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CoIn2 by DMA

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Beta 1.12 released. From the readme:

Quote[/b] ]Public Beta 1.12

- Removed Mapfact respawn due to difficulty implementing it properly

- Implemented BIS respawn in place with a delay of 10 seconds

- Added Toadlife's script to respawn with correct weapons loadout

- Changed the skill of all Shilkas from 1 to 0.5

- Changed the skill of all enemy DAC units (more variance now, with more lower skills)

- Reduced maximum fog from 1 to 0.7 in DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqs

- Reduced patrol radius of DAC Camp groups from 150 to 100

- Removed the Technicals DAC zone as it is currently unused

- Added killed eventhandlers to to HVTs to increase commitment, announce the death to the players and delete

- Added killed eventhandlers to camp objects to increase commitment and delete

Download: CoIn2 beta 1.12

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Thanks for the updates tacrod!

After way too many hours biggrin_o.gif spent playing this we unfortunately ran into a few more potential bugs.

We got this error message at some point: '_t = resarray select _i|#|': Error Zero Divisor

I also noticed that 8 HVT's had been eliminated out of a total of 4. I'm not exactly sure what happened here as we didn't kill them all - the friendly AI squad did some of it. Is it possible their bases weren't destroyed so they respawned?

And now the major issue: the satellite broke. About 1/3 of the way through every attempt at making a satellite scan would result in "Satellite not ready." By this time we'd already maxed out all upgrades including intel so there were a ton of targets on the map but they wouldn't update so we had no way of knowing if a target (whatever it may be) had been destroyed or had moved. We continued on just for fun and ended up finding another 3-4 bases and countless infantry without the aid of satellites. Still very frustrating and basically impossible to complete the mission. There were just too many stragglers from various squads that we couldn't track down despite hearing their chatter and yells, and I don't have a clue how many camps remained. All in all about 4 hours were spent playing one mission.

Day/night cycle is kind of strange as someone else mentioned. The transitions happen so quickly and then night lasts for a good deal longer than day. But I don't really have a problem with it as it is ... just curious if it was a bug or intended that way.

All that aside, it's a GREAT mission. And I really appreciate you taking the time to make the changes that some of us suggested including additions to the readme for dumbfolk like myself smile_o.gif The Shilkas in particular are more balanced but still deadly ... I think you got it just right. Performance is also smooth as can be on a midrange PC. Fog is also much better!

That's all I can remember. Thanks again for listening ... definitely the most enjoyable mission I've played in a long time ... and all without 250MB of addons biggrin_o.gif

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Thanks for the feedback.

The problem with the HVTs was that I added the killed eventhandler twice icon_rolleyes.gif (once in the unit's init line and again in \enemy\prep_hvt.sqs). Now it is only added in the prep_hvt script, so it should be fine now.

I am not sure about the satellite error, but that's pretty serious, so I'll take a look at it.

Quote[/b] ]Day/night cycle is kind of strange as someone else mentioned. The transitions happen so quickly and then night lasts for a good deal longer than day. But I don't really have a problem with it as it is ... just curious if it was a bug or intended that way.

It's a bug, I don't know why night lasts for so long. You can change the speed at which time passes by editing the \client\time.sqs and \SERVER\time.sqs files. Please note that they must both be set to pass at the same rate. In each you will find:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#lp


skiptime 0.2

goto "lp"

Change the skiptime to whatever your prefer.

Anyway, the hotfix with the eventhandler bug fixed can be downloaded here: > CoIn2b112b <

Quote[/b] ]All that aside, it's a GREAT mission. And I really appreciate you taking the time to make the changes that some of us suggested including additions to the readme for dumbfolk like myself

Thanks smile_o.gif Glad you enjoy it.

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really enjoy this.

i dont know how to activate respawn though (unless its an mp only option).

also it would be nice to the situation escalate as the enemy get wiped out. maybe they can call in support or for reinforcements via helicopter.


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i dont know how to activate respawn though (unless its an mp only option).

Download the latest version from the first post in this thread (CoIn2b112b). Open it in the editor and export it to MP missions. Even playing as an SP mission, it should be played in this fashion, to enable respawn. You shouldn't have to edit anything else to get respawn working.

Quote[/b] ]also it would be nice to the situation escalate as the enemy get wiped out.

At the moment, the enemy can purchase upgrades as time progresses, depending on the resources generated by living HVTs. They get snipers, mortars and elite squads. To make the effect of these upgrades greater, you can edit the DAC call in their zone in the editor. You could create more elite squads and snipers by changing a single variable. Also, by editing the \DAC\DAC_Config_Behaviour.sqs file, you can change the skill of these units.

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hello i just downloaded this thing and tried it in the editor and its lots of fun, good job, i was reading your scripts and in the time.sqs it said

"for non-dedicated servers, the server script is already running, so it doesnt need to run here"

and a thought poped up, i think i read in the DAC thread that you must use a dedicated server for it to work, is that so? please say im wrong smile_o.gif

Are going to use sfp4,ecp and some other addons and we dont have a server

non-dedicated server= me and friends connects in the game right?

