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OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

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Is this thing not MP compatible?

Plz tell me it is soooo , thats the only obstacle stopping it from being implemented in to ECP  sad_o.gif .

I don't know about MP Compatibility, can't test it myself...  sad_o.gif .

But i guess when everyone is playing with the animations i think it should work without any problems. smile_o.gif

The problem i believe is , that if one has it and the other doesnt , they will not be able to play MP together , thus implementing it in to ECP will not be a good move as ECP works with non-ECP clients as well.

I hope you guys can work some sort of a 'way' through this? sad_o.gif

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Just tested this in MP - GREAT biggrin_o.gif

Offcourse all of us had this anims so there wasn't any problems. Works really fine wink_o.gif Once again great job biggrin_o.gif

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While chrashing the server or randomly disconnect of players all players had the addon installed. If a player doesn't have it he will crash with an error message...

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Woow. Impressive work guy, really amazing smile_o.gif , one suggestion for your next release, add a movement to trhow grenades when youre leaning smile_o.gif

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I just experienced something really strange....

I couldnt get your "mod" to work, I know how they work and I build my own mods so it shouldnt be any problems and I didnt see anything wrong. But I couldnt get the lean and roll animations to work (I have implemented sanctuarys in my own config so I knew what to expect).

I tried to press sprint and strafe left/right at the same time, I tried to assign a key with both sprint and strafe left/right. Nothing.

Then I press two strafe left buttons at the same time (I use the keypad and I strafe left with buttons 1,4,7 and num lock. Strafe right with 3,6,9 and *), voila! I lean and roll!!!

I cant understand how that is working but as long as I press two (2) strafe left or two strafe right buttons it works.

Go figure.... crazy_o.gif

This seems to be a problem of OFP itself, i am using pretty much the Default Keyassignment from BIS that uses W,A,S,D and the arrow-keys for movement, sprinting is assigned to both shift keys and the Number-Keypad controlls in wich direction i look and i also expierience that if i press A and left arrow i lean to the side !

OFP seems to make no difference between sprint + strafe and strafe + strafe.

Atm it looks like there is nothing i can do about.

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also please add this leaning ability to pistol in hands animation biggrin_o.gif

now special forces in ofp looks realy agresive

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Quote[/b] ]I hope you guys can work some sort of a 'way' through this?

there is no way to work thru this. this is, in essance a game "hack" you just told the game to do something it orginaly didnt do. and your game raeds thru it and says "oh hey alright i can do that" and the server is like "ok people are doing this it must be ok" and people that havnt downloaded this their game is going "wtf?!  crazy_o.gif you cant do that! ahh shit what do i do now.. ugh *dead*"

you either have to accept the fact that some people eitehr have their head burried up thier.. err in the ground and dont realize that stuff like this is released, or that some people are so paranoid about installing addons and mods that the shear though of a "hack" like this would make them wet their pants. and thus not everyone will have it installed. so servers have to post on their intro messages "hey look at us we are 00ber l337 c00l and use this animation modhack and u better too" or just deal with the fact that only some of us can be cool enough to use it tounge_o.gif

and before anyone takes my comments out of context, this doesnt apply to every addon or mod released, its just this one has officaly revolutionized the way OFP is played. how you can boot up your game and not have these installed is just beyond my realm of comprehension of the gamers mind. not using these when you play is like saying "i dont want to use the 1.96 patch". this isnt just some uber leet helicopter or super sweet tank. this is a mod that tkes the OFP combat imersion and playablity to a whole new level. a level once uncomprehended by any of us. and to choose not to take your game to that level is just sad on so many levels i couldnt begin to express my disgust.  

in the words of General Patton: alright now you sons a bitchs, you know how i feel blues.gif

and i too use the arrow keys for movement and shift for sprint and this works great for me. i never ever could possibly fathom the use of ASDW keys for movement, in my opinion thats just wrong, like seriously fucked up wrong, but thats just the way i play, the arrow keys are my freinds  smile_o.gif

oh yea almost forgot, Y2K3 is updated with the crouched leaning animation as well, requires the 7.1 patch and then download the config itself in my last post

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I understand that Pappy , and the why people wont d/ld it part. And you do realize that by putting it in Y2K3 you risk people who are playing with it on non-y2k3 servers/players it will cause problems with them.

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Y2K3 & FFUR all of them are not MP compatable.

its impossible to make them mp compatable cuz your using special effects and differnt models and you will enouncter hundreds of bugs, including the ever so popular "bouncing tank bug"

i mean yes i have played on non Y2K3 servers in MP with Y2K3 but it was at a price with bouncing tanks, and p3vs trucks that drive with 3 feet of the wheels underground, and its nice to a point but there is a price to pay, and ive never played more then an hour without it crashing the server. and thunderbird's users and most of mine will tell you the same thing. total conversion mods only work when the server runs them too

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yes that normal ;) so much change

its may be better to doing just a change about units and vehicule whith not new effect, no ?

i ask for the twice mod wink_o.gif

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i like the idea, & tested it & all, works nicely, although, i must say, i just won't use it simple because i cant use it with wasd, (DON'T COMPLAIN) This will be a GREAT addon when he actually adds pistol compatability, & things such as law animations, grenade tosses from corners, etc. Good job!

