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smile_o.gif yep the trailer is good, and u can see the Stalker much better tounge2.gif

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Hey, ive found something which could make the missions more like STALKER lol..

Stalker Music Which the fans have created.. Its all Free btw..


Go to Fan Media, Fan Music.. Some Really Good Soundtracks thats the Stalker Communty has made...

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Quick question.

I've been trying to set this up for a while but nothin seems to work. I only Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis V1.46. Do I need resistence or red hammer for this. When i have it installed now and try to load it i get the thing about missing addons. When I moved it the addons straight to my addon folder i got all these errors when the game started up about porblems in the config files in the pbos. I tried editing them and it seemed to work but everytime it loaded it up i got antoher problem in a different config. I deleted all that was in my addons folder. I now tried adding this to thew target of my shortcut "-mod=@Conspiracies -nomap -nosplash". I no longer get the missing addons when i try to play instead it takes me back to the main screen wihtout any words and jus shows the background video and its going at very low FPS at 5 - 9 (usual is 60- 85)

edit: When i go back into the game and into campaigns if I select Sektor 1 (the onyl one expect start) it kicks me out snd gives me the error "No entry 'config.bin/CfgWorlds.Newlands"

I also tried making a PBO out of the same campagin(ENG) and put it into my campaign folder. When i try to load it up i get the same error.

I hope you guys can help me. I love OPF and I love STALKER (you can see me in the official foum)and this mod seems to bring them together!

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i think some of the addons it uses are for resitance.. not sure though

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Quote[/b] ]I only Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis V1.46. Do I need resistence or red hammer for this.

Yes, almost every addon needs Resistance to work, it doesnt cost very much and you get

an insane amount of user content you can use then, but you dont need Red Hammer though wink_o.gif

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Thanks for the info. I don't think it has to do with me not having resistence cause I'm getting this new config error bout the new island. It might be though Thanks for the help anyways.

I've been trying to get resistence but i cant find it anywhere where i am. I'm thinking bout grabin off ebay, but I'm still a bit iffy bout using ebay.

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I will give you some trailers, next time and some new screenshots of conspiracies, so stay tuned!! :P

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Thanks for the info. I don't think it has to do with me not having resistence cause I'm getting this new config error bout the new island. It might be though Thanks for the help anyways.

it IS because you dont have resistance tounge2.gif

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I'm terribly sorry to sound like such a newb, but I'm having problems installing this mod. for the life of me, I can't find the .exe to run the mod seperately.

I opened up the @Conspiracies folder in my OFP directory and only found one sub folder, named Addons, with a bunch of addons and islands in it. I don't see any other folders or anything.

It seems like I am installing the patch without the original game installed, but I downloaded the full game from 3 different places, and I get the same results.

Can anyone help me?

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Put the @Conspiracies folder in your ofp directory than make an ofp exe shortcut and add this extention to the target:

""C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -mod=@Conspiracies -nomap -nosplash"

Make adjustments depanding on where your ofp is located. Then download a utility from ofp.info to convert to PBO files and convert the whole campaign to PBO. Than place it in your campaign folder, start the shortcut and play.

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hey guys

dont want to offend anyone

but those trailers (Conspiracies-TRL3.wmv, Conspiracies-TRL4.wmv) are terribly terribly terribly boring

is there any action in this campaign or is it just about walking on island confused_o.gif

could you provide more interesting trailer? please.

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You get to kill Zombies since theres no Mutants for OFP Yet biggrin_o.gif

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This Trailers only shows the landscape of conspiracies! in the next trailer there is action! ^^

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This Trailers only shows the landscape of conspiracies! in the next trailer there is action! ^^

would appreciate that :-)

only thing i like better than playng is watching ofp movies tounge2.gif

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I just hope you work on the campaign, make it in PBO form, and add briefing and cutscenes. It would make it a lot better. Also the dogs can't be killed. Hope you fix that. And it would be a good idea to make the zombies walk slower, and add dog zombies. Also whats up with them waking up after you shoot them? Hope that will also be fixed in the future. The atmosphere is very good...

One more thing is that the FPS drops to about 8 when the zombies appear : (((

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Look, this is a alpha release! smile_o.gif so i will fix this a far as i can! @ Offtime... Thx for the guestbook-entry tounge2.gif you are the first one!

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Downloads arent working for your site, i have the mod, but i need the bugfix for the sector 1 end bug thing.

Can anyone send me it confused_o.gif

Otherwise im stuck sad_o.gif

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The Bugfixes are included in the Patch to Version 1.1!

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I cant download the patch mate, check the download links, they arent working!


Quote[/b] ]Forbidden

You don't have permission to access /OFP-OBLIVION/Conspiracies-AlphaDemoPatch1.0-to-1.1.exe on this server.


403 error  sad_o.gif

Edit: This is the one i really need:


Could you email me the .rar Sled? Ofp_pathfinder@hotmail.com


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Will check it! this rar is 30mb big... i could send max. 5mb! sry... the server is down at the moment... maybe another member could send you this file!

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Now that something usable inside Opf has been released this belongs in A&M:C smile_o.gif

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