults format is a bit different,even though they are PBO files,we shouldn't attempt to use them. Yes current OFP addons may work however they may at the same time have some disfunctions due to new lines of code. Not to mention they will not containt the normal or speculiar maps that the vehicles have,and until we can confirm what they look like ingame,it would be rather useless to spend alot of time for one in advance. Assumptions only go so far.

However it would probably be safer if we wait for the more "officilal" tools,if we get lucky we might even get an upgraded version of O2,it would be niec being able to use the one shown in the page of a magazine of a BTR-90 with solid fill faces on,but you could see wireframe on and now all faces remained sharp or were see through as O2's current fill faces is. Though its doubtful,there can still be hope.

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Right. Enough conjecture and speculation.

here is the bis wiki file format pbo. with the correct, non polluted info on the subject.

here is the statement

ArmA Pbo

Armed Assault Pbo's are currently identical in makeup as Operation Flashpoint Elite Pbo's.

what this means is the information initially added to resistance headers has changed in text, but NOT, in structure.

what this means is any tool that opens a resistance style pbo will open an arma pbo. Period.

The corrolory to this is of course that the tool itself must work well to begin with.

the content of that pbo is irrelevent (be it different textures or whatever, where different, and if different) the fact remains, the pbo and the means of extracting the files within it, is identical.

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Maybe you dont find it interesting, i do, so if you dont like it then fuck off and go read something you do like xmas_o.gif

You'll find I actually do have a passing interest and some slight skill in editing, otherwise I wouldn't post here. So up yours.

Wow, XCess has just succinctly confirmed what we feared all along. PBOs still open with PBO tools. Dang and blast, but who saw that coming? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Hi, I will quote myself from another thread.

Hi I know of a program that can open up OFP Elite .pbo files and some VBS .pbo files so it's definitely worth a try with ArmA!

Download HERE!

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I wonder, I did not hear anything about official pbo tools from BIS. While they are surely needed to create addons by their tools, O2, visitor

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