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The Middle East part 2

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...in every news you will find many people claiming that all this happens because of 2 captured IDF soldiers. What about those fucking rockets that where fired at Israel, and these rockets are still incoming.

Here's a little reality check for ya, Mr Tea. welcome.gif

Quote[/b] ]July 12 - Hizbollah guerrillas capture two Israeli soldiers and kill up to eight around the Lebanese border. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert calls it an "act of war" by Lebanon.

-- Israel broadens Gaza offensive and cuts the strip in two. Attacks kill at least 24 Palestinians in Gaza.

July 13 - Israeli aircraft bomb runways at Beirut's Rafik al-Hariri International Airport, forcing flights to divert to Cyprus. Israel's navy blockades Lebanese ports.

-- Dawn air strikes in south Lebanon kill at least 44 civilians and wound 100 people.

-- Hizbollah retaliates for Israeli "massacres" by firing 60 Katyusha rockets at Nahariya in northern Israel killing one.

-- In Gaza, an air strike destroys the office of Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar.

As you can see, it was only those 44 Lebanese civilians killed, 100 wounded, wrecked airport and blockaded seaports that were in response to the 2 kidnapped soldiers. Go ahead and blame everything else on the rockets if you like.

I doo not live behind the moon.

Civilian losses are high, not only but too, because Hesbolla likes to hide behind civilians. They have calculated that civilian losses will be bad press for Israel. They have no respect for live.

I doo blame Hesbolla for starting this war, they can`t live in peace.

The destruction of the state of Israel is their main goal. So they will attack Israel no matter what the politicians say.

The hit was Nasralla in the beginning of the IDF operation, "Oh no, we didn`t wanted this escalation". No, they only wanted to fire rockets at Israel, and capture a few soldiers without an Israely reaction. How stupid can men be? banghead.gif

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I doo not live behind the moon.

No worries. The people behind the moon wouldn't have known the answer to your rocket question either.   wink_o.gif

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...in every news you will find many people claiming that all this happens because of 2 captured IDF soldiers. What about those fucking rockets that where fired at Israel, and these rockets are still incoming.

Here's a little reality check for ya, Mr Tea.  welcome.gif

Quote[/b] ]July 12 - Hizbollah guerrillas capture two Israeli soldiers and kill up to eight around the Lebanese border. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert calls it an "act of war" by Lebanon.

-- Israel broadens Gaza offensive and cuts the strip in two. Attacks kill at least 24 Palestinians in Gaza.

July 13 - Israeli aircraft bomb runways at Beirut's Rafik al-Hariri International Airport, forcing flights to divert to Cyprus. Israel's navy blockades Lebanese ports.

-- Dawn air strikes in south Lebanon kill at least 44 civilians and wound 100 people.

-- Hizbollah retaliates for Israeli "massacres" by firing 60 Katyusha rockets at Nahariya in northern Israel killing one.

-- In Gaza, an air strike destroys the office of Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud al-Zahar.

As you can see, it was only those 44 Lebanese civilians killed, 100 wounded, wrecked airport and blockaded seaports that were in response to the 2 kidnapped soldiers.  Go ahead and blame everything else on the rockets if you like.

I doo not live behind the moon.

Civilian losses are high, not only but too, because Hesbolla likes to hide behind civilians. They have calculated that civilian losses will be bad press for Israel. They have no respect for live.

I doo blame Hesbolla for starting this war, they can`t live in peace.

The destruction of the state of Israel is their main goal. So they will attack Israel no matter what the politicians say.

The hit was Nasralla in the beginning of the IDF operation, "Oh no, we didn`t wanted this escalation". No, they only wanted to fire rockets at Israel, and capture a few soldiers without an Israely reaction. How stupid can men be? banghead.gif

Problem is that Israel won't destroy Hizbollah. In short term they're weakening Hizbollah, but in the long term they're probably making Hizbollah stronger. It's naive to think they will weaken Hizbollah this way. When they damage the Lebanese infrastructure and kill more innocent people than terrorists they're just creating more support and better recruitment for Hizbollah and they generate more hate towards themself. In the next few months/years they Israel will probably have little problems with Hizbollah, but in, lets say 5 years, Hizbollah will still be around and have new weapons and lots of new recruits, and with this in mind, I don't think the lebanese people will feel sorry for Israel when the terrorism starts again.

