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Sanctuary's Animation pack 1.7

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Some people certainly already knew from a very subtle incredibly difficult to decrypt message wink_o.gif , Sanctuary's Animation Pack Version 1.7 is released today

changes from 1.6 are the following

Quote[/b] ]The version 1.7 is featuring totally redone AT walks animations (8 animations) and some very light bug fix (it was nothing game breaking, just some little things that were disturbing me a bit)

A unit that is doing a rotation on himself will use 2 new animations that are fitting better with my AT aiming

A unit that is doing a rotation on himself when in stand aiming will use 2 changed animations (i used other BIS animations, the default BIS one were a bit ugly as the weapon was not even on the hands and was jumping everywhere)

Notice that the AI only rotation on itself is when in stand ready remains untouched

Other additions in 1.7 are new animations for all the 4 diagonals when the unit is walking while aiming (they were BIS default animations in any previous packs)

And finally, there is a tweaked gun position for the 2 already present sidesteps while walking-aiming (2 files)

A total of 27 animations are new/changed/bug fixed in this version 1.7 since 1.6

Always released in 3 versions, like already explained for 1.6: Classic, Patrol and Handgun versions.

You can only use 1 version at a time.

more infos on previous release, installation hints and etc... can be found in the readme.txt included in the .rar archive.

For people wanting to tweak/mix/modify etc.. notice that the majority of the modified/redone/changed animations names can be found in the 4 anim_list text files included in the archives too.


Download mirrors (maybe more to come)


Pack 1.7 version Classic thanks to xela89

Pack 1.7 version Patrol thanks to xela89

Pack 1.7 version Handgun thanks to xela89

Stealth-Net 3 versions in 1 download Thanks to StealthTiger

Download Pack 1.7 Classic version thanks to The editing man

Download Pack 1.7 Patrol version thanks to The editing man

Download Pack 1.7 Handgun version thanks to The editing man

OFP.info mirror thanks to Hooahman

Thanks to Dschulle for making the program OFPAnim , offering the possibility to anyone to create animations for OFP

Thanks to Flashpointgamer for making the tutorial for it, without this tutorial i would have abandonned quickly the hope to create any animations

Thanks to Dreamy Knight for his awesome work as it is what gave me the will to make interpolations and finally ended in a complete replacement pack

Thanks to Honchoblack and anyone that gave me feedback and help, i would have certainly not made so many animations without them.

Thanks to ImageShack for Free Image Hosting

again :

You are totally free to use/modify any of the animations from those pack

-without- having to ask me first.

It means you can convert them to anything you want, you can use only a part of them, you can mix them, you can rework them etc... without requesting my permission or something like that

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thanks sanctuary for the new version! just got 1.6 yesterday but this looks even better! going to check them out right now!

this is going to be great for ofp photography, and more realistic gameplay. i have one question tho. if you use these anims, will other players online without the anims be able to see them? or will they see the anims they use? or is it not compatible so everyone has to have the same ones?

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It's not saturday yet, I won't download it yet since it was announced for tomorrow. mad_o.gif

. . .


Great work Sanc! Thanks for the new version! smile_o.gif

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It's not saturday yet, I won't download it yet since it was announced for tomorrow. mad_o.gif

Actually, not telling the good day was the best trick i found to avoid some "PM box full" problems i had with a previous release smile_o.gif

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thanks so much, flashpoint would suck without people like you!

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i haven't tryed even 1.6, but it's realy promising and worth trying! In this year, so many new ofp features and possibilityes came out, that i even don't know who to fank for it smile_o.gif

more poeple like you and there would be no need to ofp2! :DDD

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poor sanc... he wants to leave all of this behind him, but it's still chasing him! biggrin_o.gif

gj on the pic, i'm fine with the BIS animations though.

(yeah, that was a cruel joke, I know wink_o.gif )

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Quote[/b] ]gj on the pic, i'm fine with the BIS animations though.


You should be dragged on the street and shot tounge_o.gif .

Nice work Sanctuary will try them and see how much AT walk is improved , plus that rotation on self one as well. Now you can take a well deserved break smile_o.gif .

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ok love the idea of firing an rpg from a standing position... how do I make it work.... My guy still wants to kneel.

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thanks to StealthTiger and The editing man for the additional mirrors, it is appreciated.

I hope you will enjoy this last version and that it will give some ideas and boosts to people more talented than myself in animating.

In the hope that better animation packs will finally reach the community.

Have a good time with this.

/off to sleep

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i made a pic, took me forever to get the units to satnd/liedown/crouch crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif


again, good job sanctuary on your animations!!!

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after re-installing flashpoint & going in editor with default anims, the BIS ones make the soldiers run around like spazzed-out retards on ACID, so thanks sanctuary, yet again!

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i made a pic, took me forever to get the units to satnd/liedown/crouch crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif


again, good job sanctuary on your animations!!!

soldier1 setunitpos "up" ; soldier2 setunitpos "down" ; soldier3 setunitpos "crouch" ? wink_o.gif

and I hope you've still got the layers to that pic, I see a 1.8 coming up any day now biggrin_o.gif

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i dont belive you'll be seeing a 1.8, i think i heard something about him saying he's finished. and i accidentally saved a photoimpact objects file on accident so if i didn't accidentally save one i wouldn't tounge_o.gif

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That's right, there will not be a 1.8 this time, i see no more animation that i want to change even in the future, unlike for those previous release where despite the "final" word stated, i always considered to make some more replacements.

So you can consider this 1.7 pack as being my last opus, further changes/enhancements will have to be done by other users.

And with some luck now some plugins for the free edition of Maya has been released, more polished packs may be created by Maya specialists.

I will continue to make some alternative animations in the sharing animations thread from time to time.

But there will be no more "final" pack that is requiring more time than i can afford to spend on them, sorry.

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I dont think anyone is asking anymore of you either , youve done enough work on this pack already. Its fantastic , going back to plain OFP is now considered a grave sin by me biggrin_o.gif .

Ofcourse in the distant future if someone brings something new to the table it'll be welcome but for now its safe to say we are all more then satisfied.

Thank you very much for your effort Sanctuary smile_o.gif .

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yeh three cheers Sanc, I think it's safe to say ur anims have become one of those 'Must Use' addons like DXDLL, HiSky/llaumax etc. Congrats man, you should feel proud.

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Quote[/b] ]Notice that the AI only rotation on itself is when in stand ready remains untouched

does that mean that you can't use the "crouch ready" anims with 1.7?

also, what did you change other than the AT anims? (i couldn't find a list in the readme)

thanks for the new version, the new anims look great

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