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New Chechen Terrorists for Christmas

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Nice job!

But, could anyone tell us the content of the russian readme?

Unfortunately I am unable to understand russian language, I think this is version 1.5 of Saddams Chechen Insurgents.

If someone could tell us the main content, I would appreciate that.


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English Readme:

Unoficial addon for Operation Flashpoint - "Chechen Terrorists"

Version: 1.5

Model: Saddam(WW3mod)

Textures: SADDAM(WW3mod), Flea(WW3mod).

Scripts: Fedot

Config: Saddam(WW3mod), Ura Esin




Required Version 1.75 - 1.96.

Needed addons:

- ICP_ICP_weaponpack (ORCS)

- ICPrpg7 (ORCS)



Terms of use:

This addition is intellectual property of its developer. It is distributed free of charge. All rights to its use and distribution belong to its developer, except for the rights fixed to developers of game, Bohemia Interactive Studio and publishers of game Codemasters ltd. You can use this addon in missions and campaigns.



What changed from previous version.

+added units in winter clothing

+changed config.cpp

+Some correction to models

+Some textues changed



Uses resources:

SUCHusmc - by Such

HYK Modern U.S. Army Infantry Pack - by Hyakushiki

BAS_tsf - by BAS

LSR_delta - by Laser




Delete the old version of this addon, if you have it.

Put SAD_rebels.pbo in res\addons



Thanks to:



Ura Esin




Contact me - Email:[email protected]

Thanks to everyone who downloaded this addon! smile_o.gif

Umolinov Evgeniy aka Saddam (WW3mod-TWmod)

Russia, Zlatous

December 2005

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its good but its got some bugs

-no winter groups (that i can find but i could be wrong)

-some grouping bugs in the cpp so some groupings cant be used.

Also its a bit large considering its mostly the same looking units...I know theres some different versions but the size is pretty big for that small of a variety difference.

The older units inluded should be tossed from the pack(since he made new versions anyways) and add blood texes instead.

EDIT: Also, I thought listing the african/dark skinned face texture in the pack "nigger" was in poor taste...but that's just me.

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"..listing the african/dark skinned face texture in the pack "nigger" was in poor taste.."

Yes, I have a problem with that.

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"..listing the african/dark skinned face texture in the pack "nigger" was in poor taste.."

Yes, I have a problem with that.

me too !

Think you have to explain that ... banghead.gif

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Cultural sidenote: In Russia, racial diversity is "Slav, Slav, Slav, Slav... Slav, Asiatic."

In other words, they're not exactly concerned with any kind of racial sensitivity. For example, if you feel you're being screwed over in a group, in say, Glasgow, you may say you're being shafted, in Moscow, you're 'the nigger of this group.'

I'm not trying to excuse it, I'm just explaining possible reasons as to why. By no means are all Russians card-carrying members of the KKK.

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Quote[/b] ]Cultural sidenote: In Russia, racial diversity is "Slav, Slav, Slav, Slav... Slav, Asiatic."

Oh, really...Have you ever been in Russia, or it is just idiotic championship " Who can say more durty words about Russia?" ?

Quote[/b] ]In other words, they're not exactly concerned with any kind of racial sensitivity. For example, if you feel you're being screwed over in a group, in say, Glasgow, you may say you're being shafted, in Moscow, you're 'the nigger of this group.'

Wellcome to our city! If you dont know ( i think you dont cause all you have said it is foreighn story about bear on the streets in russia, vodka, stupid mans and repearing PC by hammers) most Russians can nor only distinguish people from different part of Russia, but also their race and not only within our country...slav,slav, he he he

Try to make such notes on normal facts, but not on your attitude , i dont want to discharge SADDAM, but i am not going to be responsible for school age boy who just dont even see the life...so , i think you have no rights to blame all russian for racism...or narrow view on other nations

All such notes should be direct to SADDAM... mad_o.gif

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Looking forward to playing with them... let's make them scream, guys! pistols.gif

(In the previous version one of their death/injury cries almost sounded very much like a pig screaming. Am I the only one who noticed that?)

