king homer 1 Posted March 23, 2006 Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We’re proud to present you the newest work of Inquisitor, Fischkopp, T_D and King Homer: The M1A2 SEP 3.0 tank addon. The addon features a complete new model with new textures, a bunch of new or reworked script and better compability with other addons. For more information please refer to the readme There are still some bugs in the addon we couldn’t get rid of and it isn’t 100% realistic. We tried to realize as much as possible, but in fact, the old OFP engine didn’t allow us most things. Also we weren’t able to change different minor details because of the complicated model structure. For better compability we deactivated some scripts in Multiplayer like the APAM shotgun effect. For the complete list of deactivated scripts please send a PM to me. Because of the high amount of faces in the first LOD, the tank could cause low FPS on slow systems. Do not place plenty of M1A2’s on the map, this will cause CTD’s. Due to the fact the US Army doesn’t have any special winter camouflage for the Abrams tank we added some fictional sheme derived from the USMC Mod LAV-25 made by Fischkopp. I’d like to thank everyone who helped out on this addon, especially Fischkopp who provided the original M1A1 model with textures. <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>UPDATE 3.1</span> The Update 3.1 for the M1A2 SEP addon has been released. It includes many bugfixes and improvements. Due Community’s request we included a M1A2 variant based on BIS values. Furthermore we added older ammunition types which are less powerfull, for better compability with other tank addons. The addon is now full MP compatible, it was tested by Lee_H._Oswald and his team on their Linux server. Thanks to you guys for the testing. NOTE: JAM3 and CBT Crew are not needed anymore. For further information on the changes, updates and script commands please READ to the Readme. Quote[/b] ]Howto extract the Readme and find the password: Use latest Winrar to open up the RAR-Archive (shouldn't be to difficult to load the current version from ). Open up the Archive and and search for the Readme.txt, doubleclick it and read it carefully - soon you'll find the password. To extract the PBO just copy and paste (CTRL + C & CTRL + V) the password into the password-dialogbox. Be sure you copy it without the quotes (""), just the text between them. That's all. Questions, Comments and Bugreports are welcome. With kind regards King Homer Quote[/b] ] M1A2 SEP PackAddon Name: INQ_M1A2 Version: 3.1 BY == Inquisitor ([email protected]) - Models, Textures, Sounds, Scripts, Config Fischkopp ([email protected]) - Original Models, Original Textures [b.B.S.] T_D ([email protected]) - Main Scripting, Effects, Config King Homer ([email protected]) - Coordination, Concept & Idea, Main Config, Sounds, Scripts, PR SPECIAL THANKS TO ================= (In no particular order, some helped on M1A2 2.0, some on M1A2 3.0 and some on both versions) raedor Nelson Silesian FerretFangs Pennywise Maa Marfy Parvus Mr.Burns Kenji Scruffy Sigma-6 ShadowNX Bobcatt Messiah Deadmeat M9Ace Raptor Lee_H_Oswald CREDITS ======= - Fischkopp for original M1A1 model and textures in woodland/desert/od/winter sheme - CBT for crew models and texture & different markers and textures - ORCS Mod for ICP muzzleflash script - Hyakushiki for Winter textures for the CBT crew - Sebastian Mueller for his BTR-T hit effect script - RHS/Mapfact/raedor for the smoke discharger script - DKM/Rastavovich/BAS/RHS/raedor for generic fire effect script - DKM/Rastavovich for Loader script - raedor for Suspension script - DKM/Rastavovich/raedor for tank accleration script - Voyager[NO] for the decryption method VERSION HISTORY =============== 1.0 (12-28-04) - First release 2.0 (04-07-05) - Final release 3.0 (03-23-06) - Updated release 3.1 (04-02-06) - Fixed release CHANGES ======= 3.1 1. Fixed error appearing while firing Sabot/Mpat at close range 2. Added two older ammunition types (M829A1 & M829A2) 3. Added RHS Smoke Discharger script 4. Changed track texture to current T158 texture 5. Changed direction of suspension arms 6. Fixed texture ratio errors 7. Fixed incorrect lighting on maingun 8. Added BIS M1A2 version, based on values of original BIS M1A1 9. Fixed some minor texture bugs 10. Changed position of gunner view 11. Added crew models + textures