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Nogovan Light Infantry

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well writtten, but flawed in that you found no country as an example that is of a similiar size, population or standing as Nogova would be...

Quote[/b] ]Australia is some isolated island In outwards Asia that has no enemies and few potential ones.

isolated and in asia? With all due respect I think you need to buy an atlas... its in Oceania if anything. It has as many enemies as the US and the UK, in that its fighting the war on terror and its a 'western' country... lets not forget the Bali bombs - targetted aussies.

Quote[/b] ]Lets take for ex. Israel, a small country

yet hugely larger than Nogova, with alot more powerful friends, and a hell of alot more money to spend and matain modern equipment.

Quote[/b] ]The point is, if you have lots of money, strategic importance, and lots of friends, then you can get youre hands of quite some nifty material.

none of which Nogova could possibly have given the examples and points already made in this thread.

Quote[/b] ]Basicly it's quite simple.Put a giant oil field under nogova (theoreticly) and some derricks on top.There you have money, strategic importance and friends all combined

How about a uraniam mine, a gold mine and a money tree plantation... it could theoretically be the richest country on earth... but its highly unlikely. Even with all the money in the world, you still dont have enough of a population to maintain high end equipment... back to the drawing board there then...

Quote[/b] ]Israels MBT, the Merkhava, is an ex. how a country that is righ and modern but lacks manpower can field something that is both of high quality and provides the best protection for its scarce manpower in the field

I'm not sure where you got the notion of Israel being a small country.. its current population is 6,276,883 (give or take of course)... thats about 400 times more than Nogova given the level of settlement we see... israel has 168,000 soldiers, and 107,000 reserve troops... seems lack of man power is the least of their worries

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Quote[/b] ] you'd be lucky to find a group of farmers with shotguns and pitchforks

Thats right. But what a fine army that would make. Farmers are hard buggers, ;-) I should know been caught tresspassing to many times in the past.

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I found this quite interesting click me    and me

One interesting fact is that Trinidad & Tobago spend over $66 million on defence and only have a force of 2,700. Calculate the income of Nogova and your left with two men armed with spanners...

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Just give them what's left from the soviet invasion, some artillery I am pretty sure any artillery piece could hit anywhere on the island from anywhere, the artillery would be full time supported by an ground based patrol, scouts, and four Cesseas during an alert. Civilians would be relied on most of the time to report enemy activity all civilians fit for service would be in the Militia the Militia would be run at the village level. Lightly armed AK-74’s maybe a few RPG’s, the weapons would be stored under ground until needed The full time army would be all volunteers. Better equipped than the Militia but still have AK-74 with grenade launchers, High explosives, PK’s, snipers would be the best hunter’s on the island and would be used to cause chaos behind enemy lines, armor would be about 10-20 tanks T-55's, T-72's, and BMP’s would be in the full time army. A few large trucks for troop transport, and old soviet camo, and if they exist a few ground to sea based torpedoes.

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My idea was to go what on everon have ie the EDF, i was thinking of a smaller defence force for Nogova ie a Militia force, some well trained units of a standing army of some form with kit used from the Wars against the Soviets, with some modern equipment where appropiate.

I wasnt intending on unleasing a whole debate on Nogova maybe i should rethink my plans:

But tonight i will hopefully have some screenshots to show of how much i have progressed, i have the following units:

Standard Reserve Corps Infantry (Medic, Soldiers, Officers, Sniper, HMG):

Reserve Troop Have to complete so many years of conscription.

Main Infantry (Medic, Soldiers, Officers, Sniper, Marksman):

Main Infantry Small Core highly trained, based on Resitsance Tactics developed in the War against the Soviets

Paratroopers (Medic, Soldiers, Officers, Sniper, Marksman):

Paratroopers Trained for airborne insertion, amphious insertion, trained in foriegn kit and weapons

NSAS - Trained in all aspects of Special Forces, Will be very small team, hand picked from the best the army can provide.

My current think because of the whole nogova deabate i think i will possible choose another island to base my troops on, prehaps Novajev Island by martinitrams. Which is essentially Nogova but not Nogova, which means we will not have this on going debate on what Nogova should have or shouldnt have.

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In real life no strategic power would waste the time, manpower, or gasoline to invade that podunk backwards little island, so i wouldnt worry about needed to defend it

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Too bad Nogova 2 is so heavy on the pc. That map has got resources that could be used to become a rich country.

But for the normal nogova.

some infantry units, few commando units, few high speed patrol boats, and a few light attack aircraft such as Pilatus Pc-9's or something. Modern but not expensive. Can be armed reasonably well.

I would give the army a few leopard I style tanks. Modern but old enough to be sold to other country's by original owners. And some apc's mostly wheeled. The FN fal and mag would be nice for infantry weapons, with Law's...

The commandos should get high speed kit though IMO fully tricked out like the rest of the world. To provide equipment for 1 commando unit would be affordable even if its M4's and nightviz stuff... They would have to do allot of work incase of invasion.

