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ECP 1.085 Released!

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Just thinking out loud here, so ignore me if you want.

The ECP smoke grenades work by creating an invisible barrier that blocks AI line of sight, am I correct?

If that's the case, a flashbang could be simulated by creating a lot of view-blockers in a small space, so any AI caught in the blast radius would technically be unable to see. So while they're stood there wondering why everyone's disappeared, you can shoot them in the face.

Anyway, don't know if I've already said it, but the new ECP is fantastic. My only gripe is that I don't have nearly enough time to play other games now, because I'm hooked on OFP again biggrin_o.gif

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it would only be effective against AI mind... although surely the current concussion scipts for grenades that go off near you could be implemented to effect humans smile_o.gif

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There was Flash-bang greandes in a grenade pack a while ago, didn't test them much against AI, but against another person (In mp) they work well tounge2.gif

It's very possible, join together the smoke scripts and the concusion effects, like has been said and tada biggrin_o.gif

- Ben

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Quote[/b] ]Quote  

I'm surprised you guys didn't code in a grenade that was relatively nonlethal to serve as a flashbang.  

We thought about it but then decided in scaling back a lot of nonessential features. If a flash bang is what you are after then check out www.ofpec.com script snippets section or search around here, you are bound to find something. Kurayami might be doing those also, I will ask him.

Persistent brass... essential.

Flashbang. Nonessential.

Go figure.  icon_rolleyes.gif

I think if the explosion suppression script will work for anything with an inherited grenade class. It shouldn't be too hard. If not. Then I have some digging around to do. I wasn't interested in making one that's effective on AI, more or less just something fun for deathmatch. I'm not looking for anything fancy.

Anyhow. Thanks for clarifying that init.sqf issue.


Ok. I have another issue about this whole AI join/release business.

It seems you can't just recruit guys off the street if you don't already have at least one guy in your squad. Unless I'm doing something wrong. This kinda sucks. Since I was going to try making a mission with that specific feature. I also can't seem to recruit guys from other squads even though I specifically disabled that feature that restricts that.

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What is the ECP sealevel detection good for? Will it prevent wounded soldiers from crouching into water? huh.gif

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why the AI never surender huh.gif?


Quote[/b] ]

# AI information sharing and AAD (New)

# AI join

# AI release (New)

# AI surrendering and PoW interaction (New) huh.gif

# AT/AA launcher backblast damage

# Bleeding damage (Updated)

# Bouncing fragmentation grenades (New)

# Bouncing smoke grenades and smoke simulation (New)

# H.A.L.O. Parachutes (Updated)

# Helo Coms(New)

# IR AA jamming and visual counter-measures

# Multiple ordnance suppression (New)

# Random Weather and Snow (Updated)

# Tail rotor failure

never one soldier surender!

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why the AI never surender huh.gif?


Quote[/b] ]

# AI information sharing and AAD (New)

# AI join

# AI release (New)

# AI surrendering and PoW interaction (New) huh.gif

# AT/AA launcher backblast damage

# Bleeding damage (Updated)

# Bouncing fragmentation grenades (New)

# Bouncing smoke grenades and smoke simulation (New)

# H.A.L.O. Parachutes (Updated)

# Helo Coms(New)

# IR AA jamming and visual counter-measures

# Multiple ordnance suppression (New)

# Random Weather and Snow (Updated)

# Tail rotor failure

never one soldier surender!

From the bottom of ECP_Settings.sqf:

Quote[/b] ]// AI Surrender. (Part of AI info share and DSAI)

// ==============================================

//Note: You must have AI infoshare and DSAI enabled for AI Surrender to work.

//This code is Alpha (test stage). AI will only surrender under the following conditions:

//They are fleeing.

//They are within 200m of the player (single player) or within 200m of any ECP player (multiplayer).

//Their group leader is within 100m of the unit that is fleeing (so that he surrenders also)...

//...and fulfills the above requirements.

//They are within the distance ECP_AI_surrender_dist_from_enemy (ECP_public select 68) of their "known" enemies.

//They are "man" units.

//Their side is EAST, WEST, or RESISTANCE

//They have less than or equal to ECP_AI_surrender_group_num (ECP_public select 67)units left alive in their group.