Sure, they got to fight Hizbollah some way, but blowing up Lebanons infrastructure and population won't help. No matter how much weaponry the terrorists get in by using the infrastructure, the civilians are the one who suffer most by the loss of infrastructure. The terrorists will get their weapons anyway, just a bit harder than before. And with the amount of civilian casualties, the recruitment to Hizbollah will rise so much that they easily can replace the men they lose.

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i think the world is going to the WC the fast way and there is nothing we can do , incesant growing of the population, Increasingly shortage of natural resources , Poverty , extremists , all this has to explode someday , it is just a matter of time goodnight.gif

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Hey, I didn't know the Israelis got Mahmoud "The Wart" Zahar's house.  thumbs-up.gif  nener.gif  yay.gif

shame we didn't get that guy...

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Hey, I didn't know the Israelis got Mahmoud "The Wart" Zahar's house.  thumbs-up.gif  nener.gif  yay.gif

... Disgusting

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Why disgusting ?

what, you support terrorists ?

Why haven't you arrested him?  He was even detained recently at Gaza'a border with Egypt for importing large sums of cash.  You could have abducted him just as you've already done with 2/3 of the Palestinian parliament.

Instead, while trying to murder him...

Quote[/b] ]The most notable attempt on al-Zahar's life was on September 10, 2003, when Israeli F-16s dropped a large bomb over his house in the Rimal neighborhood of Gaza, which only managed to slightly wound him, while his son Khaled, and a personal bodyguard were killed, and twenty others wounded including his daughter Rima. His house was destroyed, and ten other houses nearby were damaged, as well as the nearby Al-Rahman mosque.  -- Wiki

...you managed to kill his son instead.  Some celebration.  icon_rolleyes.gif

I strongly dislike Zahar, but just because some of us find your celebration of a botched murder attempt a little barbaric and disgusting doesn't mean we support terrorism.  In fact, it's a bit ironic to be accused of supporting terrorists by someone celebrating the killing of innocent people.

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Murder accurs when dealing with innocents. And any Hamas member is far from being innocent. And IMO being happy when terrorists suffer is the same as being happy when Nazis got blown to bits in WWII. Terrorists are the Nazis of today.

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Murder accurs when dealing with innocents. And any Hamas member is far from being innocent.

If all those Hamas members of parliament that Israel abducted 3 weeks ago are "far from being innocent" then why haven't they been charged yet?

And IMO being happy when terrorists suffer is the same as being happy when Nazis got blown to bits in WWII. Terrorists are the Nazis of today.

Congratulations Ase!!  You couldn't manage to post 6 times without invoking Godwin's Law.   rofl.gif

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Murder accurs when dealing with innocents. And any Hamas member is far from being innocent.

If all those Hamas members of parliament that Israel abducted 3 weeks ago are "far from being innocent" then why haven't they been charged yet?

And IMO being happy when terrorists suffer is the same as being happy when Nazis got blown to bits in WWII. Terrorists are the Nazis of today.

Congratulations Ase!!  You couldn't manage to post 6 times without invoking Godwin's Law.   rofl.gif

i never heard that law.. im just gona pretend i never read that "Law" lol..

Quote[/b] ]And IMO being happy when terrorists suffer is the same as being happy when Nazis got blown to bits in WWII. Terrorists are the Nazis of today.
- Its kinda true

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Quote[/b] ]US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has given the White House's perspective on the conflict in Lebanon. She ruled out a call from Washington for a ceasefire

Hmmm i wonder why that is then ?

could this be the reason

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Hey, I didn't know the Israelis got Mahmoud "The Wart" Zahar's house.  thumbs-up.gif  nener.gif  yay.gif


Yaau you managed to blow his house up and kill his son. He's not dead, stop celebrating until you Israelies can do your job properly ie stop killing civvies aswell.

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I'm getting increasingly sick of Israel and it's barbaric methods towards arabs. Israelis are infact some of the most racist people today.

Anyways, here's a video illustrating the other point of view on Israel. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9220228136157091931

Watch it until about 33:00 (from thenon it's some ads for books...) or don't comment on it.

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Hi all ,

An interesting article I found by chance , not sure if this is 100% true but it does bring some new elements.

at least the guy gives a real opinion.