And now for the important part.

Think about Switserland and how they use their terrain to their advantage with bunkers in mountains, and anti tank guns at strategic places. Or the sea defense gun turrets, that the FDF mod has made from t-55 turrets such things would be a good defense for a low budget army. trenches and well dug out positions that is something that isnt that expensive but could just as well provide victory over possible invasions.

Also even though this island doesnt have lots of money, a few donated modern weapons like guided missiles like anti ship or anti tank rockets would be nice. And offcourse the US also delivered stingers to this country to shoot down russian attack helicopters.

Back in the days of the russian invasion.

so maybee some old AT guns and crew served weapons would be cool to have. In larger numbers like abbandoned after the russians left...

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Why do you underestimate Nogova?

Why just 2000 citizens?

Let's say 5000 perhaps?

Anyway about 800 would be old people,about 1300 children,then you have 2900 citizens left,so about 1400 are women.What you got now is 1500 male citizens ready to serve in army.About 500 should be in active duty and all others have jobs or farms to handle,but these 1000 men can be in reserve,because in times of war,this small nation would declare full mobilisation.So you have 1500 men in service.Armed with Ak 47-s,greanades and equipped by some decent gear,they can be able to evacuate the population.

Now arm them with some BRDM-s which have heavy MG-s mounted on,give them some AA weapons,howitzers,transport vehicles,and troop carried MG-s.Now they should be able to fight a war.You can't expect these guys to run away without a fight.

they are fighting for their freedom there,most of them would be ready to fight till the last drop of blood.ANd the fact that they would do that,would already scare the invaders.

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here is a history of nogova i wrote a while back and posted in the NAFP thread. I intended it to clear up all the questions about nogova..like why do some of the towns have french names yet everyone on the island is czech? There was some debate about whether nogova should have any abundant natural resource such as oil..i put it there to give a reason behind the soviet invasion...but it could just as likely have been a purely political invasion, ala czechoslovakia or hungary.

on my old hard drive i had some Peoples Republic of Nogova soldiers i had made by retexturing the CSLA troops in Edge's nogova Oak camo. they were armed with SA.58 assault rifles and UK.59 machine guns, as well as some fictional variants i had made, such as a SA.58 with PALLAD grenade launcher and a RPK-type SA.58. I also made some Nogovan Patriotic Guard troops, retextured from the nogova policeman: milita/reserve units armed with Vz.52/57 rifles and Sa.26 smg's.

heres the history:

"The Malden island chain is located in the Baltic Sea, directly west of Lithuania and the Russian territory of Kaliningrad and north of Poland. The chain consists of 4 main islands : Nogova,Everon,Malden and Kolugyjev. Mostly forrest and gentle hills with some mountainous terrain on the largest island, Nogova.

The history of the island chain is somewhat checkered as the islands have shifted hands a number of times in the last 200 years.Their modern history begins when the lightly populated islands are claimed by Napoleon Bonaparte in his eastward drive.After the end of the Napoleonic Wars the islands are divied up, France retaining Everon and Malden and Nogova and Kolugyjev being annexed by Prussia. Being the only European possesions outside of France retained after Napoleon's defeat the islands are settled by the French during the 19th century. The influx of French settlers quickly absorbs the native population of Maldeners. The islands agriculture and fishing based economy never turns out the kind of profit the settlers had hoped for however and by the end of the 1800's most of the population has drifted back to France, leaving an even smaller population than before. The islands of Kolugyjev and Nogova are never really exploited by Prussia, and w/ the exception of a small naval station on Nogova the remain much as they were before.

The end of the first world war brings a change to the islands as Germany is required to relinquish Nogova and Kolugyjev as part of the Versailles treaty. The ultimate fate of the islands is in question as the former Entente members bicker over who will take possession of the 2 islands. The solution came as part of the Treaty of St. Germain and the creation of the Republic of Czechoslovakia in 1919. The island of Nogova was given to Czechoslovakia and Kolugyjev was given to the newly indepent nation of Lithuania.

Nogova was agressively settled by Czechoslovakia during the interwar (1920-1937) period as an example of cooperation between the Czech and Slovak peoples.

In 1938 France and England sought to avoid war with Germany by signing the Munich agreement which ceded parts of Czechoslovakia which Hitler claimed to be traditionaly German to Germany. Due to its brief stint as a German Baltic sea base, the island of Nogova was included in the territories annexed. When Lithuania became part of the Soviet Union in 1940 the island of Kolugyjev came with her.

The Malden Islands fared relatively well during WW2. The islands of Everon and Malden were seized from France after Germany invaded.The campaign to take the islands was bloodless and they were occupied without incident until Germany surrendered in 1945. Nogova saw the construction of a small airstrip on one of its small northern islets to serve as a base for Luftwaffe maritime patrol planes and as a stopover for planes flying supplies to Finland.

