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Just some things... (From 160mb Demo Vid)

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After watching the 160mb Demo video, I have found some things that may/hopefully will be fixed in final version.

1. Shadows - the shadows for the concreate walls, the men, the tanks etc are still not precise... they can be a little more detailed and will make for a better/ more realisitc gaming experience.

2. Ground - Hey, I love the ground, its a great improvement from ofp, but couldn't you make it better? More rocks, more grass etc? To again, make for a better/ more realisitic gaming experience, and will appeal to more 'heavy' gamers, which love good graphics.

3. Iron sights/optics - The iron sight for the PK, I guess has not been completed, but if you could make a 3d one, that would be fantastic, where as you move the gun moves while in zoom... if you know what I mean... like in BF2... and the Acog scope could be a little more realsitic (dust on scope, scratches, as i said, moves when you move) the best one so far is the aimpoint.

Thats all from me...

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This all has been discussed in the other topics. All I can say the game is only 75% done in that video so many things still could change.

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"Heavy" gamers? I'd call them either "lite," "graphic-obsessed" or "shallow."

As for the rest, give them time, eh mate?

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I hope that BIS has second thoughts about implimenting the "Pick up weapon" Text that is shown in the clip.

The screen will get busy enough as it is I would imagine.

I vote for the original Drop down menu in the bottom right hand corner.

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the Acog scope could be a little more realsitic (dust on scope, scratches, as i said, moves when you move)

You mean you want the scope to be scratched when looking through it?

Have you ever looked through a weapon optic in your life? Or any kind of magnified optic, for that matter?

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Generaly i really liked what i see and for me it was a prove that BIS is heading in the right direction but i would also like to point out my worries or a "to do list" from my point of view.

1. The first think i really disliked, was the position of the gun, it seemed to far from the body and the left arm was too long and unnatural and i know, 75% Wip

2. somehow the lightning (HDR) is too much on the ground, it seems to shiny with the grass not having shadow

3. The Anims: there's alota work needed as those of OFP were/are really groovy and the new one's reminding me of an unfinished VBS version.

4. what happend to those ground textures ? http://armedassault.eu/images/photoalbum/97.jpg

the rest is awsome

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Graphics, shadows, lighting, thats the small stuff...

Multiple gunners are confirmed but not seen yet, we saw a BH with 2 M134's but that doesnt mean their both functional.

The Armored units behave the same has flashpoint's, racing around back and forward, jumping and turning like 4x4 jeeps. I really expect the tanks to roll and rotate in a more realistic fashion.

I would also like if the a.i. crews would behave acordingly, shooting from the distance and maintaining formations.

Armed Assault needs more than 25% imho. Alot was done to the graphics and scale but gameplay wise we havent seen many improvements other than the unit "switch" that nobody really likes..

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We don't need a new thread, all of this has been addressed!

Countdown to the lockdown...

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What we don`t need is to ruin the existing one, because It has some beta-testing purpose...Since we don`t have a beta, we can at least share our thoughts in a topic that isn`t as large (in terms of subjects and pages) and not as spammed as those stickies above....

-Tank turrets are moving to fast, kinda arcade to me

-Dust kicked by the vehicles should be more brown, the same with the dust kicked by the bullet impact, it`s grey now

-also the firing tanks make too much smoke imho, even if it was meant to be dust, it looks like smoke

-Dust kicked by moving vehicles should dissapear or be somehow reduced when driving on a roads or urban areas

-"armoured AI" is driving like crazy like in old good ofp

Know it`s wip, know it`s 75%, just doing what I think I shoudl do.

good luck BIS

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-Tank turrets are moving to fast, kinda arcade to me

This isnt WWII. These turrets can move fast

-also the firing tanks make too much smoke imho, even if it was meant to be dust, it looks like smoke

Its supposed to be smoke...its a GUN. They shoot smoke. Its a big 120mm gun

-Dust kicked by moving vehicles should dissapear or be somehow reduced when driving on a roads or urban areas


-"armoured AI" is driving like crazy like in old good ofp

In an interview they have stated that AI is not finished, and the final AI will be much better

Know it`s wip, know it`s 75%, just doing what I think I shoudl do.

good luck BIS


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There is no smoke like shown in ArmA....Just Dust. They don't fire black powder anymore...

