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lol bravo, that thing been around since the old russian preview that Bis claimed to have no idea where it came from .lol wink_o.gif plus CD key security smile_o.gif.

get it here

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Armed Assault press release demo kit.

Must be a way to have that fecking demo, no?

GUYS?! links? mirrors?.. (wake up)

Wake up buddy, you wanna get an Press release demo in the official forum? smile_o.gif

When the game come out you ask the CD-key too? biggrin_o.gif

Edit: Dret, i'm slowed down... wink_o.gif

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Some games are at 80% development and they already released a demo. (the game release is 4Q)

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Its just the E3 version, several reviewers took a disc with them, and the screen that says that the game is 75% done also says that its not for public use wink_o.gif

AFAIK There was said to be a leaked version a few months back (topic was made, placebo locked it pretty fast, and its probably deleted), but i tried to get it  nener.gif

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Some games are at 80% development and they already released a demo. (the game release is 4Q)

As i remember in one interview the BIS claim the MP demo are coming around a month before the release date, and the SP demo around the release date.

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feck if no demo comes out soon we will face another delay for sure..

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it will be out in 8 days. 21/06/06. smile_o.gif

edit:unless the czech reach the finals of world cup ,this may cause delay smile_o.gif.

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it will be out in 7days. 21/06/06. smile_o.gif

yeah.. and im a girl..

first BIS could update their web site, it has spiders already..

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Notice it shows models from the Press Demo.

Wow, i really love the greyish look from those models, i guess ill turn the HDR lighting of it the models will look like that ingame then smile_o.gif

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Its like playing the leaked E3 demo of doom3 which was useless and the end product was so much better and optimized so It would give many ppl a wrong view of the game... so its better that they hide it. ._.

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looking fooking good euston.

and on the e3 demo thing, dont bother unless you got some $4000 machine, look at the diff between magnums demo and the actual e3 demo. its like trying to play ofp on max on an ipod. its wouldnt be worth a wank.

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Guest Ti0n3r

prkl, those pics are new! yay.gif

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icon_rolleyes.gif The German Army isn't in Armed Assault icon_rolleyes.gifbanghead.gif

Yepp, but the US Army dont use for example the HK G36 - wich is actually in the ArmA...

So if the HK G36 in the game, why not be the MP7A1 in the game?

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'Cause the G36 is this fancy revolutionary-summin' rifle that is famous and cool and gets all the chicks and the lot.

The MP7A1 is pretty much unknown for anyone that isn't interested in weapons.

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icon_rolleyes.gif  The German Army isn't in Armed Assault  icon_rolleyes.gif  banghead.gif

Yepp, but the US Army dont use for example the HK G36 - wich is actually in the ArmA...

So if the HK G36 in the game, why not be the MP7A1 in the game?

Why do you automatically assume that the US Army will be using G36's in ArmA? As far as I recall there will be a number of combating forces among several factions. Anyways, the G36 is a rather popular weapon, much like the M16 or AK47, so it's not surprising to see it being used by these types of forces, and the MP7, however, isn't. There are several weapons that would take its place before it does; other (more veteran) weapons of the same genre (FN P90 for example) are fairly popular worldwide, or at least more so than the relatively new MP7.

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'Cause the G36 is this fancy revolutionary-summin' rifle that is famous and cool and gets all the chicks and the lot.

The MP7A1 is pretty much unknown for anyone that isn't interested in weapons.

Well, i think many-many players play the Half-Life 2, so the MP7 (called SMG in HL2) not unknow anymore... wink_o.gif

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icon_rolleyes.gif The German Army isn't in Armed Assault icon_rolleyes.gifbanghead.gif

Yepp, but the US Army dont use for example the HK G36 - wich is actually in the ArmA...

So if the HK G36 in the game, why not be the MP7A1 in the game?

Why do you automatically assume that the US Army will be using G36's in ArmA? As far as I recall there will be a number of combating forces among several factions. Anyways, the G36 is a rather popular weapon, much like the M16 or AK47, so it's not surprising to see it being used by these types of forces, and the MP7, however, isn't. There are several weapons that would take its place before it does; other (more veteran) weapons of the same genre (FN P90 for example) are fairly popular worldwide, or at least more so than the relatively new MP7.

Well, we need to clear the picture:

1.: Pehaps you forgot to read what this thing all about. There are a post about for the ArmA get some new weapon, like the P90 or MP7. After this there are a discussion about the MP7 or the P90 even in service (in real life, as i mention, or in the ArmA). My post actually questioning why the MP7 cant be in the game (this is only fikcional anyway, because very unlikely to the ArmA include the P90 or any other new weapon).

2.: You see any non-US equipment in South Sahrani or US forces in ArmA so far, except the G36? Because i dont. So actually even the G36 become an enigma.

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The Spanish site GameProTV, at the request of some members of the community, published a little video preview of ArmA with some of the footage we've seen lately. Although it doesn't include much information, it's a good start in making Spanish speakers aware of the game.

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It'd be pretty cool if BIS came out with a line of Armed Assault action figures. You could buy a William or a Frank complete with ACU, digital camera, and keys to the sunken pickup.

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Did we ever get any kind of report on the Q&A session with BIS on the last day of the OFP Workshop II? I was waiting to read about it, but AFAIK noone ever said anything.


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