//They have less than or equal to ECP_AI_surrender_min_backup (ECP_public select 66)friendly units nearby...

//...(in other groups) that have weapons and ammo.

//Also note:

//AI in any players group will never surrender.

//AI that have surrendered that are on the players side or are allied to the players side

//can be told by the player to "Get back into the fight!" if they are close enough.

//Enemy surrendered AI can be captured (by the player only) and ordered to follow the player or halt.

//The player has the option to destroy the weapons they dropped , or he may take them.

//POWs can also be interrogated for information on enemy positions.

//The higher the rank of the POW the more info he might give you.

//POWs may not give any information at all, this is decided by the ECP_AI_interrogation_chance....

//...set in (ECP_public select 69)

//Interrogation causes damage to any POW. Excessive interrogation may kill them.

//POWs will attempt to escape if they have no guards, they will know who resistance is allied with.

//They will attempt to regain the weapons they dropped,

//failing that they will scavenge weapons from dead bodies.

//If they escape successfully they will continue on their preset waypoints.

//Once a unit has surrendered he will never flee or surrender again during the game.

//AI surrender can be switched off by anyone during a MP/SP game but can not be enabled again during that game.

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After extensive testing (playing actually, I didn´t go bug hunting deliberately) I would like to summarize this version of ECP as... great.

During one week of game play I've only encountered two minor bugs:

1) 3rd party addOns displaying the fountain effect (taken care of)

2) Random error messages appearing when an AI helicopter is in the game and the player is inside another vehicle (NOT another helicopter).

But the effect on gameplay is outstanding. The ECP adds atmosphere to any standard mission in a way I´ve never seen before, without altering or replacing a single unit.

From my point of view this has one great benefit: It´s possible to play and enjoy addon free, editor made (non-scripted) missions on a new level.

To put it simple: The less effort the mission maker put into the story line, the more effect is added by ECP.

Heavily scripted missions, or missions with cutscenes, tend to behave slightly irregular with ECP. The AI executes playMoves and speaks at the wrong moment. Since these ECP-effects are executed before all events scripted by the mission designer, the AI will sometimes spend too long time to complete their scripted behaviour, wich is a big problem in cut scenes, but a minor problem in every other situation.

Generally speaking, most mods (CSLA, FDF, and all of the unit replacement mod´s) face the same problem: They are full of fancy effects that can only be used by a very talented mission designer/scripter. Hence, they lack good missions to go with them. ECP is the first mod I´ve encountered that doesn´t suffer from this.

With ECP running, bad missions become mediochre, mediochre ones becomes good and good (addon free) missions become great. And it´s virtually lag free.

The ECP is a must have for all hardcore OFP Fans.

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They made the AI surrender settings too low IMO, you can turn them up by editing the ECP_settings file though. smile_o.gif

I'm currently v happy with my new ECP surrender settings wink_o.gif

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Guest The Cobra
why the AI never surender huh.gif?


Quote[/b] ]

# AI information sharing and AAD (New)

# AI join

# AI release (New)

# AI surrendering and PoW interaction (New) huh.gif

# AT/AA launcher backblast damage

# Bleeding damage (Updated)

# Bouncing fragmentation grenades (New)

# Bouncing smoke grenades and smoke simulation (New)

# H.A.L.O. Parachutes (Updated)

# Helo Coms(New)

# IR AA jamming and visual counter-measures

# Multiple ordnance suppression (New)

# Random Weather and Snow (Updated)

# Tail rotor failure

never one soldier surender!

Yes the do


(He was the last one on the battlefield.)

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// ECP_AI_surrender_dist_from_enemy

// The distance any "known" enemy of a fleeing unit must be within before the fleeing unit will surrender.

// Default is 50m

// defined by server in MP

//ECP_public set [68, 50 ];

I want it to be 300m, so what do i have to change?

Do i change the line "// Default is 50M" to "// Default is 250 M"

Also do i change "//ECP_public set [68, 50 ];" to "//ECP_public set [68, 300 ];"

Don't want to mess anything up.

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Guest The Cobra

Can the player surrender?

