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I will admit it was a harsh end line... given the run around answers and the ducking I felt the need to vent.Admittedly probably not one of my more finer moments...apologies

But at the same time you answered the very question I have been searching for an answer to. Im glad for someone to finally have the courage and give a straight forward answer....Thankyou

Incidently why not just release the media release of the demo

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I heard some rumours that BIS have finnaly found a publisher for Arma hope it is true wink_o.gif

I a few weeks if it is true BIS will anounce who it is wink_o.gif

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I heard some rumours that BIS have finnaly found a publisher for Arma hope it is true wink_o.gif

I a few weeks if it is true BIS will anounce who it is wink_o.gif

Welcome back Extraction wink_o.gif . You might wanna try a forum search for 505 mate wink_o.gif .

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Incidently why not just release the media release of the demo

Because it was incomplete and would be a misrepresentation of the final product. No offense to anyone individually, but people as a whole would tend to stupidly misjudge it based on its shortcomings. Remember that the purpose of a demo is advertisement, so they want to make it look good.

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Dont you Guys think that there is a problem with soldiers hands on AA screenshots and vids ? Left hand holding rifle looks realy weird on lots of ingame vids and generaly hands look not right on some screen shots, take a closer look at this ( very nice ) screen shot -> http://ofp.gamepark.cz/news/pics3/armbeta2.jpg .

Is it only me ? crazy_o.gif

if you can't explain why it looks "not right" then there's probably nothing wrong with it...which would naturally lead you to contemplate your own sanity. if there's no reason you can state, then i don't know what you're complaining about.

First of all on this specific screenshot palms are way to small comparing to rest of the body.

Left hand is dummy-like.

Take closer look at right hand, do you think that fingers under the trigger are ok ( there are no knuckles) ? also hand sticks out of a sleeve in silly angle.

You asked nener.gif

would have been nice if you did this in the original post. as for your reasons given. the left hand does look small. the right hand's trigger finger sort of clips 5mm into the trigger guard. if that's reason for worry, then i guess you didn't notice the major clipping problems with soldiers sitting on vehicles, hands going through headshields, grass clipping through soldier's foot. funny how you only selectively pick out the clipping problems.

oh and good job making problems up, as someone else has stated, the knuckles are clearly visible. they even modelled it so it's not just a texture.

therefore i can only conclude that the reasons provided were completely ridiculous and unreasonable in itself. that would classify as whining, like someone said earlier.

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I'm Still not playing until we get "Female Bump maped squirrels with finger animations and correct wheel depth"...

Jesus you people are terrible and nitpicky!

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Can anyone, reading Czech, extract new informations from the Arma.bigames preview :



- most of the buildings are destroyable

- orders and answers aren't reproduced only by radio but also by mouth. So if someone screaming close to you, you can hear him together with his order in radio.

- people and animals have different modelling of skeleton

- fast working and responsive scripts

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the right hand's trigger finger sort of clips 5mm into the trigger guard

wow rofl.gif

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Quote[/b] ]- orders and answers aren't reproduced only by radio but also by mouth. So if someone screaming close to you, you can hear him together with his order in radio.


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That's something I always had to mod when I did it in my missions - awesome! Hopefully it will do it for custom messages too.

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would have been nice if you did this in the original post. as for your reasons given. the left hand does look small. the right hand's trigger finger sort of clips 5mm into the trigger guard. if that's reason for worry, then i guess you didn't notice the major clipping problems with soldiers sitting on vehicles, hands going through headshields, grass clipping through soldier's foot. funny how you only selectively pick out the clipping problems.

oh and good job making problems up, as someone else has stated, the knuckles are clearly visible. they even modelled it so it's not just a texture.

therefore i can only conclude that the reasons provided were completely ridiculous and unreasonable in itself. that would classify as whining, like someone said earlier.

As i see you get me wrong.

My first post concerning hands was only a question, i didnt nitpick a problems i asked if you think the same thing about look of the hands in AA or is it only me. I also stated later that i already decided to buy AA, hands are not a problem for me they just look silly in my opinion, they dont breake the game for me, im planing to buy AA first day it hits the shelfs ( 10 nov).

PS. I think your post was a bit offensive and i didnt like it.

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I'm Still not playing until we get "Female Bump maped squirrels with finger animations and correct wheel depth"...

Jesus you people are terrible and nitpicky!

Why are ya continuing to use my squirrle joke? O.o We don't need squirrels,I was jokin at it with all the wildlife thing,imagine being cussed at from a squirrel in a tree so I go hunting with a rifle,but nah I wasn't serious about it.

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I dont know why, but the first pic reminds me of Soldner lol. None the less these pics keep my heart beating or rather stop it from beating! crazy_o.gif

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I'm Still not playing until we get "Female Bump maped squirrels with finger animations and correct wheel depth"...

Jesus you people are terrible and nitpicky!

Why are ya continuing to use my squirrle joke? O.o We don't need squirrels,I was jokin at it with all the wildlife thing,imagine being cussed at from a squirrel in a tree so I go hunting with a rifle,but nah I wasn't serious about it.

LOL cause I think its funny and its going to get long soon. People keep bitching about the worst things, that its drives me crazy, I mean come on the track wheel depth are you people kidding me!

If anything should be bitched...or talking about, it should be the AI, flight, user interface, or etc. Bitching about finger animation HAD to have been the most waistful use of a fourm. If your looking at another players finger, then I dont want you on my team. cause your going to be dead soon and I guess the loud BANG didnt get your attention. biggrin_o.gif

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Ah okay,I see now. But yeah I agree with you,as immersive as the finger thing is,its only really worth anything in a cutscene.

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I dont know why, but the first pic reminds me of Soldner lol.

Its the TALL trees. thats what it is.

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all these these sceenshots are now getting out of control and stupid.....for example:

Stupid screenshot

now what's the point of that

this is so crazy....people posting screenshots of screenshots...


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Those pics have a real nice touch of realism smile_o.gif

would like to know the specs onm that PC smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]orders and answers aren't reproduced only by radio but also by mouth. So if someone screaming close to you, you can hear him together with his order in radio.

Great !

Now if BIS manages to embedd ingame voice chat that dynamically creates lip-files from spoken player-words and use the corresponding unit as an emissive "speaker" I would be very glad. Maybe something for game2 though.

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