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What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

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i hope a t-905 with turbo http://www.metacafe.com/watch/114755/t_90s/

this tank shoulld eat a abrams its hooked up but russian tanks carnt kill abrams in ofp ? will the resistance have the  same weakness?

I am not sure if you are trolling, or you are just ignorant; but either way please stop.  

If you are not sure why your post is pure flame bait, do a search for t-80/t-90 vs. Abrams...  Besides, we have already had several threads discussing whether a t-90 should be in Arma.

I am not trying to do the job of the moderators, just trying to prevent a potential 10 page flame war that will kill this thread.



i said with TURBO and pls dont be so Aggressive towards me

i just thought a nice little vid might stop the bordem let the moderator do his job its not yours to do

peace tkokid

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Some wishes:

- A command to cancel current target of any unit without changing combat mode or behaviour.

- Working doTarget position.

- unit doTarget area (center and radius). Unit will start firing at any point within the area (machine gunners firing against big buildings, but spreading the bullets as much as indicated area).

- doTarget object, unit will engange object until destroyed or current target cancelled. object means empty objects.

- object setSide side. The ability to set sides for any object/unit, also from within the editor.

- Waypoints heights from within the editor, usefull for helicopters, planes and submarines.

- Waypoints accuracy from within the editor (distance from WP position to complete).

- Working actions to set lights/engines on/off for empty vehicles.

- getTarget unit command to find out current target of any unit.

- getSight unit command, returning a sight vector (where the unit is pointing at) in similar way as velocity vectors but with values from -1 to 1. Would also return where vehicle gunners are pointing at.

- object setAngles [roll, pitch, yaw] and getAngles object

- object setAnglesVelocity [roll, pitch, yaw] and getAnglesVelocity object.

- getNearestObject indicating "general type" (not exact type), side and maximum distance from position or reference object. For example getNearestObject [position,"vehicle", west, 100]

- vector = object1 getVector object2, returning the vector from object1(or position) to reach object2(or position). Returning values between -1 to 1 [xv,yv,zv].

- unit setdamagerate damagepersec, usefull for bleeding units or burning vehicles.

- Drop command returning the id/handler or whatever of the dropped particle.

- Command to stop a drop command.

- Command to get position of a dropped particle.

- Command to change velocity of a dropped particle.

- Drop command accepting also initial angles of spaceobjects.

- object setInmunity true/false

- unit doNotEngange object generic type array. For example, soldierone doNotEngange ["ship", "car"]

- setTitleText [colour, fonttype] as well as setCutText [colour, fonttype]

- Add "PLAIN TOP" to titleText and cutText.

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Mandoble´s suggestion would REALLY! be an improvement to AA

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I would prefer G36 over any silenced gun anyday but if I get a chance to kill someone in back Id like to have a knife at that time

the g36 is the cheapest gun ever and i dont see how its ammo (the same as m16) can kill in 1 shot anywhere

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every missile should have a intercept value, and be visible on radar, also intercepting missiles should have hit probobility value, and stelth value for different platforms "ships, aircraft"

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i said with TURBO and pls dont be so Aggressive towards me

i just thought a nice little vid might stop the bordem let the moderator do his job its not yours to do

peace tkokid

I was not trying to be agressive to you, and like I said before, I am not trying to do the moderator's job.

It is your coment about T-90S eating Abrams for lunch that I had a serious problem with. BTW, how does being "turbo" make it such a great tank for ArmA? It will just be slightly faster, which has very little effect on game play in ArmA...



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I have never posted in this thread, so I will write my wish smile_o.gif

I want hierarchical military command structure.

For example, you are able to lead a platoon of 3 squads. Like CoC CE. One thing that is missing in this great addon - you can't create new squads. You should be able to create new platoons/squads, regroup/reassign soldiers. Total control of this hierarchical structure. It would easily solve the limitation of 11 soldiers in your squad and it would be awsome in CTI.

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- the ability to create dynamic gunsights (ie have information on screen about your position, target's position, distance to target, ammo information, etc.)

- the ability to desaturate/invert the screen for gunsights (make it look more like thermal vision)

- the ability to add/define new sides, and the ability to define the relationship between various sides, both with addons, in the mission editor, and in game via scripts

in general, i just want BIS to give the addon/mission makers more control over the game.

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that u can ply the singelplyer campain out in coop mod so u can ply the game out whit a frend

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DUTCH-BUDDHA, your wish's already done  wink_o.gif

We don't even know if we can play campaign only 2 or more players !

The only ask for that is finishing the campaign in 1-player mode.

ArmA definitely MP turned-up !

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DUTCH-BUDDHA, your wish's already done wink_o.gif

We don't even know if we can play campaign only 2 or more players !

The only ask for that is finishing the campaign in 1-player mode.

ArmA definitely MP turned-up !

im 98% sure we can play campaigns with more then 2 players.. that option depends on the mission maker.

The Armed Assault campaign is only for 2 players, thats the info we have.

correct me if im wrong, plz.

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Decresed max speed for airplane at sea level, maybe somthing like. 10.000m no penalty, 5000m 30% penalty. 1000m 50% penalty, dont know if this is allready moddable, if it´s not it should...

