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Armed Assault videos

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Thx for this vid Shadak, it looks realy good smile_o.gif I like the AI behaviour, it also shows AI using a nade smile_o.gif

Shadak could you please create few very short vids, showing some small features like : smoke nades, sniper scope ( please take down someone from long distance) etc... tounge2.gif

Thx once more for Your Time Mate.

PS. there is an old polish proverb : If you give someone your finger, he will try to take your arm wink_o.gif

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pooh ,what the hell is that doppler noise about,it sounds like an old

rolf harris stylophone sad_o.gif.

bring on ecp 1.0 arma ver smile_o.gif

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AIs pretty good, don't know why the reviewers were complaining, they work better together then most humans. O.o

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One thing I'd like to know is if every object only can use 0ne audio channel or several, in that case it should be possible to add the sound of the air rushing over the airplane aswell as having the engine sound present...

Unless you can have an event use several channels there are NO way you can do anything else but change the sound itself, which present a whole lot of problems when it comes to quality.

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Community will fix that sound problem im sure thumbs-up.gif

The list of things to be fixed by community is dangerously increasing whistle.gif

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Community will fix that sound problem im sure thumbs-up.gif

The list of things to be fixed by community is dangerously increasing whistle.gif

Not to be outdone by the volume of smileys used on this forum..

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From the Ambush video

The AI seems much improved over OFP

- They are moving with a purpose, objectively and stealthily.

- They are working as a team, covering different sectors and scanning the area for targets.

- I am very glad to see them not running around.

- The animations look good.

My only doubt is -- are they using cover properly ? I haven't seen sufficient evidence in this video and some are moving in the open. Maybe another video will show us this facet.

The visuals are looking stunning.


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Anyone notice in that video that the enemy appear to be on 'careless'? They are patrolling in single file through the centre of that village. The player's team are in plain sight. When no.2 opens up on his first target, there is no return fire - all rounds fired are from the US. 2 proceeds to fire with impunity at the various targets in front of him, and even manages to get a grenade thrown without reply (any fire you see come past him are tracers from the soldier to his rear, on the left of the player). Further into the video, through the gap in the fence, you notice the rest of the enemy unit STILL patrolling with their weapons in a safe position and walking as if nothing has happened - who are promptly cut down by the player's squad. I strongly suspect that video was set up to showcase the movements of the player's AI against a soft target, and does not demonstrate how the enemy AI would react against such a threat.

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Nice video indeed, I like the way the squad advances slowly and covering the area.

But unfortunatly it also shows some bad AI behaviour with the two enemy soldiers coming from 2o'clock along the street. Despite the firing and grenade explosion they are just trotting 'at ease' along the road. The first one is killed by the guy left behind Shadak ( ~0:27, got you scared so you turned around, no  nener.gif ). And still the second one keeps standing still not reacting to the death of his mates and not seeing any enemies - until he got killed ~20secs later.

Edit: Bah, Cannon Fodder was faster...

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Anyone notice in that video that the enemy appear to be on 'careless'? They are patrolling in single file through the centre of that village. The player's team are in plain sight. When no.2 opens up on his first target, there is no return fire - all rounds fired are from the US. 2 proceeds to fire with impunity at the various targets in front of him, and even manages to get a grenade thrown without reply (any fire you see come past him are tracers from the soldier to his rear, on the left of the player). Further into the video, through the gap in the fence, you notice the rest of the enemy unit STILL patrolling with their weapons in a safe position and walking as if nothing has happened - who are promptly cut down by the player's squad. I strongly suspect that video was set up to showcase the movements of the player's AI against a soft target, and does not demonstrate how the enemy AI would react against such a threat.

It is a good observation and you are probably right. ( though, I think, one enemy to the right shot once.)

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Anyone notice in that video that the enemy appear to be on 'careless'? They are patrolling in single file through the centre of that village. The player's team are in plain sight. When no.2 opens up on his first target, there is no return fire - all rounds fired are from the US. 2 proceeds to fire with impunity at the various targets in front of him, and even manages to get a grenade thrown without reply (any fire you see come past him are tracers from the soldier to his rear, on the left of the player). Further into the video, through the gap in the fence, you notice the rest of the enemy unit STILL patrolling with their weapons in a safe position and walking as if nothing has happened - who are promptly cut down by the player's squad. I strongly suspect that video was set up to showcase the movements of the player's AI against a soft target, and does not demonstrate how the enemy AI would react against such a threat.

I agree. Apparently the skill settings of the US squad were higher than that of the enemy. It is only logical to assume that the OPFOR units on higher skill levels are capable of the same actions that were performed by the US unit in that video.



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It is only logical to assume that the OPFOR units on higher skill levels are capable of the same actions that were performed by the US unit in that video.

It would be nice to see how 2 such units, with equally high skill levels, fight in urban as well as open terrain. smile_o.gif

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Anyone notice in that video that the enemy appear to be on 'careless'? They are patrolling in single file through the centre of that village. The player's team are in plain sight. When no.2 opens up on his first target, there is no return fire - all rounds fired are from the US. 2 proceeds to fire with impunity at the various targets in front of him, and even manages to get a grenade thrown without reply (any fire you see come past him are tracers from the soldier to his rear, on the left of the player). Further into the video, through the gap in the fence, you notice the rest of the enemy unit STILL patrolling with their weapons in a safe position and walking as if nothing has happened - who are promptly cut down by the player's squad. I strongly suspect that video was set up to showcase the movements of the player's AI against a soft target, and does not demonstrate how the enemy AI would react against such a threat.

It was on purpose as someone requested a vid of this type smile_o.gif I made the enemy walk through the town and not to open fire.

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Ok, thank you for providing confirmation. I just worry that someone might have seen that and thought the enemy AI to be unresponsive by default. It is nice to know that is not the case.

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It is only logical to assume that the OPFOR units on higher skill levels are capable of the same actions that were performed by the US unit in that video.

It would be nice to see how 2 such units, with equally high skill levels, fight in urban as well as open terrain. smile_o.gif

I totally agree, that would be fantastic.

(you could be the civilian cameraman ^^)

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Is there magazine removal?


I saw it in a video. Although I didn't see the magazine being held in the hand, it was removed from the gun.

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To Shadak and Cannon Fodder

I requested that scenario, but actually meant that Shadak would have "filmed" the enemy reactions more closely and not his own squad. Were they set to "never fire" mode or just "safe" mode. In "safe" mode they should grab their weapons, take cover and/or shoot back. I just wanted to see how enemy AI would react to suprise attack. Maybe you can make another video. Thanks for that ambush video though, Shadak. Every clip from arma is welcome.

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