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Big Dawg KS

A New AH-64 Pack

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Well I wonder if Helifreak has any way for me to contact him.

Wait! The Heli-Signal!

*shines helicopter shaped beacon in the sky*

But yea hes got some kick-ass black textures.

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Although I think it'd be best you started from scratch, with enough features and modifications, I'm sure you can morph the default AH-64 into what you'd like.

BTW, my offer still stands, KyleSarnik - if you'd like to use the model I made or any assistance I can lend to your project. I'm sure theres a few textures I could provide you with. smile_o.gif

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Of course, as for the main model I am pretty confident in the re-worked (heavily) BIS one, but any other models for parts or stuff that I don't have or any good textures would be great. biggrin_o.gif

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cool, kinda, honsestly I rather a replacement model too bad I had started new models of the AH64 project that died with new flight models, both A and D models and the naval version that never saw production. including pilot models with IHADS systems. Including the new armored helmet gunner pilot systems they use now. Maybe I'll turn them over to one of these new mods to be completed.

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Though the balck apache is great looking and all,I liked what he was doing by using the greenish army colors,silesians seems kind of brownish less than green...I dunno..or maybe its just the picture on google,somethings happening to all the pictures of cockpits of apaches on google image search,I found about 3 already and none of them work,of course you can see the small pic but not enlarge it,otherwise you get a 404 rock.gifhttp://images.google.com/images?q=AH-64D&hl=en

Heres a gray,black and white inside but its not head on,gunners seat http://avia.russian.ee/vertigo/cockpits/mcdonnell_longbow_gunner.jpg

pilots seat http://avia.russian.ee/vertigo/cockpits/mcdonnell_longbow_pilot.jpg

closeup of the upper body of what they wear (not sure if the blue gloves are part of it rock.gif ) http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~carlo/AV/apache14.jpg

though its from a simulator,the inside view of the cockpit should be seen like this http://www.gamerankings.com/screens3/24474/1.jpg

Green longbow! ^_^ http://www.defensie.nl/Images/8030_tcm6-35305.jpg

heres a more direct view of the gunners cockpit,well the system infront anyway http://www.bredow-web.de/ILA_200....pit.jpg

A pilot I guess showing somebody what the screen does http://www.waffenhq.de/flugzeuge/apache-06.jpg

a front pic of a flying longbow http://www.globalsecurity.org/militar....007.jpg

http://www.globalsecurity.org/militar....986.jpg another idea for your crashed apache

pilot view http://www.az.ngb.army.mil/1-285AT....IEW.jpg

AH-64 layout for different missions http://www.az.ngb.army.mil/1-285ATKHB/images/AH-64%2053.jpg

another view of the gunner cockpit system http://www.az.ngb.army.mil/1-285ATKHB/images/AH-64D%2045.jpg

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If you want real hi-res pictures of the Apache there is only one place to get them.

You need to register an email and you need to type it in for every picture you want but its worth it and you don't get any spam.

Boeingmedia <-- select image gallery

The smallest pictures are around 2000x2000. The largest I have is around 4000x3000. Could be helpful if you're looking for the smaller details  smile_o.gif

Also check out Combat Helos forum for reference. Tons and tons of info and pictures posted there.

I believe everything you need to know is posted there, so why re-invent the wheel when everything is there just a search-button away wink_o.gif

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Yaknow,if they left the new longbow model on combat helo untextured it would make a great army men apache,and yeh,thats the website I got those videos I was talking about,the first one has the most camera action in it.

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biggrin_o.gif  Wow you guys are great! Thanks for all of the great pictures!

Dr. Fin has helped me find information on a bunch of the apache's systems. Big thanks to him too.

The pilot model will begin soon, I have a friend who agreed to help work on it smile_o.gif. Thank you proto.

I kinda assembled a team here, so I expect the project develop more quickly  wink_o.gif . If you want to join my efforts, please feel free to ask.

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Ok I have new updates.

I worked on the ATAS a little bit:



I know screenshots can get kind of boring after a while, so soon I hope to get a video of the Apache ingame.  wink_o.gif

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The pilot model will begin soon, I have a friend who agreed to help work on it smile_o.gif. Thank you proto.

Info on the M142 IHADSS helmet can be found here smile_o.gif

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Great, thanks shadow.

I just finished adding the proper gages on the cockpit using xnodunitx's pictures.  smile_o.gif . It looks great so far, and I hope to soon get more information on the MFD pages, so I can do those smile_o.gif.

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Great, thanks shadow.

I just finished adding the proper gages on the cockpit using xnodunitx's pictures.  smile_o.gif . It looks great so far, and I hope to soon get more information on the MFD pages, so I can do those smile_o.gif.

np  smile_o.gif

Just use Jane's Longbow 2 for reference on the content of the different MFD-pages.

You don't need them all and not every one is possible in the game anyway.

I'd stick with the payload-indicator, a gps-map ala BAS blackhawks and Chinooks, the system status display (shows damages, fuel-level) and the nav-mode (air-speed, altitude above ground and sea, horizon and compass).

Don't use the MFDs from Apache vs Havoc. They're politically incorrect tounge_o.gif

Would it be possible to remove the yellow in-game waypoint and add an arrow in a MFD and distance in numbers in one of the corners?

