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Mercenaries 1

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Great units.

I just want to point out things as they come up in case you want to fix 'em.

EDIT: Im using FFUR (anims) so I dont know if that's the cause of this?


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By comparing the config.cpp that is inside the RFJ_mercs and the content of RFJ_mercs_d.pbo , most of the wound textures files defined are missing from the RFJ_mercs_d.pbo

That's they appear as white in the OFP version, maybe you have removed them when cleaning the files from the VBS1 textures ?.

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anyone else encoutnered this?

i have no probs with it

Yes, I get CTD in the IR stick demo mission also, right after dropping the designator.

Really great units, especially Greame. He looks like the real deal. smile_o.gif

I might suggest that when NVGs are equipped, but not switched on, they be modelled in a tilted-up position.

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They are better than i ever thought they would be wow_o.gif , well done girl, theres the bugs but the acomplishment is outstanding, the UAP could have been the best way to replace the BIS models with something 10x superior.

The Jennifer model is my favorite one, bravo smile_o.gif .

Hmm, the addon I've downloaded requires a password, where is it likely to be? Is it under my desk? No. Is it written on a posi-it note on the back of my monitor? No. Oh wait, its in the god damn read-me! Have some sense people.

I already posted i checked the instalation part of the readme, the pass thingy got me by surprise, no need to shoot anyone pistols.gificon_rolleyes.gif .

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that ir stick really gets me angry... firs its bihicng around int vbs1 now in ofp....


the anpvs7 mount the mercs you cant be tilted

you jsut clip it in and then either tun it of or on

tiltable ones are only featured on helemts afaik..

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I also get this CTD with the IR-Stick.

And on first test I got a shock, because on all mercs the upper part of the body was totally distorted, but I just found out that was an addon conflict. Don't know which addon caused it, though.

So except this little IR error, the units are really excellent!

Great work.

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Neph, these are simply outstanding! notworthy.gif

The feature I'm most impressed with are the NVGs. On paper I have, or rather had wink_o.gif the same features planned: put on/take off and turn on/off anims, and the sound file is a nice bonus. Well, I can scratch that off the to-do list.

I love that you were able to avoid the "Take off NV Goggles" action that was added when using SJB's (?) NVGs, great as they were....

I guess you have your .pbos "at Eased", I wanted see how you did it. If you don't mind asking, I'm guessing a night vision RSRC/CUTSRC is executed when the player selects "Turn on..." in the menu?

Great job! yay.gifyay.gifyay.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

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no i just left the nvg proxy from the models smile_o.gif

the script then adds the nvg (weapon) to teh soldier :P

easy as that

resources woudlnt worka s the area wouldnt be high lighted

the distorted bodies is indeed and addon conflict

often teacups dog causes it sad_o.gif

dunno about eh ir stick it works for soem for others it doenst

may be restar ofp/pc and try again

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When i turn on the laser thingy i get this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Picture \ rfj_mercs_d\laser1.paa not found

It flashes on and off and doesnt align with where i aim.

The UAP project would have provided a vastly improved model for addon makers to base their soldier addons, its really amazing to see these in Flashpoint notworthy.gif .

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btw i migh t add that jennifer and eric have flahslights

press L to activate them

for eric it shoudl be used with rifles only

and on jennifer onyl on pistols

give me some more mins

an upated texture pbo is on teh way...

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that ir stick really gets me angry... firs its bihicng around int vbs1 now in ofp....


the anpvs7 mount the mercs you cant be tilted

you jsut clip it in and then either tun it of or on

tiltable ones are only featured on helemts afaik..

ah, roger. Then I would combine the menu selection for simplicity's sake and have them turn on when put on and turn off when removed.

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nah biggrin_o.gif

in rl you also have to put it on and then switch it on


adjust brightness

contrast blah blah :P

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nah biggrin_o.gif

in rl you also have to put it on  and then switch it on


adjust brightness

contrast blah blah :P

well, my point being no need to have separate menu selections in an already pretty cluttered menu. I can't think of a reason why they would have them up to their eyes but not on.

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Now you can download the fixed version of the Mercenaries on ofp.info

Great Job!!!!!!!!!! Nephilim!!!

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very very nice unit nephilim!!

got to love the ladis rofl.gif

very well done!

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Eric has a nice tattoo but it scared me to hell when i went for the handgun, Jens model seems to be the more perfect one, i wonder why? wink_o.gif .

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@Canadian Terror: You have to download the FIXED version which is about 43 MB big!!! This is the reason why there is a fixed version out already now, because of missing wound textures. wink_o.gif

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I did.  

Those arent missing wound textures, those are LODS.

EDIT: Does that look like a missing wound texture on his BELT?  wink_o.gif

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Regardless the missing Lods/wound textures/the thin arm... the stuff's awesome and very well textured.


Looking forward to the incoming fixed version.

Keep up the nice work

Best Regards


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