waffen-79 0 Posted March 21, 2006 just read some post, and want to come back to this MAINSTREAM !I don't understand what the problem is about it. Like others said ArmA will be a SIM, but, AND YOU CAN DO THAT WITH EVERY SIMULATION, you can turn off special things or turn them on. Has anyone from you ever played IL2 and its addons. with such WW2 AIRCRAFT SIMS you have a whole list of options you can enable or disable to make it VERY easy (I always use this option) or make it VERY hard so you (well ... ME) won't even be able to start the engines of the machine. back to ArmA: everyone who wants it HARD uses the VETERAN MODE (or how it will be called) ... and SERVER should do that too. the rest of the article sound very promissing .. and better then I expected. and all those who say I GONNA BUY ENEMY IN SIGHT do you know anything about the game there are 5 screens and more or less no info. well I don't mind. maybe it will be good too. who knows. I will buy ArmA because it is OFP ... with some nice updates. benus Exactly I mainly Play IL2:FB+AEP+PF and (of course) OFP:CWC+RES+ tons of mods only 2 Sims installed on my rig I get what you say about toning down being an option. I don't know bout you guys but I don't want to play along side a 12 yr old trying to kill me just to get in my chopper/tank saying things like: "LOL pwned" and "w00t teh F!" you know what I mean Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted March 21, 2006 Bit OT but on 360 i say, look at the fact guys 1. OFP:E does work on console (not a sales succes but that is mainly because of delays and a very bad timing with release in the same period as 360 introduction, a LOT of friends didn't buy it because of this. 1 year more early and sales would have been 4 fold imho) 2. 360 is a MASSIVE hardware platform. It has the power and the resolution 3. Xbox live rocks! (already with OFP:E) Leave that one to 'evil' M$, they know what they are doing 4. There is lots(!) of room for a tactical militairy sim/shooter now the only contestant GRAW has gone heavy on the gfx but also moved to more arcade bling-bling gameplay ... Brilliant but they now left more room for a serious tac shooter! ... In fact combine these fact together and ArmA just HAS TO come out on 360 sooner or later (don't talk about Game2, it will be the serious gamers wet dream;) And if it is 'sooner' say begin 2007 it will be a hit. If i were BIS i at least would organize some 360 dev kit to see the possibilities of a fairly quick ArmA port (with the experience of OFP:E in mind) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted March 22, 2006 Well Maxgubit, this goes a bit OT but i dont know if there is enough market for ARMA on the 360 and publishing it might be hard since elite didnt do great on the xbox (for the several reasons we all know). OPFE should have been made for the 360's launch, with the 360's hardware BIS could have pushed the graphics much further and used higher polycounts and better models, view distance and stuff like that. Anyway Arma will be a significant flashpoint upgrade and not an all new game so i dont think it would do well on the 360. That and the fact that the 360 is not that widely spread yet and its target audience isnt really into for a game/sim like this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metal Heart 0 Posted March 22, 2006 Quote[/b] ]3. Xbox live rocks! (already with OFP:E) Leave that one to 'evil' M$, they know what they are doing4. There is lots(!) of room for a tactical militairy sim/shooter now the only contestant GRAW has gone heavy on the gfx but also moved to more arcade bling-bling gameplay ... Brilliant but they now left more room for a serious tac shooter! 3. So you have to pay to play online? That's not very nice. What about mods, would anyone make them for a console game and how'd people download them into a console? 4. Yes, there's is room, but for a simple reason: no demand. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted March 22, 2006 Heetseeker, (And I hope nobody complains about this being a bit OT;) ... there would be one extra argument to a ArmA/360 version. It would/could attrack a significant portion of the more casual OFP PC gamers. I'm not talking about the mod wizzards but the more relaxed gamers who just play the stuff and sometimes make an own mission (quite possible in OFP:E). 360 hw+ 1 copy of ArmA/360 would be extremely cost effective against a total upgrade of your pc:) Btw, in 2007 there certainly will be more 360 gamers out there and i'm sure the more hard-core GR players would all be interested and that would stiil mean a lot of gamers:) So, again, excuse me for perhaps being too enthousiastic on this subject, but i feel there are real chances for an ArmA/360 being a good, hi quality and succesfull game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted March 22, 2006 3. So you have to pay to play online? That's not very nice. What about mods, would anyone make them for a console game and how'd people download them into a console?4. Yes, there's is room, but for a simple reason: no demand. Paying? C'mon man, a lousy 30$ (i managed to do this 2 years in a row)-60$ a year ... don't use this as an argument. It is SAD! Anywa, i'm demanding:) ... the OFPE timing was very unfortunate with 360 launch. Most friends kept their money in the pocket for this. And don't forget OFP:E is NOT backward compatible on 360. At the right time on the right system ArmA WILL work, and imho 360 is also in the 'right system' list. A lot of you guys already go hyperactive when the word 'mainstream' pops up. Well 360 will be mainstream so for you that rules out ArmA on 360. But everyone sees MS (and Sony, and Nintendo) are dead serious with their consoles and it attracks millions of gamers (more and more, not less and less). You just can't neglect that ... i'm sure a publisher will see this too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metal Heart 0 Posted March 22, 2006 Paying? C'mon man, a lousy 30$ (i managed to do this 2 years in a row)-60$ a year ... don't use this as an argument. It is SAD! It's a matter of principle, not about the sum. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted March 22, 2006 Paying? C'mon man, a lousy 30$ (i managed to do this 2 years in a row)-60$ a year ... don't use this as an argument. It is SAD! It's a matter of principle, not about the sum. No prob with that mate, it is your choice. I myself have no trouble to pay for the XBL service. It works out-of-the-box which is very important for the more casual Console gamer (they like to game, not to fiddle;). It's: Launch OFP:E, check your FL, Join in progress ... and you are in a session within 2 minutes ... very important when you are low on gametime:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