Quote[/b] ] And where are the Israeli people of conscience in all of this? Why, they're conveniently distracted by a sex scandal involving their president that has pushed news of the brewing Middle East war onto the back pages!
Quote[/b] ]"Who does he think he is? Clinton?" a pair of comedians

wrote in a newspaper column this week.

Quote[/b] ]Isn't it curious that right smack in the middle of an investigation of Israel spying on its best "friend," Hamas pulls off back-to-back suicide bombings - after a lull of nearly six months - in Beersheba? Hamas declares the bombing was revenge for Israel's assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi. Rantissi was assassinated on April 17 and Yassin on March 22.

Is there a reason Hamas waited so long to take revenge? Of course there is. Hamas is essentially an Israeli contrivance. It's used for effect when politically expedient.

Quote[/b] ] Israel "aided Hamas directly - the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO," Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies, told the UPI's Richard Sale in 2002. Hamas is a descendant of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic organization long ago penetrated by the CIA. "

full article can be found here

Quote[/b] ] 58 per cent of Israelis believed the offensive should continue until the Army killed Hizbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Only 17 per cent said Israel should stop fighting and start negotiations.

This war isn't going to finish quickly, Israel 51st state of USA.


so cute. crazy_o.gif

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Israelis are infact some of the most racist people today.

Either you have been eating detergent(again), or you just haven't watched Arab television yet. I'm betting both are true. Speaking of the consumption of various detergents, aren't you late for the "World Without Zionism" gathering? nener.gif

Now if you will excuse me, I'm off to eat some children and conduct "islamophobic" activities. You know, being "disgusting" doesn't come free of charge.

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Either you have been eating detergent(again), or you just haven't watched Arab television yet. I'm betting both are true.

What does the Jew do after one of his friends leaves?

He checks the sofa for loose change.

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Here, Bernadotte, Bordoy, and all you guys, you have the modern face of what you insist is not anti-Semitism, merely opposition to Israel's policies and actions. It's moments like these I want to have sex with and raise a little family of tiny, tiny moments. biggrin_o.gif

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Either you have been eating detergent(again), or you just haven't watched Arab television yet. I'm betting both are true.

What does the Jew do after one of his friends leaves?

He checks the sofa for loose change.

Umm.. ha.. ha? confused_o.gif

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Here, Bernadotte, Bordoy, and all you guys, you have the modern face of what you insist is not anti-Semitism, merely opposition to Israel's policies. It's moments like these I want to have sex with and raise a little family of tiny, tiny moments.  biggrin_o.gif

I used to support Israel in its actions and stance but this latest fight thats going on has made me think otherwise. One major problem is that anybody who is against Israel or whatever is labelled as anti-Semitic, that makes me abit angry like. Its like the left-wing looneys in the UK, oppose immigration and your racist crazy_o.gif

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Here, Bernadotte, Bordoy, and all you guys, you have the modern face of what you insist is not anti-Semitism, merely opposition to Israel's policies. It's moments like these I want to have sex with and raise a little family of tiny, tiny moments.  biggrin_o.gif

Oh you poor downtrodden soul sad_o.gif .

You start flaming me, so what do you expect? Cookies? I just flamed back.

Hating Israel isn't equal to hating all jews btw. Neither wanting to destroy Israel equal to wanting to exterminate the jews. You israelis seem to think that Israel is equal to judaism or something.

You just have to bring this to a personal level do you? Quit the ad hominems. And discuss the issue.

You can't really say i'm an anti-semite as i do have a bunch of jewish friends, they don't even mind if i crack a joke about jews once in a while. So shut up, go live in your bubble of self-rightousness. Forget about all the racism driven acts of Israel.

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Quote[/b] ]One major problem is that anybody who is against Israel or whatever is labelled as anti-Semitic

Do you see why that is now, Bordoy? smile_o.gif

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You can't really say i'm an anti-semite as i do have a bunch of jewish friends, they don't even mind if i crack a joke about jews once in a while. So shut up, go live in your bubble of self-rightousness. Forget about all the racism driven acts of Israel.

One of my mates (who is Jewish), said one time "I think I am Jewish cus my gran is adopted and she had a big nose" lol.

Quote[/b] ]Do you see why that is now, Bordoy?

No I don't. So I don't really like Iran aswell, omg that must make me Islamophobic icon_rolleyes.gif

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