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Velkopopovice Defence Forces - Rangers Pack

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VDF MOD devoted to heroic struggle of oppressed fans of beer from small town Velke Popovice against world globalization, has released the first version of unique addon-pack, which showes for public structure and appearance of one of the most secret divisions of Velkopopovice Defense Forces - Kozlice Rangers.


You can download addon by this link - http://www.flashpoint.ru/newsimages/VDF/kzl_rng.rar [2,5 Mb]

Requires Kozlice weapon pack - http://www.flashpoint.ru/newsimages/kozlice.rar

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Common information

1st special forces squad "Kozlice Rangers" was formed at the beginning of the 1980s. Main target of this squad was demonstration of VDF power to the neighbouring socialist, imperialist and capitalist countries. Originally, objective of this program was to change equipment of all VDF forces with new types, but, fortunately, these plans weren't realized. New boots, uniform, hemets and hats were specially developed for Kozlice rangers. Developers explored the newest tracts about tactics, medicine, psychology, and books about sewing for housemaids. Default unifrom of Kozlice Rangers is "Kozel Unit Kombat Uniform" (shortly - KUKU). This is a green cloth with "goatkid"-spots. This camouflage gives great effect - even from small distance rangers squad looks like flock of wild goats. Specially for rangers were developed new boots - different for left and right legs. Boot for right leg was created in "Horns & Hoofs Arms, Inc." (genereal constructor - Dranek Rvanek); boot for left leg - in "Ivan Susanin's Military Workshop, Ltd.". Each ranger has got two stripes - on the left arm and on the right arm. Kozlice Rangers squads got several new variants of equipment:

1. PIVO-soldier

The main objective of PIVO-soldier is well-timed beer support of VDF troops. No one ranger can exist without beer. Of he doesn't get it in-time, he can drink that gunk from tank with writing "FLAMEABLE! DO NOT MOVE!!!", or that posion from bottle with sign "Budweiser".


On the back of PIVO-soldier you can see a tank with beer (number 2 on the scheme). Soldier's head is protected by helmet (1) of kozlice skin, which stops hit of beer mug. Bottles with alcohol on the belt (5) for reanimation of demoralized soldiers. On the screenshoot soldier is weard in KUKU camouflage (4) and special boots (3).

PIVO-soldier is one of the most renal and dangerous appointments in Velkopopovice Defence Forces. PIVO-soldiers often die during airlanding, because PIVO-barrel at their back is not compatible with default parachute "Pipice". Unfortunately, nobody was back after airlanding, and this is little secret of VDF.

2. Mass Media Soldier

Kozlice rangers also are used at mass-media war on the territory, occupied by enemies. Main soldier of this war is Mass Media Soldier. These soldiers get into villages and begin their work.


When they arrive, the turn on TV (1) and show anti-soviet films and agitaion movies about Velkopopovice Velkopops (Velkopopovice senators), and translates Puhlek Popek's speech from radio (4), sings, dances, and spreads leaflets. Mass media soldiers are specialists, and do all these things together. Bright vest (2) with specially selected pattern, which attracts children; Specially weared kerchief makes him look like mother.

3. LAWKA Soldier

LAWKA Soldier is the basic soldier of rangers squad. His equipment integrates comfort, combat power and hi-tech interface. These soldiers may be armed with any weapon - from rifle "Kozlice" to heavy grenade launcher "Edrice-2".


General component of LAWKA soldier's equipment is Small Infantry Bench (2 on the scheme). It's used for rest, sleeping, eating and checking the quality of beer, which was brought by PIVO-soldier. As you know, if PIVO-soldier in leather trouses stands up with bench, covered with beer, he will make one more raid for the provision. There's very complicated control SIB system (3) on the belt of LAWKA-soldier. Studing of using the control system requires 90% of whole ranger's studing time. Other 10% of time are used for studing soldier to use "Drink of Great Power" (4). This drink was created by Velkopopovice academics after several years of experimnets with different types of sugars.

LAWKA soldier's head is protected by newest helmet "Vedrice" (1). It's made of several lists of lead and stailness steel. This helmet can defeat from hit of the other "Vedrice" helmet, moving on the middle ranger's run speed. Unfortunately, ranger's head is not absolutely compatible with new helmet. When soldiers try to hug each other after victory, they get heavy injures.

4. Pozorny Officer

Velkopopovice is a small teocrathic republice with bad demograohical situation, and during 20 years there are no limitations for getting work in Velkopopovice medical service or VDF. One of the results of this reform is Pozorny Officer.


