King Tubby 0 Posted July 13, 2006 Well, making mod folders has neer been a problem. The thing is that i can´t run wgl5 and zcommon together; as I said, running OFP with either one of them works fine but not with this parameter: -nosplash -nomap -mod=@wgl5;@zcommon. That´s why i started checking in case i was running duplicate pbo´s and i found some files that were existant in both the wgl5 and zcommon folders. The duplicate pbo´s are: baracken.pbo bn_tracer.pbo editorupgrade102.pbo (different file sizes though) usmcsymbols.pbo I might have missed one or two but i think those are all. I was just wondering if that was the problem.. About the TS problem, I dont know if it happens all the time on my computer. One thing I could do is install OFP + modfolders to my brothers computer and try there. He has a mic too and has never had any soundproblems. That will be my last resort i think. In any case, presuming i get things to work, i look forward to playing with you.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
algrab 1 Posted July 13, 2006 You have no other option but to try to disable duplicate addons for a while in @zcommon or @wgl5, dunno which pack has a priority on a Zeus, well chek if you can start both after this. Also investigate if you have any unnoficial addons loaded in 1. Ofp/Addons or 2. Ofp/Res/Addons Disable 1 if present. You don't need it on Zeus Investigate 2. Only original game pbo's should stay there, they are: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> 6G30.pbo ABox.pbo Apac.pbo Bizon.pbo BMP2.pbo Brmd.pbo ch47.pbo Flags.pbo G36a.pbo humr.pbo Hunter.pbo KOLO.PBO kozl.pbo LaserGuided.pbo M2A2.pbo MINI.PBO Mm-1.pbo Noe.pbo O.pbo oh58.pbo O_WP.PBO Steyr.pbo su25.pbo trab.pbo vulcan.pbo XMS.pbo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheres my rabbit ? 10 Posted July 13, 2006 @king tubby there should be no problems running wgl5 and zcommon together you say you got a no entry config error of some sort ? can you run wgl5 and zcommmon and actually write it down or screenshot it as this may help a lot locating your "wrong doings" and wrong doings IS what you are doing there is no problems running the duplicate addons in both mods.. well there is in certain missions but thats one of the reasons zeus server has starting using equalmod required as people that loaded zcommon before wgl5 would crash on certain missions that used editorupdate102. try what algrab says and clean any "shite"(none official addons) out of you normal addons folders and try again Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Tubby 0 Posted July 13, 2006 Ok, i got it to work now. I was in fact running some non-official addons from the res/addons folder (I got lazy and put JAM and some others there). I´ll test my TS also and log on to the server if anyone´s on. I can´t say anything but i´ll see if i can hear anyone. EDIT: Got on TS now and i can hear things perfectly. Just hoping it works in-game too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cibit 0 Posted July 13, 2006 good job mate see you at 20.00 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Tubby 0 Posted July 13, 2006 Just so I´m perfectly clear, the game begins 20:00 GMT (London time)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheres my rabbit ? 10 Posted July 13, 2006 yer well... meet on server and ts at 20:00 game starts 20:10 not there by 10 past the hour = you gots to wait till next games starts..first mission will/should NOT be a long one Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jinef 2 Posted July 14, 2006 IRC log removed by Moderator. The extract I posted was from the official channel of OFP-Zeus and was showing several zeus members and affiliates chatting random shit. It was not representative of the entire OFP-Zeus community. It was however representative of one aspect of the Zeus community, the IRC channel. I am not happy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted July 14, 2006 Do not post such things in here, it's spam, offtopic and represents you, not what Zeus is about. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Tubby 0 Posted July 14, 2006 Well, i must say i enjoyed myself playing on Zeus despite a few runaway humvees and what not.. Unfortunatly i got major lag at some points in the game which resulted in everyone freezing up, making it impossible for me to follow. So, sorry if i was just sitting there; it was the lag. Didn´t have a mic either, i´ll try getting one for next time though. I was on TS all the time so at least i could hear everyone. I will join up again on Sunday. I do remember reading somewhere that you were using a different mod/addonpack then. Is that right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xawery 0 Posted July 15, 2006 Gentlemen, will you be playing tonight, as per usual? Now that I have some spare time on my hands, I would definitely like to hop in a game with you fellows. The AAR's that have been posted in this thread sure sound like fun. I have all the necessary addons and I got TS to work, so I'm ready to follow orders Regards, X. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg147 0 Posted July 15, 2006 Great game on thursday. Unfortunatly I was standing next to the bradley in the 2nd town when it exploded, so didn't survive the mission  Heres a few screens I took: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cibit 0 Posted July 15, 2006 I will join up again on Sunday. I do remember reading somewhere that you were using a different mod/addonpack then.Is that right? It is Saturday night same mod same time hope you get this in time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Tubby 0 Posted July 16, 2006 Oh crap, it was Saturday.. Oh well, i´ll join up next time instead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shinbusan 0 Posted July 16, 2006 It wasn't so pinky as you are saying. I must say, that a lot changed in myself since I played with ZEUS last time. I know a lot of problems are due public type of game, but there was plenty of unneeded chaos. For me markers on map are bad idea, as it makes it more chaotic. CO/TL gives FUP and everyone runds there in some lunatic mood. Some of time everyone (i guess) looks at map, not at terrain. Still people lost themselves in area. On the beginning there was two teams. Both started in one place. Plenty people, everyone start to run. There was two FUPs marked, but everyone went to only one FUP. No real split of teams. When some run to beach, some stopped at the trees. Not splitted by teams but... by accident. Then next FUP in town. Different marked on map, MUCH different in 'reality'. And then driving cars, when some driver were lost. Maybe only ZEUSes and good known friends should drive cars / other vehicles? Then pvp mission. Mistake during reading breifing. My squad was lost (that was what is suspected, but I was no CO, and I really did not want to argue, specially in English, which is not too well). Thanks for playing with you, guys, you are very good mates. It was lesson for us, that our direction is good for us. We are very open (I think) for new members and publics (in small amount per one mission), but very strict what we expect from players. I think we are something between ZEUS (flexibility and freedom of fighting if needed, we have no leader and ranks) and RAAB (strict formations during marches, strict orders, ability to wait for long time). Personally I think you should start to organize your marches as unit (formation, arcs, scouts). This will give a lot of organization and will be a basis for more organized fighting. But please, do not think I have my nose in skies, I really do not. But I was 'rised' in opinion, that ZEUSes are the best trademark in OFP world and I would like to see you better and better. And yes, I think CFOG (my group) is great, but it was really hard work of all of us and we still working and trying to optimize more and more. Regards Grey aka Shinbusan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheres my rabbit ? 10 Posted July 16, 2006 well grey.. i have to say that thursday night on zeus wasn't really representative of a regular zeus night at all.. in fact i'd go so far to say as that was the worst nights ofp gaming ive ever had due to various factor's(i'd rather have played cs with a load of 13 year old hackers with personality disorders) the first mission didn't really get off to a good start as no one really did what they where told and kind of just did there own thing... Quote[/b] ]Then pvp mission. Mistake during reading breifing. My squad was lost (that was what is suspected, but I was no CO, and I really did not want to argue, specially in English, which is not too well). well i was CO of that mission and i was dragged into the slot so had no choice.. also everyone apart from simon and hellwig was new to zeus server... i spent most of the breifing stage trying to organize people into the correct channels on teamspeak.. when asked who was leading squads NOONE spoke up apart from simon and beast(hellwig pissed me off at this point as when the mission started i found out he was leading a squad..he knows better..) wightpants who is a a RL m8 and total ofp noob i kept near me so i could guide him. so basically the only thing i could plan/do was keep me,simon and pants to hold the town and quite litterally order the rest of you to FUCK OFF AND DO YOUR OWN THING as i didn't even know who the rest of you where... another annoying thing was you and your m8's constantly talking in polish on teamspeak...i appreciate that english isn't your first language and that some of your m8's may not even speak english well if at all.. but please in future set up a wisper to each other... after sitting watching an enemy sniper looking at us for about 5 minutes (none of the AI would target him) he eventually shot me i then respawned and no longer had any input to the game at all my mouse stopped working none of my keyboard would repsond i basically had to quit the ctrl alt del and end task on ofp i then popped into wests ts channel where they where having a great time (all organised and communicating with each other)its no wonder they refused to end the shitty mission when i requested) basically grey i'm appaulled you can blame that shit arsed shambles on the CO.. dbl-dutch got a small taste of what i had to go thru on the next mission when he was expected to CO an A&D with i beleive only one of his team on teamspeak.. basically all zeus regs ganged up on one team against a team full of people who had no idea of zeus gameplay style in both PVP missions leaving the CO's of those teams with a shitty futile job to try and do.. in future i suggest people dont just go on a team with their m8's but mix it up so that BOTH teams have people on them who can set an example for the public/zeus noobs.