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F117 Nighthawk by TomiD

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Quote[/b] ]Did a little test. Soldiers a distance of 64 meters from the point of impact were killed. Those 128 meters away didn't have a scratch.

Any comparisons to real life GBUs?

From my heli-FAC days, ISTR that "Danger - Close" for the standard UK 1,000lb-er was 400m (we were strongly encouraged not to attack within 1000m of friendly forces). Probably means that the lethal blast radius was in the order of 200m. This would all vary according to the terrain, nature of the surface, blah blah blah.

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Quote[/b] ]Did a little test. Soldiers a distance of 64 meters from the point of impact were killed. Those 128 meters away didn't have a scratch.

Any comparisons to real life GBUs?

From my heli-FAC days, ISTR that "Danger - Close" for the standard UK 1,000lb-er was 400m (we were strongly encouraged not to attack within 1000m of friendly forces).  Probably means that the lethal blast radius was in the order of 200m.  This would all vary according to the terrain, nature of the surface, blah blah blah.

In any case, it sounds like the blast radius should be much wider.

Death from above. ghostface.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Did a little test. Soldiers a distance of 64 meters from the point of impact were killed. Those 128 meters away didn't have a scratch.

Any comparisons to real life GBUs?

From my heli-FAC days, ISTR that "Danger - Close" for the standard UK 1,000lb-er was 400m (we were strongly encouraged not to attack within 1000m of friendly forces).  Probably means that the lethal blast radius was in the order of 200m.  This would all vary according to the terrain, nature of the surface, blah blah blah.

In any case, it sounds like the blast radius should be much wider.

Death from above. ghostface.gif

You can't make it too wide, as the blast extends vertically as

well, and the AI pilots blow themselves up.

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oh yes please add shock wave scripts and over script the jet so that it unusable. pretty please..

don't go over board on scripts. they end up causing ALOT of lag.

WGL mod has a pretty good effect for bombs with the shockwave and all. Maybe that script will work better for this jet.

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Quote[/b] ]Did a little test. Soldiers a distance of 64 meters from the point of impact were killed. Those 128 meters away didn't have a scratch.

Any comparisons to real life GBUs?

From my heli-FAC days, ISTR that "Danger - Close" for the standard UK 1,000lb-er was 400m (we were strongly encouraged not to attack within 1000m of friendly forces).  Probably means that the lethal blast radius was in the order of 200m.  This would all vary according to the terrain, nature of the surface, blah blah blah.

In any case, it sounds like the blast radius should be much wider.

Death from above. ghostface.gif

You can't make it too wide, as the blast extends vertically as

well, and the AI pilots blow themselves up.

What F117 pilot is ever going to be 200-400 meters directly over the target when the bomb goes off? rock.gif

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I suppose it is fine the way it is, no need to overload it with too many scripts unless it helps AI out. You did a great job, a nice surprise as usual TomiD.

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Corect change = novisiblity==> irTarget=0

Updated addon in old link smile_o.gif

Thank you for this update.

I put myself as gunner of a shilka squad and an AI controlled F117 just annihilated us without being spotted on the radar.

The result ingame is really great, you can only scan the sky with fear of such strike biggrin_o.gif

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About the bombs blast radius, the F-117A's drop 2000lb class weapons, (E)GBU-24 Paveway III's. Minimum safe distance should be at least 500 meters. This shouldn't be a problem as the aircraft is usually used in strike missions in enemy-held territory- there shouldn't be any friendlies about. Civilians casualties are probably pretty likely, however. The thing is, the Paveway III's are laser-guided, with a GPS backup. So, even though I'd prefer to use SPECOPS LD's to guide the bomb in, they may be too close to the target to avoid injury or death when it impacts, therefore, the bombs should be made to be IR scanning too, to simulate GPS guidance. I'd also make them a missile class weapon, with a low speed, to simulate toss-bombing, and high-altitude drops. If the engines are not too loud, the enemy should be unaware of a Nighthawk until it's already pickled it's weapons, and is egressing.

