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InGame Advertising

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I seen today that Battlefield 2142 is to have dynamic in game advertising that targets the individual by age and geographic location. I have bought all the BF games prior to BF2142 . But even before the news of in game advertising I had no intention of buying BF2142 cause of my dislike of it. But my question as it concerns ARMED ASSAULT is this will you guys use in game advertising now or in the future in your games. Because as far as EA is concerned I will not buy any of there games with in game advertising in it . And have started a movement to BOYCOTT them. And even though having in game advertisements in ARMED ASSAULT would bring Bohemia Interactive additional revenue I would not purchase the game if it had in game dynamic advertisements. Though I don't think you guys will lower yourselves to EA standard since you guys are close to your fan base.

Thanks Respectfully,

Derrick Beck

PS. Boycott in game dynamic advertisements

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Personally I don't see any problem with in game advertising. It has no ill effect on the players' in game experience, and if implemented well can even enhance the sense of realism in game, as you will see billboards and brands seen in real life.

Of course, it would have to be done subtly, without in your face "brought to you by McDonald's" type splash screens, but rather objects in game that would be covered in franhise logos as in real life.

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Of course, it would have to be done subtly, without in your face "brought to you by McDonald's" type splash screens, but rather objects in game that would be covered in franhise logos as in real life.

Like litter and trash?

The problem with BF2142 is that EA is also adding in spyware, that will track your computers information.


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Does it matter? Does it really influence you that much that you have to protest against it?

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This person makes a good point but they don't mean something like posters on a wall. What bf2 has in it is this little box for info,it tells you when patches are out and whatnot as well as ea's latest battlfield game and such. So when you sign in and go online you see a box with an image pop up.

Battlfield2142 Out now,buy now!

Its not really subtle at all like a poser in a corridor but always in your face.

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Well i won't be buying anything that has this Spy/Malware in it.

This is out of the box of BF2142, i believe...


here the post from XGN

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I never intended to buy it. I just hope others don't stoop this low.

Unless they were actually USEFUL ads, such as links to fansites or game gear, I would hate it.

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u can see http://www.massiveincorporated.com/site_network/partners.htm

it's used by quite big names in industry not just EA in BF2142 ...

this firm is also owned or controller by Microsoft ... so it's approx same secure as theirs OSes smile_o.gif

question remains what all it collect , how, what's impact it have on users computer, security risk (yay another vector for attacks) ...

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Indeed,when somebody gets to the server list and clicks to join a game and finds the message saying you have an older version. "Oh there must be a patch out.." Let the people find ou theirself I say.

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This is going to be such a disappointing trend in games soon. It does appall me that ads are invading games now.

Hell, one reason I don't watch any tv is because I can't stand the ads they throw at you, not to mention most of the stuff on tv is crap. There's a few programs I watch, but I just get it off the internet commercial free. biggrin_o.gif

Anyways, I sincerely hope BIS will never put ads in their future games (I know ArmA will be clear of them, at least I'm assuming crazy_o.gif ).

Seriously though, if games include ads, the game should either be FREE (think of mainstream tv) or insanely cheap.

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Though I am a veteran of BF 1942 and BF 2...

(And Op Flashpoint and Delta Force and ....)

I am done with EA games because of this (and other reasons).

Don't need an "verification/update buddy" to run every time I boot and "look over my shoulder".

Big company arrogance... F' them.

I am pulling for BIS to remain "pure".

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Does it matter? Does it really influence you that much that you have to protest against it?

Yes. I don't want to see this become standard behavior. How can you not be upset about it?

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Is that... real? huh.gif

Are you kidding? huh.gif

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That's not so bad... (Well ok it is).

What's really troubling about this topic IMHO,

is the "targeted marketing" aspect. This requires that a database of your personal browsing habits, (and who knows what else), are recorded. (Via the "verification/update task" that gets started on every boot-up, ...no choice, ... unless you kill every time you boot, ...or un-install).

You know, ... for your convenience.


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Is that... real?  huh.gif

Are you kidding?  huh.gif

I was just making sure, have you forgotten about EA? wink_o.gif

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Ad's won't stop me from buying a game I really want! and if the spyware is not effecting my game then fine...I'll still buy a game that I want to enjoy nothing will stop me..and it should'nt to you guys either. When you surf the net your getting spyware anyhow either by clinking a link and ending up at a advert or though other mean's. I mean come on do you really think it would stop you from buying this game if all you clan mates were playing it banghead.gifno you would buy it!


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Ingame advertising isn't bad when it's done properly. Mainly it means using ads or company logos in objects where you'd see ads anyway in real world....like someone already said.

For example a soda slot machine with coca cola covering or crushed pepsi can or dell computer.

Although huge pillboard ads sound a bit questionable, they blend in perfectly when adjusted to surrounding colour and lightning scheme, and maybe weathered a bit.

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I remember reading that the advertisement company gave some figure of 70% of gamers wouldn't mind advertising in games, because it would make it more realistic. But as evidently seen in the previous post, it only makes it that much worse.

Also, what can assure us that we won't get pop ups or something?

Like when you're just aiming with your sniper rifle and then a pop up appears... that really stimulates the sales of your games.... BF2 already has this, but not ingame. It's when you boot up the game and then a pop up appears saying "BUY THIS AND THAT EXPANSION PACK NOW" or "GET PATCH 1.39258023482930 FOR THE LATEST BUG FIXS AND ADDS" which I already downloaded and installed so, I expected to see that damn pop up disappear. Even the pop ups in BF2 are bugged. I really got annoyed by it too many times.

I seriously hope Publishers don't start thinking in terms of TV Channel programmers, who argue that they don't have enough viewers and because of that they need to put on more adds, but that reduces the amount of viewers even further, but does bring in more money.

So in the end, mass-gaming as it is today could be become entirely sterilized from any public that has the capacity to think for themselves. I would hate to see the OFP/ArmA franchises going into that dead-end.

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