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bucket man

US vs Iran mod

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I'm not sure if you read my posts, but I mentioned that earlier. The problem is that most of our stuff is based off of other mods. It would not be good if they just took our addons and gave us credit for them when in fact we had to get permission to use those addons by othe rmod teams and addon makers who I have I have tried to develop good relations with. So unless they want to really piss off alot of addon makers and MODs I DO NOT recommend that they just rip off my team's addons without first looking through the readme's and finding out who made what so that they can ask permission to use those addons from the original makers of those addons.

That's why I mentioned in my last post that it would be ALOT easier if they just join my mod team and start an Iranian branch within my Mod team who could use our addons under the LoBo name, but also work independently for the most part as I would like to see the Iranian addons work independtly of the rest of the LoBo stuff so that they could be easly used with other mods and addons.

It would simply be the easiest and fastest way to get these Iranian units done. But again so far no takers.

Also more importantly, so far there is NO they. In other words the US-Iranian conflict mod simply does not exist. Someone simply posted here that they'd like to see such a mod. So far no addon maker has stepped forward willing to work on these Iranian units.

So until an addon maker steps forward with interest in doing them, I'd say that the Iranian military addons are pretty much dead in the water. Our mod would do them, but right now we have a ton of other addons for Israel, Egypt, Jordan that we are working on. Most likely after Jordan we will then make a few Saudi Arabian armor, infantry, and air units.

That is why we would need an addon maker to specialize just in the Iranian stuff. Myself and Calm Terror would also assist in stuff like .cpp editing and any other minor problems that they may need help with. I of coarse would also make missions for the units as well.

But again so far nobody has stepped forward in this thread or PM'ed me unless I missed something.

If no one comes forward, then no Iranians unless someone decides to quietly work on it indepently. But if so, unless it'll take a lone addon maker a LOOOONG time to do all these units from scratch.

But hopefully someone will notice this thread and help LoBo make these Iranian units in OFP.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Lost Brothers Mod Team Leader

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how tough exactly is ERA? could a tank covered w/ ERA survive a direct hit from something like a DU round?

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No. It's designed to protect against HEAT rounds, and it's ability to protect against those is dependent on the generational level of protection inherent in the design and manufacture of the ERA in question. For instance first generation ERA would protect against TOW warheads, but not TOW II's. Second gen. ERA might protect against TOW II's, but not Hellfire. Third gen. ERA, may protect against Hellfire, but not Hellfire II's.

ERA does have some effect against KE projectiles, but is generally less effective versus DU penetrators. One of the specific purposes for the development of the M829E3 was the need to increase the lethality of the M1A2 maingun versus modern MBT's, heavily protected by late generation ERA.

In reference to the above pics of Iranian MBT's, I wouldn't want to be in any of them, if I was facing off against Abrams, TOW II's, Javelins, Apaches, Cobras, or Warthogs.

I'd be very interested to see how well one of those T55's covered in bricks would fare against the 30mm Avenger cannon. My bet is, since the DU rounds are KE penetrators, the first dozen rounds in a burst would probably be absorbed by the ERA, and, the remaining rounds would do to the T55 what they typcally do to all T55's- murder the crews, and set them ablaze.

Since most people here seem to believe ( As I do. ) that a US/Isreal conflict with Iran is not too far off, IRL, one might surmise that the Iranian military is looking next door to see what's about to happen. And if so, one might wonder as to why they'll still be in the Iranian military when the US military comes a 'knockin'. I'm a believer in doing what I can for my nation, even making herioc last stands, but at some point one must wonder if that much sacrifice is worthwhile. wow_o.gif I'd hate to have to make the decision to stay and die, or run and live. But when the bombers launch from Diego Garcia, and the TLAM's are inbound, it will already be too late to decide.


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Some of the latest Russian ERA actually have a secondary sideways facing charge that deflects SABOT rounds to some extent. I think that it is probably unknown whether or not DU rounds would penetrate this type of advanced ERA.

We also have no idea what Iran uses.

At any rate, the whole topic is a moot issue until an addon maker decides to work on these. But still if nobody volunteers, it would be a good idea to rehash the thread every month or so as every once in awhile a addon maker quits a mod and goes around looking for some new project to work on.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Thankyou Ironsight for taking on this great project! biggrin_o.gif

Even if you only make iranian infantry, armor crews and a pilot, its enough. We can always stuff RHS's T-55 with iranian crew or footmunches F-5 with iranian pilot.