to the Pbo, so no other addon required to run the tank 12. Removed several loadout scripts, they caused heavy lag in multiplayer 3.0 1. Complete new highres model for M1A2 2. Complete new highres textures 3. Random marker script for all 4 models 4. New MPAT hit effect script, including new explosion and proximity fuse 5. Added easier structured smoke script, creating less lag 6. Added 2 ammo loadout scripts to change the whole loadout, fitting the terrain the M1A2 is operating in 7. New APFSDS hit effect script, based on Sebastian Muellers BTRT-T hit script 8. Better MP compability, removing all desync creating scripts at the start of MP games 9. Tweaked armor values for better compability with other tank addons 10. A lot of other config and script tweaks INSTALLATION ============ There is 1 PBO file in the rar file, which need to be extracted into your Operation Flashpoint/Addons folder. (NOTE: you can use either the OFP/Addons or Res/Addons folder) COMPABILITY =========== This addon is tested with following mods: ECP 1.085(e) FDF 1.4 ADDED UNITS ============ West - Armored: M1A2 SEP Desert West - Armored: M1A2 SEP OD West - Armored: M1A2 SEP Winter West - Armored: M1A2 SEP Woodland West - Armored: M1A2 SEP BIS EDITOR NAMES ============ INQ_M1A2 - Woodland sheme model INQ_M1A2G - OD (Olive Drab) sheme model INQ_M1A2D - Desert sheme model INQ_M1A2W - Winter sheme model INQ_M1A2BIS - Woodland sheme model without all scripts INQ_Crew_Wl - Crew Woodland camouflage INQ_Crew_De - Crew Desert camouflage INQ_Crew_AC - Crew Arctic camouflage WEAPON AND MAGAZINE NAMES ========================= Weapons: INQ_Gun120 - Maingun INQ_M240 - Coax machinegun INQ_Gun120_BIS - Maingun, based on BIS Gun120 INQ_M240_BIS - Coax machinegun, based on BIS MachineGun7_6 Magazines: INQ_Sabot120 - 20 shells APFSDS (M829A3) INQ_Sabot120_2 - 20 shells APFSDS (M829A1) INQ_Sabot120_3 - 20 shells APFSDS (M829A2) INQ_Mpat120 - 12 shells MPAT INQ_Apam120 - 6 shells APAM INQ_Staff120 - 4 shells STAFF INQ_M240 - 11400 rounds 7.62mm INQ_Sabot120_BIS - 22 shells APFSDS, based on BIS Heat120 INQ_Mpat120_BIS - 20 shells MPAT, based on BIS Shell120 INQ_M240_BIS - 11400 rounds 7.62mm, based on BIS MachineGun7_6 Following magazines are added for multiplayer compability, due to the fact APAM and STAFF aren't functional in multiplayer INQ_Sabot120_22x - 22 shells APFSDS (M829A3) INQ_Sabot120_2_22x - 22 shells APFSDS (M829A1) INQ_Sabot120_3_22x - 22 shells APFSDS (M829A2) INQ_Mpat120_20x - 20 shells MPAT SCRIPT COMMANDS =============== NOTE: The ammunition loadout scripts are singleplayer compatible ONLY! Do NOT use them in multiplayer, they will have no effect. For multiplayer please add the ammunition types manually via addmagazine command. Remember: Maximum realistic loadout of the M1A2 are 42 120mm shells. Place following commands in the init-line of the tank this exec "\INQ_M1\scripts\INQ_M1_M829A3_Loadout.sqs" This will change the ammunition loadout for the maingun to standard - 20 APFSDS (M829A3), 12 MPAT, 6 APAM, 4 STAFF this exec "\INQ_M1\scripts\INQ_M1_M829A2_Loadout.sqs" This will change the ammunition loadout for the maingun to standard - 20 APFSDS (M829A2), 12 MPAT, 6 APAM, 4 STAFF this exec "\INQ_M1\scripts\INQ_M1_M829A1_Loadout.sqs" This will change the ammunition loadout for the maingun to standard - 20 APFSDS (M829A1), 12 MPAT, 6 APAM, 4 STAFF To add different -FOR markers place following command in the init-line of the tank [this] setObjectTexture [5,"\INQ_M1\mark\ifor.paa"] Other available markers: kfor.paa mfor.paa nfor.paa efor.paa tfor.paa FEATURES ======== - cannon recoil simulation script - suspension inertial effects simulation script - vehicle burning script - conceald driver optics - tracer script for cannon and mg - 6 different maingun armaments - different effect scripts for the ammunitions - Abrams now crewed with loader - fully working smokelauncher ...and much more KNOWN BUGS ========== - while in cargo/loader position there's a bug with the gunner animation, this is because of the missing "look out" option for cargo proxies - sabot effect still working on everything the shell hits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Please visit the Official Forum for discussions of this addon. ( *************DISCLAIMER:******************* This is NOT an official Addon. Use it at your own risk. Enjoy the addon! If you want to modify this addon or use any parts of it, first gain permission by the original authors. This addon is mental property of the original authors. PASSWORD ========== <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Download</span> Download @ (23.1 MB) Download @ (23.1 MB) Download @ (23.1 MB) Full size Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HotShot 0 Posted March 23, 2006 Download link doesnt seem to want to work (in IE or FireFox). EDIT: Nevermind, new one works now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hmmwv 0 Posted March 23, 2006 Downloading now... edit: and tested! excellent addon. Congratulations guys, and thank you very much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Messiah 2 Posted March 23, 2006 looks very nice guys - shall give it a go in a bit. didnt have to add me to the thank you list Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nightkiller-orcs- 0 Posted March 23, 2006 Thanks for good addon, now I shall estimate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StealthTiger 0 Posted March 23, 2006 Thanks guys - been waiting for this! D/L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadow NX 1 Posted March 23, 2006 While talking to Kenji on MSN he mentioned a bug he noticed. He said the smoke screen only fires in the direction the tank hull is facing instead of the direction the turret is pointing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dm 9 Posted March 24, 2006 An excellent addon all round (I hope you'll consider fixing the issues i pointed out in the v2.0 thread) The one MAJOR fault with this is (and I believe it was mentioned last time round) is that the gunners sight is currently centered over the barrel, when it should be in the gunners sight (the box infront of the commanders cupola) Other than that, its pretty sweet. [Edit]Oh, and the suspension arms are the wrong way round (click for uber-high res) [/Edit] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dan ick 0 Posted March 24, 2006 Great Addon mate, Loved the previous version and especially love this one. Keep up the EXCELLENT work. @Shadow nx KNOWN BUGS ========== - while in cargo/loader position there's a bug with the gunner animation, this is because of the missing "look out" option for cargo proxies - old track texture, new T158 texture will be added in an update - few minor texture bugs - smoke grenades are always fired in direction of the hull, not in direction of the turret - sabot effect still working on everything the shell hits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snake Man 407 Posted March 24, 2006 Because of the high amount of faces in the first LOD, the tank could cause low FPS on slow systems. Do not place plenty of M1A2’s on the map, this will cause CTD’s. I was waiting for the updated version of this tank, especially when it was posted that there will be more LODs added etc... but reading this I can skip the tank completely now. Shame, I wanted to use this on several of my existing and upcoming missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tankieboy 0 Posted March 24, 2006 First of all, thank you. Firing MPAT at night at an empty T72 makes an old tankie very happy. The noise, tracer, and distant crack and explosion is just like firing HESH from a Chieftain, Challenger or Challenger 2. I can almost smell the cordite, taste the fried egg sandwich and rum laced tea of ranges… Beautiful Only real problem I can see is turning out from the drivers cab I get this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Silent N Deadly 0 Posted March 24, 2006 Oh yeah, great work guys its real nice. This will keep me in OFP for a while again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marckasis2 0 Posted March 24, 2006 Bro,thanks really i cant' wait to test in my home,,, im still in my f#$% work... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EvEnLeaSe44 0 Posted March 24, 2006 love your tanks man... got a bit of a problem though, im still runing this up with ECP crew but not for sure its there new patch or ure tank... This error comes up after firing the sabo.. i can only say i saw this when using ECP 1.085E, They think its ure tank.. im not sure what to think, what do you think? well.. get back to me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raptor 10 Posted March 24, 2006 nice More Pics: Woodland: click to enlarge click to enlarge OD: click to enlarge click to enlarge Desert: click to enlarge click to enlarge More Pics Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raptor 10 Posted March 24, 2006 Mirror by M1A2 Pack v.3.0 (19MB/Rar-file) Raptor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
