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Quote[/b] ]ShadowY: Instead of editing screenshots I edit....

... so you dont want to tell us that your pics are unedited or? will you?

IF you take a look at the pics you can figure out yourself wich ones are edited or not tounge2.gif

Top pics at page 175 are edited wink_o.gif

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Hey Parvus

I'm loving your screen work. Could you please make an FFUR shot highlighting the ACU feature? Feel free to decline, of course!

Great work!

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@Honchoblack: VBS1? whistle.gifconfused_o.gif

no i dun think so.....i think its ofp....maybe : biggrin_o.gif ..could be a revolution....i hope...hehe

Update: i told ya........DMA is making history........top notch guys

keep up the gud work notworthy.gif

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O M F G! wow_o.gifwow_o.gif

Awesome shots honcho, can't wait to try it out, looks very usable.

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it still has limitations (aiming:30degrees sideways 180degrees up+down, pitch not taken into account yet), but in flat and medium hilly terrain it works flawless since unit (foward looking unit position) is placed in the vehicles center (rear position has more difficulties with steep terrain, because of mentioned pitch), if ARMAS will introduce a "getpitch" command or I should get the "GETBANKPITCH" script to work with these scripts, then it should also work for larger vehicles\helicopters (e.g. sniper position in CH47 or Blackhawk) wink_o.gif

All soldier functions accesable during the ride on vehicle (stances, lean, weapon selection+firing), great for rear guards carrying rpgs. smile_o.gif

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Holy Jesus...Stop torture me with you pics,please.It's fantastic!

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shashman wrote

Quote[/b] ]@deanosbeano: Nice pearly whites, do they glow in the dark?

smile_o.gif if someone gonna tk me i can do a smile smile_o.gif

real answer dunno i gonna try now, i could use the white from usmc helmets or make arm&hammer toothpaste addon ? smile_o.gif

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it still has limitations (aiming:30degrees sideways 180degrees up+down, pitch not taken into account yet), but in flat and medium hilly terrain it works flawless since unit (foward looking unit position) is placed in the vehicles center (rear position has more difficulties with steep terrain, because of mentioned pitch), if ARMAS will introduce a "getpitch" command or I should get the "GETBANKPITCH" script to work with these scripts, then it should also work for larger vehicles\helicopters (e.g. sniper position in CH47 or Blackhawk) wink_o.gif

All soldier functions accesable during the ride on vehicle (stances, lean, weapon selection+firing), great for rear guards carrying rpgs. smile_o.gif

Yes but unfortunately no walking (yet, till ArmA - hopefully), right? How does the AI react to being dragged around by the scripts, does it effect their behavior or perception? How well does it sustain the effect in MP? Does it effect or is it effected by lag/frame rate/accelerated time?

It's certainly going to be limited, including in terms of application. I don't know too much about it's effectiveness in OFP, but if ArmA won't support this feature as hard-coded then this might be a good start for developing this ability in ArmA to a practical, effective state.

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last time i tried that cargo thing was funny, it worked well until the vehicle move and you had at weapon, the guy spun round and his head dragged on the floor lol. that was with 2 logics. i am glad you getting somewhere with it honchoblack, nice work and photos

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Yes but unfortunately no walking (yet, till ArmA - hopefully), right? How does the AI react to being dragged around by the scripts, does it effect their behavior or perception? How well does it sustain the effect in MP? Does it effect or is it effected by lag/frame rate/accelerated time?

It's certainly going to be limited, including in terms of application. I don't know too much about it's effectiveness in OFP, but if ArmA won't support this feature as hard-coded then this might be a good start for developing this ability in ArmA to a practical, effective state.

No walking on vehicles, even though the AI tries to walk if not given a stop command, the AI also tries to go prone once enemies approach so it has to be told to stand up in some situations.

But Ai behaviour is not affected much, they spot and engage within the normal distances, RPG gunners switch to the RPG and engage when vehicles are driving by. Also time acceleration doesnt break the script. MP support has not been tested yet, but should work also in my estimate. wink_o.gif

My guess is that ARMAS wont support this as a hardcoded feature, my main hopes are that a "getpitch" command might be hardcoded in the game.

Edit:Thanks deanosbeano, those where also my beginnings as I started working the idea. wink_o.gif

And thanks to you all for interest and comments smile_o.gif

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Nice soldiers,DLEM!Keep on working,mate. wink_o.gif

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I'm totally speechless Honcho crazy_o.gifwow_o.gif

I've just been watching the moving around on vehicles in action videos on the vbs1 site, start sulking and feeling jealous/depressed, I come here, and see that someone's working on it for OFP! crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifthumbs-up.gifinlove.gif

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Nice work Ingram and Parvus, good to see that FFUR has now two pretty good skilled photographers smile_o.gif

Great work commerades notworthy.gif

I won't have time for screens anymore, so keep that great work up and show them all how beautiful our sweet babe (OFP) could be xmas_o.gif


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Nice shots everyone.

But.....gasp....are those black boots with the ACU!

This has been fixed a couple of days ago.

Btw, Very nice and steady art-style Parvus and Ingram!

Keep it up.




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The rest of the world is going to kill me for this...

Thanks for the pic of the ACU Parvus,

but: has anyone noticed the 1 reading from right to left on the 1 ID patch? It's mirrored, back to front, whatever you want to call it!

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Yup, I noticed that too

*protects us with stick*

and Bambi, I'm all for the new head model, but that SF guy's scalp is blue? huh.gif

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