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Tonal Update

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What he said.

Just to add, I'm not updating old missions that use anything outside of the Tonal addons such as BAS Deltas/Rangers. So I think there is one or two that I am not updating.

I never played the MP missions that came with Tonal, but those are being updated and tested by Rudedog and Hellfish. I don't even know what addons those require. lol.

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For what its worth, after having played some of the original Tonal missions now (in MP and SP) it really is a totally different experience. It looks so much more detailed and richer and you aren't distracted by old BIS models and sights - its really practically a different game.

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Well, most all trees and bushes are his or modified versions of his smile_o.gif

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I know me and thewhole GOL clan are awaiting this. Shall be having it uploaded to our server too so that means we will start work converting all the original (well most atleast) to work with this new tonal.

Great work.

Edit - Also what kind of fps should we expect on getting. I know on the current tonal I cna often get very low fps rates. So will this new tonal be more cpu friendly. What kind of specs are recomended for it?

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All the original Tonal missions have been converted and we're testing them now. The original BAS Delta/Ranger missions on Tonal have not been converted. smile_o.gif

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We'll proaly get round to converting those with BAS rangers/deltas once this is release and that no one else has already converted them.  tounge2.gif

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Hey Helfish6 and 456820,will you be releasing the converted mission's to the forum? (hope so)

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Well me and my clan will start cnverting them once tonal update comes out since we aint part of the team tounge2.gif

And yep we shall b releasing them to everyone on these forums proving we arent beaten to it. biggrin_o.gif

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Just a quick questing. Will there be like a mini tutorial on how to convert current tonal missions to work with the new one. Or is it simply just moving the units slightly into better places then saving?

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i think maybe the new units have new class names and stuf so you could like have to do mission.sqm haxxing tounge2.gif replacing like Enginner E with whatever the new east rebel enginner could be named or something, but thats just my guess. wink_o.gif

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Edit - Also what kind of fps should we expect on getting. I know on the current tonal I can often get very low fps rates. So will this new tonal be more cpu friendly. What kind of specs are recomended for it?

Don't know really. Only my old machine I was getting about the same framerates as the old version (my new machine doesn't count as not much slows it down unless I go high terrain and 2000+ view), but with all the new units and vehicles, along with their scripting, I'm guessing you won't get any better framerates. Sorry. I tried to optimize everything as much as I could, but it was a hog to begin with. confused_o.gif

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i think maybe the new units have new class names and stuf so you could like have to do mission.sqm haxxing tounge2.gif replacing like Enginner E with whatever the new east rebel enginner could be named or something, but thats just my guess. wink_o.gif

class names are the same. Only things that changed are the weapons in both the Opfor and TSF, but they are in the pbos now. Also facetex2.

I "think" all you would need to do is open them up and resave them so the required addons changes. Thats all I had to do with the old missions and campaign.

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haven't heard anything for six days. Is there any news?


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haven't heard anything for six days. Is there any news?

Don't you think he would have posted it if he had news to share?

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The release will be this weekend. The final files have been uploaded for one last once over.

There is your news thumbs-up.gif

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That's because unlike some mod teams ebud actually has a nack for finishing things, instead of griping about them not being finished wink_o.gif

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The release will be this weekend. The final files have been uploaded for one last once over.

Excellent news Ebud, just in time for our weekend lan (hopefully) smile_o.gif

Can't wait for it.

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Great news and great timing! I'm just about to introduce a flatmate to the wonders of OFP and this bunch of goodness will surely help him appreciate the quality of this game smile_o.gif

Pray-tell, will there be any missions released this weekend?

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