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cibit 0 Posted July 16, 2006 Sorry Carl I dragged you cause you where last to pick a slot It was a shit night gaming though Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheres my rabbit ? 10 Posted July 16, 2006 Sorry Carl I dragged you cause you where last to pick a slot It was a shit night gaming though the mission itself looked pretty decent i actually wouldn't mind being CO again on it..thats if i actaully get responsive teamleaders next time i think half the problem was the fact the most of the people on east where dragged from their 1337z0r snipzor spots into teamleaders and quietly refused to do their respective jobs.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xawery 0 Posted July 16, 2006 Allow me to rehabilitate Zeus a bit: the games on saturday were quite fun! Admittedly, it was my first time on the Zeussie server, but I've had extensive experience with tightly organised games back when I was a member of SWAF, so I do have a certain frame of reference. Although the first coop wasn't particularly engaging, the PvP A&D that followed was sheer fun. Good coordination, tense firefights, and 20+ players with little to no lag! All in all, great fun, and you may expect me to become a regular visitor. The only thing which was slightly less than enjoyable was me getting renamed to Celery. Apparently Xawery is too difficult to pronounce... Damn monoglots! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nathan Bedford Forrest 0 Posted July 16, 2006 The first few were a bit arsey as there were some strange errors and other nastiness that very rarely happens. Was unusual. The later games were fairly representative of Zeus although I had a feeling they could've been commanded better, but I was too lazy to do it myself so I shouldn't comment :P Glad you enjoyed yourself, Mr. Celery. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jinef 2 Posted July 17, 2006 Quote[/b] ]The only thing which was slightly less than enjoyable was me getting renamed to Celery. Hahahhaha, sorry mate, it sticks. From now on your celery. As for the disorganisation Rabbit mentioned. It is a hit and miss affair on Zeus. By no means do we do organised gameplay 100%, more like 40%. Also different people have different expectations of leaders and mission organisation. Once you have played in like 5-10 Zeus Nights you should have a good idea of what to expect. Our worst is really quite dire, while our best is probably miles ahead of any public server. Please don't give up on us just yet Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cibit 0 Posted July 17, 2006 Allow me to rehabilitate Zeus a bit: the games on saturday were quite fun! Admittedly, it was my first time on the Zeussie server, but I've had extensive experience with tightly organised games back when I was a member of SWAF, so I do have a certain frame of reference.Although the first coop wasn't particularly engaging, the PvP A&D that followed was sheer fun. Good coordination, tense firefights, and 20+ players with little to no lag! All in all, great fun, and you may expect me to become a regular visitor. The only thing which was slightly less than enjoyable was me getting renamed to Celery. Apparently Xawery is too difficult to pronounce... Damn monoglots! Really glad you liked it and I will just call you Xawery in my outrageous French accent till you beg to be called Celery I have updated the Blue Quartz mission to include some nice goodies including a boat 2 more M113's and some other tweaking eg Uber1337 Ai East have a nice shiney box of IED's some extra AT capabilities more infantry vehicles and some more AI as the first real game the east lost through to many casualties The recon element has a random start point and I left the bus in as I know you all like driving a bus Hope it will be played on Thursday night and Jinef and OG please try to connect this week cause you will really enjoy pitting your wits on this map Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xawery 0 Posted July 17, 2006 God, yes, the bus... "All right comerades, we have the pinnacle of Soviet technology at our disposal! SVD sniper rifles to take out enemy officers, RPG-7's to obliterate enemy armour, grenade launchers to pour steel rain upon our foes, and a 1960 Jelcz for transportation. Ticket please." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cibit 0 Posted July 20, 2006 Don't forget the gaming starts at 20.10 tonight so please try to be on the server by 20.00 BST Please try to connect with teamspeak and just a quick reminder rambo's will be shot in the face and kicked from the server Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xawery 0 Posted July 20, 2006 I feel obliged to say that tonight's games were an absolute success. Great cooperation and coordination, on top of a very friendly atmosphere. This is the friendliest bunch of strangest I've ever had the pleasure of encountering. OFP is 5 yrs old now, but this types of missions, in this type of an environment truly show that the game is far from dead. If you haven't tried it yet, do it now! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites