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D.murphy man

Amazing new fire and smoke effects by john

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could you do the same for the smoke and dust? that'd be sweet.

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damnit.. this new fire n smoke stuff is so damn good ive just spent the past 6 hours playing OFP for the sole purpose of blowing shit up, flying thru NI Mod clouds, and setting people on fire with molotov cocktails just to see more fire.

OFP has become even more fun then i ever though possible. and you have helped make Y2K3 stunningly amazing thumbs-up.gif

by the way nuclear explosions look better now too smile_o.gif you have helped make mass death, pain, post tramatic tourture, and years of radiation and nuclear winter fun again! biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I'm trying to update this myself with more transitional 'slides' if you will. I have the fire frames all made but don't know what textures the patch adds/updates in data.pbo. Any help would be appreciated

Not sure but is this what you want Tb84 posted on page4

Quote[/b] ]Smoke effects : 'basic.06.paa -> basic.16.paa' [cl_basic animations]

Flame effects : 'fire.73.paa -> fired.119.paa' [cl_fire animations]

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maybe cause you replaced the existing data.pbo's with the original then patched them?

The relase is now a patch you apply it to the existing smoke and fire data.pbo you did in the first installer.

Hope that helps

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i run the patcher inside a mod folder where i placed the original data pbos and a hwtl folder with the original .pbo files and i run the patcher on them and i still see only ecp fx not the johns mod clouds and fire stuff tounge2.gif

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I have Llauma sky pack (with the appropriate files replaced with Modul sky pack ones) in a mod folder called simply llauma. In there, /llauma/dta/hwtl, there the data .pbo. I only patched it and everything works, both sky packs and effects. I run FDF mod. Maybe you should try something similar too. confused_o.gif

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that could do it every data.pbo needs to be patched if you want the effects to work. Its a pain but well worth it.

Is it possible to get the fire effects to run without havng to play with ECP or FFUR since on some missions with DXDLL running aswell i get a small bit of lag but when i play with normal ofp theres no lag one bit

But great stuff on the latest patch

Will it be further updated with better transitions and maybe even more of them just to have more fire and smoke biggrin_o.gif

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hey.....thats not the last update , i came on next times with a much better fire and smoke update...but i include then more as fire and smoke..ea.new water textures ....sky ,new moon!

if somebody have a bit time and skill ..editing the BIS config,

to make that addon better..i think the fire and smoke needs a bit more transparents,is welcome to help me out.


but pls ..add me only if u abel to help to make this project better and give Ofp a better look.....

my english isnt the best , but i think its understandeble. welcome.gif

having problems installing the current version.?...also If u like this addon ..u can patch every data.pbo u have in ure ofp folder...thats then 100% ..by the way do u use ea..hisky and start ure flashpoint ore a mod ,,,,with mod parameters for hisky..u can patch only the hisky data.pbo´s...and start every mod ore orginal ofp with the hisky start parameter...and dont need to patch the other ofp data.pbo´s..i have patched all data.pbo´s (6times ..i have goty)cse i like to have the effects overall ,,,,lib mod ...hisky....etc---..

hope it helpes JOhn

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Great work John!  You took out one of OFP's un-modded areas with your first idea.  Nice job! (and your english is fine  smile_o.gif  )  Can't wait for the next update! inlove.gif

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Quote[/b] ]if somebody have a bit time and skill ..editing the BIS config,

Why does the config need editing?

Also if you do make extra textures to replace water try and make the compattible iwth DXDLL so we can have reflective water.

Good work hang in there.

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i made a mod folder @John and there i had a dta folder and inside there the files i put from res dta and then i installed the patcher there and so. Maybe i have to do it some other way. Gonna try instaling it again next week or something. smile_o.gif

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They look impressive for sure, but the texture change too abruptly, especially on objects with a long lifetime. On objects with a short lifetime, the cloudlets appear to 'boil.'

The art is fantastic. The textures are great. I think that this idea is limited by the engine, though. I wonder what these textures would look like un-animated... maybe cloudlets given random, single textures until the end of their life would look more consistent- considering their movement in ofp is already pretty sweet.

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With work these effects will easily be the very best available for OFP. Here is what these look like while running the latest ECP;



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Looks good!

But, like you said, needs work. Once the blinking is down to an acceptable rate, it'll be excellent.

Until then, I'd say John's is quite firmly the residence of screenshot takers.

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Seems like it's still using the old flame effects.

BTW the fire blinking is now at an acceptable rate. It looks like fire now. The smoke, however, changes way too much. It's not the blinking, it's the animation. It changes from really fat and short, to really skinny and tall in one step. That's what annoys. If it looked fluid, it'd be great.

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Seems like it's still using the old flame effects.

BTW the fire blinking is now at an acceptable rate. It looks like fire now. The smoke, however, changes way too much. It's not the blinking, it's the animation. It changes from really fat and short, to really skinny and tall in one step. That's what annoys. If it looked fluid, it'd be great.

no actualy i had to make a minor config change for personal use, since Y2K3 used the orignal ECP flames not by choice.. because thier flames are a dark red instead of orange.. the OFP flames and smoke can be changed in color via config (IE a smoke shell in red blue ect ect) so the johns flames with the ECP red fire does not look.. good. so you would have to refer the class cloudlet for the fire back to the defaul colors of OFP for it to look right.

secondly: the smoke problem was always there.. the orginal smoke, the bi stuff, it changed from a tiney puff to a big puff. but they were all round and when layered in smoke plums that ofp provided it was unnoticeable. now that its detailed suddenly its noticeable. so theres nothign he can do about that

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Maybe (as an idea) the textures should be more alike, with only a few differences between each frame, so it doesn't look like they're shape-shifting as much. And perhaps lower detail on the clouds, maybe fuzzier? I think this would increase the gameplay experience exponentially.

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I understand what you guys mean, especially about the shapes of the smoke clouds having a rather uneasy transition between each other. One appears to go horizontally, the next vertically.. It isn't as bad of a problem in the last release, or at least not to me. What could be done, is the smoke clouds changed to be a bit more similar to each other, maybe a bit more round and smoother around the edges.

I am very pleased with the work John put into this, I finally managed to catch a shot of what I intended to post earlier, it is absolutely astonishing. I could never imagine such a realistic combination of effects in OFP.



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With latest ECP, there was a nice little bit that if a vehicle explodes, sometimes there is another much greater explosion of fuels/ammunition within the vehicle. It causes a really nice effect with standard effects, though John's have boosted them to a whole new level.

It took a while to achieve that sort of explosion because it will not explode the same way every time, but all those tries were worth the view biggrin_o.gif

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