Kolugyjev was taken from its small Soviet garrison by German Paratroopers after a short but sharp fight. It was the sight of some flak batteries and a garrison of Luftwaffe ground troops placed to stop a Soviet counterattack which never materialized.

After WW2 France made a gift of the islands of Everon and Malden to the newly reconstituted Republic of Czechoslovakia in the way of reparations for the disasterous Munich Agreement. In 1948 the "Third Republic" ends and Czechoslovakia becomes a communist sattelite of the USSR.

In 1950 Stalin declares the island of Kolugyjev to be a military zone. The population is "relocated" to the interior of Russia and the island is fully militarized, housing several bases, a testing range and the Soviet Baltic Fleet Amphibious Warfare School.

In 1971 the Czech economy is still reeling from three decades of communism and the after effects of the 1968 Soviet invasion. Unable to meet the costs of maintaining a non-contiguous territory hundreds of miles away, the Czechoslovakian govt. turns the islands over to self rule. The Peoples Republic of Nogova is born.

The PRN consists of the three islands of Nogova, Everon and Malden. In 1975 offshore oil deposits are discovered in Nogovan territorial waters. A member of the Warsaw Pact, Nogovas main trading partners are Czechoslovakia, the USSR and Poland. Nogovan oil accounts for 20 percent of all oil imported by both CZ and Poland.

The prosperous Nogovan economy coupled with Communist oppression leads to demands for democratic reforms in the early 1980s. Following a crisis in the Nogovan Assembly Soviet troops invaded the islands in an atempt to restore communist control. This touched off the conflict that would come to be known as the Cold War Crisis."

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Christ, you wanna say that these islands are near to my home country(Estonia)?

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My idea was to go what on everon have ie the EDF, i was thinking of a smaller defence force for Nogova ie a Militia force, some well trained units of a standing army of some form with kit used from the Wars against the Soviets, with some modern equipment where appropiate.

I wasnt intending on unleasing a whole debate on Nogova maybe i should rethink my plans:

But tonight i will hopefully have some screenshots to show of how much i have progressed, i have the following units:

Standard Reserve Corps Infantry (Medic, Soldiers, Officers, Sniper, HMG):

Reserve Troop Have to complete so many years of conscription.

Main Infantry (Medic, Soldiers, Officers, Sniper, Marksman):

Main Infantry Small Core highly trained, based on Resitsance Tactics developed in the War against the Soviets

Paratroopers (Medic, Soldiers, Officers, Sniper, Marksman):

Paratroopers Trained for airborne insertion, amphious insertion, trained in foriegn kit and weapons

NSAS - Trained in all aspects of Special Forces, Will be very small team, hand picked from the best the army can provide.

My current think because of the whole nogova deabate i think i will possible choose another island to base my troops on, prehaps Novajev Island by martinitrams. Which is essentially Nogova but not Nogova, which means we will not have this on going debate on what Nogova should have or shouldnt have.

That looks good smile_o.gif like I said before...ignore all the "experts" and make what you feel is right since your the one actually putting forth an effort...if they don't like...they don't have to download it. Heres hoping this one doesn't go the way of the previous attempt to give Nogova an army wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]kala Posted on Aug. 23 2006,09:00


Christ, you wanna say that these islands are near to my home country(Estonia)?

I couldnt think of any other logical place to put them other than the baltic.

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Thanks all, these troops i make, are i stress the first ever infantry i have ever made and will be the first addon i will make for ofp, i didnt want a whole disscussion on what nogova should have etc

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Well people like to debate things into the ground around here...it comes with the territory. wink_o.gif

I'd be happy with some pics though. biggrin_o.gif

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Same here, I'm very interested in seeing what Nogova will have protecting her.

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A few images to show you:

Basic Corps Infantry


Infantry Soldier


Another View of the Infantry Soldier


Tank Crew




NSAS CT Infantry


The weapons you can see in the above images are from JAM, Kabals L1A1 pack and Lowlands Warrior GMPG

The body armour textures are holding textures as supplied in the BAS infantry kit which my infantry are based on, also they are based on some of the parts from the DMA_euro_res.

If any one could donate textures for the body armour i would be most appreciated.

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Its Nogovan Oak Camo, i have experimented with creating my own at hi res 256*256

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Personally I would use the actual dma euro guerilla units as a base rather than the old bas infantry kit I made ages ago. Thats why they were released as mlod, specifically for people to use. It's much much better. The old bas kit is crap nowadays. It would mean starting over, but the end result would be infinately better. Or I would think so anyway. biggrin_o.gif

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I may decide to change over to the dma euro_res as a basis, just havent had the time to do so as yet, its all a learning process at the moment for me.

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Its Nogovan Oak Camo, i have experimented with creating my own at hi res 256*256

try 1024x1024 looks a lot better but good work so far

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They looks good. keep up your good looking work. smile_o.gif

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