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Confirmed release dates and countries.

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With the internet an technology the way it is today theres no way it should'nt be less some Corporate Publisher @#^@ crys about sales losses. Can't agrre with you more Twisted I too aint waitin a min longer then I have too, I'd go freakin nuts knowin it's out!

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Excitement and dissapointment combined is a funny way to launch a game.

BIS, I really hope you have your game plan properly thought out on this one. You make great games, hope the organisation is good here too. The online purchase option is your way to ensure a big bang for your fans at launch - use the option as it won't take many instore sales away from your publishers as only rabid fans like the people posting here will really buy the game online.

Personally, if i hear nothing from BIS on these forums about the online purchase option in the next 2 weeks i will pre-order a german version and get it shipped out to Australia. No way i am waiting for this game any longer than i have to.

I have already pre ordered the German version as a UK 2007 release is a joke. So far all this release mess has been really disappointing, now all i need is for Morphicon to say they are delaying the release. If there is going to be an online download i hope somthing is going to be annonced shortly, wich will give me time to cancel my order with amazon.de and get the english version i want. When is somthing of to be announced about the online download. I mean atleast put alot of people out of there misery and say not anytime soon, or yes there will be one soon. That way i dont have to end up with the German version of the game.

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I am very curious about the people throwing out these rumors... where the heck are you getting your information?

Quote[/b] ]I wouldnt hold your breath, there wont be an online download untill the tortoise with arthritis = 505 Games has released there copy of the game. You will be lucky to see a demo of the game this side of christmas, let alone the full online download.

Are you BIS? Why are you telling people this? They haven't even announced this info officialy yet.

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I am very curious about the people throwing out these rumors... where the heck are you getting your information?
Quote[/b] ]I wouldnt hold your breath, there wont be an online download untill the tortoise with arthritis = 505 Games has released there copy of the game. You will be lucky to see a demo of the game this side of christmas, let alone the full online download.

Are you BIS? Why are you telling people this? They haven't even announced this info officialy yet.

Well lets just say i have done my maths... i hope i am wrong so you can correct me. But can you honestly see an online download happening before the Publisher 505 games has released the game. There was talk awhile back of an online download if BIS couldnt find a publisher, but since then i have heard nothing at all, wich leads me to belive that an online download will not be available any time soon, if at all! No i am not BIS, i am just assuming these things. Just like if there is a really Black Cloud above my head i would assume that its going to rain. Of course however it doesnt always rain but most times it does, so im right alot of the time. Maybe im just hoping for a reply of someone who does know somthing, like BIS themselves. That way i wont have to waste my hard earned money on buying the German version, only to find out that there is an online download a week after the german release. I mean how long is it of to be for a decision on the Online download??

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If you ask me, I think BIS should change their name to BS as thats all we have been fed for the last couple of years. I wonder why they are so quiet ??

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If you ask me, I think BIS should change their name to BS as thats all we have been fed for the last couple of years. I wonder why they are so quiet ??

Be true to your words, then, and don't buy ArmA when it comes out. After all, this game is only BS icon_rolleyes.gif

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True to my words? BIS should be gratefull we are all still sticking around waiting for the release date for the English version.....when is that ? 2009 ? At least they should let us know when they are planning this release. All we ever do here is assume when it will happen and get no concrete input from the people who know

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Quote[/b] ]If you ask me, I think BIS should change their name to BS as thats all we have been fed for the last couple of years.

As if you would know.

BIS is not a publisher, it´s the developer.

It´s up to the publishers to reveal release dates, so take your BSitting to them.

Quote[/b] ]BIS should be gratefull we are all still sticking around

Gratefull for what ? Your BS ?

BIS does respect the community and has taken a lot of effort into Arma to please the com, so quit playing big and contribute.

Many threads here in the arma forum say that english version will be released Q1 2007. Open your eyes.

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i don't mind a q1 2007 release, that doesn't concern me, i got better things to be doing plus ill have nwn2, and bf2142 and cod2 to keep me going.. but what Really Concerns me is other people posting all the best bits about the game all over these forums before we even get a chance to find them ourselves, and i can guarantee there will be loads of people posting them everywhere confused_o.gif

You tell em Balschoiw.. thumbs-up.gif

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Placebo, before I start I hope this is in line with the topic, if not I apologize in advance.

I have been following the comments made for sometime now regarding the game as far as the languages that it would be released in and the release of the game in Canada or the United States.

Here is my take on it:

Other than submitting the game for an "Entertainment Software Rating" which may be law and may not in the Country, Province or State which the game is sold the languages will not be a problem.

As long as the game has an option of which language do you wish to install and we are all set.

Because, in Canada and the United States, you name the language, I am pretty sure it is used.

So just give as the Choose Language Option on install and the way we go, we could order it form anywhere, I guess.

