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Advice on new pc/components

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Hi guys,

Im just looking for some veterans advice on purchasing a new "custom built" (Custom built as in I buy it all and put it together) computer, below is what I "hope" to buy (Money doesnt matter, just dropped school finally after 8 years of pure and utter....boredom, so now more time to work in job)

are what ive chose completly compatible? or are they all mixed and not?

aslo is the processor dual core? (I think it said it is, but then again, im never sure)

and also can it support dual graphics cards?

and are there any "2Gb RAM" out or coming out? as I havnt seen any about as id like to pack it to the full of RAM (I believe the maximum RAM is 8Gb)

Motherboard = http://www.ebuyer.com/custome....d=94369

Processor = http://www.ebuyer.com/custome....d=93110

Graphics card = http://www.ebuyer.com/custome....d=92419

Memory = http://www.ebuyer.com/custome....d=55296

Hard drive = http://www.ebuyer.com/custome....d=40468

Sound card = http://www.ebuyer.com/custome....d=96739

DVD/CD = http://www.ebuyer.com/custome....d=97237

Case = http://www.ebuyer.com/custome....d=98786

PSU = http://www.ebuyer.com/custome....d=61302

Any advice/help would be appriciated smile_o.gif


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Had a quick squint but don't have much time.

One thing - if it's a gaming desktop do not buy Intel. Get an AMD, they're far better for gaming.

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One thing - if it's a gaming desktop do not buy Intel. Get an AMD, they're far better for gaming.

I dunno about the technicalities, but I agree. I'm on my first AMD processor now and I really like it much more than the Intel ones I have had in my rigs in the past. It feels alot more stable performance wise.

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The intel is not a physical dual core processor, it provides two execution cores in one physical processor allowing the platform to do more in less time. (hyperthreading) But then again, dual core is completely useless if the software isn't using it...(they just want to get sales)

You are wrong with the ram though, as the system, you can have more ram, with 64 bit you can have 16Gb of ram instead of 4Gb with 32 bit. I haven't seen any 2048 rams though.

Oh, and I hope you have some decent speakers with that soundcard, otherwise it's rather useless:p

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Quote[/b] ]Oh, and I hope you have some decent speakers with that soundcard, otherwise it's rather useless:p

ill find myself an expensive pair and some that go with my soon to be redecorated room decor wink_o.gif

so is it better to get an AMD overall? i have both AMD and intel processors in my laptop and pc and in some applications i see different performance results but im unsure on which is better help.gif


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Thats funny, I am currently building a simmilar system. However I use the 7800GTX from MSI and a DFI Board + x2 4200. We could do a common benchmark programm to see which is running better. However I will use my old Ram so this will lower my results! sad_o.gif

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i agree on the AMD front entirely, but the hyperthreaded intel chips are very very good too...

my first own built pc used the athlons, but this one uses the hyperthreaded chips - very very good performace wise, unfortunatly by graphics card is crap whistle.gif

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confused_o.gif Well i must admite i'm kinda lost track of the latest and newest hardware in PC world. Some years ago i was one of those that bought the latest stuff (at any price icon_rolleyes.gif ), but now-a-days i more have the feeling it is really becomming a big rip-off and all about sales.

Like i said, can't give you much info as i also don't follow the latest anymore (64bit - dual core - PCIe - Sata - SLI ext...). Again maybe it is just me, but we are currently (or the last year) in a very strange possition if you want to upgrade your pc. As you maybe know, otherwise you buy something common and not the latest (cheaper) or you go €€€/$$$.

The common/cheap way (no 64bit..ext) has it pro's: you won't have much problems finding the needed drivers and since the hardware is out for some time now, you benefite of it tests over the years and stable upgrades. Also you will be able to normally run all current software without needing to adjust a lot. If time and development is on your side, you will be able to enjoy the hardware for a few years (but all depends on what you want to do with you pc).

The expencive/latest techn.: you go deep into your wallet and have (theoritically) THE pc of the year. With a bit of luck you find all the needed drivers ext, and get everything working stable. Also if you are lucky you can already benefit of some latest tech. as 64bit icon_rolleyes.gif and stuff as SLI ext....but imho it is still to early and most of the software doesn't really use it or what it is designed for (some do). Again if time is on your side, you will be able to benefit of this icon_rolleyes.gif state of the art hardware and you will soon or over the next few years be able to use all those new features. Unless Bill and co deside to change everything again (AGP-PCIe-AGP? for exemple) and you will again have an expensive but out-dated system, where you most replace a lot again if you want to upgrade a part (new processor= new mobo...ext).

Sorry for my sceptic view on the latest hardware these days, but like i said, imho we are (still) between two periodes of two completly different kind of systems (32bit-64bit for example). Again, i'm no technical on this subject, but i know one thing. These day it is hard to make your own pc. Don't think you will be able to do an upgrade over a periode of 1-1/5 year, as the hardware of tomorrow can be completly different.

Anyway, can't really help you on the processor (used to have AMD and currently have Intel). I think bought are good, just depends on what you want to do with it (games or 2D-3Dprograms?). Regarding RAM: well again icon_rolleyes.gif depends on what you take as base (mobo ext.) and how much you want to spend, but out of my own experience i can say kingston is very good (if you can i would suggest the HyperX versions of Kingston). I have them myself and if i may believe the info the HyperX are worth to extra (they should be a bit better for games ext afair). Unfortunatly i "fried" one while trying to overclock them, but received a new pair without any trouble at my local shop whistle.gif .

Graphic cards: Again techn. hasn't stopped (AGP-PCIe-SLI...) and i really don't know it anymore what to believe what is good these days. 256mb-512mb?....anyone see 'real' improvement?

