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Sorry, new around here. And my connections glitchy which dont help. No search sorry. Just wondering if we can swim, instead of just sinking. Ya know, it was just kinda annoying in OFP. whistle.gif

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on a movie recently published on OFP.info, the camera went underwater for a small bit, so atleast it'k be possible to LOOK underwater... but how things will go from there, I do not know. maybe it'l mean thesame CoC divers as OFP had, maybe it'l mean we can now dive and place explosive charges on boats? maybe it'l make the way for submarines? who knows!

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Try swimming with the full gear on wink_o.gif if swimming would be employed, we should have the option to quickly strip all the inventory to live another day...

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Take the plates off and you can easily swim with your rifle.

Though, not as long as you would in bathing-clothes, but a while anyways, and the rifle is there to protect you tounge2.gif

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I would like to be able to swim...be a cool feature for spec ops.

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didnt someone say there's no streams/rivers in arma ?

i dont think swimming a lake would be very useful, and i dont remember seeing any boats.

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Then I'd like to show you the Russian's new underwater APS rifle.


Been around since 1975 according to this source right here...


Edit: I hope that the ninja unit gets converted to ArmA since it has some cool features that won't be implemented by default for units. I think swimming isn't planned to be implemented in ArmA by default - I think it was asked once to a dev of ArmA and he stated that swimming wouldn't be implemented by default - don't remember where I read that, though... confused_o.gif

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BUZZARD @ Aug. 29 2006,13:39)]
Then I'd like to show you the Russian's new underwater APS rifle.


Been around since 1975 according to this source right here...


Edit: I hope that the ninja unit gets converted to ArmA since it has some cool features that won't be implemented by default for units. I think swimming isn't planned to be implemented in ArmA by default - I think it was asked once to a dev of ArmA and he stated that swimming wouldn't be implemented by default - don't remember where I read that, though... confused_o.gif

It was just a matter of speaking wink_o.gif

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I'd think (and hope) that at least they've added some funky scripting so the community will at least be able to make some sort of swimming possible (and now I mean a better system than the CoC one for OFP...seeing that the ArmA water is transparent, I think it would look a bit bad with the CoC system in ArmA).

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Playing as an infantry-guy with full battle-rattle (Kevlar, weapon, ammo, grenades, IBA w/SAPI plates) not to mention the other crap he's probably go on him, I would be afraid to go near the water.

I mean hell, I've done CWST enough. You're in tennis shoes for that, and even then its a bitch to swim. Then again, I'm probably the worst swimmer in my unit.

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i think it would be nice to be able to swim maybe have the choice to strip down on the gear or replacing the law laucnher with a engine driven diver equipment wich can be used to swim faster? Also a stamina system might be intresting to, like if you swim for to long you get tired and have a hardtime staying alive so you have to take some short break or so to regain the stamina in your arms or something.

But i also heard that devs won't add swimming into arma but i think some people in the community will probably convert some of the old divers into arma. About divers looking ugly when in the water, maybe doing some animations for the diver vehicle or something? tounge2.gif

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What are the parameters that make a boat or APC float in OFP/ArmA? Can these parameters then not be applied to a soldier model under certain circumstances and given a swimming anim at the same time? I think the COC Mod team need to come out of the woodwork!  huh.gif

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I'm a Floridian who spent plenty of Sundays in the ocean. Even so, trying to swim with nothing but underwear and wet BDUs isn't pleasant.

"The biatch tried to drown me" in Saving Private Ryan pretty much illustrates what it would be like to try to swim with full combat gear and a rifle.

Swimming should be available only to Spec Ops units, terrorists/insurgents and civilians. At least, that's the way I'll design my missions.

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Funny this should be brought up, it was only a few nights ago that we (as a clan) were discussing the uses of swimming in ArmA. The conversation went on for at least an hour, the general consensus was that it would be a nice feature but probably wouldn’t be missed.

Considering we haven’t seen much of any water inland, the uses would be limited, but that’s only if you’re thinking within the box (so to speak.) In view of the large modding community we have here, I’m sure there would be entire maps based around the use of a swimming feature. Maybe one designed around Alcatraz? Hans Zimmer's music playing conspicuously in the background biggrin_o.gif

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I had a friend who was a lifeguard, and they had to save a 200lb dummy from the bottom of the water. He told me it actually wasn't very difficult to lift underwater.

I've done CWST, and the main thing that makes that difficult is the boots (feet are heavier, done flex as well to paddle the water, and aren't designed well for paddling water like fins would be) and swimming with a rifle because you have to paddle with one arm and try to hold it above water.

Of course it wouldn't be fun, but it is very possible to swim in full gear. Nowadays every soldier (in almost every major western army AFAIK) must be able to swim at least short distances in full gear as well. I know at least for the U.S. Army, Navy, and Marines (probably AF as well, but not sure), you have to be CWST qualified.


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Try swimming with the full gear on wink_o.gif if swimming would be employed, we should have the option to quickly strip all the inventory to live another day...

Actually, its more than possible.

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I went to Infantry School in 89 (US) only water I remember seeing was the water they were force feeding us biggrin_o.gif Course day we did Obstacle course I was stuck doing KP tounge2.gif

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Swimming should be available only to Spec Ops units, terrorists/insurgents and civilians.   At least, that's the way I'll design my missions.

AND Pilots .... don't forget the pilots BIS !!!!!

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If anyone has ever seen those paris island TV shows on the military channel here in the U.S., part of the training is swimming with full combat gear on. to pass the training, you had to swim from one end of the swimming pool to the other-it looked incredibly difficult. The poor marine cadets were pretty much floundering on their backs swimming at a very slow rate. And they were trained! At best, they could probably get to shore if their landing craft was somehow destroyed 40 ft offshore.

An average soldier probably couldn't swim based on that tv show. However, that being said, pilots can swim fairly easily (during an air force cadet training camp I went to, the instructors easily swam with full pilot gear on).

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Most of the reasons for not implementing swimming are that you must hold your rifle above the water, your body armour weighs a lot and stuff. But how about we think of something else than the US troops for a sec? Now, let's see. Do the insurgents have body armour? Nah, don't think so. Do they have rifles? Sure, old good AK:s. Quite different in terms of reliability when compared to an AR-15. I've heard of people submerging AK:s into water, digging 'em to sand, hell, even drowning 'em to mud, and in all cases, they all worked perfectly. That's what makes them so goddamn good, they feed under any circumstances. And yeah, civilians don't have body armour or guns either.

Maybe every unit's config should include line which tells how much stuff are they wearing/what kind of shape are they. The insurgents could swim much easier and longer than US troops that way, because of their lighter equipment. Of course if you'd have a scout type of unit for the US who would only wear a boonie hat, BDU and a belt with a couple of mag pouches and a canteen, he'd be able to swim just like the insurgents with similar equipment.

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An average soldier probably couldn't swim based on that tv show. However, that being said, pilots can swim fairly easily (during an air force cadet training camp I went to, the instructors easily swam with full pilot gear on).

Don't pilots usually have some air filled stuff in their gear that inflate if they have to bail out into the water and such?

Quote[/b] ]Sure, old good AK:s. Quite different in terms of reliability when compared to an AR-15. I've heard of people submerging AK:s into water, digging 'em to sand, hell, even drowning 'em to mud, and in all cases, they all worked perfectly.

Saw someone do it to AKs on discovery. They drove a car over it too...

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