This will make some great missions. smile_o.gif

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Thankyou Ironsight for taking on this great project! biggrin_o.gif

Even if you only make iranian infantry, armor crews and a pilot, its enough. We can always stuff RHS's T-55 with iranian crew or footmunches F-5 with iranian pilot.

This will make some great missions. smile_o.gif

I was thinking of reskinning the F5 and add ERA to the RHS T-55's. I will also add more infantry variants wink_o.gif

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Nice to hear you are planning to do some more than I thought. wink_o.gif

Big thanks to you Ironsight and I hope you get some help. Well besides LoBo team to get this released as soon as bossible.

Edit: Here is a pic of Iranian F-5 incase you didnt already know their camo scheme.


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I hope that the US army won't attack Iran,

there's no reaso that they attak iran, however the Iranian army is

very strong and very conclusive, the war against it will be very

difficult and almost impossible, if the American army agress Iran,

Saudi Arabia can block oil for the United States, the Moslem world will imply itself without any doubt, then in this case, the American army which already has a lot of problems in Iraq with just small resistance groups, will be easily humiliated, I hope that Bush won't take this stupid decision...

Concerning the mod, it'll be very nice if you re-make addons already done with the iranian flag

it'll be more easy wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]the Iranian army is

very strong and very conclusive, the war against it will be very

difficult and almost impossible

Quote[/b] ]the American army which already has a lot of problems in Iraq with just small resistance groups, will be easily humiliated

You sound like the Iraqi information minister. rock.gif

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Haha, nice one CanadianTerror biggrin_o.gif!

"There are no infadels in Baghdad!" tounge_o.gif

EDIT: So this isn't completely offtopic, the units are looking nice Ironsight smile_o.gif. Maybe a lighter brown would fit better though, rather than that hard brown color rock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]the Iranian army is

very strong and very conclusive, the war against it will be very

difficult and almost impossible

Quote[/b] ]the American army which already has a lot of problems in Iraq with just small resistance groups, will be easily humiliated

You sound like the Iraqi information minister. rock.gif

lol biggrin_o.gif

but after a lot of titles about them , I 've learned some small things...

But nothing is sure , you know biggrin_o.gif

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I hope that the US army won't attack Iran,

there's no reaso that they attak iran, however the Iranian army is

very strong and very conclusive, the war against it will be very

difficult and almost impossible, if the American army agress Iran,

Saudi Arabia can block oil for the United States, the Moslem world will imply itself without any doubt, then in this case, the American army which already  has a lot of  problems in Iraq with just small resistance groups, will be easily humiliated, I hope that Bush won't take this stupid decision...

Concerning the mod, it'll be very nice if you re-make addons already done with the iranian flag

it'll be more easy  wink_o.gif

Not to get too off topic, but the US military I think would wipe out the Iranian military very easily.  In conventional warfare the US military is extremely good, perhaps the best in the world.  However what the American military sucks at is guerilla warfare and counter-insurgencies.  I think that the Iranian military would definitely put up a tougher fight then Iraq, but still I think that they would collapse as they are still a mainly conscript army made up of lots of Iranian men who aren't particularly religious and many of whom hate their government.  

But they still have some good leaders, and the very loyal and very hardcore Revolutionary Guard.  

The problem with attacking Iran I think would be that we simply don't have enough soldiers to occupy Iran and deal with the resulting insurgency that would develop there just as it has in Iraq.  

But anyhoo..

Back on the topic of these addons-.  Ironsight...sorry about my PM folder being full.  It should be open now.  I'll also PM you my email address.  I'm REALLy glad you got the ball rolling and I look forward to helping you out with these units in whatever way my mod can.   So far that Iranian soldier is looking good.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I for one dont believe iranians could do much against US army if they attacked and occupied the country. What I do believe that if the iranians are smart and dont even try to defeat US on conventional battlefield they could make it imbossible for any country to occupy Iran.

This is kinda offtopic but I was wondering how would this tactic work: They keep only their best tanks operational and use other tanks as spare parts.

Then the tanks are hidden in all major cities inside buildings. After americans come to take the city the iranians suddenly engage with their tanks in close combat. Even a T-55 can destroy or disable M1A2 Abrams from few hundred meters.

