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About freda

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  1. freda

    Editing config.bin

    Latest eliteness is here http://andrew.nf/ofp/tools/eliteness2.07.rar fixes above memory problem and a few more 'features' i remain unaware of array issues mentioned early in this thread.
  2. freda

    Editing config.bin

    Hi Fideco send me the details please, sooner, the better. mike.andrew on skype mikero@norfolk.nf or a pm here thanks
  3. freda

    Editing config.bin

    @Phaeden I would have to see the text file concerned. Send it to me via skype or my email. Regardless, this is a bug, and shouldn't be happening.
  4. freda

    Editing config.bin

    this is news to me. Since Kegs took the information directly from me, i'm surprised. Details please. again, incorrect. Elitness2.04.rar rapification occurs for any class text, with the option to generate either arma/elite or ofp style encoding. In fact, this is the only significant difference between our tools. Eliteness rapifies, kegs, currently does not.
  5. freda

    Editing config.bin

    this is news to me. Since Kegs took the information directly from me, i'm surprised. Details please. again, incorrect. Elitness2.04.rar rapification occurs for any class text, with the option to generate either arma/elite or ofp style encoding. In fact, this is the only significant difference between our tools. Eliteness rapifies, kegs, currently does not.
  6. Eliteness is in effect the gui version of keg's tools. A more one-stop shop version. Developed separately of course, but Kegs and I achieve same ends. when you rapify (binarise) the text file you see in the window, you need to give it a destination name, such as config.bin. And, guggy is right, a config.cpp if present in the same pbo will take precedence over a config.bin. However, using the options panel in eliteness it will rename this file to config.cpp.txt to avoid the issue.
  7. what appeals about this 'patch' is that it is merely allowing an author to 'look inside' the official addons and use otherwise unselectable models (except by camcreate) There's nothing new in that, since the almost-mandatory editorUpgrade102 does much the same thing for ofp from the author's perspective. the difference is, this 'addon' is not required by the end user. And that, is clever. I think you need to make it 1000% percent clear to the author that this patch will NOT alter or modify the bis addons in any way. That, would be scary, and that is the impression given. As for the G85_ addon. It too has it's place. It's very early days for Armed Assault and a learning curve for everyone. G85 is a good start, that's all. No doubt, it will mature. There are self evident limitations to how far this patch approach can be taken, vs the need to have an addon downloaded for the player, but clever it is, and worthy. What I believe the main point here is, the message going out to the community is that oem development, 3rd party everything is already underway for Armed Assault.
  8. freda

    Mission template

    Obviously not a total answer, but you might be interested in this ofpec have been doing this style as above for a few years now.
  9. freda

    ArmA .pbos openable with Winpbo

    Right. Enough conjecture and speculation. here is the bis wiki file format pbo. with the correct, non polluted info on the subject. here is the statement ArmA Pbo Armed Assault Pbo's are currently identical in makeup as Operation Flashpoint Elite Pbo's. what this means is the information initially added to resistance headers has changed in text, but NOT, in structure. what this means is any tool that opens a resistance style pbo will open an arma pbo. Period. The corrolory to this is of course that the tool itself must work well to begin with. the content of that pbo is irrelevent (be it different textures or whatever, where different, and if different) the fact remains, the pbo and the means of extracting the files within it, is identical.
  10. freda

    WinPBO tool relased

    this is a great tool. I am using every single day. It does have one nasty 'undocumented feature', if you delete something from the list of entries, if you're unfortunate enough to have the unpacked pbo folder in the same path, winpbo deletes that entire folder! (separate to it just deleting one of it's own entries) A nasty bug, but this is a fabulous tool.
  11. freda


    Looks like a beta road test paid off Mr N
  12. freda


    I would have to add MakePBo functionality first. btw, I did find one major quirk in your source and that was, often, the decompressor would extract one byte less than the stated file size, causing a checksum fail. I dunno why that would be. and, I have no idea what the difference is between resistance vs older 'pbos'. Works on both and I can't see what it is.
  13. freda

    PBOManager - Addon File Manager

    >this might a good place where your tool could get very handy ! thanks for that I understand what pboReplace does, and it's my view that this sort of editing should not be done within a pbo file (ie direct manipulation). It _should_ be expanded out, and worked on 'properly' which the replacer currently does (albeit with bugz) Originally I wrote AddonScanner to only inspect expanded files (rather than pbo's) and since source is supplied, it would be relatively easy for someone to modify it back, or more purposefuly, to snaffle the subroutines and incorporate them into pboReplacer eg. The dll itself would not be suitable for this task because, ultimately, the changes made would have to be written back to a pbo file, and there is no (current) dll to do that. Unless of course one of the side effects of pboReplacer was, that if could grab a pbo and automatically extract it. so, duh, what am I going on about
  14. freda


    very comfortable with gpl, the source is now, also provided on the same site
  15. freda

    PBOManager - Addon File Manager

    @Gnat grab the addonscanner2 from the same site as above, it sniffs at mission.sqms and will, at the very least, give you some better ideas than my poor effort (naturally, it uses the dll) >This and may other things possible _precisely_ that's the intention. To be able to quickly and easily dream up a Visual Basic quick 'n dirty to do 'something' without the agony of decompressing. @airblade >detect addons that would have conflicts during the game nope. >and help with game crashing problems? definitely not. it is there for authors prior to publishing to be sure they got ALL their godamn addons listed so we poor players can download ALL of them, not just the ones they remember it is there for players to check they have all the addons required for the campaign/mission they just downloaded _before_ starting flashpoint and crashing to the desktop halfway thru the mission.