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StarWars Addons by Acacyn

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Hi, im <span style='color:green'>ACACYN</span> and im one of the biggest Star Wars fans ever. In this thread i will inform you about my Star Wars addons progress. And i promise you, you wont read just bla bla bla, you will see pictures and you will play all of my Star Wars addons for sure!!!!!! wink_o.gif

This post will be updated very often. Here you find all informations and download lnks of my already released Star Wars addons. The list of addons is in chronoligical order :P

<span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'>The Tydirium Shuttle of SW Episode 6. [Version 2] </span>

Download on ofp.gamezone.cz (aca_lambda.rar 2.79 MB)



-detailed extern modell

-you can move the gear and the wings

-a Lasergun


-Wings have no hitpoints

<span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'>N-1 Naboo Starfighter of Episode 1 </span>

Download it on ofp.gamezone.cz (aca_n1.rar 2.56 MB)



-Artoo Detoo (R2D2) :-)


-10 proton torpedos

-Star Wars sounds

<span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'>ARC-170 Starfighter of Episode III </span>

Download it on

ofp.gamezone.cz (aca_arc170.rar 6.23 MB)


-a double lasergun

-8 proton missiles

-movable splitwings

-a fully working repulsorlift system (vtol)

<span style='font-size:19pt;line-height:100%'>STAR WARS TIE PACK VOLUME II by Acacyn © (September 2005) </span>




Download it on ofp.info: aca_tief2.rar (8,34 MB) (fixed version)


Content (Old/Updated TIE`s):

 TIE Fighter:

-twin-lasercannon (count: 2000)

-70 % of the TIE has been remodelled

-new config,-> better handling

 TIE Interceptor:

-dual twin-lasercannon (count: 3000)

-40 % of the TIE has been remodelled

-new config,-> better handling

 TIE Bomber:

-twin-lasercannon (count: 1000)

-proton bomb (count: 2)

-missiles (count: 12)

 TIE Advanced:

-dual twin-lasercannon (count: 3000)

-concussion missile (count: 2)

- 5% of the TIE has been remodelled

-new config,-> better handling

TIE Defender:

-dual twin-lasercannons (count: 3000)

-ion cannon (count: 30)

-concussion missile (count: 2)

Content (NEW TIE`s):

TIE Assassin:

-dual twin-lasercannon (count: 4000)

-concussion missile (count: 2)

-movable Wings

 TIE Heavy Bomber:

-twin-lasercannon (count: 1000)

-proton bomb (count: 2)

-missiles (count: 12)

TIE Interdictor:

-twin-lasercannon (count: 1000)

-proton bomb (count: 8)

-missiles (count: 48)

TIE Droid:

-twin-lasercannon (count: 2000)

 TIE Scimitar:

-twin-lasercannon (count: 2000)

-conussion missile (count: 12)

TIE Raptor:

-dual twin-lasergun (count: 1000)

TIE Raptor Droid:

-dual twin-lasergun (count: 1000)

TIE Experimental:

-lasergun (count: 5000)


You need at least V 1.91 of Operation Flashpoint Resistance. All addons are tested with V 1.96 wink_o.gif

I hope you`ll enjoy

These is my current addons progress:



<span style='color:red'>Clones Pack (high-res)---------------------------------------- 43%</span> -- <span style='color:green'>Episode II-III</span>

<span style='color:red'>->Weapons Pack (high-res)---------------------------------------- 15%</span> -- <span style='color:green'>Episode I-III</span>

<span style='color:red'>Clone Support Objects (high-res)---------------------------------------- 35%</span> -- <span style='color:green'>Episode II-III</span>


AA-cannon bunker on Geonosis ---------------------------------------- 15% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode II (own creation)</span>


V-19 Torrent Starfighter ---------------------------------------- 90% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode II</span>

V-21 Raptor Starfighter ---------------------------------------- 16% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode II (own creation)</span>

Geonosian Starfighter ---------------------------------------- 21% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode II-II</span>

Alpha-3 Nebulus Starfighter ---------------------------------------- 88% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode III</span>

T-2c Theta Class Shuttle ---------------------------------------- 38% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode III</span>

Slave I ---------------------------------------- 9% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode II + V</span>


HAVw-A6-Juggernaut ---------------------------------------- 59% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode III</span>

Clone ISP Swamp Speeder ---------------------------------------- 6% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode III</span>

Clone BARC Speeder ---------------------------------------- 12% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode III</span>

IFT-X ---------------------------------------- 19%[/color] -- <span style='color:green'>SWBF - Ep II</span>


Jedi-Master Yoda ---------------------------------------- 31% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode II-III</span>

Naboo Pilot Female/Male ---------------------------------------- 4% -- <span style='color:green'>Episode II</span>


<span style='color:orange'>TIE Pack Volume II---------------------------------------- 100%</span> -- <span style='color:green'>Episode IV-VI + Extended Universe</span>

<span style='color:orange'>N-1 Naboo Starfighter ---------------------------------------- 100%</span> -- <span style='color:green'>Episode I</span>

<span style='color:orange'>Lambda Class Shuttle ---------------------------------------- 90%</span> -- <span style='color:green'>Episode V-VI</span>

<span style='color:orange'>ARC-170 Starfighter ---------------------------------------- 100%</span> -- <span style='color:green'>Episode III</span>

Not Star Wars related stuff:

Russian Spetznaz ---------------------------------------- 1% -- <span style='color:green'>Metal Gear Solid II</span>

SECRET PROJECT ---------------------------------------- 4%

<span style='color:red'>red</span> - The project im working on while you are reading this :wink:

<span style='color:orange'>orange</span> - Updates of already released addons

<span style='color:green'>green</span> - The time appearance

LAST UPDATE: 23th September 2005

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a way to get rid of the annoying smoke is to config the weapons as grenadelaunchers (wich offcourse launches straight ahead). or use your own custom tracereffect...

and btw, yeah, I would also love to see some of the stuff in ep. 2 , just the clones (white, yellow, red) would do, or the republic commando's biggrin_o.gif .

but till that time... planes are nice too, maybe you can make a pilot for it? smile_o.gif

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Look here

You know, there's a search engine...But anyway, new star wars addons is a great news. Maybe you should discuss with star wars mod which is still (?) working on sw addons.

