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Big Dawg KS

A New AH-64 Pack

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Possibly, but for now I am going to get all of the rest of the parts done, and then maybe put that feature in later.

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I'm just throwing out ideas. Cool little extras. It's not like I think any of this stuff is crutial. It'd just be cool to have. It looks like it's coming along really nicely.

Expected release date? Just wondering...

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Well, I am confident that beta testing will begin soon to members of the "team" I formed (all of those who are currently helping me). And the results of that will decide the release date. biggrin_o.gif

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Fair to warn you DKM heli-scripts are not MP friendly.

Low altitudue ejection = death nomater how close to the ground, you survive better staying with bird letting it crash and eat ground. You die instantly if you fall higher than a sertain height, which is odd because you enject from a cargo you don't get hurt as often, when disembarking from blackhawk, asume its a game engine bug.

The set up on the Mi2 is a bit more refined, but still going down in helo is usual going to kill you. Common your flying higher that 145 feet in a real chooper when the engine or transmission fails, its the point of no return, you usualy are gonna leave a big hole. Why should it not be the same in game.

Should be whimp-mode must be activated instead so they can unlock the eject script. ;)

The crash isn't the thing that usualy kills chopper types its the broken rotor blades slicing through the fuselage like a hot knife through cold butter. ;)

The AH64s tend to splinter like Bambo, and cause more injuries becoming hypervecity launched frangments.

I would seriously look in BAs for scripts on helios, and WGL mods.

Like the rotor break warning , and engine over-torquest scripts.

The engine start up scripts, WGL and the other AH64 pack use are great. Verbokensens tail rotor failure scripts also are rather decent, and MP friendly. Most of the scripts can be obtained over at the editing depot. Somebody redid it a fourth time with a bit more added to it like raddio chatter, I modified it for some other chopper addons, and added the alarm and crash sounds for when you do go down. But was for transport birds like the KA60 and Mi24D, can't remember where I found the first code by should be a link posted in FLASHFX 1.8 threads pointing to it.

Tail rotor failure problem one is its usualy point to it to cause the failure. Nice if you get repaired you can return to operation.

It tampers with fuel settings and brings down the bird that way.

Also engine fire scripts which that mod uses that I like, including a fuel/engine explossion if you fly around too long on fire.

Wannaa see thess scripts in cation sugest you take a bis bird into heavy combat with the flashFXmod 1.8, the tailrotor failure is kinda hard to cause cause the AI's often aim at the commander, going tow to tow against other helos will get it if they don't get missile happy and frag you from 2000 away with a ATGM.

Do not try to balance the AH64 against the Mi24. The hind is armored titanium dual walled fuselage, often with some matraial poured in between it to make it even harder to penetrate, used to be concrete, they changed it for something lighter. It is a flying tank powered by a pair of 2,200 hp engines, it has a higher cruising speed than than the AH64's 184 mph, usualy 23mm or smaller only pisses off Hinds.

The AH64 is a thin skined vulerable to small arms fire attack helo, you often fly low and use the terrain to your advantage. Most of the russain made choppers can hand your ass back to you on a plater, your to use the AH64s stand off capabilites to engage threat aircraft. If your closer than 1500 meters to your target your too close. Most gamers seldom use this equipment like it should be used, which is the big shame, its gonna be some MP whore that gets shot down by camping whores with manpads loitering out around respawn points.

Yeah got demo crews for an AH64 project that never got finished, we had a new model from the ground up but Ab and d and the navy version. One of the guys helping in the project died, the reast were deployed so its dead in the water. The lack of intrests over at Combat mod and how the AH1-T, W, and Z went kinda dead as well, all the new pilot units for all these birds are sitting, mostly texture work needs completetion, you game, I can't texture for shit... Color blind and not Photoshop savy. I'm a deluxepaint head.

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Well you basicly summed up everything that doesn't need fixing on the apache  biggrin_o.gif  and yes the tail rotor failure project I mentioned used a modified version of Verbokensens tail rotor failure script. And no I am not trying to make the apache balanced against the Mi24, but I am trying to make it's features balanced to HAWKs Mi28 and Ka50 addons (ex. the changable loadouts) so they will make great CTI choppers, while keeping a high amount of realism.  biggrin_o.gif  that is my goal.

And if you have those pilots, please send them, I have someone who could probably make some textures for them, and then I could probably finish them up.

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Send them where?

One helmet is textureed out allready,

Just not done BDU wearing versions as some units mix between just BDUs or wearing flight suits.

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Ok, I have some pictures here, I retextured the A model with some new textures that xnodunitx made for me:




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Well I'll finishe them if your feel like waiting for me to learn how to texture. Otherwize I'll lock in a zip send em your way.. I pulled the armored parts off the D model guys, caused issues with selectios making his ass drag on the ground behind him. The clipping issues, I though was silly alsofixed it in the mode of the AH 64 I made but couldn't really cure it in BIS based AH64s. Besidees was only eye candy for the most part, like removing the parachute off his backside, "AH64 crews don't wear chutes!!!" The added body armor is only useful on the ground doesn't carry through when flying to bird so I removed the parts, to really redo them over so they fit better. Eh mostly just rescaled to fit in the cockpit without the head sticking through the glass. I can gather up everything and emaile it, the hard part is done helmets and config, they have propor weapons load out for the A B model, in the event of a crash landing theu get their rifle and pistol. Kinda didn't follow the thing of giving them MP5s cause most of the rotor heads here still get issued just M16s, and M4s.

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Maybe you should let me show the pics.....in those it just looks like another colored apache.

