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Boiling Point: Road to Hell

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Albert, youre right.

This game looks much poorer than OFP2 will look. I don`t think they use DX9 effects, if they do I wonder where they are.

I hope so or ill be shocked!tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]We dont know how OPF2 will look yet, im really not expecting something extraordinary in the graphics department, let me tell you that for me OPF with some nice addons running at 1280x1024, AA 4X and a bit of digital vibrance looks better than this game. I think OPF2 will look good and even lifelike considering all of its features, i dont think i would like it if it looked like Far Cry. DX9 or not OPF can look great and OPF2 will look better wink_o.gif .

They really care for the ratings, so I think flashpoint 2 going to be a little bit better in graphics than far cry!

Oh I hope so! wink_o.gif

Edit! tounge_o.gif

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I dont want to have too great graphics for OFP2. I dont need ragdoll, I dont need 10billion reflections of surfaces, lights and shadows and I definetly dont need ragdoll puppets.

I only want OFP2 to adapt its engine to current PC-systems. I want more textures, I want better special effects. I want to see a hole where a grenade went off and I want improved AI, soldiers that can give handsignals,  I want an extensive drag&drop editor. I want an autodownload for addons required in an MP mission and I want a tiny little bit more vegetation. THEN I AM HAPPY!

And PLEASE.. keep the soldiers as they are .. dont turn them into musclemaniacs. Their current shape is just fine!

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OFP2 has no competition

Agreeing with well said as fan!

But let’s be realistic, everything has its own challenges, other games in this case doh! tounge_o.gif

I hope you are damn right about what said! wink_o.gif

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I dont want to have too great graphics for OFP2. I dont need ragdoll, I dont need 10billion reflections of surfaces, lights and shadows and I definetly dont need ragdoll puppets.

I only want OFP2 to adapt its engine to current PC-systems. I want more textures, I want better special effects. I want to see a hole where a grenade went off and I want improved AI, soldiers that can give handsignals,  I want an extensive drag&drop editor. I want an autodownload for addons required in an MP mission and I want a tiny little bit more vegetation. THEN I AM HAPPY!

And PLEASE.. keep the soldiers as they are .. dont turn them into musclemaniacs. Their current shape is just fine!

Thats right, Better textures, better models, animations and efects but "realistic" graphics, not low poly plasticine stuff like Far Cry or Doom3, DX9 has yet to fully impress me here, if Flashpoint2 was to look like a cartoon comic with plasticine looking textures i would kill myself crazy_o.gif . Detailed models and photorealistic textures all the way but something that doesnt stop us from having huge firefights with lots of units too. I think many people will be disapointed with OPF2 graphics just like many were with OPF, without understanding the great scale of it wink_o.gif .

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OFP2 has no competition

I'm a OFP fan but how can you tell that when there is not even 1 screen or movie about OFP2? rock.gif

I've seen sequels turn out to be rubbish, at least for die-hard not mainstream gamers (Dx2, Thief3).

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I've seen sequels turn out to be rubbish, at least for die-hard not mainstream gamers (Dx2, Thief3).

I would hardly call those games rubbish, they just did not meet their fanboy'ses impossible expectations. wink_o.gif

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Well rubbish is maybe not the right word, but compare Dx1 with Dx2 and see what I mean.

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I wouldn't hype OFP2 until we actually know something about it.. I'm sure it will have a flexible engine like OFP and that it will offer big landscapes but the gameplay can easily turn out as Söldner. It's the small details that makes OFP a great game.

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Things can only improve on OFP2 and not degrade , until unless the OFP programmers and the spanel bros suffer from severe mental retardation tounge_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

I mean these guys know what makes OFP ticks for us , they wont change the gameplay only improve on it or add on it and the graphics. Unless they decide that enough is enough lets do a mainstream game with all the typical arcadish appeals that the easily pleased kiddie gamers out there like and even call EA and make a deal with them bunk codemasters *oh the horror* ghostface.gif

And ragdoll physics in OFP is a must , would be great to see someone fall over from an MG position instead of flicker and then suddenly appear down on the ground like a ghost crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Welcome to Realia. Have you heard about our extensive collection of jeeps, helicopters, and tanks?.

erm yes I have, havent you?


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I saw this topic at first post and thats what I thought too.The game doesn't even look as polished as Farcry to be comparing to OFP2.