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Thank you for the tips and for your interest.

Pics are on the way. I sent an email to info@ofp.info today with the two addons.

I have also some finished, but older addons. Maybe i release them too:


Stargate (Open and Closed), DHD, Zat (little Handgun)

Other Sci-Fi Stuff:

Gnat (from the former Moon Project Mod, an aircraft), Petrel (like a speeder)

I try to update the Lasergun (without smoke) and i thank you for any other tips you give to me.

@KOTTEN: I have no own website, so i cant enter an url in the "image" box here, so you have to wait until the addons are released on ofp.gamezone.cz

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Pics are on the way.

so how are its going whith thoose pics?

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Is someone of you able to receive pictures of my addons and to put them into this thread? Someone with an own webpage maybe!?

Or can i send the pictures to an administrator of this forum and he will put the pictures into this thread?rock.gif?

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to get rif of the annying smoek u dotn need to cfg it as grenades tounge_o.gif

in the cfgammo of ur lasers write

lightColor[] = {1,1,1,0};

came in handy with my id4 attacker and old ties ;)

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send me the pics and i will host them aswell as your addons smile_o.gif

contact me via PM smile_o.gif


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great jon on these star wars addons mate! keep it up! they are really nice!!! congratulations!

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@wildo: Thank you for your support

I will send you some pictures of the...

-N1 Naboo Fighter (which is 35% done)




-Eliminator (a not finished old project, a scifi tank)

-Ka-60 Kacatca

@nephilim: If i config the laser shots as bullets they are too thin. i config them as zuni and so there are that missile smoke. mad_o.gif

QUESTION: Does someone know a good "TANK TUTORIAL" for O2 rock.gif?

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Quote[/b] ]@nephilim: If i config the laser shots as bullets they are too thin. i config them as zuni and so there are that missile smoke.

dont sweat :P

u HAVE to cfg them as missiles ;)

just place the lin eive posted somehwere in ur cfg ammo of ur


i fu still fail pm me ill help out ;)

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unforunatly i only recieved 4 pictures from Acacyn (may you forgot to attach last few?  smile_o.gif )

here are the pics and some words from Acacyn smile_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]This time you can see the Eliminator (an old addon), its a science-fiction tank

but a have not finished it yet.


Quote[/b] ]And there is a picture of the KA-60 Kacatka (actually in progress too) which is

a russian chopper. You see the Ka-60Kacatka T (a armed Version) but there is

also a Ka-60 Kacatka I (a unarmed transport chopper).

Stargate (Fist picture)

Stargate (Second picture)

Quote[/b] ]Those pictures shows you a closed and opened Stargate (also an old addon)



P.S. anyone else need picture hosting (aka modders, no silly crap of stupid unless i approve  tounge_o.gif )


now ive the last pics smile_o.gif

here they are ->

Gnat (First picture)

Gnat (Second picture)

Gnat (Third picture)

Quote[/b] ]The "Gnat" is an unarmed and very fast plane in a si-fi look. (also a very old


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@WILDO: Thank you very much for your support!!!

QUESTIONS: Does someone know a good or useable Tutorial for creating a PERSON and a TANK in OF?rock.gif???

-> Because i want to create pilots for the vehicles and my next project will be the AAT (Armed Assault Tank of the Droids, of Episode 1)

Or maybe someone of you is able to explain it me!?!?!?!?

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no problem, if you wish, you can make site about your addons and i can host smile_o.gif

also if you use msn i can help you with modelling troops and tanks smile_o.gif


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I recommend to use the Shilka cannon for your Imperial Lasers - all you need to do is increase ammo to something stupid like 40,000, increase firing rate, and change firing sound - I had a little UFO that used the starwars sounds, it worked really well smile_o.gif

Unfortunately I don't have the pbo any more, but the thread from which I got the ideas is here:


Great post by DeadMeat, explaining how to change the Shilka cannon smile_o.gif

Btw, why is this in "Discussion", when the addons have been released already? Moving smile_o.gif

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But can you use an own BULLET model? My only problem is the smoke. And the Shilka Bulletstraces are a little bit too slim as laser shots.

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But can you use an own BULLET model? My only problem is the smoke. And the Shilka Bulletstraces are a little bit too slim as laser shots.

No idea tbh - I personally find nothing wrong with the Shilka tracers, but that's personal preferrence I guess.

You can look through DeadMeat's config suggestion if you wish, there could be a parameter that sets their size, dunno.

Or try what Nephilim suggested smile_o.gif

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@Pappy Boyington: Thanks mate but i know that addon already :-)

-> But lasers like this arent STAR WARS LASERS !!! They have no traces, they are short laser beams, not a long one like in the example above.

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Wouhou!! Stargate!! wow_o.gif Sounds very great!!

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yes you can have your own bullet smile_o.gif you must first make model, and then user config for it smile_o.gif


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