king homer 1 Posted March 24, 2006 Because of the high amount of faces in the first LOD, the tank could cause low FPS on slow systems. Do not place plenty of M1A2’s on the map, this will cause CTD’s. I was waiting for the updated version of this tank, especially when it was posted that there will be more LODs added etc... but reading this I can skip the tank completely now. Shame, I wanted to use this on several of my existing and upcoming missions. That doesn't mean it does not work on your system. You can place at least 4 M1A2's on the map and it is working, but that will cause low FPS. One tank will run fine. First of all, thank you. Firing MPAT at night at an empty T72 makes an old tankie very happy. The noise, tracer, and distant crack and explosion is just like firing HESH from a Chieftain, Challenger or Challenger 2. I can almost smell the cordite, taste the fried egg sandwich and rum laced tea of ranges…Beautiful Only real problem I can see is turning out from the drivers cab I get this. [im][/img] Glad you like it. Do you get this always or only sometimes? Raptor had the same bug one time but it disappeared. love your tanks a bit of a problem though, im still runing this up with ECP crew but not for sure its there new patch or ure tank... This error comes up after firing the sabo.. i can only say i saw this when using ECP 1.085E, They think its ure tank.. im not sure what to think, what do you think? [im][/img] well.. get back to me It's definitely the ECP patch. I'm always playing with normale ECP 1.085 and all scripts are working properly. As you can see I added ECP 1.085 to the compatible mods in the readme. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XCess 0 Posted March 24, 2006 After seeing Raptor's pics I think I might have to download this... and I was trying to clear out my addon folders!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JGreyNemo 0 Posted March 24, 2006 Kick me if this has already been asked before. They are REALLY lovely tanks. Â The only thing that stops me from using them all the time, everytime and especially in config replacements is their tendency to make my box drop FPS. Â Not really anyone's fault but my own - however many people experience this. Have you ever considered releasing a lower definition (lower first LOD polycount) edition of this great tank with all the features remaining the same? Â It might make it easier to implent these things into Multiplayer and have higher number of tanks in Single player. (Kind of what the Our Weapons guys did, with their Mi-8 - which I understand was just a texture resolution drop - but with the tank you could replace parts with lower polies as an alternative release) Gameplay wise, a lower definition tank may give rise more opportunities for things like intense CTI and tank platoon play. These tanks are lovely from a distance. Â As well as close up. But when you get up close it's good to make sure it's only one tank in view. (Just looking, at two of these beauties on desert island makes my shitbox computer have a heart attack) (I really need a machine upgrade. Don't I? Â ) Just a suggestion and by no means a complaint or snark. Â I really do appreciate the fact you guys still work on this and make it better and better. Â Again thanks for your effort. This community would suck without people like you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zayfod 1 Posted March 24, 2006 Congrats on this beauty mate! Looks stunning. @King Homer, could you grab the ECP 1.085e update and tell me if there are any issues? (Back up your old ECP_effects.pbo) It's only 2.5 Mb - check my sig. It would be quicker for you to do this than for me as I've only 56k  . I'll download your tank and the required addons as soon as I can. Cheers Zay Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CameronMcDonald 147 Posted March 24, 2006 Great job guys. Thanks so much for churning this one out so quickly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eestikas88 0 Posted March 24, 2006 i'll find a place for them in my missions for sure Share this post Link to post Share on other sites