honchoblack 2 Posted March 10, 2006 Pics thanks to Parvus DMA is proud to present a Palm-Mania Production: Toyota Wars Mod This mod features the units from the Libyan/Chad conflict, which has become known as the Toyota Wars.  In 1986 responding to Libyan-sponsored terrorist operations the French and the USA supplied the government of Chad with equipment and weapons, as well as supporting a rebellion of pro-Libyan forces in the north of the country, and by autumn 1986 most of the cental Chad - including the airfields at Aouzou, Bardai, Zouar and Yebbi Bou - was again under the control of N’Djamena. On 11 November, however, the Libyans, deploying 10.000 troops, started a counteroffensive, and within weeks captured most of the northern Chad back, destroying several larger units of the opposition and forcing their remnants to retreat into the Tibesti mountains. By this time, however, also the Chadian Army - lead by the President Hissene Habré - now equipped with a large number of Toyota and Rover 4x4 vechilles - on which such weapons like Milan ATGWs and flaks were mounted - was ready for an offensive towards north, and in late December several columns drowe into the northern Chad. Their first clash with Libyan forces followed on 2 January 1987, near Fada: during a short battle, a whole Libyan armored brigade was decimated: 784 Libyan troops were killed, 92 T-55 MBTs and 33 BMP-1 AFVs were destroyed, while 13 T-55s and 18 BMP-1s were captured and 81 Libyans were taken POW. All of this in exchange for 18 dead Chadian troops and three destroyed Toyota trucks! The Toyota Wars mod features the units that fought that war. COMPLETE DOWNLOAD IN THE SECOND POST OF THIS THREAD DMA CHAD UNITS BUSHFIRE LIBYAN UNITS DMA MIDDLE EAST GUERILLAS DMA TOYOTA TECHNICALS DMA MIDDLE EAST CIVILIANS DMA AFRICAN/MIDDLE EAST FACE PACK DMA LIBYA MAP DMA LIBYA MAP INCL. ALL NEEDED ADDONS DMA BRDM2 Desert Mirrors Thanks to Mr Burns and ofpc.de dma_facetex1.rar DMACHAD1.0.rar DMAMECIVS1.0.rar DMAMERES1.0.rar IROLIBYANUNITS.rar DMATOYOTA1.0.rar DMALIBYA1.0.rar Thanks to Su27 and Flashpoint.pl DMA Libya 1.0 (right click, save as...) Additional Missions for the Toyota Wars Mod DMA Toyota Wars mission pack by Tacrod also needs CTI Markers DMA Random War by Sanctuary Needed Addons DMA Chad units, BUSHFIRE Libyan units and the Middle East Guerillas need Jam3 and the DMA African/Middle East Face Pack to work The Middle East Civilians only need the DMA African/Middle East Face Pack to work DMA Libya needs the following addons, or load the complete version, which has all needed addons included: Cat Afghanistan Revisited 1.2 Mapfact Oil Addon 1.02 Mapfact barracks 1.5 Mapfact MilObj-Pack 1.0 Mapfact Airport/Mines 1.2 3WX Object Pack 1.1 Features The DMA Libya map has following features: - 4 cities - 7 villages - 1 harbour town - International Airport with functional ILS (landing autopilot) - 1 desert military airport - 2 harbours - 3 military bases - 2 oil fields - 3 large oil company base camps - 6 small oil company supply camps - 1 pipeline stretching over the whole map - 5 oasis - 1 small airstrip - 1 deserted city - 1 deserted castle - 1 deserted village - Thousands of rocks and palms Inlcuded in the download are 20 ported original Flashpoint missions.  The missions are made by BIS and ported to the Libya map, small adjusments are made, to better suit the map and gameplay.  The missions need no additional addons than Resistance.  Copy the complete "DMA LIBYA" folder to your OFP\user\missions folder, select the "DMA LIBYA" folder in the mission selection screen and play the missions. The DMA Toyota Technicals introduce the "Stand on Vehicle" feature to OFP: The unarmed version of the Toyotas have the optional function to carry troops in the back, with full function of the troops fighting abilities.  This is still in an experimental phase, but works already with several flaws.  There are two editor examples included on how to call the ability for player (addonuseraction based) and for the AI (inmission script based). Main flaws of the included scritps are the limited ability to adjust aim sideways, and the lacking possebility in OFP, to get and to set a pitch of an object (Dschulles Getpichbank is too scriptheavy as to be implemented in this script, the time the script needs to perform causes the vehicle ride to stutter). Credits DMA Chad Units, ME Guerillas, ME Civilians: Unit Models and textures: Williec/BIS Heads: Llauma Hands: Our Weapons Hip pouch: Ironsight Tanker Helmet: RHS Faces: KumaWar/Williec Configs: Williec, Honchoblack Testing: Williec, Honchoblack, DMA Testing team Scripts: Offtime Sounds: Novalogic BUSHFIRE Libyan Units: Unit Models and textures: Ironsight and williec Modleling help on first release: Offtime Heads: Llauma Hands: Our Weapons Tanker Helmet: RHS Faces: KumaWar/Williec Configs: Williec/Honchoblack Scripts: Offtime Sounds: Novalogic DMA Toyota Technicals: Unit Models and textures: Williec/BIS Configs: Honchoblack, Sanctuary Testing: Williec, Honchoblack, DMA Testing team Scripts: Honchoblack (using a function by Joltan) DMA BRDM2 Desert: Offtime - modeling, textures. Jack - interior model and textures. Agent Smith - LOD models, config. FAB - random numbering script. Alderous - compilation of Soviet version DMA Libya Map: Agent Smith - new city objects/textures Williec - date and fan palms/oil worker units Ironsight - gas station/palace textures Sniping Jack - Light textures (1/4th of Resistance textures) Sanctuary - feedback Tacrod - feedback Parvus - Unit Presentation Honchoblack - Map, concept, terraforming, config, intros, missions Have Fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