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I've been playing on a non-dedicated server this whole time using ECP and DMA's Naval Pack. Runs fine. smile_o.gif

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i have an error which says: "Scrip SOW_Saving_init not found" or something along those line, it makes the mission impossible to start.

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i have an error which says: "Scrip SOW_Saving_init not found" or something along those line, it makes the mission impossible to start.

Have you edited the mission at all? Is the line:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">call loadfile "SOW_Saving\SOW_Saving_init.sqf"

in the init.sqs (and the file in the correct place)?

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I havn't edited the mission and that line is in the init.sqs, its in the file as well. I'm not quite sure if its in the correct place if someone could tell me where that is?

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It should be in the \coin2.noe\SOW_Saving folder. Maybe you should try downloading the mission again?

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Hey tacrod,

Great mission, just played it for about 5 hours after work mp. Couple of things came up.

After i got the level 3 intel my satellite scans broke. Continously saying that it was not ready yet with this message in the corner

"_t = resarray select _i|#|': Error Zero divisor"

I was using the FFUR2006 2.0 mod compilation at the time so not sure if it did something wonky with the mission.

Also DAC was placing some friendly camps just outside the border zone too. I know there friendly because I launched an airstrike on it and later flew over for a BDA and realized there was an US officer running around the camp smile_o.gif so.. oops I blamed the pilots hehe.

Other than that... just have to say its awe inspiring how much it feels like a real war. Best moments are attacking and destroying a camp, go up the road again and come under fire of its troops. Most somewhat funny moment was having a fierce firefight, mopping up the straglers and realizing that the enemy officer was Guba smile_o.gif

oh and a quick question.

Is the player supposed to get the ability to use arty? I ask because I was doing some patrol work with a 113 and started to take what i thought was a mix of RPG/Grenade rounds. So i was rushing around trying to find out what direction it was coming from when I noticed that the fire had shifted from me. So... I guess the friendlies in DAC were doing some H&I fire. And there was a few times i could have used the long arm of the "king of battle"

I had some more, but i figure since you went to all the trouble commenting the scripts so well your intention is for us to add and change stuff on our own.

But thanks again. This is a great addition to OFP. I appreciate your and DMA's hard work.

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Nope, the artillery is meant for AI. Keep an eye on your map for markers where friendlies are using it.

I know absolutely nothing about mission editing but after I get home tonight I'm going to see about adding CoC UA 1.1 for the player, either in addition to airstrikes or maybe replacing them altogether. Just way too fun of an addon not to use.

I'm glad someone else got the satellite errors I encountered. I've tried to reproduce it several times (including maxing out Intel) with no luck ... was starting to think I'd been playing too long and imagining things. tounge2.gif

Edit: Just noticed the error message heklos posted is the same one I encountered the one and only time satellite scanning was busted. I guess they're related somehow.

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One last question, was this meant to come with the folders, because mine hasn't.

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Glad to hear you enjoyed the mission heklos smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I had some more, but i figure since you went to all the trouble commenting the scripts so well your intention is for us to add and change stuff on our own.


CCE, CoIn2 and CAE are all intended to be adapted by people for to suit their own tastes and preferred addons. I think the mission systems are pretty good, but are fairly weak when it comes to the finer points of mission making (atmosphere, addon/island choice, special touches). I'd really like to see more people improving upon the basic systems. I'll try to answer any questions people have about conversions.

I've been planning to convert it to a war on terror scenario with modern US troops versus Toyota Wars ME guerillas on Libya, but haven't had the time.

Quote[/b] ]After i got the level 3 intel my satellite scans broke. Continously saying that it was not ready yet with this message in the corner

"_t = resarray select _i|#|': Error Zero divisor"

I'm fairly sure this error is a result of resarray not being updated. I just need to learn the best way to make sure it is updated appropriately.

As 450R said, the artillery is intended as an upgrade for the friendly infantry, but I know one of the beta testers modified it to allow the players to call it in.

Quote[/b] ]I know absolutely nothing about mission editing but after I get home tonight I'm going to see about adding CoC UA 1.1 for the player, either in addition to airstrikes or maybe replacing them altogether.

If you get it working, perhaps you could release your conversion?

Quote[/b] ]One last question, was this meant to come with the folders, because mine hasn't.

Yes, it should. Try downloading it again from the first post.

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i have multiple problem with your mission template.

first crate drop doesnt works . airstrike doesnt works.

i dont have any idea of how i can get law weapons for my troop and myself.

i can't fight BMP with satchel.

gimme help, thanks

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i'm french, so sorry for my bad english !   icon_rolleyes.gif

if i make a night patrol and i forget to give night googles to my soldiers, do you think that their shoots are less effective ?

Thank u for your help.

Phenix Fulcrum.

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Probably a dumb question, but where do I put the Coin2 folder in the OFP directory to make be able to play it?

Install instructions were missing from the readme and we arent all so great at this stuff!

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Missions or MPMissions. If you put it in MPMissions make sure you comment out the sp_start line in init.sqs as outlined in the readme.

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