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General Barron

Handsignals Command System Released!

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Did someone already report this, GB: Got the supply drop and ordered the distribution of ammo. But my 'tard RTO decides he doesn't want the hump the radio, nor his issue rifle!!!

Also, I did a headcount and my knuckleheads somehow injured themselves and two other individuals decide they don't want to carry their arms as well, or at least get ammo.

I wish I had to forethought to save at that portion of the Tute, and get names of the beligerants. whistle.gif

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I think Delta-Force means this error: "Script hs\init.sqs not found." If so, I had the same problem as Delta-Force, so I investigated and found this:

In hs_init.sqs, there's this after the END OF SETTINGS headline:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;--------------------------------------------------

;              END OF SETTINGS


;path to HS scripts folder (empty quotes if in mission directory; .pbo path if in addon)

hs_pth = "\GENB_HS_core\"

hs_pth = ""

Notice how hs_pth is again made to null? to fix it, comment the last line, so it would look like:



Gosh darn it... I'm so pissed that I let something as stupid and important as that slip into the release version. It's just a matter of me being to stupid to remember to take that out after making some last changes to the scripts...

I'll make a note on the first page, but problem is, now there are going to be a lot of people downloading this who might not read this thread. confused_o.gif

Anyway, you are exactly right. That line is used so that the scripts can be placed directly into (and read from) the mission folder, allowing others to modify the scripts, and allowing me to make changes without re-pboing each time.

Quote[/b] ]Did someone already report this, GB: Got the supply drop and ordered the distribution of ammo. But my 'tard RTO decides he doesn't want the hump the radio, nor his issue rifle!!!

Also, I did a headcount and my knuckleheads somehow injured themselves and two other individuals decide they don't want to carry their arms as well, or at least get ammo.

The radio is again one of those last-minute changes that I didn't fully double-check. Although his radio weapon is gone, you should still be able to use the radio by standing next to him. The other guys might not have been close enough to the ammo crate to get their ammo.


I'd totally agree with you. I had planned to allow you to "queue up" orders in the next version, but I think an even better improvement would be to (a) issue commands to the entire squad by default, and (b) be able to keep issuing commands to individual teams until you hit the 'back' button; without having to press the 'team' button again. Thoughts?

Quote[/b] ]All I want is to see this baby in multiplayer

Yeah, I'm hoping to be able to get that working pretty soon as well, but I haven't started yet. Everything should be pretty simple, except getting the formations to work...

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I'd totally agree with you. I had planned to allow you to "queue up" orders in the next version, but I think an even better improvement would be to (a) issue commands to the entire squad by default, and (b) be able to keep issuing commands to individual teams until you hit the 'back' button; without having to press the 'team' button again. Thoughts?

That would definately be a great improvement!

When the fighting gets really hot and it takes you 20 seconds to issue a move command to one of your teams (select team->watch direction->select team->move out) - that can cost you half of your squad cause it takes too long crazy_o.gif

But I really like this command system a lot since I have fist playerd your realistic combat patrol mission! Are you still waiting for the Unsung mod to release a good Nam island for your so long planned campaign Barron?

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Thank you HawkinsDaFin!

@ general barron, its very great and very real, good job! I will use this, all times! smile_o.gif  tounge2.gifthumbs-up.gifyay.gif

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This topic seems to have cooled off, but I'll make this post anyway as an FYI.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to upgrade or support this mod (or anything OFP) for the next few months. I have volunteered to be deployed to New Orleans thru my reserve unit, to help with the hurricane relief effort. I will be leaving in a few days and will be gone for up to 90 days. I would encourage EVERYBODY reading this to also  help.gif out by volunteering a small ($5-10+) donation to the Red Cross.

See ya all when I get back. Hopefully ArmAs will be released by then. smile_o.gif

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I think we all hope to hear from you for Christmas time. Your handsignal command system is a huge improvement and deserves further development - I really do enjoy it!

There's, however, much more important stuff to do in the real world... And I wish you the best of luck for the challenges ahead. All the best to you!!!

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Hmm. I can't seem to grab the fixed mission file (I never really have much luck with Rapidshare), and I'm having no luck altering the script file on my own, since unpbo'ing the mission file gives me a set of compiled scripts, instead of plain text ones. sad_o.gif

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Was just thinking that your indirect fire with infantry script would be a great addition to this. Great work! thumbs-up.gif

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Was just thinking that your indirect fire with infantry script would be a great addition to this. Great work! thumbs-up.gif

Definately. That is a planned addition to the next version. Well, first I need to finish the indirect fire script, of course biggrin_o.gif. Current version can be found here:


BTW, I never ended up going to NO, but I didn't want to re-dig up this thread at the time when I found that out.

