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"Another bunch of bad guys bites the dust. Am I good or am I good?" - James Gastovski wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Troska. No doubt about it.

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Oki James Gastovski is winning, someone right a bio for this guy!!

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James Gastovski is a very good soldier, and a verrry smooth operator. I like the mission (In Everon) where you have to set Satchel bombs by the tanks at the Russian Strongpoint. But my favorite mission is where the US pilot was captured, and you have to escape the prison camp. wink_o.gif

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Armstrong's my favourite although i also like Troska, Gastovski, Geronimo and Tasmanian Devil.

Ah, no ones mentioned Lukin yet.

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I hated Lukin. Thought he had a huge ego and he thought he was so great when he was just really an asshole to his fellow comrades in arms tounge2.gif

I voted James Gastowski. I thought he was pretty cool. It was either him or his teammates that said "2 here. Everything red is dead." In a cool, calm, collective, and badass voice.

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Armstrong gets my vote, He is the character that introduces you to the world of flashpoint. He is the first character you play smile_o.gif

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Gastovski is the man!

"Another bunch of bad guys bites the dust - Am I good or, am I good?"

The coolest quote from teh game!

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Man this thread brings back memories.

1st - Armstrong

2nd - Gastovski

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Oyman that pic is nothing but spam and is well over the allowed 100kb, you should know better on both counts.

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I think that Victor must have killed Armstrong, Gastovski and Troska are still in a firefight.

In other words, Armstrong is seriously losing, and the other two are neck and neck.

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Heck Yes! The truth won out... Victor Troska rules


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