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What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

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Quote[/b] ]GBee Posted on June 29 2006,19:19


Quote (zinc @ June 29 2006,15:05)

Artillery guns.

Missed this item. One of the earliest confirmed additions to Arma was artillery. I think we can probably trust BIS to do it correctly as well.

this was really sweat to hear.. notworthy.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Destructable forest areas (Unlike Flashpoint)

I think this will be able in Game2 at least, don't think in ArmA.

Will be in ArmA, no more 'forest blocks' from OFP  wink_o.gif

EDIT: And technicaly, tunnels are possible but they wouldnt be underground, they would be objects which are placed ontop of the ground wink_o.gif

EDIT2: And rivers havent been confirmed as above-sea-level rivers, it has been said that they are supported 'in a limited way', which probably means that it will be just like OFP rivers wink_o.gif

let see...

Yea, I remember reading that one of the games was gonna have it, but just didn't remember which. Good that it's in ArmA.

And yes, I meant object tunnels when I said it was possible.

And about the rivers, I read it in a magazine. I'm quite sure it's over sea level rivers. I'll see if I can dig up the article.

Quote[/b] ]in a realistic way with real bullet drop, would it be in AA??

ArmA will have artillery, so I guess it's realistic, i.e the bullets do move the full distance from the gun to the target.

Quote[/b] ]in OFP it´s to foggy to se the ground above 1800 meters..

I would think this is fixed in ArmA, but I guess we don't know for sure.

Quote[/b] ]i heard this would be in AA...?

Seems so, just me that didn't remember correctly wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]the range is way to short in OFP for those missiles, how would it be with a working patriot 3 system?

The ones I've tested, from WGL, workes good. Fucking horrible flying a chopper around with one of those in the area crazy_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I have yet to see a single trench or bunker in OFP that would de a half-decent job of stopping the bullets that hit it.  All of them seem to have some geometry issues that allow the bullets to pass right through them.  Explosives seem to discard fortifications and buildings all together.  Besides AI has no way of taking advantage of any fortified positions.

Well, a definit problem with trenches and that kind of stuff is that trenches and bunkers usually have tight passages, and AI doesn't work well in that confused_o.gif About bullets going through, I have used trenches that do stop bullets, but don't remember which, and can't say they worked for sure. And most of them have shitloads of other bugs anyway.

yes, found the article about above sea level water...


And so you don't have to look it up if you don't got the time, it says:

Quote[/b] ]Operation Flashpoint couldn't include inland lakes. Now it can. Now you can escape by boat rather than tractor.

This means that ArmA will contain some sort of inland water in a way that OFP couldn't. It's not confirmed that it's above sea level water, but I don't see any other possibility.

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What do you hope will be in Arma ?

A good protection system ! LOL ! icon_rolleyes.gif


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Please, don't!!! banghead.gif

ffs, Placebo have already said like 50 times this week that discussion about copy protection IS NOT ALLOWED!

So, please, don't go getting this thread closed by starting a discussion about it...

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Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]Trench digging, fortification buildings placed by engineers.

OFP already got mission where you can build fortifications, and Invasion 44 had some sort of trench digging...not released yet though confused_o.gif

I have yet to see a single trench or bunker in OFP that would de a half-decent job of stopping the bullets that hit it. All of them seem to have some geometry issues that allow the bullets to pass right through them. Explosives seem to discard fortifications and buildings all together. Besides AI has no way of taking advantage of any fortified positions.

BTW, I am not keeping my fingers crossed to see any of these changes in ArmA. I understand that the developers have limited time and resources at their disposal. However, on the question of priorities; I think these two changes alone would have had a far more profound effect on game play than increasing the island size to 400x400 km.



totally agree with you there.

Having fully functional (That the AI can use too) bunkers, foxholes, slit trenches, etc... would add alot more to the game that larger maps.

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And so you don't have to look it up if you don't got the time, it says:
Quote[/b] ]Operation Flashpoint couldn't include inland lakes. Now it can. Now you can escape by boat rather than tractor.

This means that ArmA will contain some sort of inland water in a way that OFP couldn't. It's not confirmed that it's above sea level water, but I don't see any other possibility.

Yeah, i remember reading that, i also remember the discussion after it. confused_o.gif

While the old CWC had to possibilty for inland lakes (like the lake on nogova), there werent any on the original islands, and i think the previewer was refering to that.

Ill stick to 'Rivers supported in a limited way' as the OFP-way, which was the political way of saying 'we didnt change a thing about it' wink_o.gif

(Too lazy to look up an exact quote BTW)

Remember that alot of reviewers are just reviewers, not hardcore-OFP fans or modders wink_o.gif

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I am really hoping for Infrared sights for helicopters and tanks. As well, I really hope that there will be a more realistic approach to tank battles instead of the WWII style battles we have now.

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After seeing a few VBS1 vids... I hope UAV, and the ability to drive cars in and out of transport vehicles/aircrafts.