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The Possibility for a weapons co-ordinator in a jet to drop a bomb and using realistic targetting sites, laser guide it onto a target being marked using IR or similar methods smile_o.gif

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Something I was wondering, in preparation for ArmA, I'm working on a lil mission system, coding it for OFP, but a few things depends on editing possibilities of ArmA :

- Will JiP have any impact on what you can implement in missions? Like, restricted scripts because of JiP unable to synchronize everything, etc...

- We have in SP the possibility to switch character in-game to take place of an existing AI. Is there a corresponding script command, like "switchTo unit2" or something like that? If not, it would be really interesting to implement it, after all, if character swapping is existing, all the "internal code" for such a switching command already exists. It would solve many issues (mainly ammo considerations) encountered in OFP when trying to make player take place of an existing AI.

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Decresed max speed for airplane at sea level, maybe somthing like.  10.000m no penalty, 5000m 30% penalty. 1000m 50% penalty, dont know if this is allready moddable, if it´s not it should...

An atmosphere reaction you mean ?

Well, it is moddable, but keep in mind that the closer you fly to the sea (~50m and less) more gasoline (err... kerosen) you save !

It's air-theory that wind will make fly your plane without any turbulence (I hope the word is correct).

But in OFP you can't fly over 8000 if I remember well. After that, your plane go crazy then in the bottom of the sea ^_^

Let's hope the NASA will be in ArmA rofl.gif

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Well, that I could understand, they don't want to see the board filled with questions, I guess. I checked rules to see how to do it, though. Not sure what is the "standard procedure" tounge2.gif Placebo, help! wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Lou Montana Posted on June 27 2006,11:28


Quote (t80 @ June 26 2006,16:56)

Decresed max speed for airplane at sea level, maybe somthing like. 10.000m no penalty, 5000m 30% penalty. 1000m 50% penalty, dont know if this is allready moddable, if it´s not it should...

An atmosphere reaction you mean ?

Well, it is moddable, but keep in mind that the closer you fly to the sea (~50m and less) more gasoline (err... kerosen) you save !

It's air-theory that wind will make fly your plane without any turbulence (I hope the word is correct).

But in OFP you can't fly over 8000 if I remember well. After that, your plane go crazy then in the bottom of the sea ^_^

Let's hope the NASA will be in ArmA

well the view distance is beyond 10,000 meters, so why not make it as realistic as possible, without sacrafise CPU power, also "STALL" speed should be incresed a lot, and FlyInHeight, should be possible to set on witch height the airplane start. the fancy graphics is just so people like you should buy the game and play it like a ordinary FPS, and never realice what more you can do with this game...

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Quote[/b] ]Lou Montana Posted on June 27 2006,11:28


Quote (t80 @ June 26 2006,16:56)

Decresed max speed for airplane at sea level, maybe somthing like.  10.000m no penalty, 5000m 30% penalty. 1000m 50% penalty, dont know if this is allready moddable, if it´s not it should...

An atmosphere reaction you mean ?

Well, it is moddable, but keep in mind that the closer you fly to the sea (~50m and less) more gasoline (err... kerosen) you save !

It's air-theory that wind will make fly your plane without any turbulence (I hope the word is correct).

But in OFP you can't fly over 8000 if I remember well. After that, your plane go crazy then in the bottom of the sea ^_^

Let's hope the NASA will be in ArmA  

well the view distance is beyond 10,000 meters, so why not make it as realistic as possible, without sacrafise CPU power, also "STALL" speed should be incresed a lot, and FlyInHeight, should be possible to set on witch height the airplane start. the fancy graphics is just so people like you should buy the game and play it like a ordinary FPS, and never realice what more you can do with this game...

You can use setpos to make it start high in the sky? tounge2.gif

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With my last post I agreed with you smile_o.gif , but it is a small feature (that can be useful, and, more realistic of course) that may not be spotted by combat planes that generally fly under 500m alt.

That's it  wink_o.gif

PS: Maybe considering my number of posts you think I am an OFP noob, but I play it and create missions since its release; I play OFP for a simulation, and will play ArmA like that too wink_o.gif

Edit: ofpforum, you got my post place smile_o.gif

and for sure : plane setpos [getpos plane select 0, getpos plane select 1, 6500]; plane setDir 90; plane setVelocity [1000,0,0]

With that you'll fly well biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]You can use setpos to make it start high in the sky?

you can also use rank and skill level, so why not have somthing like this on FlyInHeight??? in OFP with view set on 5000, with a altitude off 2000 meters its impossible to see the ground even on a clear day, to mutch fog, so i hope also this will be fixed. it would be nice to se a huge B-52 high upp in the sky, not just hear it.. and there allready is night vision, so why not have somthing like this "IR" to see thrue clouds, but with grey instead off green colur..

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Quote[/b] ]Lou Montana Posted on June 27 2006,12:13


With my last post I agreed with you , but it is a small feature (that can be useful, and, more realistic of course) that may not be spotted by combat planes that generally fly under 500m alt.

That's it

PS: Maybe considering my number of posts you think I am an OFP noob, but I play it and create missions since its release; I play OFP for a simulation, and will play ArmA like that too

Edit: ofpforum, you got my post place

and for sure : plane setpos [getpos plane select 0, getpos plane select 1, 6500]; plane setDir 90; plane setVelocity [1000,0,0]

With that you'll fly well

sorry i got it wrong,, crazy_o.gif thanx for the info...

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