And thats a good point that we all know OFP2 rules already and we haven't even seen a screenshot,that is too funny,lol

Like Albert stated a few posts ago,as long as it has a few of the mentioned fixes/upgrades I am confident that it will be nice.I like the programmers style.

And about the ragdoll and fancy graphics tho.It doesn't matter as much to me, but remember all the players we don't have because they couldn't get past OFPs plain graphics (let them play CS anyways)

OFP2 does need to have nice looking graphics to capture the audience that is looking for nice looking games.Then when they get playing they will realize how realistic and superior it is.

And for the record, I prefer smooth gameplay to fancy graphics.I don't use AA or AF hardly ever and I am one to turn my graphics down to make things smooth if thats what it takes.

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Well, Operation Flashpoint 2 is in a league of its own and should be amazing in 2006. Still, until then I found another similar game from GameSpot:

'Atari targets Enemy in Sight

Atari has announced Enemy in Sight, an all-new PC shooter that will take place during a fictitious, near-future war that will span all of Europe on huge battlefields of some 100 square kilometers in size. The game is in development at none other than Illusion Softworks, the Czech studio responsible for such games as Vietcong, the Hidden and Dangerous series, and Mafia. Enemy in Sight will feature a goal-oriented single-player campaign that takes place in deformable environments that can be traversed with driveable vehicles, along with team-based multiplayer modes. Atari executive producer Peter Wyse explains the first details.'

Quote[/b] ]GameSpot: Give us a brief overview of Enemy in Sight.

Peter Wyse: The cold war never died. It just went into a deep freeze until global events brought it to a full boil. You are a soldier in today's army. You are called into action to fight a conventional war between Russian and American forces using today's latest technology. You have all of the modern weapons of war at your disposal, from the latest machine guns to the laser-guided missile launchers, from modern tanks to state-of-the-art helicopters.

GS: Tell us about the game's single-player component. Will there be any story-related elements?

PW: You start off as a private in the American army called into duty to fight against Russian forces in European battle theaters. You will start off as basic infantry but will distinguish yourself in battle and you will find yourself quickly rising through the ranks. Along the way you'll receive training in a variety of different weapons and vehicles. And as the game progresses you'll be advancing the front line from England, on the south-west coast near the town Plymouth, to Germany in the in the south-west mountainous area near Baden-Baden, and finally to the Czech Republic near the White Carpathians area, nearby Slovakian borders. Along the way you'll discover more about who actually started this war and their reasons for doing so.

GS: Tell us about Enemy in Sight's multiplayer. Will it emphasize team play over lone-wolf tactics?

PW: Modern warfare is about team play and team tactics. We could not build a credible multiplayer game using modern weaponry without building scenarios and battlefields that will rely heavily on team tactics. So there will be scenarios that force players to combine ground, air, and artillery support to strike a target. But we do recognize that going it alone has its own appeal and for those players that want to test their limits against overwhelming odds, we have created "Green Beret mode."

GS: Tell us about the actual gameplay. Could you disclose the modes at this point? Is the game going to be focused on head-to-head deathmatching, or on goal-oriented gameplay?

PW: The single-player mode is very objective-oriented, as you'll be defending or attacking key targets, engaging enemies, establishing new frontlines, and collecting intelligence, to name a few of the scenarios. But the multiplayer and quick-play modes support a number of different scenarios and allow you to tailor your gameplay experience to your own flavor and speed. For example, if all you want to do is drive tanks and run through buildings, there will be scenarios that are very tank-centric. We'll announce the specific modes at a later date but variety of gameplay is not an issue.

GS: Any interesting technical features supported by Enemy in Sight you'd care to share with us?

PW: First of all we'll be pushing to get as many players into our multiplayer sessions as possible. I'll give you more information on just how many as we closer to our beta release.

One of the aspects that I love about this game is that the team did enormous amounts of research in order to get it right. Digital terrain models (DTM) and aerial photographs were used to recreate our battlefields so that England feels and looks like the countryside there. The buildings that you see in a small English village are very different than the ones that you find in a village in the Czech Republic. We needed to get this right because you can enter, explore and destroy any structure and terrain that you see in the game.

The initial accuracy of digital model moves within the range from one to 10 meters. The countryside has roads, watercourses and, in particular, the buildings that have been created precisely according to real structures, often with perfectly executed interiors. Consistently with reality, whole towns and villages will be created. There will be fewer structures, naturally, since the interiors of the buildings will also be modeled, and it will be made possible to enter them freely.

The basic size of each location is over 100 square kilometers, but this is not all: we do not want to create any countryside boundary, and so the whole model of terrain will be flipped over and mirrored into all sides, which will make the resulting size of the countryside larger than 900 square kilometers (more than 350 square miles)!

GS: Finally, is there anything else you'd like to add about the game?

PW: Modern weapons and vehicles, battlefields ripped from reality, deformable terrain, the chance to save the free world...we better hurry up and finish this game because I can't wait to play it!



A few uncanny resemblances there, though probably because so few games have come close to the original OpFlash.

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It sure looks like ofp1 with HYK soldiers and 144's grass. Atari bought over a mod team from ofp perhaps?

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That doesn't look too bad.. It's pretty close to OFP but it all depends on the gameplay.

So when is this game supposed to be released?

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hrrm.enemy in sight does look very nice. liek the way the landscape isn't barren.

it does look like ofp with quite a substantial makeover.

wonder when its ready and how realistic it plays. cause good looks are only good for a week or two.

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Quote[/b] ]And as the game progresses you'll be advancing the front line from England, on the south-west coast near the town Plymouth, to Germany in the in the south-west mountainous area near Baden-Baden, and finally to the Czech Republic near the White Carpathians area, nearby Slovakian borders

This is unbelivable.I was a very short time ago thinking about what game company could pull off something close to Operation Flashpoint in terms of realism and freedom.It was "Illussion Softworks" that came to mind,the creators of the fabulous Mafia.

It looks like the game spans through a huge landscape the graphics are all I would ever need from a game and judging from IS gave us in the past the gameplay will be immersive and the story line far from being cheesy.

By the way as far as I know "I.S" is also a Czech team so there seem to be more and more resemblences to OF,I am sure atleast they were inspired by the BIS game.

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It's nice to see Illusion finally went ahead with a modern era game of "their" brand.

H&D1 was to me something very special. It had freedom and large maps (in its time). Then came OFP and ran away with the grand prize. I hope Atari let Illusion do their thing with this game the way they did with H&D2 (except add coop from v1.0).

Pics looks good. It even has transparancy issues (look at the Hind pit), just like OFP. That means its promising biggrin_o.gif

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Never seen such blind faith in something .

 Games companys differ in size and ability level , some companies are small and therfore are not expected to bring anything majorly new to the table , other larger companies with more money to offer higher skilled staff can create better games for the modern gamer . I would class BIS as a small company

When a new game is in development  , screenshots and trailers are the norm . So far nothing has been shown of Ofp2 , are BIS that confident that they can take a game to full development without showing anything ? Do they expect to create a market on the day of release ?  The only reason i can see why the are not showing is because atm it simply isnt up to our massivly high expectations .*see Ofp 2 thread*

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This thread is for discussing "Boiling Point: Road to Hell", nothing more, nothing less smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]When a new game is in development , screenshots and trailers are the norm . So far nothing has been shown of Ofp2 , are BIS that confident that they can take a game to full development without showing anything ? Do they expect to create a market on the day of release ? The only reason i can see why the are not showing is because atm it simply isnt up to our massivly high expectations .*see Ofp 2 thread*

You know what maybe they are still 'IN' the development process , trailers and screenshots are only shown when they are worth showing. Who said BIS isnt gonna show us anything? Do you know the status of the development on OFP2? How can you even make a judgement on how far the progress has been made or hasnt?

Only reason i can think of why they arent showing anything is because they havent yet reached the stage on which to show us anything. Who knows how much BIS is putting in to OFP2 , they look like a creative and good team who dont wanna bundle just a upped GFX'ed version of the same game they released 4 years ago.

When OFP2 comes out i am 99% sure that it will be better then the competition of that time present and it will meet our expectations otherwise BIS would have given up on it alongtime ago if they couldnt do it.

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Acecombat my post applies to you as well smile_o.gif

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I know placebo but the temptation to clear that wrong notion brought up was too much.

My lips are sealed now wink_o.gif .

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So...I've looked at the screenshots and all, but what's this game about?

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