About the above: I don't really think it's fair to call anyone a "nigger". One thing is that African Americans do it, but when white people do it, it is, in my opinion, :nono: (I wish there were a smilie for it)

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Pretty good christmas present-terrorists! xmas_o.gif

well not so good for russia, now many terrorists will connect and terrorise server's people...

but there is nothing Alfa, Vympel or FSB spetsnaz couldn't solve  whistle.gif

bugz bugz bugz...

please texture untextured area near hands wrists,

fix texture area between gloves and fingers,

add more faces, because now i see only two different ones(alsan maschadov's and other bastards faces would be cool)

all in all these terrorists are good targets for RHS Spetsnaz men  notworthy.gif  thumbs-up.gif


not only you... icon_rolleyes.gif

P.S. i like that sound when they launch missiles, alachu akbar! pistols.gif

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I think that such unacceptable thing happen cause, in russian we have another meaning for Afro-Americans...if in USA until 1960 it was common to name AfroAmericans 'negro' , after 60' it was bad word and AA was named 'black' and after AA...but in russia vice verse black (CHERNIY in russian) is abusive language, and it is normal (unforrmal style only) to name AA negro ( NEGR in russian)...AfroAmerican use only in formal style...but there is a trend that NEGR (negro) also become "bad" ward..as black people become more and more in Russia. Mian thing that there were not so much AA in Russia.

So maybe SADDAM think that NEGR( in russian) translets "nigger", and not "negro"...but i dont think that he didnot use translator, or hi didnot know that nigger a bad word. So, gilty

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It aint so uncommon, i think especially in movies about Chechnya you quite often hear things like "Sand-Niggers" as description for the Terrorists.

However this is a addon so i guess theres no real need to discuss this to death smile_o.gif

Nice addon, real improvement to the last version.

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those thungs actuall say Nigga and not nigger as if there is a difference.

also nergo is french for black if I remember my french correctly.

and the term sandnigger is used along when dealing with arabs and techincally chechens are not arabs they are russian.. well chechen but that is basically russian or umm salvicish.

just call the faces arabish or dark skinned.

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Cool. They're saying Allah'u Akbar. It means "God is Great."

Personally I'm going to use these guys to make a mission loosely based on the book, "My Jihad". Russian OFP members probably won't like the mission very much, but I thought it was an interesting story from the perspective of an American Muslim volunteer who faught alongside the Chechnyans and Arab mujahadin.

With that said, I've also made several Russian Army missions where ya go on search and destroy missions against Islamic insurgents on Nogova. I'll certainly continue making such missions as well. I just like making missions from multiple perspectives.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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BUDULAY, my apologies, but it was not my intent to... insult Russians or whatnot, I made efforts *not* to. I should have been much more clear, but at the same time you did misinterpret what I said. Again, my apologies.

Miles Teg; I have that book in my bookcase right now, believe it is written by a guy named Aukai Collins. A few sequences in that, particularly an ambush and a night-time assault on an outlying Russian bunker, could probably be made into decent OFP missions.

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Quote[/b] ]Wellcome to our city! If you dont know ( i think you dont cause all you have said it is foreighn story about bear on the streets in russia, vodka, stupid mans and repearing PC by hammers)

Drama queen.  icon_rolleyes.gif

On topic, the kid just used a bad term...accept it instead of making excuses for it. Its not the french version or any of the other dumb reasons posted.

If your going to put that kind of language in a "public" download, its not a good idea. End of story. It has nothing to do with anyone else (Russian or otherwise) except the maker of the addon.