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I return from work to see the next beta released.

EDIT: My only complaint is that the crouch walk would be much better if the weapon was raised. Apart from that it's fantastic.

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i like the idea, & tested it & all, works nicely, although, i must say, i just won't use it simple because i cant use it with wasd, (DON'T COMPLAIN)    This will be a GREAT addon when he actually adds pistol compatability, & things such as law animations, grenade tosses from corners, etc.  Good job!

You can't use it with the WASD - Layout ?

What's so difficult about it ?

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Now all you need to do is get the AI to utililize the roll and the lean moves and everything will be perfect!

Anyone noticed if they get noticed less quickly by the AI when using the lean? There would still seem to be benefits in single player, in terms of less body being exposed to be shot at.

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Hi again...

The new Version 0.52b seems to be running good in MP. We played a few hours with the animations and no disconnects or servercrashs. smile_o.gif

I`m looking forward to see more of this outstanding moves... tounge_o.gif

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yes that normal ;) so much change

its may be better to doing just a change about units and vehicule whith not new effect, no ?

i ask for the twice mod  wink_o.gif

changing the vehicles and units is what makes it non-mp compatable.

if it was just effects (like GMR, ECP, and DR) then it would work flawlessly in MP

but when you change the models then everything goes to hell in non-mod MP servers.

all you gotta do is grab FFUR or Y2K3 and hope someday someone will make a dedicated (windows based) server that utilizes it smile_o.gif

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Anyone noticed if they get noticed less quickly by the AI when using the lean? There would still seem to be benefits in single player, in terms of less body being exposed to be shot at.

Atm the Lean moves aswell as the rolling inherit their visibility from their baseclases, in other words you have the same visibility factor when stand-leaning as if you where just standing in the combat ready position and so on.

I've  thought about this from the beginning but the only reason why i still didn't change it is the fact that when you would lean on an empty flat somewhere in the desert you would also be less visible by AI. sad_o.gif

But there gonna be a lot of updates to this, so its definatly not the final choice.  smile_o.gif

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actualy afaik your visablity isnt based on how you stand but realisticly by how much of you is seen (unless otherwise defined by config factors) so if your standing behind a rock and your ass is sticking out then the AI see's your ass and will shoot at it. if you are standing by a truck and the AI see your feet they will shoot at your feet

so in this case when the AI see's your head and gun sticking out they will shoot at you none the less. its a matter of survivle for them. it doesnt matter if they see a bootlace or if they see a head all they know is that thing isnt suppose to be there and will most likly try to kill them thus they shoot at it.

edit: make one final udpate.. you're killin us Total Conversion Modders tounge_o.gif

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actualy afaik your visablity isnt based on how you stand but realisticly by how much of you is seen (unless otherwise defined by config factors) so if your standing behind a rock and your ass is sticking out then the AI see's your ass and will shoot at it. if you are standing by a truck and the AI see your feet they will shoot at your feet

so in this case when the AI see's your head and gun sticking out they will shoot at you none the less. its a matter of survivle for them. it doesnt matter if they see a bootlace or if they see a head all they know is that thing isnt suppose to be there and will most likly try to kill them thus they shoot at it.

edit: make one final udpate.. you're killin us Total Conversion Modders  tounge_o.gif

The settings more define how big the posibility is that you are seen while performing certain animations etc... , so theoreticaly i could make the Lean animations almost not vissible if not totaly unrecognized by AI .

Gota play around with those values a little bit, as there are also other variables that influence if you are seen or not.

Also the next update will take me a little longer than the first one. Just because at this moment i am continuing work alone on this.

So anyone that thinks he has made some animations that could be used in here is welcome to share them in the same way Sanctuary did.

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Quote[/b] ]so theoreticaly i could make the Lean animations almost not vissible if not totaly unrecognized by AI .

Could this be applied to 'players' in MP aswell? Or is it only a code hack to make the AI blind while the anims can be seen in realtime by players?

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personaly i like the way it is right now. i mean you are seen but theres less of you to shoot at. i think its fine how it is.

anyway i was goofin around with the animation features  tounge_o.gif


na na na na na naa you missed me biggrin_o.gif

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One more "NEW Feature" that is then "NOT NEW" in OFP2


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jup, because i'm tired to change them smile_o.gif

just know them all and thats enough of pleasure.. biggrin_o.gif

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I know the old ones, but I can't change back to them, so here's the deal - what default buttons did/do you click to do these things? W+D+The sprint key(whatever it is default), right?

EDIT: It works on the default controls! smile_o.gif

EDIT2: Ahh, finally got it to work on my custom controls!

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