Maybe I should go to Iran and join the army as strategic advisor! biggrin_o.gif

Well anyway thanks again to Miles Teg and especially Ironsight. I never believed this idea would take off this good. wink_o.gif

I would like if future screens and other developments could be posted on this thread.

Also if Ironsight needs info on iranian military I am glad to help anyway I can because my addon making skills are non existant.

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Well, this IS on topic....I don't think that American ground forces would even come into play in this conflict, as there is no need to occupy Iran at all. The reasons behind a US pre-emptive attack would be: Iran's support of terrorism, and/or production/possession of WMD. The result is punitive strikes with airpower, and missiles from over the horizon. Air and naval bombardment would destroy any and all tactical, strategic, infrastruture and terror facilities in a matter of hours, and Iran's only defense would be to dig in and pray it ends quickly. Their only realistic response would be an official complaint at the UN.

As we did for decades prior to the invasion of Iraq, we strike strike hard, and walk away.

The only US ground forces involved would be special operatons and covert government agencies.

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I hope that the US army won't attack Iran,

I think odds are very low and declining, especially afer G.W.Bush latest statment that Iran is his next target in war on terror and Syria is second.

there's no reaso that they attak iran,

Oh in fact there can be more reasons as Iran has nuclear power plants and refuses to cooperate with IAA, this may help Bush and his neocons to actually find some "proofs of wmd". There is a method in this madness. President is on his second turn and he may take some risky decisions to reach his long term goal that is reshaping middle east and root out M.E. dictators and spread "democracy and freedom" as he states.

however the Iranian army is very strong and very conclusive, the war against it will be very difficult and almost impossible, if the American army agress Iran,

Im sorry to say that but, Iranians made poorly in Iraq-Iran war, and I dont think much changed since. Besides Iraqi army was 4th largest army in the world prior to Gulf War and yet it was beaten up.

Saudi Arabia can block oil for the United States,

Why should they? They have no bussines with Iran and they even sponsored Iraq in Iraq-Iran war. For Saudi royals , USA is a partner and Iran is just pain in the ass wich wants to spread islamic revolution by removing monarchs thus Iran is a threat.

the Moslem world will imply itself without any doubt,

Would they? Iranians are not Arabs and muslim world is very divided, its not monolyth.

then in this case, the American army which already  has a lot of  problems in Iraq with just small resistance groups,

That s not the point. Its only a matter of will. Take as example rebel groups in eastern europe after IIWW wich fought for 10 years with soviets, and yet Russians crushed all those groups. In 10 years time Americans may succeed in Iraq, but it s rather obvious that after war there are always resistance groups you have to deal with. The only things neccecery are methods and willingness to crush them.

will be easily humiliated, I hope that Bush won't take this stupid decision...

Hard to say if they would or would not be humiliated, but I m pretty much convinced Bush will take this step and give a green light for ops in Iran. Who knows maybe there are already plans of invasion in Pentagon smile_o.gif

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The Pentagon constantly develops, and maintains multiple battle plans, versus any concievable threat- even against allied nations. That's what our war planners are paid to do. They actually fight these battles using computer simulations, and field exercises, dozens of times before a plan is considered presentable. When the President asks for a military option, he is presented with a multitude of battle plans, including in depth threat analysis, detailed intelligence assessments, and even a scientific, calculated probabilty of success for each plan.

War is our profession. We do not take it likely, and we always play to win.

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I think what works against the U.S though is the fact that the Iraq war become very unfavorable after the lack of WMD found.

The credibility is gone.

Attacking Iran (or Syria) might not sit well with the French, Germans, China and Russia just because they feel threatened by the unbalanced amount of power in the mid east that the U.S looks to gain.

So whether you agree that Iran should be "looked into" or not (and I do), the political fallout will be high if anything does actually happen IMO.

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How about we just say that both sides would rush to find ways to fight "effectively" in such a situation. ;) I mean I'm sure that all soldiers/fighters play to win/contribute also.

Anyways, while working on the conventional Iranian units (for good sport at that), how about making some unknown "special forces" troops such as insurgency leaders, civil-camo snipers, and more un-conventional units. I think they would go great with those new CIA-troopers pack in a chaotic situation.