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I am really hoping for Infrared sights for helicopters and tanks.

If this is going to be considered before GameË› please make an IR Spotlight too, just love that fancy stuff...and would kick ass in MP biggrin_o.gif

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IR is allready in OFP, what we need is LASER...

Oh sorry i thought off somting different,,

Laser guided Weapons,(Rockets) those witch are IR guided now. and the differens between IR and LASER,, Radar guided would be really nice to,,

Situation in Serbia, when the serbs shoot down a F-117, they had a SA-3, turned off their radar and became invissible to the F-117, when it was above them, turn on the radar and shoot it down, to late for the pilot to react..


those things are very hard to tell on screen shots, maybe it´s

secret? surprice?

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IR is allready in OFP, what we need is LASER...


I only see Night Vision...

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Situation in Serbia, when the serbs shoot down a F-117, they had a SA-3, turned off their radar and became invissible to the F-117, when it was above them, turn on the radar and shoot it down, to late for the pilot to react..


those things are very hard to tell on screen shots, maybe it´s

secret? surprice?

That's not what happened in Serbia....the F-117 flew the same route each day, and they simple triangulated it on their radar. F-117 isnt invisible to radar, but rather it's soo small it's usually filtered out as a bird. But using visual aids, mixed in with lower frequency radars, triangulation and some luck, they shot it down.

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Quote[/b] ]Ukraineboy Posted on July 05 2006,01:44


Quote (t80 @ July 04 2006,22:13)

Situation in Serbia, when the serbs shoot down a F-117, they had a SA-3, turned off their radar and became invissible to the F-117, when it was above them, turn on the radar and shoot it down, to late for the pilot to react..


those things are very hard to tell on screen shots, maybe it´s

secret? surprice?

That's not what happened in Serbia....the F-117 flew the same route each day, and they simple triangulated it on their radar. F-117 isnt invisible to radar, but rather it's soo small it's usually filtered out as a bird. But using visual aids, mixed in with lower frequency radars, triangulation and some luck, they shot it down.

Sorry that i explained in a such bad way.. i will try again..

the point was that they turned the radar OFF and became INVISSIBLE to the pilot whom sit inside the F-117. and then they turned it ON and was again VISIBLE and probobly the pilot notised when they turned on the radar, but it was to late anyway, and yes i know off the rout, i also read somwhere that the radar on the sa-3 WAS low frequense.. maybe next time i will also tell that the one that fired the sa-3 planned this for a long time and have a very nice family with a grand father and a grand mother, but it has nothing to do with it..

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Quote[/b] ]Ukraineboy Posted on July 05 2006,01:44


Quote (t80 @ July 04 2006,22:13)

Situation in Serbia, when the serbs shoot down a F-117, they had a SA-3, turned off their radar and became invissible to the F-117, when it was above them, turn on the radar and shoot it down, to late for the pilot to react..


those things are very hard to tell on screen shots, maybe it´s

secret? surprice?

That's not what happened in Serbia....the F-117 flew the same route each day, and they simple triangulated it on their radar. F-117 isnt invisible to radar, but rather it's soo small it's usually filtered out as a bird. But using visual aids, mixed in with lower frequency radars, triangulation and some luck, they shot it down.

Sorry that i explained in a such bad way.. i will try again..

the point was that they turned the radar OFF and became INVISSIBLE to the pilot whom sit inside the F-117. and then they turned it ON and was again VISIBLE and probobly the pilot notised when they turned on the radar, but it was to late anyway, and yes i know off the rout, i also read somwhere that the radar on the sa-3 WAS low frequense.. maybe next time i will also tell that the one that fired the sa-3 planned this for a long time and have a very nice family with a grand father and a grand mother, but it has nothing to do with it..

Alright, fair enough. Anyways yes this is true, Serbia managed to save most of it's Air Defence such as Shilkas and SAs by simply not turning on the radar! It would be sweet if this was possible.

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Quote[/b] ]Ukraineboy Posted on July 05 2006,01:44


Quote (t80 @ July 04 2006,22:13)

Situation in Serbia, when the serbs shoot down a F-117, they had a SA-3, turned off their radar and became invissible to the F-117, when it was above them, turn on the radar and shoot it down, to late for the pilot to react..


those things are very hard to tell on screen shots, maybe it´s

secret? surprice?

That's not what happened in Serbia....the F-117 flew the same route each day, and they simple triangulated it on their radar. F-117 isnt invisible to radar, but rather it's soo small it's usually filtered out as a bird. But using visual aids, mixed in with lower frequency radars, triangulation and some luck, they shot it down.

Sorry that i explained in a such bad way.. i will try again..

the point was that they turned the radar OFF and became INVISSIBLE to the pilot whom sit inside the F-117. and then they turned it ON and was again VISIBLE and probobly the pilot notised when they turned on the radar, but it was to late anyway, and yes i know off the rout, i also read somwhere that the radar on the sa-3 WAS low frequense.. maybe next time i will also tell that the one that fired the sa-3 planned this for a long time and have a very nice family with a grand father and a grand mother, but it has nothing to do with it..

Alright, fair enough. Anyways yes this is true, Serbia managed to save most of it's Air Defence such as Shilkas and SAs by simply not turning on the radar! It would be sweet if this was possible.

Well, its not exactly the same, but in OFP you can turn your engine off (which i think also turns off the radar), and then the AI wont attack you anymore/as fast as normal smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]ofpforum Posted on July 05 2006,12:22


Quote (Ukraineboy @ July 05 2006,05:37)

Quote (t80 @ July 05 2006,02:53)


Ukraineboy Posted on July 05 2006,01:44


Quote (t80 @ July 04 2006,22:13)

Situation in Serbia, when the serbs shoot down a F-117, they had a SA-3, turned off their radar and became invissible to the F-117, when it was above them, turn on the radar and shoot it down, to late for the pilot to react..


those things are very hard to tell on screen shots, maybe it´s

secret? surprice?

That's not what happened in Serbia....the F-117 flew the same route each day, and they simple triangulated it on their radar. F-117 isnt invisible to radar, but rather it's soo small it's usually filtered out as a bird. But using visual aids, mixed in with lower frequency radars, triangulation and some luck, they shot it down.

Sorry that i explained in a such bad way.. i will try again..

the point was that they turned the radar OFF and became INVISSIBLE to the pilot whom sit inside the F-117. and then they turned it ON and was again VISIBLE and probobly the pilot notised when they turned on the radar, but it was to late anyway, and yes i know off the rout, i also read somwhere that the radar on the sa-3 WAS low frequense.. maybe next time i will also tell that the one that fired the sa-3 planned this for a long time and have a very nice family with a grand father and a grand mother, but it has nothing to do with it..

Alright, fair enough. Anyways yes this is true, Serbia managed to save most of it's Air Defence such as Shilkas and SAs by simply not turning on the radar! It would be sweet if this was possible.

Well, its not exactly the same, but in OFP you can turn your engine off (which i think also turns off the radar), and then the AI wont attack you anymore/as fast as normal

yes, the ir simulates all of it, but for realism and further possibilities, we really need the exactly same ir, just add two more "different frequenseies if you want" off them, one will have the name LASER the other will be RADAR. this would really open upp new possibilities, and cant be to hard to implement, just call it maybe IR1, IR2, IR3 or somthing, right now the ir is very good, but we need more off them.. easy and simple..

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IR vision is a nice idea. smile_o.gif

But it requires at least two textures; a visual texture and an IR texture. Moreover, the IR texture varies depending on a vehicle's engine status. If its engine on, it has a high temperature and if its engine off, it has a low temperature.

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By the way, I hope objects in class cfgAmmo will have a hit point and will be destroyable by other weapons. This will allow a combat in which a missile intercepts a missile(e.g. Maveric vs Patriot) or bullets intercepts a missile(e.g. Anti-ship missile vs CIWS). smile_o.gif

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I hope to see lots of stuff in Arma (Most people do tounge2.gif).

I would like to see more features in the editing depot, when it comes to addons and missions. Especially scripts.

Instead of using an external script program I am hoping to be able to write the script internally and then save it as whatever.sqs .

Last thing I hope for is better MP. OFP was made as a single player game, yet Multiplayer is only thing keeping it alive. So ArmA should have better MP features (right?).

Thats what I hope to see. biggrin_o.gif

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My hopes have probably been mentioned earlier but here goes:

radio chatter

NO SHILKA (there are newer Russian systems)

new command options

smarter soldiers (if you run out of ammo it shouldn´t be too intelectually challenging to take some from dead comrades or from dead enemy soldiers)

badly wounded soldiers (arms and legs shot off)

screams, leaders commending (good work soldiers! etc.)

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My hopes have probably been mentioned earlier but here goes:

radio chatter

NO SHILKA (there are newer Russian systems)

new command options

smarter soldiers (if you run out of ammo it shouldn´t be too intelectually challenging to take some from dead comrades or from dead enemy soldiers)

weve already seen the Shilka...but i agree.

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Woman, Clubs and Cocktails.

So our Soldiers can take a break form the Battlefield... whistle.gif

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My hopes have probably been mentioned earlier but here goes:

radio chatter

NO SHILKA (there are newer Russian systems)

new command options

smarter soldiers (if you run out of ammo it shouldn´t be too intelectually challenging to take some from dead comrades or from dead enemy soldiers)

True, there are newer Russian systems but Russia isn't in the game. Northern Sahrani is a poor communist country, it very well probably will have Shilkas as we have seen one in a video.

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I hope BIS will change Arma scenario from communism to Israel vs Lebanon conflict!

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