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Hmm, probably with a change the the config.bin smile_o.gif, I dunno much about that stuff though, but if anyone else does, well, possbility to look into that smile_o.gif

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Bouncy landing struts would be cool... is it possible? I heard there's a suspension script out there, don't know how easy it would be to implement.

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Hmm, yea I considered it but decided against it cause then I couldn't animate the wheels for the taxi script. Oh, yes, the taxi script, shall I tell you guys?

Oh why not, its pretty simple, if your in the pilot seat and have your engines on, you can taxi around on flat ground by using the movement keys (works like a jeep or a jet), infact I even have some footage of that in the video clip. Oh thats right, I forgot to tell you, I have a video clip!

Here you go guys:

AH64 Apache Clip

(I had to turn down my OFP resolution to film this so the tracers are not visible on the M230)

(The hanger came from mapfact's new barreken addon,one of many supported re-equip points supported)

Thanks go to manticore for helping me out w/ fraps, and to Xelsis of the KaoS-Squad and Pacific War Mod for hosting it for me, thanks you again guys! smile_o.gif

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Yea, I just realised that the problem with the LOAL hellfire is caused by the recording program, it doesn't really do that normaly, it works more like the ones in the screens. The program I used slows down OFP alot and thats probably what caused it. Also why its very choppy.

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Hmmm, I think I still have Janes Longbow 2 manual in PDF format somewhere around here. If you don't have it already I could find it and send it to you. smile_o.gif

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Is it possible to have the engines on but not the rotors? Well... that is if the rotors are off when the Apache is taxiing. I'm not sure, never seen a video of one doing something like that.

Just a thought. Looks really cool though. Love the re-equip stuff.

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Well im pretty sure that helicopters that do taxi use the thrust of the rotor to do so (I saw footage of an HH60 taxi with its rotor on), but I know for sure that they can't taxi on their own with their engines off, and no there is no way to have the engine on but the rotor off, not that I know of that is...

ag_smith that would be fantastic. No I don't have it and if you can find it please do send it  biggrin_o.gif

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...Also yes you are right about the hellfire fire modes, LOBL and LOAL will be available, LOBL fires directly at targets, and LOAL will climb first and decend on targets, also LOAL has a less chance of hitting its target and is more prone to losing control...

First up, looks very promising, and I look forward to downloading.  Please don't take the following in a negaitve way, but...

Noooo.  I just had to make a comment about LOAL and LOBL.  LOAL is actually a preferred way to shoot, because it's more reliable.  LOAL is less likely to suffer from backscatter, which can cause a miss or lost laser energy, as well as it works better against counter-measures.  You also get a longer range w/ LOAL, usually.  It's your mod, so do what you want, but I just wanted to add this for the realism camp, should you decide to remove the "inaccuracy."

As for taxing, most Army helos do not have rotor brakes, so if the engines are on, most likely the rotors are turning.  The Navy birds usually do have rotor brakes, so you can turn the engines w/out the rotors engaged, however, you can not taxi.  Like you said, KyleSarnik, helos taxi w/ rotor thrust.

Keep it up.  This looks awesome.

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If the rotors aren't turning, the only way the chopper is going to move, is if it's being towed. tounge_o.gif Rotors produce thust, unless, the helo has additional engines to suppliment power.

Years ago, some helos were experimented with, that had external turbofan engines in addition to the standard jet-driven rotors, to suppliment the helos top speed. I believe that Sikorsky had some success, and broke some speed records, etc. but never massed produced them.


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Interesting gatordev, however, the inaccuracy is not there on purpose, it's just something I noticed with the script, it used to sometimes descend and when at about 20 ft off the ground shoot back up into the air, but I fixed that now, however it may still not hit the target directly (that is why I gave it a higher indirect hit damage), it usualy hits a bit behind your target, but you still get the kill smile_o.gif. And thanks both of you for confirming my taxi belief.

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Well im pretty sure that helicopters that do taxi use the thrust of the rotor to do so (I saw footage of an HH60 taxi with its rotor on), but I know for sure that they can't taxi on their own with their engines off, and no there is no way to have the engine on but the rotor off, not that I know of that is...

ag_smith that would be fantastic. No I don't have it and if you can find it please do send it  biggrin_o.gif

engine can be on without having the rotors on, but the aircraft cannot taxi like that because there is no transmission that drives to the wheels.

sometimes they do a takeoff (i can't remember what it's called) where they put the engine on full power but the rotor is disengaged. then while the engine is going full power, they suddenly engage the rotor, causing the helicopter to instantly surge upward. a lot of fun, but slightly damaging to the helicopter smile_o.gif anyway, just thought i would share.

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Just saw the video. Very sweet indeed.

And it gave me an idea. I read a story from a Apache pilot flying in Afghanistan (I think). Apache crew has some kind of mounting device on their uniform that connects with "something" on the aircraft (assuming ontop of the wings) to airlift them.

I read about this Apache landing close to a Kiowa crash-site. Co-pilot was dead, I believe, and pilot in shock. The Apache pilot landed while gunner was still inside with the engines running. The pilot ran over to the Kiowa pilot, got him back to the Apache, gunner went out and used his emergency transport "thingy" while the Kiowa pilot was sat in the gunner's pit and the Apache pilot flew all 3 to homebase.

Maybe add a cargo-space ontop of each wing and deactive the weapons-system if someone is in one of the two cargo-posisitons?

I'll see if I can find more details on this emergency crew-transport system.

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