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    Private First Class

    New Chechen Terrorists for Christmas

    I think that such unacceptable thing happen cause, in russian we have another meaning for Afro-Americans...if in USA until 1960 it was common to name AfroAmericans 'negro' , after 60' it was bad word and AA was named 'black' and after AA...but in russia vice verse black (CHERNIY in russian) is abusive language, and it is normal (unforrmal style only) to name AA negro ( NEGR in russian)...AfroAmerican use only in formal style...but there is a trend that NEGR (negro) also become "bad" ward..as black people become more and more in Russia. Mian thing that there were not so much AA in Russia. So maybe SADDAM think that NEGR( in russian) translets "nigger", and not "negro"...but i dont think that he didnot use translator, or hi didnot know that nigger a bad word. So, gilty

    New Chechen Terrorists for Christmas

    Oh, really...Have you ever been in Russia, or it is just idiotic championship " Who can say more durty words about Russia?" ? Wellcome to our city! If you dont know ( i think you dont cause all you have said it is foreighn story about bear on the streets in russia, vodka, stupid mans and repearing PC by hammers) most Russians can nor only distinguish people from different part of Russia, but also their race and not only within our country...slav,slav, he he he Try to make such notes on normal facts, but not on your attitude , i dont want to discharge SADDAM, but i am not going to be responsible for school age boy who just dont even see the life...so , i think you have no rights to blame all russian for racism...or narrow view on other nations All such notes should be direct to SADDAM...


    No , thats why i did not download this BRDM...i dont want to play with holywood style...but i think it is ok to point out some bugs? for it is Bug...cause it is my former army, i understand - for you no differences between red stars, hummers red flags...


    Sorry, but as you can see parade version has little bit different pattern version. Rad stars on them like a patriotic symbol for civilian peop on the red square...also a lot of white elements like wheels...in army nobody pait stars on ground vehicles...just imagine you see M60 from INQ WITH AMERICAN FLAG on board...it is the same as for me to see soviet aromored with stars...BIS hade the same mistake

    Jon Doe

    not bad tractors! More better civilian...good job!


    from net: from 39 soldiers at the moment of the arriving of the support was killed 6 soldiers and injured ( i dont know how in english - light and havy) 28...and hundreds of rebbels killed - it is a real story of 9th company...and no birds was needed in this area was a HUGE amount of artilery (sorry for bad english) I 've said too many fake facts...six ( as i remember) and dozen injured...and about 2 hundred rebbels died...It' is like firs meeting soviets troops with benLaden in Afgan a few our solders died and MUCH more rebbels No it is movie about Afgan war...so it is  soviet army...but  it is new film...


    only 6 soviet soldiers from this company died ( not all like in film) and hundreds of rebbels...


    yeah HOLLYWOOD - real story of 9th company is a differ from this film and many facts are just bullsh*t, it is fake that in army you can recieve bad machingun - Officer can go to prison! and where are so many fact wich just defame the army of afgan period that Afgan veterans just hate this film and point out many fake facts! I just saw this film in order to look at soldiers equipment and uniform

    Spectnaz Mod ask me to do a vehicle

    It will be good if JAM ( as i can see - it is his work on the forum) will work together with SFM and Rembo

    Spectnaz Mod ask me to do a vehicle

    I really like "Tochka", and it is more suitable for OFM than e.g. SCUD...
  11. I am making soviet recon VDV units, i use КРЫ naval units and have permission from Coul and Laser. But i try to make all equipment by myself In this case OFPCAT if you need help please ask me - post a PM ohh. and who post me PM during last month - sorry i delete them ( system joke), so please post them one more.

    New T80 Modell

    ( on the site with models on the previous page)There is more better model of t-80 ( russian, not chin.). Why he did that model?

    CSLA 2 Update1

    make textures on bmp as on pt 76, they looks more real than on bmp, wich seems to be made off plastic. I think that Maa has good skills to do it, it will be perfect

    Nature Pack - European

    HAs it winter trees? or i just could not find it? BTW nice job, use paatool to solve the problem with alpha


    i really do not understand why you provide models free of copyrights, and make me ask you permission for using this models? and my question was just- can we use your weapons? not stuff and parts of model , just weapon cause we dont want to make 100th AK (it is pointless). about soldiers, we are working on RADIO- can someone tell me - is it possible to use with paratroopers r-159 and with naval r-107?