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I've re-jigged the F-16 a little bit


Changes include:

Corrected model (especially engine/fuselage join)

Added 'shine' effects

Added ejection sequence

Added 'rolling' wheels

Added cockpit reflection in pilot view

Weapons appear on re-arming

Roundel defaults to US low-vis grey

Direct link -> http://www.footmunch.org.uk/f16.zip

(If anyone wants MLOD p3d files, please PM me here)


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Very impressive, as always. I wonder if TomiD has any plans to review his recent model, perhaps changing the name so we can enjoy both versions on our PCs at the same time?

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Very impressive, as always.  I wonder if TomiD has any plans to review his recent model, perhaps changing the name so we can enjoy both versions on our PCs at the same time?

why not just let tomid retexture these ones...

or better yet from this point on let tomid do the texturing and footmunch the models, and config, and scripts, and everything else for that matter, and viola.. you have the perfect aircraft "mod" crew

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Everyone, including TomiD wink_o.gif, is free to re-tex my addons.

But if significant changes are made, please also re-Tag them -

I can't be expected to support the new versions if I haven't

made them smile_o.gif.

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yeah, please TomiD and Footmunch, cooperate in the making of new and nearly perfec aircraft.

obviously TomiD has the texture skill required to make the aircraft (or whatever he choose to do) extremly good looking.

and footmunch has the best modeling skill for aircraft ive seen this far. (and he aint a bad scripter either i can easily say) wink_o.gif

so please, do cooperate in the making and update of new and already made aircraft smile_o.gif

bvoth planes and choppers smile_o.gif

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Hey Footmunch why does the F15E lag when used on islands that have mapfact objects??

for me it LAGS really really bad.

and it is not an poly issue since i did tests of lowering the ploy count. the F15C has zero lag but he F15E is really bad.


nevermind the new mapfact released fixed the lag issue..

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Handles great with the mouse. Very nice!

Error: put the CAS model on an empty map and tried to preview it. Got error msg:

Error loading rktf16\wep\mk82_mesh.p3d (magic)

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this error is normal, as Footmunch forgot to add the mk82_mesh.p3d in the wep folder of his .pbo

If you were not using nomap, you would have crashed to desktop without seeing the (magic) message.

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Footmunch mayby time to strategic bombers smile_o.gif

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well he's a got a Vulcan and..oh wait i cant say what else. blues.gif

Quiet you  wink_o.gif

TomiD - The main problem is that the AI isn't very good at

flying big bombers, so the Blackjack and B-1 are kinda difficult.

Tu-22 on the other hand...

The Vulcan's just got a new paint job, by the way:


Still a long way to go, though.

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Tomi..u might wanna remove that pic of the B-1 before the moderators have a cow....

why should he? its only 89.9kb, the limit is 100kb smile_o.gif

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That's some kind of funny somebody is asking for a Tu-22M. I just thought about one yesterday as I was flying Footmunch's grey Mig-23 which camo reminded me a lil' to the way bigger Backfire.

I think it would be cool to have on in OFP but like Footmunch already said I also think the AI will have some trouble with this bird...especially auto-landing seems to be impossible for planes of this size.

But back to topic! The new F-16 is really cool I especially like the "rolling wheels" that's something that was really missing in OFP. But the other stuff like the new ejection sequenz and the default markings are very cool features, too!



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The size of the plane doesn't always mean the AI will not be able to fly it well.  Look at that Antonov An-124 aircraft.  That's probably the biggest aircraft in OFP yet the AI fly it perfectly and its VERY enjoyable to fly for most players.  I have no trouble flying it all and neither do the AI normally.

The Tu-22 is much smaller and I think would be very nice to have for low level carpet bombing or for launching some big cruise missiles against ships and buildings.   Also with a little scripting you can simulate high altitude bombing by strategic bombers if you use a waypoint set to careless, use a setpos script to put them at a high altitude, and then another triggered script to simulate the carpet bombing.  Also in MP games, such an aircraft can provide excellent air support with a team mate flying the plane and doing some serious heavy bombing runs on an enemy and perhaps flying at a very high altitude to avoid enemy SAMs.    At any rate, I think such aircraft provide a lot of possibilities.  

Also don't forget about the Tu-16 Badger:



That pic above shows one with cruise missiles.


Tu-16's getting ready to go blow something up.  smile_o.gif

They are some pretty tough looking bombers.   Kinda like IL-28 beagles on steroids.  Furthermore, the TU-16T can carry torpedoes as well....so CoC torpedo equipped Tu-16T's are another cool option as well as ECM variants that use one of the ECM scripts used on a few aircraft addons.   Having an ECM variant of the TU-16 flying in support of a Mig-27 low level bombing raid would kick ass.  

A detailed diagram can be found here of the TU-16:


(over 100kb in size)

Tons more TU-16 pics here:



By the way, Footmunch, the Vulcan is looking AMAZING! I am SOOO happy that you are continuing work on that adddon!

It'll be great for Cold War missions.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Also Im not sure if you know this, but the wheels keep on spinning even after takeoff. And even if you put gear up and then put it down again, the wheels are still spinning. Other then that this is a 99% perfect addon. I just love it...

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Also Im not sure if you know this, but the wheels keep on spinning even after takeoff. And even if you put gear up and then put it down again, the wheels are still spinning. Other then that this is a 99% perfect addon. I just love it...

Yeah, that's just the way it works: It's difficult to tell

_exactly_ when the plane touches down, so it's hard to know

when to 'spin-up' or 'brake' the wheels.

Chris - True, the AI handles _unarmed_ big planes fine. But

when you put bombs/rockets/guns on them, the AI

starts 'swooping' during attacks. As you say, this can be fixed

via scripting - maybe a suite of exchangable scripts for big

bombers is needed. If such a pack were to be put together,

the Vulcan would be a good test bed... wink_o.gif

Is there an East plane/heli that carries torpedos? If not, that

should be a priority to balance the sides.

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