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Quote[/b] ]If you ask me, I think BIS should change their name to BS as thats all we have been fed for the last couple of years.

As if you would know.

BIS is not a publisher, it´s the developer.

It´s up to the publishers to reveal release dates, so take your BSitting to them.

Quote[/b] ]BIS should be gratefull we are all still sticking around

Gratefull for what ? Your BS ?

BIS does respect the community and has taken a lot of effort into Arma to please the com, so quit playing big and contribute.

Many threads here in the arma forum say that english version will be released Q1 2007. Open your eyes.

I didnt ever say that BIS was a publisher!! Do you not remember Flashpoint 2 ?? My eyes are wide open, maybe you should wake up and read the forum from start, it was scheduled and then delayed more than a couple of times. I wonder if we will see a release in Q1. All I am asking for is concrete information from someone who knows.

And by the way without customers both publishers and developers have no business. Its called customer service. notworthy.gif

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Its called customer service. notworthy.gif

You didnt even buy ArmA, but you already want service? Good for you! yay.gif

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Its called customer service. notworthy.gif

You didnt even buy ArmA, but you already want service? Good for you! yay.gif

You guys are funny, i hope that you dont complain if it is delayed further. Being a supporter of Flashpoint I am a customer of BIS (DUH!!wink_o.gif

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Ok ill ask again who has the say on an Online Download of the game. Ill comment when anyone can tell me who this is upto.

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but what Really Concerns me is other people posting all the best bits about the game all over these forums before we even get a chance to find them ourselves

I'll do my utmost to make sure that doesn't happen, clear guidelines in the relevant languages making it clear that spoilers = banning. Alternatively I'll consider creating a separate "ArmA:Release" forum where people can discuss the release and people who don't want anything spoiled can simply avoid the forum.

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sounds like a good idea... i guess the seperate forum makes sense, as at least it gives an option of where to gloat, whereas the total ban will lead to it appearing everywhere

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Its called customer service. notworthy.gif

You didnt even buy ArmA, but you already want service? Good for you! yay.gif

You guys are funny, i hope that you dont complain if it is delayed further. Being a supporter of Flashpoint I am a customer of BIS (DUH!!wink_o.gif

I dont complain, i never did. I know that in the end delays are only good for a game, not bad. I prefer a well finished game over a buggy/unfinished game and I call it service when a company wants to invest more money into a project so consumers can enjoy it more. (unlike EA, and alot of other companies whistle.gif )

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Oh my! Can you all feel the tension? This release debate is smoking hot! Placebo you've done a great job keeping us informed through this forum. Thank you! And don't worry about us fanatics when we whine, it's just because we all have such high hopes and expectations for this game. IMHO this will be the best PC game ever released smile_o.gif

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Im not whining, i just want to know if there is of to be any news soon about an online download. Whats the point in me buying a German copy, if there is of to be some news soon on an online download. So who has the say on the Online download and i can go ask them if its not BIS i should be asking. I dont happen to have money to burn.

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I know how you feel Dudester. I'm with you. Actually I would pay an insane price for getting the game in english ASAP. How do you plan to play it with german writings?

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So who has the say on the Online download and i can go ask them if its not BIS i should be asking.

If anyone has any information to share it will be JJ of IDEA Games [email protected]

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I know how you feel Dudester. I'm with you. Actually I would pay an insane price for getting the game in english ASAP. How do you plan to play it with german writings?

Well there are alot of free online translators, infact there is loads. But the voices are in english, and i mainly like the multiplayer bit of the game like i did in OFP. So with english voices i dont think ill need to know to much German text. If i do ill just copy and paste it in a translator and print it out.

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I know how you feel Dudester. I'm with you. Actually I would pay an insane price for getting the game in english ASAP. How do you plan to play it with german writings?

Well there are alot of free online translators, infact there is loads. But the voices are in english, and i mainly like the multiplayer bit of the game like i did in OFP. So with english voices i dont think ill need to know to much German text. If i do ill just copy and paste it in a translator and print it out.

Ok. I hope it will work out fine. Maybe I'll go for that solution myself. I could definitely buy the game in german in a month just to have it, and then in english when it's available. After all, my money will go to a good cause smile_o.gif

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I know how you feel Dudester. I'm with you. Actually I would pay an insane price for getting the game in english ASAP. How do you plan to play it with german writings?

Well there are alot of free online translators, infact there is loads. But the voices are in english, and i mainly like the multiplayer bit of the game like i did in OFP. So with english voices i dont think ill need to know to much German text. If i do ill just copy and paste it in a translator and print it out.

Ok. I hope it will work out fine. Maybe I'll go for that solution myself. I could definitely buy the game in german in a month just to have it, and then in english when it's available. After all, my money will go to a good cause  smile_o.gif

Yes ill buy it in English aswell when it comes out. One other thing were you called Punkers in OFP. Or didnt you play OFP.

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