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Okay er i could do with some help please, on the ranks for the equivelant of Corporal and Sergeant for the French and Germans, and also the appropriate symbols and placement, ive not had much luck so if any of u dudes know?

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tra la la la lagging away on this post, but im sure u guys don't mind,

Okay, heres er, an even fancier version of the german, (and er after checking some sites i corrected the uniform)

Um... he's dirty, not happy, and he'll have some faces too, annnnd er... I'll keep the other german guy (but just fix the lighter tunic) for a kinda 'clean german' -

Also these units have 3 lods, crafted as such, that you can have many units running at the same time, the texture sizes are smaller, if in the pics u dont like it i can use the higher res versions i originally made. However, i think you should go for the performance enhanced versions myself


I can actually imagine these guys more so, coming out the trenches don't you?

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I think they look quite good.

My only only nitpick is that you "seem" to be using lower rez texes for the uniforms.

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Well i go into detail about that in my post, see normally with my units in the first lod i will use a texture of 1024 for the basic uniform (and smaller resolutions) for other accessories,

then in the second lod ill climb down on the resolution and on the third even further and so on till u use a singular texture for the last lod.

That is conventional wisdom for mods that are using units that will take place in 'smaller' engagements i.e. delta force attacking this or that type mods, or even missions with lots of fights (but widely dispersed) without a comparitively higher number of units. However not so if you want waves of guys attacking trenches, (or not lol) for mass engagements a whole new kind of unit - arty and lod structure is needed (imo) as i've done.

So, like i say, these screens are all at the 512 uniform texture, it looks damn good for 512 btw, (just cos im great etc) otherwise it would look hideous, but sure, if i use the 1024 (the originals drawn) then sure it will look all crystal magical but the performance takes a hit.

If the germans look good enuf here, imo they do in so much that they are attractive units, then a player will be able to deploy loads of them. With all the nice scripts (which are curtailed to increase performance) you will see these units fight in ways u are not accustomed too, with up to well, 200 -300 all in the same single 'fight' on the map while still playable lol, (ok thats my specs)

So its a compromise design, but its not my mod, so if they want quality over performance they can have it, but i say this compromise gives a ww1 mod the best of both worlds wink_o.gif

PS - its 2:30 here not 3:30 like in my post where the hell do i change that? makes me look like some serial killer up into the twilight hours (ok im a student so 2:30 am doesnt count) still bahh its annoying

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Quote[/b] ]PS - its 2:30 here not 3:30 like in my post where the hell do i change that? makes me look like some serial killer up into the twilight hours (ok im a student so 2:30 am doesnt count) still bahh its annoying


Ahh, I love living a couple hours behind you guys. When I'm wide awake, you're drooling on the keyboard.

I must say, the soldiers look very good, Gavin. Nice work. thumbs-up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]there is an injury system, quite primitive at the mo, working on the principle that we make all men medics, so when they are hit, the fall into 2 animations, leaving them vulnerable (and animated) as they writhe in pain lol, or administer a wound etc.

That's a brilliant idea, simple and using OFP engine rather than scripts ! I did work on a dammage system through eventhandler "dammaged", but it does launch a script every time a guy is hit, which isn't good for performance.

What about blood textures then ? (1) guy is hit -> blood texture (2) guy plays auto healing anim replaced by a wounded one ->guy is healed (not a serious prob) -> back to normal textures ?? Is there a way to prevent this ?

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Alright heres a peak at the British units in development, they have yet to get their own gun, im presuming the ww1 mod will make their own guns eventually, but the temporary ones, editd from the old upminder (Retextured, edited textured and with new lods so they run fine) arent bad tho wink_o.gif


I would like to make a large scale offer to the WW1 mod, and this is no small offer either, its directed to you dear shinkansen.

The modelling of buildings is something very difficult for us, particularly cos we want attractive models, like the ones you have already made for us in fact.

I want our custom island in house divided to have an attractive island full of customised buildings, covering a range of hotels, bars, (mostly houses) and the odd larger house here or there, and a stable or two.