I also noticed the female voice announcing the status if the turrent...I want that chick talking to me on the ride....

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Imagine a WWII like scenario:

Flying from one plce of the island to the other in your B-17 fighterplane. It is a 18vs18 with 3 B-17 flying in formation, their task is to destroy one or two cities.

With multiple gunners, the planes have pilot, bomber, top turret gun, front gun, bottom turret gun and tail gunner.

The enemy have flak and a few fighter planes. Now wouldn't that be a little fun?

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Imagine a WWII like scenario:

Flying from one plce of the island to the other in your B-17 fighterplane. It is a 18vs18 with 3 B-17 flying in formation, their task is to destroy one or two cities.

With multiple gunners, the planes have pilot, bomber, top turret gun, front gun, bottom turret gun and tail gunner.

The enemy have flak and a few fighter planes. Now wouldn't that be a little fun?

Get your fix here;


The best WWII flight sim there is.

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Looks great. Nice jump at the end of the vid, i thought i was watching motocross biggrin_o.gif And the turret seems pretty agile.

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That T90 is absolutely class, - I dont know if this is a stupid question but wil it feature in armed assault? its set in 2010 right?

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Guest Ti0n3r

ArmA is set in 2006. But I agree, it would be nice if the DRS would have a couple of T90's.

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I also noticed that there wasn't any blood or anythign at all in these new screenshots. I hope that BI had deleted all the blood files when the demo was released for the e3 presentation and were working on a new system of complex blood textures or damage decals huh.gif. Since the blood should be directly related to damage modelling, hopefully we can see some body armor making a difference in the revised damage modelling *(lets hope they do)*.

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They have kinetic energy in their ballistic calculations. So it makes sense for body armor and unarmored targets and hard targets as well to have different impact effects.

Blood is just one of those, but actually, you only see a puff, not necessarily with blood on body impacts. You'll be surprises how many shots won't spray blood at all. The "pink mist" is one exception.

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yeah those pink mists are really starting to bug me

i'm pretty sure that BI is going to change it for Arma

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Hi there!

didn't found the topic what's related.

I have my problems with "Running" and "Weapon-view"

Fortunatly it's still in progress. So i hope they fix it in any better way.

One of the many good things i loved in OFP was the completely different weapon-view. It was just more realistic.

And now it seems BIS try to make an average FPS-view (even in a more worse way) out of it.

(i made some quick exsamples of what i mean...

Yes, they could be better, but i'm lazy wink_o.gif )

Running first:

The "running" must be a joke. looks like a cartoon.

i wish some original motion-captured moves.

in VBS i think the moves are more authentic as well

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=120><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://home.arcor.de/de-la-rosa/my_shit/arma/run.swf><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://home.arcor.de/de-la-rosa/my_shit/arma/run.swf WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=120 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT>

the view



The arm looks more than unnatural in position and holding

These are some tests and of cousre they are just coarse examples of what i mean. Just to imagine that even my "shitty" examples looks more improved.




Even the old view looks better


real gun

*Sorry for my english. I have better formulated arguments in german. So hope you ppl know what i mean smile_o.gif

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Yeah. I hope that a hemelt really protects against bullets and so it isn't only a part of the playermodel.


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@de la rocka

I agree with the running animations, I’m sure that I saw better ones in a USARMY1 video.

As for the first person view, I think it’s better than the one in flashpoint but you’re right about the arm, it doesn’t look natural. But if you were to move it to one side as you’re suggesting, you’re cutting out an important visibility area but not only that, as Sanctuary pointed out in another thread, there could be clipping issues depending upon the gun/scope.

Personally I like the gun where it is but the arm needs re-adjusting.

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Agreed. The running animations seem to be unfinished (?) and the weapon view is...new. Usually when you run, your weapon is pointed down and therefore you don't even see it until you aim. The weaponview in AA (from the vids) block a lot of sight and I hope BI changes it. I also agree that the helmet should stop bullets, although not CS-style. I hope that range and bullet caliber (ballistics) play a role in helmet protection in ArmA, as I see no reason why not to implement it (It is realistic).

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