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What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

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The nice thing is that all the enviroment sound are other players minding their own funky business inlove.gif

I believe ARMA will have those enviroment effects. We will be able to have more players and also JIP (Join in progress), these who will creat this kinda effect.

The enviroment will be something similar for sure. But i hope BIS make those sounds effects "sound" way much better then we seen/heared so far. smile_o.gif

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Here is a good example of the sound of the M4A1


You can also see the recoil of the rifle. If i remember, there was a discuss that in ArmA would be a less recoil of the weapon. But it seems that the recoil is like the 'real recoil' in in reality.

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can anyone confirm that in VBS1 if we can throw(pass) an small object like an handgrenade to an friendly unit instead of dropping it?

Dunno if in VBS1 its possible, but if it is can we assume ARMA will have it too?

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can anyone confirm that in VBS1 if we can throw(pass) an small object like an handgrenade to an friendly unit instead of dropping it?

Dunno if in VBS1 its possible, but if it is can we assume ARMA will have it too?

Maybe in Game 2 but ArmA isnt that revolutionary. It's OFP 1.5. I don't know of any other game that has it so I am saying the chances are literally 99% not gonna happen.

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Quote[/b] ]

bravo 6 Posted on June 14 2006,20:02


can anyone confirm that in VBS1 if we can throw(pass) an small object like an handgrenade to an friendly unit instead of dropping it?

Dunno if in VBS1 its possible, but if it is can we assume ARMA will have it too?

The nice thing about the engine is how open it is for scripting.  I'd think you could learn to code something like that, or maybe get enough of the community's talent interested to make that happen


Action menu item (pass selected ammo)

Action menu item (pass selected equipment)

The script then takes the active item (or the item's magazine)and removes a unit from your inventory, camcreates (or ArmA's more refined version of this) the model of the item, and vectors it a reasonable distance in the direction you are heading (like a grenade).

If it strikes another unit before hitting the ground, it increases that units quantity of the item, if there is inventory space (it 'caught' it).

If it hits the ground... Then it hits the ground and sits there  biggrin_o.gif  

:end script:

Just a dash of inspiration to get your *hopes* up for what you can do in ArmA (or for this OFP even)

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can anyone confirm that in VBS1 if we can throw(pass) an small object like an handgrenade to an friendly unit instead of dropping it?

Dunno if in VBS1 its possible, but if it is can we assume ARMA will have it too?

Oh that makes me thing of a game bored people could play online,tis called 'hot grenade' Just think hot potatoe and were good wink_o.gif

(yes its a joke,not serious,lest possible,then don't get bored...)

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well i can give you an example:

Yesterday i was playing coop with a friend and we were near some ruins with some enemy, none of us had handgrenads only AI had.

I was leader and i had to order some noob AI to come near us and drop some handgrenads for us. If this trow thing exists i could order AI to trow/pass 1 or two hangrenads for us to use them.

Instead of that i had to order AI to go to my friend cause he was the nearest one.

Of couse AI's are unpredictable.. and stupid, so he went to my friend and moved alittle more then ordered and enemy saw him... (BANG) dead AI (better then alive)

would be nice to have that trow option for these kinda cases.

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I have a suggestion and a wish..

As we know theres a new engine for ARMA..

It was said batles in ArmA will/can be massive, with lots ais,

We already talked about this subject but i believe we were not very clear on how many enemy units will be able to put in a single map.

In OFP we could put 3024 units in a map.

each "unit/leader" from a group (West+East+Resistance+civil) can have (12 units, counting that some Tanks use 3 units each)

West => 63*12

East => 63*12

Resistance => 63*12

Civil => 63*12

= 3024 (Máx. Units, without scripts)

Normally some old OFP maps had 500 enemys to kill and it was kinda laggy (not using spawn/delete bodys scripts)


In my opinion ARMA must have more then 3024 units available.

<span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'>I wish</span> ARMA support more units, more then the 63 or 63*12=756(units) small reference for each side

edit: sorry for double posting.

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can anyone confirm that in VBS1 if we can throw(pass) an small object like an handgrenade to an friendly unit instead of dropping it?

Dunno if in VBS1 its possible, but if it is can we assume ARMA will have it too?

No, no you can't...

And why the <span style='font-size:18pt;line-height:100%'>HELL</span> would you need more than <span style='font-size:18pt;line-height:100%'>700</span> units per side?!?!?!

Just run some cleanup scripts to spawn/destroy them as they come into range...

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And why the <span style='font-size:18pt;line-height:100%'>HELL</span> would you need more than <span style='font-size:18pt;line-height:100%'>700</span> units per side?!?!?!

Just run some cleanup scripts to spawn/destroy them as they come into range...

you build missions?

since arma as JIP, we might need more then 700.

As i said in other thread a mission could last more then 1 day.. Use you imagination..

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And why the <span style='font-size:18pt;line-height:100%'>HELL</span> would you need more than <span style='font-size:18pt;line-height:100%'>700</span> units per side?!?!?!

Just run some cleanup scripts to spawn/destroy them as they come into range...

you build missions?

since arma as JIP, we might need more then 700.

As i said in other thread a mission could last more then 1 day.. Use you imagination..

On and off, nothing special tho.


Just run some cleanup scripts to spawn/destroy them as they come into range...

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More than 700 on one side simultaneosly? Seriously? You could just create more of them as they die, like in a CTI for seemingly endless number of units. It's not likely that it would work that well in MP anyway if there were more, not only because of the bandwidth, but the processing power needed for some 1400+ AI on the server (all AI is server side me thinks).

Maybe you should check out some war strategy games if you want that kind of scale.

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Just run some cleanup scripts to spawn/destroy them as they come into range...

Some good people i know don't like spawn, they have their opinion and ideas and reasons..

I really think its quite stupid spawning enemys and then delete their bodys in ARMA, that is a step to the stone age again..

Already tryed missions with those scripts.. some people didn't complain/notice the spawn (the spawn is well located and hiden from the players eyes), but there are always ways to feel/notice them and it will become unreal and ruin the spirit or realism.

hope you understand the need for more units in ARMA.

edit: Notice:<ul>we will have a bigger island then the ones use in ofp. Empty spaces need to be filled wink_o.gif

We might have artillery support.

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since arma as JIP, we might need more then 700.

As i said in other thread a mission could last more then 1 day.. Use you imagination..

Are we talking about 700 human palyers in an multiplayer online match ? That won't be possible for a couple of pretty good reasons ..

Multiplayergames based on the Quake1/2/3 engine (which use way less resources than ArmA will) generally need a server that offers about 30mhz and 12kbs full duplex network connection per player.

With 700 players that equals a 21 Ghz CPU and a decent 100Mbits connection at full load.

If you meant 700 bots .. if it takes 30Mhz and a 21Ghz CPU for plain redistribution of movement, what would it take to calculate a decent AI ? Use your imagination wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

You people don't want ArmA to support more than 3024 units at the same time? I don't get that...

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You people don't want ArmA to support more than 3024 units at the same time? I don't get that...

We don't need more than 3,000 units. Plus if we did it would lagg the crap out of the game, what's to get?

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If I may-

I'd like to see 5-paragraph briefings for each mission

Loaders in the appropriate vehicles (those that dont have an autoloader)

Larger Maps

Larger and more complex cities

Multiple AI-landable airfields on maps.

Anyhoo, that's part of my wish-list.

Breaker Out

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I don't even think more than 3000 ppl life on Sahrani biggrin_o.giftounge2.gif based on the screenshots

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Guest Ti0n3r
You people don't want ArmA to support more than 3024 units at the same time? I don't get that...

We don't need more than 3,000 units. Plus if we did it would lagg the crap out of the game, what's to get?

We don't even need ArmA. We could just keep on playing OFP for 50 years icon_rolleyes.gif

OK, seriously, Do you people even realize that some usermade ArmA islands will be enormous?

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You people don't want ArmA to support more than 3024 units at the same time? I don't get that...

We don't need more than 3,000 units. Plus if we did it would lagg the crap out of the game, what's to get?

We don't even need ArmA. We could just keep on playing OFP for 50 years icon_rolleyes.gif

OK, seriously, Do you people even realize that some usermade ArmA islands will be enormous?

Okay seriously, do you realize that we don't want to play ArmA like a slideshow at 10fps? Also, what usermade islands? The mod makers are too busy making the perfect M4 model.

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OK, seriously, Do you people even realize that some usermade ArmA islands will be enormous?

Hmmm... I don't know if this is a good thing. Enourmous islands sounds cool, but doesn't it affect quality? The larger it gets, the harder it is to make it realtistic, because it would take enourmous amounts of time!

Even in some small ofp islands were far better than those big islands, because they were aimed at quality and playabilty instead of just big city's wich AI could not handle.

But ontopic: I hope arma has a nice manual, just like ofp where you got a card where the keys and such where explained, really loved that! smile_o.gif

@ ukraineboy...

Saying that the modmakers are busy making another m4 model is just RUDE! Those people spend hours and hours for us to make such great addons. And they don't even get paid or such.

You are constantly whining over the fact that there are a couple of m4 addons around! Stop doing that!

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You people don't want ArmA to support more than 3024 units at the same time? I don't get that...

i don't get that too..

We don't need more than 3,000 units. Plus if we did it would lagg the crap out of the game, what's to get?
Fair enough. Make 3,000 units just for a side then (East per example) wink_o.gif i woun't complain that way.

when i say ARMA needs more Units per side i mean enemys!

Imagine we fight with East only, we will be able to put 756 enemys (only! ) (if we follow OFP style)

When i said 3024 its in general (Friendlys and enemys), ofcourse we will only have 2268 enemys if East+Civil+resitance are friendly

I really think if BIS idea is to creat massive combats we will need more then 756 enemys!(per side, i.e. East or resistance or West or Civil)

EDIT: all this hope came with the NEW ENGINE mentioned by BIS! wink_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r
Okay seriously, do you realize that we don't want to play ArmA like a slideshow at 10fps? Also, what usermade islands? The mod makers are too busy making the perfect M4 model.

If you don't want use a specific addon, then just don't use it?

And please stop whining about the fucking M4 addons mad_o.gif

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more possible players or bots = more fun smile_o.gif

imagine large WAR with battles scattered all over island, with many clans/teams fighting in alliances, even cooperates for CAS, artillery or other support ...

imagine ... how close it is to Massive Multiplayer

and whats about hardware to run it? its all about time ... 5 years ago nobody thought about so detailed units and islands for ofp, same as huge battles

that means: at the moment we can think that for example 3000 units on the map at once is too much, in year or two we think its another absurd limit

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I really think if BIS idea is to creat massive combats we will need more then 756 enemys!(per side, i.e. East or resistance or West or Civil)

NO NO NO, Your CPU will kill itself once it hears that it needs to calculate the AI for 700+ units, even in 3 or 4 years from now PCs wont survive it. And just because you and your good friends are afraid of scripts doesnt mean that they arent the solution. Seriously, did you ever manage to hit the limit in OFP? banghead.gif

And for the second time, the engine isnt new, its an upgraded version of OFP, thanks to the optimizing you can have a bigger amount of units, but the better AI introduced in OFPE will probably balance that out.

I dont believe that you ever tried DAC, its easy to use and it does give the impression of 700+ units, give it a try, then say that we need a higher limit again tounge2.gif

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