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Armed assoult joystiks

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What i wnat to know is if armed assoult will be compatible with force feedback joysticks couse a lot of people have it and it almost imposible to fly with them.it is to sensible if the feedback is low and if feedback is high , the joystick just goes mental.

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Simply put: We have no idea.

We wont know any percific infomation intill BIS releases it. So at the moment there is no awnser to your question. confused_o.gif

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My joystick is very sensitive, but doesn't come with force feedback...

It's odd, nobody can fly CSLA's Mig 21 w/ joystick, but I can control it fine with my uber sensative stick...

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i have feedback in my joy but i hardly feel a thing/tremble in it..

my joystick is set for max tremble but i cant feel much and its not impossible to control.

Would be nice if they put more feedback in ofp smile_o.gif

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Mines Force Feedback and i think its easy to fly most aircraft like the A10 but some addons are just uber sensitive to the slight thouch and does about 50 barrel roles biggrin_o.gifrofl.gif

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Mines Force Feedback and i think its easy to fly most aircraft like the A10 but some addons are just uber sensitive to the slight thouch and does about 50 barrel roles biggrin_o.gifrofl.gif

Hehhe yeah,I remember trying the F-16 addon,barely tilted my stick and suddenly went into a barrel roll,next thing I know I'm a wreck on the ground.

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And I hope they make the cooly had work like it did before!

(you should be able to constantly look to the side while flying, the fiew should not snap back)

I do not enjoy flying helicopters in OFP anymore since they took this feature away.

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I stopped using my ff joystick for this reason.


Do youhave a thtustmaster top gun fox 2 \afterburner \ force feedback. Its not imposible to fly its just if you fly planes it just goes mental like brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr shaking and stuff.If the force feedback is on full it is rely good to fly but it just goes mental when flying planes.

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Mines Force Feedback and i think its easy to fly most aircraft like the A10 but some addons are just uber sensitive to the slight thouch and does about 50 barrel roles  biggrin_o.gif  rofl.gif

Hehhe yeah,I remember trying the F-16 addon,barely tilted my stick and suddenly went into a barrel roll,next thing I know I'm a wreck on the ground.

Yep a lot of plane addons have this problem and it is simply fixed with a aileronSensitivity entry under the (class CfgVehicles) in the config.cpp. I have personally adjusted a lot of planes over the years for my own use to fix these rediculas handling planes.

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my force feedback 2 gets some feedback but not a lot like when i get hit with an AA missle it jerks and when i crash it just shakes. but its very good for flying any aircraft

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I'd like ArmA to use rudder pedals as well as nice joysticks. That way we can really fly those choppers. Actually my main wish with ArmA is to have a good flight physic system for the choppers and planes- I don't want to see the chopper automatically hugging the ground at a certain altitude without my interaction.

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I'd like ArmA to use rudder pedals as well as nice joysticks. That way we can really fly those choppers. Actually my main wish with ArmA is to have a good flight physic system for the choppers and planes- I don't want to see the chopper automatically hugging the ground at a certain altitude without my interaction.

I agree, but it's meant to be more of a soldier simulation then anything else and I cant see there being a game engine anytime soon that can have detailed physics for soldiers, vehicles, choppers and planes etc, we dont have the CPU power to run such things all at once in such detail anyway.

But yeah I think the auto height with the choppers is a bit annoying sometimes and should be left out, considering what OFP can do overall I think the plane physics are pretty good with the right addons or config adjustments.

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I'd love overall enhanced flight. But only time shall tell.

I can't fly anything with my stick. I tried the Hawk, too sensitive. I tried the F-18, too sensitive. Tried FM's F16, too sensitive. Tried FM's Il-28, unresponsive. Tried the one B1B that's out, spiraled into the ground.

Put it simple: it's too hard to fly in ofp w/ joysticks. Some planes you can do it, others are unplayable with it.

Start praying it was included with ArmA, fellas...

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It's actually easy to fly in OFP with a joystick, it depends what plane addons you use. Was the Hawk and F-18 the one in the FDF mod? If so all those jets handle very badly. Like I said a few posts above, all planes can be fixed with the right config settings.

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It's actually easy to fly in OFP with a joystick, it depends what plane addons you use. Was the Hawk and F-18 the one in the FDF mod? If so all those jets handle very badly. Like I said a few posts above, all planes can be fixed with the right config settings.

Indeed they were in FDFMOD and their flight model was designed primarily for mouse fliers (read: kegetys tounge2.gif) if I recall correctly..

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No, I'm talking about Kegetys's Hawk (oldie but goodie) and RAD's F-18. Not the FDF ones.

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I'd like ArmA to use rudder pedals as well as nice joysticks. That way we can really fly those choppers. Actually my main wish with ArmA is to have a good flight physic system for the choppers and planes- I don't want to see the chopper automatically hugging the ground at a certain altitude without my interaction.

yes. enhanced flight model would be lovely.

i play infantry a lot, but realy enjoy getting in a heli and flying over and dropping troops off.

a real must for MP greatness is excellent air/ ground vehicle operation.

nothing like your friends providing air support while you take out AA sites.

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With some improvements OFP could be the most enjoyable heli simulator on the marked (at least transport helis).

It has a good interaction with the ground troops!

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The physics need to be reworked for that status though imo. Although I have never tried flying the helo with a proper stick and rudder pedals. At least in OFP1 it was possible to fly with mouse and kb.

TrackIR would be amazing in this game. Imagine being able to look out the side easily to see your troops doing a rope insertion. The latest trackIR Vector addon allows you more freedom of movement now too - " full 6DOF Positioning".

Even for the soldiers it would be a worthy addition - you could look over your shoulder etc - or aim and shoot while not looking directly at the target.

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the old kegeteys hawk was like one of the first jets in ofp? Evolution should have gone much more advanced since then biggrin_o.gif man planes have flares and stuff now tounge2.gif

but downloading and testing addons you learn to see what you like , dislike. But i haven't flown planes in ofp with stick sine 2 years back of course whistle.gif

Would be nice if they made it better with handling and stuff,

but ofp doesn't have so bad flight systems / engine compared to BF series i think, the planes either go to slow or too fast!

depending if its bf 1942 or BF 2 tounge2.gif

would be nice if planes had a gear box system , dunno if they had it in real life but there you could simulate a lewer pull that would controll how fast you go, like L 1 would go to 30 , L2 would go to 100 L3 would go to 200 something smile_o.gif

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Thats what joysticks with a throttle control are for and they work in OFP, I use a Microsoft Sidewinder and it works good for OFP.

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I can't fly anything with my stick. I tried the Hawk, too sensitive. I tried the F-18, too sensitive. Tried FM's F16, too sensitive. Tried FM's Il-28, unresponsive. Tried the one B1B that's out, spiraled into the ground.

Get a good programmable stick, and program it so that you can adjust its sensitivity on the fly.

I currently have an old (I think its 10 years, no complaints or aging problems yet - that's CH products for ya!wink_o.gif gameport version of the CH combatstick, but I'm thinking of getting the USB fighterstick instead. (Might be worth noting I'm not only using it for OFP; It's at $149 - but I expect it will last with no problems for another ten years. My old stick is in a perfect condition, but my gameport->usb adapter limits its capabilities anyway.)

I remember a few examples of what the programmability of the thing can do, and on-the-fly sensitivity adjustment seems the least of it... (I can't remember any of the examples doing that though)

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The best planes to fly with a joystick off the top of my head, are Footmunch's F14, F15, Su27, and Backfire. His other planes are great too. BOH mod has nice planes aswell. smile_o.gif

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