honchoblack 2 Posted March 10, 2006 DMA TOYOTA WARS Optional to the above content you can download the DMA TOYOTA WARS Config Mod, which has all the above units included as well as RHS T-55s. Its based on DMA ARMY, AKD ARMY ENHANCED and ECP (1.085). Download: DMA TOYOTA WARS Mirrors: Thanks to Raptor and OFPC.de DMA TOYOTA WARS Thanks to Su27 and Flashpoint.pl Toyota Wars ECP Mod (right click, save as...) Needed Addons ECP (1.085) ECP (1.085e) Patch DMA LIBYA MAP INCL. ALL NEEDED ADDONS Installation Copy the content of the Addons folder from the Libya Map Complete download into the /OFPINSTALLFOLDER/@Toyotawars/Addons folder. Then copy the BIN and Dta folders from the @ECP folder that was provided with the Toyota wars download into the /OFPINSTALLFOLDER/@Toyotawars/ folder, after that you should have following folder hirachy: /OFPINSTALLFOLDER/@Toyotawars/Addons /OFPINSTALLFOLDER/@Toyotawars/Bin /OFPINSTALLFOLDER/@Toyotawars/Dta Leave your @ECP folder in its "vanilla" state, meaning it is like you installed it, and has proven working. These files you need to copy from your @ECP/bin folder to the @toyotawars/bin folder: context.bin Flashpoint.rpt resource.bin Sound.h Sound_dr.h STRINGTABLE.CSV Do not copy the config.ccp and resource.ccp, those where provided with the Toyota wars download. Now copy your ECP working desktop link to the desktop with another name (e.g. Toyota Wars). Now open the properties and add ";@Toyotawars" at the end of the target line Making it look like this: D:\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE -nosplash -nomap -mod=res;@ecp;@toyotawars Now that link will start with the Toyota wars with unit replacement config. If you want to play with ECP with the same link because you would like to use the units, but not the unit substitution with your "vanilla" ECP, you would only have to switch @ECP to the last position. Making it look like this: D:\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE -nosplash -nomap -mod=res;@toyotawars;@ecp Now that link will start with ECP vanilla default config with the Toyota wars units available, but without the unit replacement. Allways the last named mod will be processed by the game, thus defienes the mod you play, this way you can add different mods without the need of overwriting any config files Needless to say, that the next update will have all the needed files in such a hirachy, to make it easier to use with ecp without having to substitute files. For online MP play this constelation should also be kept, to get a unified way of the loaded mods. Features All units of the Toyota Wars release + additional needed addons (except ECP and DMA Libya Map 1.0) Animation speed of *rtm files have been adjusted to Sanctuarys DMA NEXT GEN Patrol animation pack (e.g. faster go prone, faster weapon get ready, slower running speeds, slower reloading, etc.) All the advantages inherited from ECP, DMA ARMY and AKD ARMY ENHANCED All default BIS soldier models have been replaced with following units: West: DMA Chad units DMA Toyotas RHS T-55 East: IRO Libyan units RHS T-55 Resistance: DMA Middle East Guerillas DMA Toyotas RHS T-55 Civilians: DMA Middle East Civilians Credits First of all credits go out to the makers of ECP, DMA ARMY PACK and AKD ARMY ENHANCED, on which this config is based. Williec - Chad, ME RES, Libyan Units, ME Civilians and Toyota Technicals Ironsight - Libyan Units Sanctuary - Animations RHS - T55 pack Locke - integrating lean into config idea Singapore mod - Roll Credits inherited fromt he above mods: Earl - Weapons ICP Weapon Pack - RPG-16, RPG-22, AKMS-GP25, PM, sounds Laser's U.S. Weapons Pack - AT4 rocket, LAW rocket Syphboy's HP Pack- Browning HP Mk.3, sounds SJB Weapons Pack - M-240G, MP-5N SD, P228, Mk.23 SOCOM, AK-47, AK-47S, camouflaged M-21, Benelli M3, sounds RHS Weapon Pack - APS, optics, sounds JAM - M136, sounds RHS/CSLA - SVD Dragunov DKMM/AKM74 - PK Benus/Too-Tall - handgun sights Config by Honchoblack And here for those that have all the needed addons for the Toyota Wars config mod: DMA TOYOTA WARS CONFIG Needed Addons: ECP (1.085) ECP (1.085e) Patch DMA ARMY PACK AKD ARMY PACK IMPROVED RHS T-54/55 Pack and needed addons Jam3 DMA CHAD, BUSHFIRE LIBYAN UNITS, DMA ME GUERILLAS, DMA ME CIVILIANS, DMA TOYOTA TECHNICALS, DMA AFRICAN/MIDDLE EAST FACE PACK, DMA LIBYA 1.0 (download in the first post and check installation guide above) Have Fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ti0n3r Posted March 10, 2006 Yay sweet! Downloading right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted March 10, 2006 Congratulations to all those hard workers that created this Toyota Wars mod. It is a real masterpiece and i have been happy to get some beta to test it. Definitively one of the best island i have visited. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sniperuk02 0 Posted March 10, 2006 Nice! Been waiting for this! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j w 0 Posted March 10, 2006 Looks very nice, though, downloading tomorrow, gotta sleap now Gr8 work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rikki Tikki Tavi 0 Posted March 10, 2006 Looks awesome, thanks for your hard work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackal326 1182 Posted March 10, 2006 Looks awesome, and the "ride on cars" feature sounds cool, the drive-by images in the CP thread whet my appetite, and now I can do it myself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
llauma 0 Posted March 10, 2006 Le Cool.. I'll check it out rigth away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShadowY 0 Posted March 10, 2006 downloaded .....Finally something I was waiting for, thnx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Acacyn 0 Posted March 10, 2006 WOW !!! Amazing work on the new mod !!! DMA rulez Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AOCbravo2004 0 Posted March 10, 2006 Where are the DMA facetex??? I go in to play using forces from Chad or Generic Mid East soldiers and I get an error right into the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PEPE 0 Posted March 10, 2006 I belive that in Chad war fighted the French Foreing Legion, with AML-90 (and maybe AML-60) aginst the EE-9 and EE-11 (used by libya), now I will play too with Operation french point units. Great work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
honchoblack 2 Posted March 10, 2006 My bad, just when you think that you have uploaded everything correctly. DMA African/Middle East Face Pack And thank you for the nice comments so far Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
belgerot 33 Posted March 10, 2006 DMA never ceases to amaze me, especially in these sort of surprises. Great job, I cannot wait until the downloads finish Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tankieboy 0 Posted March 10, 2006 Downloading now but I have to say FileFront suck... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baskis 0 Posted March 10, 2006 AWESOME!!!! Downloading!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fat_al 0 Posted March 11, 2006 Just... excellent. Thank you DMA team! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cozza 24 Posted March 11, 2006 Any mirrors. Filefront sucks balls. I get a download rate of 8.30kb and I got broadband. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ag_smith 0 Posted March 11, 2006 I'm really glad to see how this has grown far beyond my expectations, when I joined the project half a year ago. Congratulations to everybody involved, we've created the best real deal middle-eastern themed mod and special thanks to honcho for putting it all together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_shadow 0 Posted March 11, 2006 but there are a few bugs.... the Chad vehicle crew doesnt have any ammo for the AK and there isnt any engine sounds on the toyotas Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Colossus 2 Posted March 11, 2006 Now that FFUR is finaly downloaded I can sit down and enjoy DMA addons as well. What a lovely day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
honchoblack 2 Posted March 11, 2006 Thank you AG Smith, your perfectly AI-accessable building contribution to the map inspired Williec and me to go one step further. At first only new date and fan palms where suppossed to be added to the map, but somehow it got out of hand, resulting in the Toyota War Mod you see today. At this point I would also like to thank Williec for his constant afford to add more and more to the Toyota War theme (making it hard at some points to keep up with the needed configs for all the units he kept adding), without him the mod wouldnt have come so far. And thank you all for the nice comments, I hope you will enjoy the content once you have managed to download the presented units/map/vehicles. Thank you for the bug report, the_shadow, we knew that we wouldnt come arround an update of the units once this is out, but what took you so long, we thought that the first bug reports would come in 5 minutes after release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baskis 0 Posted March 11, 2006 toyota doesnt have any engine sounds Share this post Link to post Share on other sites