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Gen. Barron,

Your superb "handsignal commands" mod certainly makes the missions more challenging. The days of moving your troops with a nominal degree of caution are over! Brains are now required in a MAJOR way before sending one's troops out.

I really appreciate how the enemy AI will use their own artillery against you if they see you, but using smoke as cover to avoid an artillery strike seems a bit too convenient. If I was surveying the battlefield, and suddenly saw smoke landing in an area, I would certainly target the smoke filled region with artillery, because that's quite obviously where the enemy is at.

I was completely smitten by your creation of the "rally around the leader" formation. This formation is such a "no brainer" I wonder why it wasn't created by BIS when OFP was in development. The day's of my having to painstakenly assign troops to form a defensive perimeter would be over if this worthwhile and smart formation was integrated into more mods.

I'd like to offer a suggestion regarding this formation. If it's possible, please enable this formation to work in smaller AI elements. That is, the "leader" of each element, when assigned this formation, would also have their squad mates form a defensive perimeter around their AI leader. If such a feat could be achieved, this formation would be used by wise players a lot, especially when they're moving into unknown territory.

Keep up the GREAT work. This mod is already well thought out, and is already on its way to becoming a classic. I'm looking forward to what else you have in store for us.




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Was just thinking that your indirect fire with infantry script would be a great addition to this. Great work! thumbs-up.gif

Definately. That is a planned addition to the next version. Well, first I need to finish the indirect fire script, of course biggrin_o.gif. Current version can be found here:


BTW, I never ended up going to NO, but I didn't want to re-dig up this thread at the time when I found that out.

I know this is an old thread, but...

General Barron,

I just love the Hand Signals script, despite the little OFP AI quirks here and there (Lord knows I've run into a few of those in my own stuff).

I got a suggestion regarding the radio comms. In my own scripts where radio comms is done, I use the built-in OFP radio break sound after each comm. That way, it alerts the player to the fact that a radio comm has come through (in case you're busy, so you know to look at the comm area at the bottom of the screen), and it kinda makes it all sound a little bit more like a radio comm.

To accomplish that, the following code is added to the 'description.ext' file of your mission:


class CfgRadio


sounds[] = {};

class Mic_Out {

name = "Mic_Out";

sound[] = {"empty01sec", db0, 1};

title = $STRM_Over;




And then in the script, the following code is added after each groupChat/sideChat/vehicleChat message:

<speaker> groupRadio "Mic_Out"

Where <speaker> is replaced with the reference to whomever has just made the radio comm, and of course 'groupRadio' could be any one of the radio commands (groupRadio/sideRadio/vehicleRadio).

So for example:


_1platoonL sideChat "Thumper; ECHO ONE CHARLIE requesting fire mission on my position, maximum expediency, we are being over-run!"

_1platoonL sideRadio "Mic_Out"


The result is that a radio break sound ('hash'wink_o.gif is output by the game engine right after _1platoonL's message is displayed on the screen which gives the player a bit of feedback (it's often easy, well for me anyway, to lose track of text radio messages when you're busy doing something, or getting shot at and the little break sound helps alert you to the fact that a new comm has come through).

Anyway, the h/s system is just too cool... thanks a bunch!

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As this topic was bumped ill add something to it.

First thing is that in my opinion HS is one of the greatests ( if not just the greates one) improvements of original OFP, so thanks G.B.


Now the second thing - my suggestions for improvements, of course if G.B. thinks about improving HS. The problem i see is that commanding with HS is slower than normal one (its because of time needed for changeing dialogs i guess). So it would be welcome if some of frequently used commands were bind to one key. My suggestion would be:

F1 - Squad return to formation.

F2 - Squad halt.

F3 - Radio return to formation.

F4 - Radio move to my position.

and all other F5 - F12 keys to some other functions as they are not used when HS is enabled.

The second suggestion is to add command executeing the-very-useful script: nearestcover.sqs

The last one is if HS could be compatible with ECP? I mean the thing with mapclick which doesnt work while running ECP (i tried it with FFUR and it works then).

