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First RHS hinds and now this. And its only the morning, Can my day get any better smile_o.gif

Well if I do this it will yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

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oh i've been waiting for this island, remember when it first saw daylight in the addon & mods discussion biggrin_o.gif

Downlading now, haha yeah i'll get to fly around in one of the new Rhs hinds too, 2 X the happiness! inlove.gif

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No offense, but I don't see what was the cause of all of the hype for this island. Aside from the road textures, the bridge, and a couple of new objects, it's not unlike any other nogovaesq island that's been released over the years for resistance. You could have spent a lot more time working on the towns!

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ok tested the island, i like the way the island is split up into smaller sections and that it doesn't lag down my comp so much. Just as olemissrebel said some of the towns are pretty low detail. But i think its good sometimes to test out a larger mission with a.i script in and lots of addons without fps dropping down heavy as soon as you have put out 4 squads of soldiers tounge2.gif

love the bridge, just maybe it should have some lights at night. More testing on sunday night smile_o.gif good night! goodnight.gif

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it's not unlike any other nogovaesq island that's been released over the years for resistance.   You could have spent a lot more time working on the towns!

No offense, but B*llsh*t.

This is definitely a different style and look. I like it a lot. Took me 20 mins in a chopper just to skim a look of the place. Lots of interesting locations. Sure, towns aren't big, but I dont see that as a negitive, it more about the landscape.

Nice work OFman, you can see you have spend DAYS on this. And to the addon makers smile_o.gif

Only a couple of items for specific comment.

- Got a missing green_braracke04.p3d error (another addon?)

- Island Anim file doesnt loop (nice music choice but)

- The zig-zag coast is not the best look.

- And a pet hate ..... Hangers too close to Airstrips.

But, thumbs-up.gif




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Very nice island ....But...bridge at cc-49 killed me when i tried to cross it in a buggy, not level.

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ok more indeepth testing now, oh man really love the special custom sidewalks you and your team made thumbs-up.gif hehe nice screen shoot gnat!

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Gnat @ Oct. 22 2006,04:54)]- Got a missing green_braracke04.p3d error (another addon?)

Thats Mapfact's Barracken -> Here

I'll try it later but it looks nice on the screenshots  inlove.gif

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Great map, just what I was looking for smile_o.gif

good new road textures and extra objects. My only beef is that some of the buildings need to have their lod's checked over, and there are a few missing faces here and there.

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I love the island but there was a few bugs I found.

When driving along the bridges i found they was slightly diffrent heights, causing me to hit the edge of the bridge and killing myself crazy_o.gif

I was testing on mp with someone else who got the island.

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Try setting your landscape quality to normal. This fixes most times bridge problems.

Downloading smile_o.gif If its good I make a CTI on it.

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I don't know if anyone else will have this problem

AI will not drive over bridges even on SAFE mode

they want to drive under the bridge...

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I like the vertical nature of the island, quite different.


- there is a custom addon of a "lean-to" shed over a pile of wood. The sides of this shed are only visable from one direction.

- bridge errors - uneven and ai unfriendly

- custom windmill has missing/invisible faces. Looks crude compared to rest of the custom buildings.

- large gap in mis-matched road at Fc41

FEEDBACK - personal opinion. sorry, i'm a civil engineer (and a harsh bastard!wink_o.gif

- the custom road texture is too sharp. The edge lines do not meet around corners. A bit of blur and alpha would improve this. End pieces and junctions could be improved.

- love the crash barrier! Although you've left it off of some sharp blind corners and places where leaving the road would be fatal. Keep gaps to let the stupid AI get through.

- roads are very rough, very steep and very angled. Maybe smoothing out the terrain. I know the OFP engine is a major restriction in this regard, especially with interesting terrain. At least try not to place sharp corners immediately after crests (without any warning signs).

- at Dd22 there is a road that runs along the top of a long straight cliff. This cliff appears to be very square, change the base heights around a bit. The bottom of many of the coastal cliffs show obvious zig-zags (caused by OFP engine, i know, but this effect can be reduced).

- The island seems to have a very sparse civil population. More barracks than houses? A few more towns and villages would be great!

- The vegetation placement is superb! Nice work in this department.

- Crater on road at Ah48. This is a bad band-aid solution to joining road segments.

- communications tower directly adjacent to tall apartment block at Ba48. Not very plausible.

I hope you continue work on this island. I apologise if any of this seems unduly harsh, please accept that it is meant to be taken contructively : )

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Try setting your landscape quality to normal. This fixes most times bridge problems.


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