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British SAS Anti Terror Pack

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Orson, the suit is Navy Blue, both in extractions pictures and the real life version smile_o.gif

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Thanks that you like the colours guys wink_o.gif

As you see in the last picture there will be normal SAS CQB team and a red and blue team by red and blue I mean red team and blue team will have red and blue arm patch wink_o.gif

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from the many minions of pictures i've gathered of the sas over the years at UKF its looking very nice... although the helmet looks a little large... reminds me of this film:


(please take this as ood humoured as possible - its the first thing that came to my mind when i saw it biggrin_o.gif )

looking good smile_o.gif

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"You went over my helmet?" tounge2.gif

These look good, be fun to play with keep up the good work.

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LoL Messiah now that is 1 big helm wow_o.gifrofl.gif

I will look into it to scale the helmet down abit wink_o.gif

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Searched for the Defender helm on google and found this picture


and after compairing it to me it looks ok dunno lets hear some more people who thinks it is big or ok help.gif

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heres a pic of crw (counter revolutinary warfare) sas

i made for vbs1 (will be for ofp aswell)

they arent complete yet actually


u need to improve the units muhc m8

luckily im in touhc with a real sas crw operator who gives me some resources on the equipment

if u need more resources get in touch with me extraction ill help maybe we can fuse (?)


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@extraction - aaah, but in your pictures it seems like there's a larger gap and no 'padding' like with the picture you linked... could just be the bulldozer pic confusing me.

@nephilm - inlove.gif - the respirator straps are a stunning touch smile_o.gif

I reckon a co-operation between you two could be quite tasty biggrin_o.gif

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Messiah think it is the O2 picture after the release if you still say it is big I scale it down wink_o.gif

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I'm sure our advisors will be able to comment more than myself... i'll pass the picture on smile_o.gif

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Little update darkened the colours of the respirator (hehehe not said gas mask tounge2.gif  rofl.gif

And added to the unit a belt and a Carabine thingy here is picture


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Are these guys going to have the FIBUA kit by any chance?

Are you including the guy with the helmet int the pack? if so, he isnt SAS, they dont wear helmets during seiges, they might do if they were on standered operations though (and even then it would be the army standard issue)

Thats my two pence smile_o.gif

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Out of curiosity, why wouldn't they wear helmets? I'f you're trying to comment on these with reference to the iranian embassy siege, then you're 20 years out dated.

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wrong they wear helmets

although u cant say that the sas have any total restrictions on garnment except the issued ones

like any sf they can combine their equipment or they use

specific equipment for special purposes

for example there are blue or black tactical suits

(altough the blue are newer)

then the helmet thingy (they can but dont have to)

wot sure is that they always wear the suit attached hood

under the sf10 respirator (eve n if it hurts wink_o.gif )

newer pics document a additional fure retardant hood worn over the respirator

on my opinin htey make the crw guys look even more like bugs but its usefull as its been shown on the ambassy siege

(one sas had severe burns afaik)

also the respirator lenses dont have to be tinted (black)

they usually have the function of protecting the operator from flash grenades or such

ususally the stun team or first man entering wears them for sure

i can tell more about the sas if u want to



@ extraction

the exhalation tube on fornt of the sf10 is wrong

u put it inside the mask which is wrong (mistake liek they did with the adf2 TAG units for vbs1)

also the hood is hidden under the mask not on top of it

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how about an old style MP-5 with flashlight for a cool Iranian Embassy mission?

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AFAIK the SAS use a helmet very similar to the PASGT US Kevlar Helmet, it has some designation I can't remember which starts with S or something... SA maybe.

They're virtually identical to the US helmet (the "ears" come down slightly lower than on the US version), but are black.

And Pathy ws right on the 1st page: IGNORE any of those videos with Ultimate Force next to them... complete crap. Their SAS advisors must have been drunk, if they had any.

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ehh i doubt they were drunk since the Ex SAS man Chris Ryan was the advisor for the series

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LMAO... next you'll be saying Andy McKnob was their wardrobe assistant tounge2.gif

Nephilim/Extraction... any small chance of a few more pics? notworthy.gif

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LMAO... next you'll be saying Andy McKnob was their wardrobe assistant  tounge2.gif

Nephilim/Extraction... any small chance of a few more pics?  notworthy.gif

We haven't fused yet transformation not completed biggrin_o.gif

Not much to show yet m8 still improving it when there is some noticeable changes I'll post some pictures wink_o.gif

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The Respirator is designated the CT12

The newer helmet used by the sas is indeed nickanmed the defender however most troopers still prefer and will wear the older type AC100/1 composite helmet (the one you wil see in most SAS CT pictures for all you book readers) The defenders main improvment is that it adds protection over the full CT100E electronic ear defender headset as opposed to the AC100/1 helmet that only partially covered it.

There are loads of AC100 helmets hitting the shelves in army stores and markets now as they are being heavily phased out so the CT fellas arent going to have much choice in what they wear smile_o.gif


I believe my details have been passed onto you already, if you do need any advice with your SASATT guys just get in touch mate.

Heres a link to the company that make the helmets, maybe a nice e-mail to the mwill provide you with some ref pics - if not, again - just get in touch wink_o.gif

NP Aerospace



a shot of the AC100/1


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