It shouldnt be tolerated though. I'm sure BUDULAY wouldnt be coming up with "possible" reasons/excuses if it were a nasty term aimed at Russians.  whistle.gif

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A little about the chechen war for those who would be interested:

Before the start of the first war ('94) the president of Chechen Republic, Dzhohar Dudaev (former Soviet officer, if memory is correct served in Afghanistan with the soviets) had a pretty significant force established after the russian Army left the republic in 92: 2 Brigades, 7 Regiments, 3 seperate batalions, active force of 5-6000 men which could in short term (5-7 days) be complemented with 15-20000 reserves. He also "inherited" 42 tanks, 66 BMP's and BTR's, Artillery and Mortars - 123, 40 AA Vehicles, and almost 42 thousand small arms. Also a number of aircraft. In March of 95 all of that was already halfed but the problem was that these numbers could be maintained through resupplies of chechen army through Georgia. August 95:

10 tanks, 12-14 BMP's BTR's, 15-16 artillery peices, ~20 AA. Further resuply of separatists was led through Georgia, Azerbajan and Ingushetia. The rebel groups were split as follows:

- West Group 700 men (commanded by Dzhaniev)

- South Group 1000 men ( Ruslan Gelaev)

- Center and East group 2000 men ( Salman Gelishanov and Shamil' Basaev)

The aim of the separatists was/is to create a extrimist Islamic Vahabit state. The predominating majority of Chechniya are Muslims that do not wish it to be so.

Now the key players of the conflict became Shamil Basayev and Aslan Mashadov. Basayev was especially known for his ruthlesness especially as he spent much of 92 fighting in Abhazia. In january 93 was appointed the commander of the "Expeditionary Muslim Corp" which he led together with his good friend Hatab. Now Hatab is a very interesting key player as he was sort of the emmisar of Arab countries and with ties to Al-Quaeda was almost single handadly responsible for the creation of "Arab Squads". This is what many people don't know that a significant part of the fighting against the Federal forces in Chechniya is NOT done by chechen rebels themselves but by mercenaries from Saudi Arabia, Afghanistani Mujahideen (who are especially vicious as a result of some grudges from the past) and a large number of fighters from various muslim African countries.

Currently Chechniya is relatevely quiet as a new government is in place and all prominent warlords are dead: Mashadov, Gelaev, Hatab leaving only Basayev in charge of whatever resistance that is left.

Much of all the negative coverage placed on the Russian Federation Army in the mid 90's was forged by Chechen propaganda machine which was stupidly followed by all international media including most russian Media. Let us not forget the countless cowardly and unhumane methods and terrorist actions of these so called "freedom fighters":

Kizlyar, Pervomaiskoe, Buidenovsk, numerous highrise flat buildings in Moscow were blown up in the middle of the night, attack on the sovereign state of Dagestan, several suiscide attacks in Moscow (underground, rock concert), Nord-Ost (theater seige)......Beslan...., and most recently an attack on the sovereign republic of Kabardino-Balkaria and specifically Nalchik (its capital).

This is some kind of skeleton history on whats been going on in that hell hole. Hats go off to people who give their all to make things right there.

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Hats to all victims.

A lot of soldiers are victims as well.

But war is war. There is no good side I think. Because war is what it is. There cannot be good ones.

I had some view on Chechen conflict, but everything change when I actually get contact with muslims, and other races and nationalities. We are different. It is hard to understand other culture. I even do not try as I think, most people cannot do it at all. Things are too complicated.


As Arabs fought in Chechenya, Chechens and Arabs fought in Afganistan. Yes, it is much more complex then just 'freedom fight' as I thought in past.


@Miles Teg

Waiting for your missions. Books are really interesting for OFP missions basis.

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And then there was the whole "Russians are slaves to the Chechens" thing. In short, they used Russians as slaves.

The men - Killed to quell that unmanageable thirst for blood.

The women - Raped for both feelings of superiority and sexual satisfaction(although the latter might not have anything to do with it). Killed, too, for the most part.

Both - Second-grade citizens that were not "fit" to live in Chechnya. Interested in this part? Click here and/or here.

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Quote[/b] ]And then there was the whole "Russians are slaves to the Chechens" thing. In short, they used Russians as slaves.

The men - Killed to quell that unmanageable thirst for blood.

The women - Raped for both feelings of superiority and sexual satisfaction(althought the latter might not have anything to do with it). Killed, too, for the most part.

Can someone explain this please? It sounds ridiculous the way it's been posted but maybe I just dont have the facts. whistle.gif

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