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BTW, I'm not able to download the addon. The RAR DL's as text. No luck at their site, either. Does anyone have a valid link?

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yeha that is how ot make it invisible via "radar"

but aa guns will still fire on it when in range and some times sam's will do..

Well it's not as if the aircrafts low radar-visibility makes the crewmen of AAA-pieces go blind... It might be oldfashioned, but there is still visual targetting wink_o.gif

And I am not sure about this.. But the F117 doesn't have any IR-jammers, right? So being targetted by shoulderlaunched SAM's isn't unrealistic, right?

IR detects heat and the F117 has the lowest heat signature of any aircraft.

being that it flys @ night only (well is suppose to anyway) and is black... you would have to have about 40 or 50 SAMs fire in differnt directions and hope that one of them comes close enough to detect waht little heat is emited.

so to answer your question: no locking on with a strella and shooting it down is unrealstic.

nightvision- visual targeting from aa gunners, however, is realstic.

Quote[/b] ]what F117 would fly aat 200 to 400m when the bomb goes off anyway?

AI pilots will.

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TomiD you make very nice aircraft and retextures.

as for the missile class it has an bad limit of only goin 2km's then exploding. in order ot make it go farther then 2km's you have to make it thrust ALOT. be very fast.

the bomb in this is IR lockable you just have to open the bomb bay to add in the weapon so you can ir lock.

what is needed is an empty dumby weapon for ir locking before you open the bay doors. and techinally when the doors are open your radar signucer should go up but yes that is not fully possible in ofp..

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Is it truely stealthy? That it's best feature IRL.

Sounds like it is *after reading the other posts*

Yeah It's invisible to radar but not your eyes and the things are waaaay to dang loud,say and heard one take off at an airshow,was standing 10 feet away,was going to take pictures but there were some armed guards so I just got pics of the AH-64,Ch-47,UH-60,UH-1,F14 and a few other things like a C5 and a squad of C-130's with parachuting WWII veterans,it was coool,especially the pilots of the AH-64D showing off what that machine can do.

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a little critisium time:

the tail(s) need to be a lil more vertical, your's are a bit too flat.

the textures need some.. well they need some texture on them. they are too glossy.

bombay is nice, but the weapons are mounted internaly, not on the doors.

and the model is a bit too big (in comparison to the OFP man)

the F117 is a helluvalot smaller irl.

the OFP man should be about eye level to the joint between the cockpit and the fusealage (where it closes)

Height: 3m

Lenght: 20m

Width: 13m

shes really a tiny plane smile_o.gif

i think its a good start thou smile_o.gif good job

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Yeah, Pappy mentioned everything I was thinking. It's like he read my mind.

And also the cockpit should be really tight. Very little space, and it should be a little harder to see out.

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Yeah It's invisible to radar but not your eyes and the things are waaaay to dang loud,say and heard one take off at an airshow,was standing 10 feet away,was going to take pictures but there were some armed guards so I just got pics of the AH-64,Ch-47,UH-60,UH-1,F14 and a few other things like a C5 and a squad of C-130's with parachuting WWII veterans,it was coool,especially the pilots of the AH-64D showing off what that machine can do.


what airshow were you at? I went to An airshow base in North Carolina (if u are in the USA) at C more Johnson (S?) and there was a F117 in a hangar, we asked and they let us take pics rock.gif

Great addon TomiD

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what airshow were you at? I went to An airshow base in North Carolina (if u are in the USA) at C more Johnson (S?) and there was a F117 in a hangar, we asked and they let us take pics rock.gif

Great addon TomiD

They let you? Isn't that a violation of regulations?

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The Nighthawk hasn't been that secret in decades.

I've taken pictures of them, and B-2's as well. What secrecy remains with these programs is primarily for regards to their construction, avioncs, and performance.

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I got another bug I noticed. When you turn lights on...the light doesn't align correctly with the plane. Also how about getting the wheels to spin, like the updated F-16 Footmunch released? wink_o.gif

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