Anyway i love your work G.B. and i think improvements in Arma should be done mostly in the areas you are trying to take care of in OFP (commanding system, less acuracy (setdammage to a minus value, simplecover.sqs, Carrying wounded - was this project you showed screens on OFPEC forum some years ago totally abandoned? btw there are promissing attempts to do it recently; and the last but not least infoshare script).

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I would love to try this out!

Everytime I start a mission with the Single mission option or in the editor I get a CTD and a message "preprocessor failure with the description.ext".

What am I doing wrong?

I hope someone can help me.

EDIT: Ah! Found the problem... Great idea with these handsignals!

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So it would be welcome if some of frequently used commands were bind to one key. My suggestion would be:

F1 - Squad return to formation.

F2 - Squad halt.

F3 - Radio return to formation.

F4 - Radio move to my position.

and all other F5 - F12 keys to some other functions as they are not used when HS is enabled.

It is not possible bind keys to scripts in OFP. The only known walkaround allows you to bind A,W,S,D,V keys. Not very usefull, though.

Now, how many times has this been explained...? crazy_o.gif

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I know Ag. Smith that in OFP you cant bind keys to commands but you seem not to know what Keyget's fwatch is. It's simply workaround solveing this problem. I really suggest you to try the HS system while runnig fwatch. It is even possible to use voice (using voice reckognition system and a program like Shoot) to pass scripting commands to OFP.

Quote[/b] ]Now, how many times has this been explained...? crazy_o.gif

Excuse me but the fact that i dont post a lot on this forum doesnt mean i know nothing about OFP engine. So take it easy... icon_rolleyes.gif

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Alright, you've got the point there, although it wasn't so obvious from your post and using fwatch and other supplemental programs is just making things a little over-complicated... Well, never mind.

No hard feelings? wink_o.gif

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Maybe i didnt type it clearly enough. From what ive messed with HS i figured out that the way HS is currently build you cannot bind (in fwatch smile_o.gif ) a key to "Squad return to formation". It's because selecting a whole squad is one scripted command, selecting 'move' submenu is the second, and ordering squad to 'return to formation' is the third one. There's needed a command to execute all those three steps in one in order to be possible to have it at one key (... fwatch again nener.gif ). And i suggested that when commanding a squad by HS you have free F1 - F12 keys (because you need them only when commanding original way) and you can use them as shortcuts for most common commands to speed the things up.

Quote[/b] ]using fwatch and other supplemental programs is just making things a little over-complicated...

I think you can get used to it. As a matter of fact using HS with fwatch enabled is much (and i mean MUCH) easier than without it. And i agree that using HS is more difficult than original commanding system (not in every aspect though), but its again MUCH more realistic and whats even more important gives a lot of sattisfaction. For example i tried rebulding one fo FDF's single missions (the one with destroying an artillery battery beyond enemy lines) to HS system and adapted Sanla support script to be possible to be executed only when you're actually using a radio from your radiomans back. I think its a very nice feature.

Quote[/b] ]No hard feelings? wink_o.gif

"Spoko wodza" wink_o.gif (Peace, chief (?) ) smile_o.gif

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This sounds interesting.

I played some missions with the new command system and and I'm really impressed.

I love the way one has to go to the RTO to use the radio! Awesome!

The only thing that feels a bit strange is the fact that one cannot move or act to access the command interface.

Especially in the heat of a battle it is a bit complicated.

So it would be great if some simple commands like "squad on me" or "Fireteam1 flank left" have shortcuts.

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Quote[/b] ]The only thing that feels a bit strange is the fact that one cannot move or act to access the command interface.

Especially in the heat of a battle it is a bit complicated.

Its because of the fact that when a dialog is being shown keyboard inputs are blocked and mouse is switched into cursor/pointer mode. And commad menu in HS is based on dialogs. I dont think anything can be done about this without acces to the game's engine...

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Oh man,

Do I feel stupid now or what. Sorry about the earlier post, I did that one before playing the rescripted Vietnam mission. All that crap I said about the radio keying break sound is already done in that mission... so I dragged up this old thread for nothing.

Guess that'll learn me to post before trying the whole thing out. banghead.gif

I'll just crawl back under my rock now... sorry folks. whistle.gif And yeah, would be great to have some shortcut commands bound to the Function, or top-row number, keys... 'Stand-up and 'Go-prone' are two mighty useful ones, as well as hold/open fire... and calling the RTO over to your position...

Agree it's pretty hard to use when things start getting loud. All too often I end up getting my butt shot off while trying to fumble around in the interface... oh well.

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