I will make a formal offer (which may or may not be accepted by you hehe wink_o.gif

If you were to model for us, thirty buildings of the standard so far, (they need not all be original models from scratch either obviously) and untextured (as we will texture them) then in exchange I would offer your mod;

A considerable extension of the WW1 infantry pack, including -


*Tank Crews,

*More infantry types, (with different equipment including *engineers, sappers, flamethrowers, those with gasmasks, *including poison gas weapons coded)

*More nationalities, including Russia, Austria-Hungary and Serbia.

(overall numbering some 40 - 60 units)

Naturally this would be a larger deal taking about a month id imagine for us both to complete. Would this be of interest?

PS - note the top of french breast strap that was clipped when in safe mode (check previous page of thread) has been fixed wink_o.gif

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Austrians, 1916 - 18, later war, with german helmets, basic blue-ish tinted uniforms, and basically 4 as opposed to 6 pouches, (bigger tho, more retro) and well its all rather obvious, its 1:40am here now, so its off to bed (counter to the damned clock on my forum account...)

In any case, they look quite alike to the germans, btw to the chap who pm'd me, ill answer ur querie here,

They won't all have the same faces lol, they do in some screens cos i have yet to code the model in cfg models, or cos i havent added faces to the face script their already coded to use hehe

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Very impressive work on those Austrians Gavin, quite pleased with your efforts smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Very impressive work on those Austrians Gavin

Well, they arent really any different than the Germans.

Is there nothing that could be added to make them a "little" more unique?

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Well, remember that Austria and Germany were very much alike back then.

They still look great! thumbs-up.gif Keep up the good work. smile_o.gif

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Well i was thinking canadian terror, that i could give em' pink berets and bunny slippers... The AH troops, like i say, have putees (typos galore) and 4 brown pouches, and a shoulder strap, as opposed to the 6 black pouches and strappings, its not my fault their troops look alike...

Far be it from to say, that for the middle to later half of the war, more or less (and we are being general here) that many of the 'alliance' armies of Germany, were being supplied by Germany also, or had previously experienced massive germanic influences.

Take the army of the ottoman empire also, by this later point, they were wearing german helmets, putees and some cartridge boxes too.

Truth be told there is little difference in some ways between these armies, bar this and that, (more differences will transpire with the russians etc.)

But really its not the napoleonic war lol... these uniforms are based on osprey men at arms series, and the units chosen are those most indicative of their nations at the time.

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Quote[/b] ]i could give em' pink berets and bunny slippers

Ok cool. I was hoping you'd do that.  smile_o.gif

EDIT: Anyways, what I mean is...they had some hat variety for example that would help seperate them a bit. Yes, they did use German uniforms, but they werent identical. Perhaps a couple of different hats that the German troops arent using.




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Their uniforms are different, in terms of the colour, and placement i think of the pockets, as they had a different tunic cut naturally (tho this is not a remarkable difference)

Yup, the kepi is already to be included with him, i mean there is not 'one' single type of soldier per side in any case anyway(at least to represent the greatest participants in the pack)

So yep the Austrio-Hungarians will have their kepi hat too, the ottomans will have that fez type hat as well as a helmet also and etc etc

In any case for the most part, the AH did end up wearing helmets, primarily of german design, (for naturally helmets conferred advantages that were soon realised to be required for soldier's protection.)

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Hey! You'll thank me later.

No backpack?  biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: Next thing you'll know, you'll have Austrians that dont look completely like your Germans at this rate. whistle.gif

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Registered. smile_o.gif

The troops are looking really good guys, good work. thumbs-up.gif

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The new forums are currently down, just so you know.

EDIT- Thay're back up.

Also, those units look great, Daniel! thumbs-up.gif

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Hi all

Just thought i would mention that the main website is down at the moment but the forum is still ok  please start posting in there about the mod a s soon as possible


-edit oh yeah nice looking units

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Quote[/b] ]Also, those units look great, Daniel!

Heh, I wish I could mate! Those are just pics by Gavinthecat from eariler on in the thread.  wink_o.gif

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