So like you can see, i don't really helped i think whistle.gif .

Maybe one thing, regarding the HD. Maybe i'm already outdated again, but i would take SATA (150) as it would give you a little improvement over your ATA100...but i think that is only if you tranfer big files i think.

(sorry for spelling/typos and the lack of 'help'...night shifts here and currently a bit p**d of todays developments in PC world).

thumbs-up.gif Good luck biggrin_o.gif

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If you are going AMD and want something modern for gaming there is no other option than AMD64 really. Unless you are planning to OC the shit out of some Barton 3000+ tounge2.gif

Software does'nt really matter as pretty much all of the benefits of those newer AMD processors can be gained without software support.

Quote[/b] ]

Maybe one thing, regarding the HD. Maybe i'm already outdated again, but i would take SATA (150) as it would give you a little improvement over your ATA100...but i think that is only if you tranfer big files i think.

Don't think there is too much difference performance-wise but since SATA will be the new standard I suggest to use it solely because PATA and SATA together is a real nightmare on some motherboards. crazy_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]

kingston is very good (if you can i would suggest the HyperX versions of Kingston)

HyperX is like twice as expensive as regular bulk memory and does not really offer any real benefits. Just use some quality brand or get some bulk stuff and memtest86 it for one night.

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just to add a comment on DaSquade's post, graphics card memory doesn't matter too much, because it doesn't even use all the memory, so 512 Mb of memory would just be silly wink_o.gif. It's the graphic processor that is important, but that's mostly not the thing people look at, ooooh 512 Mb!!, that must be a good one, and the take it. Like the Mhz of processors, intel:3.6 Ghz, AMD: 2.2Ghz, intel must be better...(NOT)

64bit procesoors are taking over the world, but not even 1% uses the 64 bit features, everybody still runs the 32 bit, as not everything has been converted yet. The difference between 32 bit and 64 bit? Almost not existend for the moment. It enables you to put more RAM(16Gb instead of 4Gb), and well, if 64bit software is made, you get the benefits of it, as it is a bit faster(if coded well).

Everything is about sales. Same goes for dual core, almost no software is written for it, you won't get the benefits of it, as you would barely use the second one... but heck, 2 cores in 1 processor, that is a 100% win (NOT)

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I wonder if this is a good idea the mods mights support.

How about a sticky thread called "Ultimate OFP Gaming Rig" or something.

In it we keep an up to date "ultimate rig" (one AMD and one Intel) with the best components available....a dream rig. This way people could refer to it instead of posting questions.

I for one have also lost touch with hardware and still dont know if PCIe is better than AGP. But if some knowledgeable person from here posted that it should be in the "ultimate rig" then I would purchase it.


- No case specifications necessary. Only components includes makers of MB's, memory, GFX cards.

- Keep the thread relatively clean with simply posts on an update to the Ultimate Rig....with perhaps some text justifying the selection of certain components.

-Avoid debates over peoples selections...let the reader decide on posted rigs based on justification of component selection provided in the post.

Good idea? Anyone? Beuller? Beuller?

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The problem is that hardware also depends of the experience and personal taste of people. Like the fight between ATI and NVIDIA & intel and AMD

which is better? hard to tell, then ati, the nvidia, it changes all the time, even driverupdates can add to performance as proven by ATI's latest graphich cards.

P.S.: PCI-Xpress is indeed getting better then AGP. But this only evolves slowly. With slower cards, of AGP and PCI-Xpress, it doesn't makes much of a difference, but with the faster cards, they can take advantage of the higher transfer speed. So PCI-Xpress is getting better and will be used for quite some time, as the limit hasn't been reached for a long time. Same goes for PCI-express 1x , it will take a longer time to be replaced as the limits of normal PCI were getting closer, they started thinking at PCI-express 1x. It's because of the tranferspeed that ISA has been replaced by PCI. ANd wel, in another 8 years, they'll probably have something new again.

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The problem is that hardware also depends of the experience and personal taste of people. Like the fight between ATI and NVIDIA & intel and AMD

which is better? hard to tell, then ati, the nvidia, it changes all the time, even driverupdates can add to performance as proven by ATI's latest graphich cards.

P.S.: PCI-Xpress is indeed getting better then AGP.  But this only evolves slowly. With slower cards, of AGP and PCI-Xpress, it doesn't makes much of a difference, but with the faster cards, they can take advantage of the higher transfer speed. So PCI-Xpress is getting better and will be used for quite some time, as the limit hasn't been reached for a long time. Same goes for PCI-express 1x , it will take a longer time to be replaced as the limits of normal PCI were getting closer, they started thinking at PCI-express 1x.  It's because of the tranferspeed that ISA has been replaced by PCI. ANd wel, in another 8 years, they'll probably have something new again.

So negative young Kode.

This is why people can post their ultimate rigs with comments and the thread can be updated to cater for the new hardware developments.

As Mel Gibson says in Lethal Weapon 4, "Don't be a don't bee...be a do bee!"

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I agree with Tigershark on the Ultimate OFP rig thread , been meaning to say such a thing myself for sometime but too lazy  biggrin_o.gif .

I've run in to a major problem with my new GPU in OFP , so i think its best if we have such a thread where people can warn other OFP'ers about such things too , if a specific card series or a card has problems with OFP and which is the best by testing and matching their FPS online with others.

It could be like a community benchmark thing to see what is the best and what is the worst.

P.S: i also hope we would focus more on the ACTUAL good PC which would run OFP rather then the theoritcal one as it seems sometimes the best isnt always the best for OFP. Therefore tested PC components for OFP especially GPU's would be better.

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