Okay people I know the thing of,you don't want to see bolts too far away but it would be nice if they were there so here you are,a teaser.

if detail is your thing then this will be perfect,I plan to do different colors,gray,black,brown and maybe some camo types for the fancy stuff,afterall,realism is great,but who says it ALL has to be real?


yes I realize that the bolts are repetitive and all the same color,I am getting to work on that right now.

I still think we should high and low quality version of models for online and offline for those of us who can't join becaus eof our firewalls or some other issue (coughpeopleattitudescough)

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Bobcatt you can send them to me and I will see if I can't finish them up. My email is in my profile. xnodunitx, your getting a little excited there, calm down biggrin_o.gif , there is still much work to do, I have to complete the cockpits, and then add some more scripting. As for release date, I still need to decide the course of action for release, weather to wait and get everything together and release it all at once, or release an early version and then release updated versions as I work on it (I will probably wait untill most of it is completed).

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Just giving them some taste of stuff to come,people want to see differences and actual details.

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if detail is your thing then this will be perfect,I plan to do different colors,gray,black,brown and maybe some camo types for the fancy stuff,afterall,realism is great,but who says it ALL has to be real?


yes I realize that the bolts are repetitive and all the same color,I am getting to work on that right now.

It's not realistic. Have a look (hubby's pic, from the IAF Museum):


The bolts are much smaller and hardly discernable.

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Maybe you should let me show the pics.....in those it just looks like another colored apache.

Thats because Kyle isnt a major Texturer, now if your a texture artist, maybe you should help him with it, if not, then get someone to do it..

In kyles case, he is a great scripter/configer/mission designer, but he's not a texturer, more then I but not enough to the point of making his own, with median detail. (atleast from what I know)

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each apache looks rather different,some you can see the bolts in better than others,I am a person who likes that kind of look but I will make a version with smaller less seeable bolts.

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each apache looks rather different,some you can see the bolts in better than others,I am a person who likes that kind of look but I will make a version with smaller less seeable bolts.

Exactly. Very nice work.

I don't like green on Apaches (because all US Apaches are olive drab), but because of all the details I love your texturing anyway  smile_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Can hardly wait to see the whole aircraft.

Quote[/b] ]The AH64 is a thin skined vulerable to small arms fire attack helo, you often fly low and use the terrain to your advantage. Most of the russain made choppers can hand your ass back to you on a plater, your to use the AH64s stand off capabilites to engage threat aircraft.

Bobcatt, are you mixing up the Cobra and the Apache?

The Cobra is the thin-skinned one, the Apache is the armoured one. It can take up to 23mm shells in all critical areas. No, I believe the Apache stand a better chance against the Russian helicopters because it would most probably get a shot off first and hit its target with the first shot. But thats a different story (and a different topic).

Back on topic:

Will the windshields be partially bulletproof? They should be able to withstand and small arms fire.

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I didn't make those textures Xelsis, he did, I just applied them. The three pictures are the same Apache, I let him beta test it cause he is helping me. I guess they are more olive in real life, xnodunitx, how bout a version with darker colors? Or more olive thing, like Shadow said. Anyways, I will work on the window thing now, but thats about all I can do unitll xnodunitx finishes the cockpit and HUD textures.

Oh right and the tail rotor I will also get that working.

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The Apache is olvide drab and black, there is no desert cammoflage for them except maybe to use as an opfor for training new pilots..... There's no artic textures and there's no green textures either.

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each apache looks rather different,some you can see the bolts in better than others,I am a person who likes that kind of look but I will make a version with smaller less seeable bolts.

Exactly. Very nice work.

I don't like green on Apaches (because all US Apaches are olive drab), but because of all the details I love your texturing anyway  smile_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Can hardly wait to see the whole aircraft.

Quote[/b] ]The AH64 is a thin skined vulerable to small arms fire attack helo, you often fly low and use the terrain to your advantage.  Most of the russain made choppers can hand your ass back to you on a plater, your to use the AH64s stand off capabilites to engage threat aircraft.

Bobcatt, are you mixing up the Cobra and the Apache?

The Cobra is the thin-skinned one, the Apache is the armoured one. It can take up to 23mm shells in all critical areas. No, I believe the Apache stand a better chance against the Russian helicopters because it would most probably get a shot off first and hit its target with the first shot. But thats a different story (and a different topic).

Back on topic:

Will the windshields be partially bulletproof? They should be able to withstand and small arms fire.

I tried to get the skin coloring close to this apache longbow http://www.defensie.nl/Images/8030_tcm6-35305.jpg it looks darker in the programs I used but I will make it darker for ya.

The windows are on Kyle's shoulders,I'm also trying to get him to change the cockpit to the correct shape of todays AH-64's

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I didn't make those textures Xelsis, he did, I just applied them. The three pictures are the same Apache, I let him beta test it cause he is helping me. I guess they are more olive in real life, xnodunitx, how bout a version with darker colors? Or more olive thing, like Shadow said. Anyways, I will work on the window thing now, but thats about all I can do unitll xnodunitx finishes the cockpit and HUD textures.

Oh right and the tail rotor I will also get that working.

Yeah,I'm working on it,finding pictures for reference of MFD's is a major pain,but I'm tryint,yeah I intend to make it olive drab,went on a google search for the color so before the day is out I'll make the helicopter that color,cockpits gonna be awhile on the other hand.

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Dutch, British, German? What does it matter, we are going to make custom markings on the apache for use with setobjecttexture. You can make your apache look like whatever you want biggrin_o.gif . We will be working on that shortly.

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Ok I was going to post a film but the host site won't allow it  sad_o.gif and I can't delete this post for some reason. Oh well Ill just show update pics then.


The new textures that xnodunitx made for the gray version.  biggrin_o.gif

Would anyone be kind enough to host a 10 MB film for me? biggrin_o.gif

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