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I think what works against the U.S though is the fact that the Iraq war become very unfavorable after the lack of WMD found.

The credibility is gone.

Attacking Iran (or Syria) might not sit well with the French, Germans, China and Russia just because they feel threatened by the unbalanced amount of power in the mid east that the U.S looks to gain.

So whether you agree that Iran should be "looked into" or not (and I do), the political fallout will be high if anything does actually happen IMO.

The difference is, they cannot deny the existance of Bushehr.

This might be helpful to the discussion: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/iran-strikes.htm

As to France, Germany, China, and Russia.... If you think we're concerned about their reaction, I can assure you, that you are wrong. Now, if you are suggesting that they do something militarily to illustrate their displeasure, I can say that we are prepared to take ANY and all measures required to ensure our national security.

MAD ensured our national defence for decades, and it still will if we choose to attack Iran. If push DOES come to shove, rest assured that we WILL do what is required, including burning the whole planet down around us if neccessary.

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Wow... Cool President Bush is speaking on this forum!  Wow!  I didn't know Bush played OFP.   Cool.  I'm sure glad he speaks for all of America.  It's great to know all of America is prepared to fry the world because we're always right and the rest of the world is always wrong.  Damn it's good to be an American.  TEAM AMERICA!!!!!!!! RED, WHITE, AnD FREAKING BLUE ALL THE WAY!!


Seriously this is one big reason why Christian fundamentalist "I wanna be part of Armeggeddon!" Presidents should never be allowed in office.

Anyhoo... the fact of the matter is that, aside from doing air strikes and a few commando raids here and there the US does not have enough troops to occupy Iran without resorting to a draft...something Bush promised in his campaign he would not do.  He's also said several times quite clearly that he will not invade Iran.   If he did he'd be an idiot.  Of coarse I think he's an idiot for invading Iraq instead of Iran (who has for absolute certainty WMD's and tons of solid links to terrorist groups as well as a definite nuclear program).

The fact of the matter is that the nuclear genie is out of the bag.  The IAEA also recently found Egypt (one of our biggest allies) to be running a secret nuclear weapons program.  If Iran doesn't get nukes, Israel's ancient nemesis, Egypt, will have have them very soon.  Saudi Arabia and Yemen are also rumored to be working on similar programs.    Unless we are willing to commit genocide against all these nations, nukes in the hands of Muslim nations (other then just Pakistan) are gonna be a fact of life in our future... and yeah..probably some idiiot (either us or them) will use them... especially if our President or their leaders are Christian and/or Islamic religious fanatics with the belief that they're bringing about judgement day (Muslims have a very similar belief to Christians about Judgement Day).  

It's called "self fullfilling prophecy".   It's sickening to me that so many people on both sides are just totally oblivious to the fact that their favorite terrorists and our beloved President and politicians are happlily charging forward towards Judgement Day because both sides are too arrogant and full of their own ideologies to just sit down and talk to each other like men instead of quarrelling like spoiled children.

Anyhoo... sorry for the rant.  

I consider myself a moderate cuz I think both sides are full of stuborn fools who refuse to think outside the box and refuse to consider anything other then "kicking the enemy's ass" or "Killing the infidels to defend Islam!".

In my opinion the human race is so stupid and so disrespectful of the miracle of life and of this Earth that we have been given, that I believe we deserve to cause our own extinction and wipe our stupid selves off the face of the universe.  God forbid we ever spread into the universe...if we did we'd be like roaches spreading all over the universe and killing and exploiting every living thing we found, and making war against every intelligent life form we came across.  

So either way, it don't matter to me.  I am happy if I do my part to stop this kind of madness...if I fail at least I can die knowing I tried to do the right thing.  Hopefully the roaches will evolve into something more intelligent a few billion years from now after we're long gone.

God help the human race.

(damn that Rum...ok folks remind me not to drink and post).


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Great speech, Miles, and I'm glad that we have so much iin common. You do of course realize that I said nothing about the Administration, Christians, or even the President. The fact is, NO American President would allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon. Kerry wouldn't have allowed it either.

Do you feel better now?

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...just tried a small mock air run on an iranian power plant. Might not be all the correct stuff that the enemy would use but non the less, having nighthawks take out the air defences, and then rolling in with the F-16 CAS, was totally worth it. Seeing oil plants burn at night is fun smile_o.gif

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