martinovic 0 Posted March 22, 2006 On what do you base your assumption that Arma will get ported? On every official info i've seen about the game it said it is a PC game. The matter isn't even up for debate, it's just a huge "what if". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted March 22, 2006 On what do you base your assumption that Arma will get ported? On every official info i've seen about the game it said it is a PC game.The matter isn't even up for debate, it's just a huge "what if". On serveral occasions when asked for a possible ArmA/360 it wasn't ruled out ... atm it IS/will be a PC game but nowhere will you find it will be a 'PC only' game:) Btw, why would BIS make ArmA/360 if nobody asks for it ... well, i would like to say (and yes, it is OT) that they SHOULD do it ... and perhaps they will do it in the end:) ... Anyway, it will be my last remark on it before i get banned. Sorry for any inconvenience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
martinovic 0 Posted March 22, 2006 Quote[/b] ]Anyway, it will be my last remark on it before i get banned. Sorry for any inconvenience. Ahh don't worry about it, it's not like you are taking space away from anything, we don't have anything to discuss. But i think Arma will run fine on a modest system (whatever will be considered modest when it comes out). Maybe Game 2 would use up a 360s hardware, but by the time g2 is released the 360 will be a pile of junk anyway, and what we drool over now we won't give a damn about... ah i am drifting to game2 things in my mind sry 'bout that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr reality 0 Posted March 22, 2006 1. OFP:E does work on console (not a sales succes but that is mainly because of delays and a very bad timing with release in the same period as 360 introduction, a LOT of friends didn't buy it because of this. 1 year more early and sales would have been 4 fold imho) That's the reason why i didn't buy OFP:E. IMHO if Armed Assault doesn't get ported to a console (X360) BIS will have dropped the ball for a second time, and in this business that could be costly indeed. The "mainstream" gamers today play exclusivley on consoles. Atleast that's where the big money is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted March 22, 2006 If it helps end the debate (which isn't really on-topic to this thread anyway), here is the type of reply I send out when people Email me asking the question..... Quote[/b] ]Initially ArmA will be a PC only release, but we're not ruling out that sometime in the future there could be a console version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GAZ NZ 0 Posted March 25, 2006 It is easy to misinterpret posted information re comments like the game being meant for "main stream gamers". Id expect however the changes to be positive and more customisable. The fact they are not allowing jumping says something good for us FP gamers. From the changes they are making it sounds like the game will be customisable with so many options. This will attract mainstream gamers who like certain options that current non realistic games have. This will have the developers hoping to attract more players - greater sales while keeping everyone happy including the FP community. This game ( Operation Flashpoint and Resistance etc) has basically been successful because of the community that makes amazing realistic mods and support for the game. <SALUTE> to the community The engine is diverse and the game itself was original and still is as far as im concerned to anything made. If you ignored that community support and there requests to simply make a clone of other games out there the company / developers making money would soon lose its reputation with the fans and it would hit them both in loss of sales, reputation and probably e-mail abuse. I myself perfer realism ( Flashpoint ) to the rubbish that is out there like Deltaforce Landwarrior, Blackhawk down, battlefield etc. I shoot in RL. I know people who are big gamers in Tribes clans and Battlefield and I have offered to take them shooting and they are afraid to shoot a real gun. Bit of a joke but they are not into real weapons or aspects. They just like quick basic fun though in a game which is why they like simple games to link and play. Alot of guys i know dont mod, or get into mods either which is one reason alot of people dont really know about the real flashpoint. They just play every new game, then play the next calling me sad for still playing FP. FP while my favourate game does have problems and it can be time consuming setting up mods etc even for experienced FP gamers. Buts its worth it. Unfortunatley the "twitch " crowd need something different. I think they are trying to keep the game more user friendly with these changes especially in the MP connection and ease of use factor so it will make the game seem simpler to all. As losing the fanbase that to me have helped make alot of new things possible - concept and development wise through FP would be the last thing they would do. Frankly if they did go all Corporate and had only one interest to screw us all over id simply go back to playing FP. But i dont think it will happen. At the end of the day they have to change there marketing slightly as they need money for funding - money talks. But at the same time the game has to stay real as 1 its main support and sales etc comes from the community which is larger than they link and quite large for a game of its kind 2 its other tool VBS is sold to the military community I wouldnt worry to much a God help them if they do make a -commercial game though- Fingers crossed and stay positive Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IronPyramid 0 Posted March 25, 2006 Such behavior, as has been seen throughout this thread, can easily be catagorized along with such of the BF playing "bozos " you blame BIS for inviting to the party. It is unsurprising however to see discontent so early, the game is not even out yet and people already hate it. I'm sorry for being accusatory, but some of you should learn not to fly off the handle, this game will probably end up kicking all your asses! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites