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Tigers are lone rangers and seldom hunt in packs. But like all living things, they need to mate sometime, and tigers will travel thousands of miles find the perfect mate...so if u happen to be in the wrong place and the wrong time....have fun!





Feel free to take it apart and use it anyway u want but please DONT sell it - it aint worth a cent. its just something u play in editor for 5mins and delete away.:p

PC_tiger 1.5Mb 7days only

PS:- pics are below 100kb, AND...this tiger aint no dog!!!! wow_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]PC Tiger  by Philcommando

3rd Feb 2005

An attacking wild tiger.



1. unzip and copy PCtiger.pbo to your OFP addons folder.

2. Open mission editor, select Resistance >armored>PC Tiger

3. place .intro files directly into OFP>User>Player>mission folders. Open up Mission Editor > Load >Desert Island and u will see Tigertest2.

Load>MaldenIsland > click on missions and u should be able to see  Tigertest5 and Tigertest6.

Tigertest2:- to show u that the tigers do attack the soldiers.

Tigertest3:- a demo to show an escorted group walking thru tiger territory

Tigertest4:- No more stealing car, now u gotta get to the car to escape 6 wild tigers after yer blood.



1. Tiger will move to your position closest and attack you, whereever u are, one end of the map to another.

2. Plug and play addon, scripts built within.

3. If u intend to play as the tiger, the script will eject u out for u are a human, not an animal.

Commands u may need


1. Should u want the tiger/tigers to attack a group of persons:-

a. Name your tiger - avehicle, bvehicle, cvehicle, .....etc

b. Name your groups of soldiers individually - man1, man2, ...to man9.

c. Once ingame, the tigers will get to u no matter where u are.

*2. Should u want a tiger to attack only a man:-

a.Name your tiger - avehicle and man as - hunted.

b. Place a trigger with the activation:- [avehicle,hunted] exec "\PCTiger\scripts\hunted.sqs"

for 2 tigers or more, just add [bvehicle,hunted] exec "\PCTiger\scripts\hunted.sqs";[cvehicle,hunted] exec "\PCTiger\scripts\hunted.sqs"

3. Should u want to play normally without using the builtin scripts:-


a. The tiger will only react if u are very close to it ~1metres away, and

b. the tiger will react to East soldiers more, but if u set the Resistance Friendly to nobody, it will bite anyone including civilians.

c. Should u want to remove the tigers:- this exec "\PCTiger\scripts\dead.sqs"

c. To get tiger close to you, use at tiger's init:- this domove getpos me  : this will get the tiger to about 4metres away from u.

*updated here from original sent out readme.

Have fun!!

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download link to be posted shortly  smile_o.gif

edit: as soon as he replies to my PM  wink_o.gif

edit2: any minute now he will be replying  rock.gif

edit3: ok and he has gone offline, after being on for 30 minutes (20 minutes after i pmed him)... so i guess he doesnt want it hosted? crazy_o.gif

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tiger addon would go nicely in the tonali jungles or something unclesam.gif or for some vietnam missions maybe wink_o.gif

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Sorry avon..had to clear up some of my old mails. A growl is on the way to yer email.

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If this is posted in A&M:C then why isn't there a publicly available d/load link? Other than that, good work PC.

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Quote[/b] ]So there, I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopkeeper and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really, but sure enough I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show.


Any change of a download link?

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The challenge is in making such an animal that can kill at close quarters, something we havent seen in ofp yet. It may not be perfect, but we'll get there soon. Unlike zombies, these are non-human objects that can move in the manner of a living object.

Its no big deal, but this tiger proves that all kinds of interactive animals are very possible in ofp and will lend atmosphere to missions in jungles as it truly is, be it a hot tropical island to a snow covered landscape.

Furthermore, as ofp is big enough for all kinds of mod, perhaps one day we'll get to see Godzilla in action, at least that will put the abrams to good use. tounge_o.gif

PS:- i am not the first with such an animal, i believe the starship troopers mod did an alien spider, but my scripts are original and nothing copied as i needed something simplier and different for the tiger.

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LOL! Who here thought this thread was either about a PzVI Tiger or Eurocopter Tiger? biggrin_o.gif

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I love tigers, they're gr-r-r-r-reat!

I can see some missions now "Steal the Frosted Flakes."

Someone should edit "After Montignac" and substitute the tigers for the soldiers in the forest.

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come on pc release this big pussy cat.!!!!!!!!

i am always playing around with your addons and i think they are great (most of them anyway tounge_o.gif )

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In the best Tom Jones vioce I can muster.....Whats new pussycat?...whaooo a whaooh awhaoooh ooooh....oh!! OH!!!!....UHOH!!!!!! smile_o.gif

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LOL! Who here thought this thread was either about a PzVI Tiger or Eurocopter Tiger? biggrin_o.gif

me sad_o.gif

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me too.... another WW2 addon.... boring.... let's just have a look at screenshots... what?! a tiger?! animal-triger!? lol, looks great wish I could download it too. tounge_o.gif

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In the  best Tom Jones vioce I can muster.....Whats new pussycat?...whaooo a whaooh awhaoooh   ooooh....oh!! OH!!!!....UHOH!!!!!! smile_o.gif

I love that song man biggrin_o.gif

and yes I was surprised when it was a cat, thought it was a tank tounge_o.gif

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I didnt wanna do a tiger project, but after watching Anaconda - about a scientific team searching for specimens, got trapped by anacondas, i thot 'why not'? Just dont let any 60 yr old play with it, cos it can be quite shocking the first time if u suddenly hear a growl behind u, turning back and see those menacing eyes staring at u. I jumped outta my chair the first time i loaded it ingame.

Credits:- the tiger model is not by me, but free from the internet. I couldnt credit him because he listed his name as unknown.

The texture is not by me, but free from digitalstudios. Both textures and model had to be modified to suit ofp.

Script concepts are from forums but had to be modified to suit the tiger. Have fun


PC_tiger   1.5Mb   7days only

Some feedback issues:-

1. Tiger is not at actual size

2. Humans can be seen comming out of the tiger. - it wont happen most of the time as i took pains in the script to ensure that, but then should the tiger get stuck at location it may happen.

3. Tiger hard to kill - Real hunters will tell u its a myth that an animal dies with 1 shot. Most of the time, the animals can accept several rounds even at vital parts before succumbing to loss of blood. My armour value is set at 40, but if u shoot at the front, usually half a clip will kill it.

4. MP play:- not sure if it will work in mp as eventhandlers are used and script command features are geared towards ofp1.9

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Great addon! Thanks P.C. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]tiger addon would go nicely in the tonali jungles or something or for some vietnam missions maybe

Just as a side note, Tonali no (because its based in Africa, no tigers there)

Vietnam yes, tigers there smile_o.gif

These cats are in Asia North (Siberian flavor) to south.

this info for you realism freaks :P

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