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// ECP_AI_surrender_dist_from_enemy

  // The distance any "known" enemy of a fleeing unit must be within before the fleeing unit will surrender.

  // Default is 50m

  // defined by server in MP

//ECP_public set [68, 50 ];

I want it to be 300m, so what do i have to change?

Do i change the line "// Default is 50M" to "// Default is 250 M"

Also do i change "//ECP_public set [68, 50 ];" to "//ECP_public set [68, 300 ];"

Don't want to mess anything up.

// ECP_AI_surrender_dist_from_enemy

// The distance any "known" enemy of a fleeing unit must be within before the fleeing unit will surrender.

// Default is 50m

// defined by server in MP

ECP_public set [68, 300 ];

// means that the line next to it wont be read. If your changing something you have to remove the // by the value.

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a bunch of questions how do u enable AI infoshare, and DSAI?

is it possible to replace the anims with the animpack they used in CSLA II, i believe it was Sanctuary's?

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// ECP_AI_surrender_dist_from_enemy

  // The distance any "known" enemy of a fleeing unit must be within before the fleeing unit will surrender.

  // Default is 50m

  // defined by server in MP

//ECP_public set [68, 50 ];

I want it to be 300m, so what do i have to change?

Do i change the line "// Default is 50M" to "// Default is 250 M"

Also do i change "//ECP_public set [68, 50 ];" to "//ECP_public set [68, 300 ];"

Don't want to mess anything up.

// ECP_AI_surrender_dist_from_enemy

  // The distance any "known" enemy of a fleeing unit must be within before the fleeing unit will surrender.

  // Default is 50m

  // defined by server in MP

ECP_public set [68, 300 ];

// means that the line next to it wont be read. If your changing something you have to remove the // by the value.

Sorry but i don't get what you mean?

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basically the way flashpoint reads a config is left to right, top to bottom. If it encounters a // it's basically telling the game not to 'read' this left to right line. Hence:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// ECP_AI_surrender_dist_from_enemy

// The distance any "known" enemy of a fleeing unit must be within before the fleeing unit will surrender.

// Default is 50m

// defined by server in MP

//ECP_public set [68, 50 ];

means that the game comes along and reads the coding... it obviously doesnt want to know how the script its running works, hence the first 3 lines are 'cut off' by using the //. But, the game does want to know what values to use for this coding it's about to use, hence putting // in front of:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//ECP_public set [68, 50 ];

has cut the information the game requires, off from being read by it... therefore:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">// ECP_AI_surrender_dist_from_enemy

// The distance any "known" enemy of a fleeing unit must be within before the fleeing unit will surrender.

// Default is 50m

// defined by server in MP

ECP_public set [68, 300 ];

as pathy said, change it to that smile_o.gif

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I know this question has been posted before, but i can't find it here now or in the readme, how do you change the nv goggles from the default ecp ones?

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I know this question has been posted before, but i can't find it here now or in the readme, how do you change the nv goggles from the default ecp ones?

Its in the readme....

Check the top of config.cpp.

Remove "//" from the type you want to try out and add "//" to the line that is currently active wink_o.gif

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a bunch of questions how do u enable AI infoshare, and DSAI?

is it possible to replace the anims with the animpack they used in CSLA II, i believe it was Sanctuary's?

They should be enabled by default... if not open up the ECP settings file and simply uncomment the lines relating to what you want on and off.

As for animations, yes you can use Sanctuary's animations. As far as I remember, they are simple .pbo files. These will not interfere with ECP.

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Anyone else had this problem? certain addons eg Vit's mi-24 pack not showing up in the misson editor when used with ecp? confused_o.gif

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Anyone else had this problem? certain addons eg Vit's mi-24 pack not showing up in the misson editor when used with ecp? confused_o.gif

Are you using mod folders? In that case don't forget to include those when starting ECP.

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Anyone else had this problem? certain addons eg Vit's mi-24 pack not showing up in the misson editor when used with ecp?  confused_o.gif

Are you using mod folders? In that case don't forget to include those when starting ECP.

No it is in the res addons folder , i have even put it in the ecp addons folder. They are not there same as the mtlb pack, everything else works except these. They do work in y2k3 and other mods   crazy_o.gif

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