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SJB Weapons Pack Released

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Progress is slow but steady. I now have roughly one hour a week for OFP modding, so its taking me a long time to get things sorted. Work and family come first I'm afraid.

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If thats the case, why not release incremental weapon packs.

i.e m16 pack, m4 pack, sniper pack, mg pack etc etc.

Maybe you thought of this maybe not, seems a hell of alot easier if your workin on it 1hr a week biggrin_o.gif

Just a thought wink_o.gif

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That would be good, but I think most would (myself included) prefer to have all the weapons together, for the sake of convinience, plus it will be fun to play with when theyre all done.

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As they're all in the same PBO (models, textures etc) thats not a viable alternative. I'd have to re-path all the textures on the various models to compensate for the new PBOs and it would end up taking longer to that, than it would to finish up the current pack.

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As they're all in the same PBO (models, textures etc) thats not a viable alternative. I'd have to re-path all the textures on the various models to compensate for the new PBOs and it would end up taking longer to that, than it would to finish up the current pack.

that sums everything up be patient my friends and leave the poor man alone he has a life a real life not just SJB_TOS which started as a weapon pack based on Tears Of The Sun which has now turned into a walking janes encyclopedia if i may say so my 2 cents or pennies is leave jackal and the thread alone unless he posts or you have some "genuine" concerns about 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 over and out

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Mmm.....I think the past 20 so pages have been like that, maybe its time to reconsider locking? Theres not alot more genuine stuff to ask is there? whistle.gif

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Okay, I'll try and ask an on-topic question... Jackal, I know I've asked this before, but since you keep finding new things to add to the pack (and further distract you), just wondering if and what you decided about the M203 optics. If it's dropped from your scan again, well, I guess here's a friendly reminder. wink_o.gif

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Sorry to bump in, but something for further versions, incase you haven't noticed it already.

HK417 @ HKPro.com

i dont think jackal can handle any more he seems to be very busy but iif you could attain rights from him to make a '417 whistle.gif

only essential posts plz to avaoi topic being locked

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I planned to make a '417 for this pack to pal up with the HK416, but simply ran out of time. It'll be included in a future version, but when thet'll be I have no idea.

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Okay, I'll try and ask an on-topic question...  Jackal, I know I've asked this before, but since you keep finding new things to add to the pack (and further distract you), just wondering if and what you decided about the M203 optics.  If it's dropped from your scan again, well, I guess here's a friendly reminder.  wink_o.gif

Sorry, with discussion turning to the HK417 I missed your question Gatordev. I haven't finalised a definative M203 optic yet, but I've been checking out several candidates and one will be finalised shortly. (next few days)

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Okay, I'll try and ask an on-topic question...  Jackal, I know I've asked this before, but since you keep finding new things to add to the pack (and further distract you), just wondering if and what you decided about the M203 optics.  If it's dropped from your scan again, well, I guess here's a friendly reminder.  wink_o.gif

Sorry, with discussion turning to the HK417 I missed your question Gatordev. I haven't finalised a definative M203 optic yet, but I've been checking out several candidates and one will be finalised shortly. (next few days)

Copy all. Thanks for the reply.

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Hey jackel I know your busy but I just need to ask do you have any ETA on your SJB weapon Pack. I'm dying waiting for it.

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Jackal*  whistle.gif

I'm dying waiting for it.

Ah, too bad for you then.

I don't think he want to give a date, since then a problem would come, the pack is too late, and he have 200 forum members with a temper like a thunderstorm on his back  crazy_o.gif

So. Just wait.

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The standard line of "It will be done when its done" comes to mind here. wink_o.gif

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There has been no release-date set purely for the reasons JW outlined - if I miss the release date people who were expecting the pack get pissed off, and then they start complaining. Ergo, I'm just going to release it when its done, which wont be long (hopefully) - my job has been taking up most of my time so I've had a lot less free-time for OFP editing than usual.

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only essential posts plz to avaoi topic being locked

"leave jackal and the thread alone unless he posts or you have some "genuine" concerns about 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 over and out "

Follow your own advice... Your posts are quite possibly the most annoying I've ever seen on these forums...


Jackal, I noticed in the CP thread a picture of some of your upcoming weapons, and that HEAVILY camouflaged M4 grabbed my attention... It really doesn't look realistic. Does that actually exist? i mean every single part of the weapon is camouflaged


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Did you ever seen SF in action? They camouflage every part of their weapon. I thinks it looks great when a soldier with BDU will carry it! notworthy.gif

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Hmm, can't remember posting any images in the CP thread for quite some time, and those I have posted haven't been of my camo'ed M4s. Anyway, the camo'ed M4s in the pack aren't 100% camo'ed. Essential "moving" parts (magazine, bolt etc.) remain non-camo'ed as its unlikely an operator would go to the trouble to camo the bolt. I've seen many forces from around the world camo their weapons to a similar extent as those in my pack (I've seen a shot of a German KSK Operative with a fully desert camo'ed G36-C - even the aimpoint he had attached to it had been sprayed with a tan and orange finish).

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You mean Shashman , KH :P

And yeah, I have seen SF operators with camouflaged weapons, but the one I see in that picture, seems almost like it's been MADE looking like that, the camouflage is perfect, every millimetre of the weapon is camouflaged, and it just looks like a toy as it is now, just my opinion...

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My apologises for not having the astounding texturing ability that seems to be required of me...

On another note, the link (for me at least) doesn't work.

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The thing is that the weapon is camouflaged in a woodland camouflage pattern. SF operaters don't have such a fine paintjob on their weapons, they just spray some lines in a contrasting colour over their weapon to break up the general shape of the weapon. The colour used would be green or earth for woodland. In desert terrain you can see (generally speaking) two paintjobs; one with just desert yellow stripes over the weapon and one with the entire weapon painted desert yellow with dark earth stripes over it.

I once did such a paintjob for a winter weapon;


But the camouflage weapons in your pack are good enough. You don't have to change them. The above was just to comment on the above messages. I don't want to delay the pack even more and I do like the current camouflaged weapons, so just keep it as they are.

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SF Weapons are never sprayed in exact woodland or 3col desert camo!

I'd say they use max of 3 differnet colors but they don't take a whole day to paint the weapon in an exact camo pattern.

I'd do it like this:

-take the gun

-spray it for quick with 1 color (dots or stripes)

-let it dry

-maybe spray 2nd time with different color over it

-let it dry


I mean, sure you can take some days to paint a gun, but you have the same effect if you just take an hour.

And don't forget, make them look used!

like this:


it's an old try, but I have no pic of the newer version

just for private testing

Evers smile_o.gif

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