Blinded from binge (1,4), students of Velkopopovice University go to the army and get there post of special forces squad officer. They shoot on sound, and this creates a little discomfort for other soldiers. Thats the reason there is a sign on there back (3). Sign "POZOR!" means, that this killing machine is coming on the battlefield. This sign is also a weapon for close combat - if pozorny officer feels smell of alcohol, he takes a sign from his back and starts a bloody massacre.

Because officer and soldiers must have a liking to each other, officers wear special beret (2), colored into special relaxation pattern. Bears and foxes on the gray background take soldiers back into their childhood, and pozorny officers becames mother for them; some soldiers then follow officer and try to suck the bottles on the officer's belt (1).

5. Hrabice Miner

The lone ingeneer in "Kozlice Rangers" is Hrabice Miner. He is a base for sucsessfull partisan war with dogs of capitalism and sharks of communism. Hrabice Miner is excellently equiped, like other soldiers of the squad.


The main weapon of Hrabice Miner is universal transformable flashbang mine / minefinder Hrabice (1). To install it like a reusable mine just put it on the ground with prongs up. This using of this mine on the towpaths ot the toilets, near the beer tanks and camps showed, that stupid enemies step on it several times, became unconscious and Kozlice Rangers take them alive. For using Hrabice like minefinder, take it's butt and plough the minefield. Loud explotion will notice about mine.

Hrabice Miners also use psychological weapon "Chert ti ce" - shock mines-presents (5). These mines must be installed near enemies' rest camps. Inquisitive soldiers open it and get into the face orange "figa" (fist with first finger between second and third) with writing "TAK!". A lot of enemy sodiers hang themselves in the velkopopovice forests after that. Hrabice Miner is also equiped with bottle of vodka, mixed with laxative (3). This is very dangerous, antihumane weapon, banned by Geneve convention. It's used by Hrabice Miner only in extremal situation. The next weapon of Hrabice Miner is stunted-action psychological mine "Dreifice" (7), developed by professor Ukurice. This is a wood desk with symbols of VDF and daunting writings on the enemies' language. This mines are installed on the way of enemy forces, hanged on the walls instead of Lenin's portrait's at the commander's rooms. Parade helmet "Lampice Z Kozlice" (2) finishes Hrabice Miner equipment. The figure of Kozel on the top, which is looking forward and up, is a symbol of valour, courage, honour of Kozlice Rangers; Already 20 years their slogan is "PIVO - KOZEL - POZOR!"...

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Well now I'm curious so I have to try this.

EDIT: What's too bad is that you actually have potential for a seriously cool set of partizans/resistance here.

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So, do the mass media soldiers show BBC? Stupid question. Of course they do! biggrin_o.gif

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will there be some good opfor? like army of evil Radegast empire? any chance to see some statement about relations with other czech breweries?

i must try them. hope they will be as good as Kozel biggrin_o.gif

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Normally i dont give much about fun addons but these are really cool, its fun making missions with them.

They need some vehicles too, a brewery truck and a helicopter wich can carry objects, so we can make mp games where you got a crate of beer and every team tries to bring it to his own base by hooking it to their chopper and fly it home.

They can also use a T55 from us and add beer kegs instead of fuel drums, lol

Or they got to steal every single bootle, like a take the flag map you bring hmm liek 24 bottles home and win if the crate is complete tounge_o.gif

Yes i just had a few beers too... wink_o.gif

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hahahaha *cough* lol

i couldn´t stop laughing when i saw the pics, great addon! biggrin_o.gif

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when i first saw the one with the beer i thought it would be time for the DUFF-MAN in ofp

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when i first saw the one with the beer i thought it would be time for the DUFF-MAN in ofp

Duff man, CANT breath... Oh noooo! tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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why the stickers, that say "czech standart" are written in russian? is it "czech standart"? im not sure. i had a few drinks to get into the right mood for these units... wink_o.gif

i see an officer talking to his men before an suicidal attack atempt. "men, today youre not gonna be fighting for your lives. not for your families. not for freedom, better world, pride or any crap like it. today your gonna be fighting and dying for the thing you value the most. FOR OUR BEER! CHAAAAAAAAARGE!!! the last man alive is f*cking abstinent!" and then whole squad as one man runs toward hated enemy holding their favourite pub.


what about winter version? with equipment like vodka, slivovice(all you need to survive the cruel winter)... wink_o.gif

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