hidden_spectre 2 Posted November 7, 2005 kickass hueys Csj, man ur a pro awesome textures, excellent scripts (really like the medivac version) best hueys for a game.....thumbs up man. gud job Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
csj 0 Posted November 12, 2005 Updated Huey Pack Available Now download from HawkNam This pack will replace the old Guns and lifts pack but does not effect any missions made with the old models. *Medevacs will be updated very soon. Also Seawolf update I have made alot of changes with this pack including textures, scripting, 3d body work, sounds and more most may not be so noticeable but I am sure all changes have made improvements on the old model. The most noticeable difference is the inclusion of the door mount M134.  Big thanks to Vlados for the use of his M134 model. (Nice gun) Thanks also to Hawkins and Warrior X™ for spending time testing. Changeable Insignia - check readme and AHC sqds.txt plus I have included a basic demo to show sqs setup. (simple) List of included Sqds, Tactical colours and other -check demo as I said to see how it all works Quote[/b] ]UNIT      - LIFT    and    GUNS                92nd AHC - Stallions and Sidekicks    114th AHC - Knights and Cobras 118th AHC - Thunderbirds and Bandits 121st AHC - Tigers and Vikings 135th AHC - Emu and Taipans 174th AHC - Dolphins and Sharks 175th AHC - Outlaws and Mavericks 176th AHC - Minuteman/Muskets 187th AHC - Crusaders and BlackHawks 191st AHC - Boomerangs and Bounty Hunters 240th AHC - Greyhounds and Maddogs 282nd AHC -Blackcat and AlleyCats 336th AHC - Warriors and T-Birds other insignia Blackhorse Cav Sabre (White and Yellow) Jolly Roger (skull and cross bones) skullB.paa  (skull)  skull.paa Tactical triangle red centre             - tria.paa triangle yellow centre          - triaY.paa triangle red pentagon centre    - mavtac.paa triangle green triangle centre   - wartac.paa pentagon red stripe            - penta8.paa pentagon red/white/blue stripe  - ghtac.paa diamond red centre            - diaR.paa circle red centre               - bhtac.paa white/red/white stripes         -wrw.paa Coloured Bands blue - blutac.pac orange - oratac.pac red -redtac.pac white -whitac.pac yellow -yeltac.pac Example sqs ; setup for B and C model sqs _this = _this ; set noseart _this setObjectTexture [47,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] ; set tactical art _this setObjectTexture [48,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] ; set pilot and copilot door art _this setObjectTexture [49,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] ; set main rear fuselage art _this setObjectTexture [50,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] ; set rocket pod art _this setObjectTexture [51,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] ; set rocket pod art M3 _this setObjectTexture [52,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] Example sqs ; setup for D and H models  sqs _this = _this ; set noseart _this setObjectTexture [46,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] ; set tactical art _this setObjectTexture [47,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] ; set pilot and copilot door art _this setObjectTexture [48,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] ; set main rear fuselage art _this setObjectTexture [49,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] ; set rocket pod art _this setObjectTexture [50,"\csjuh1\sig\texture.paa"] Omit sections that DO NOT APPLY to your particular chopper's markings. Most lift choppers would only have noseart, tactical marking and maybe door art. will post some pics later or users could post theirs also any user missions - I would be keen to see them. thanx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheitmann 0 Posted November 12, 2005 Yeah! Very nice, CSJ, downloading now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gunfighter-6 0 Posted November 12, 2005 Cool thing, but i get some really annoying graphic bugs with most of your B- and C-models... looks really weird... and no, i don't have the old pbos in my addons folder... edit: Also the Bushrangers do... Your new choppers (UH-1C mini) and the navy ones don't produce that errors... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wheitmann 0 Posted November 12, 2005 I get a CTD when I use certain helis, like the UH-1C Super....I've removed the .pbo's that were mentioned in the readme.... BTW, what is the name of the .pbo containing the Navy helis? The only other CSJ helicopter .pbo I have in my folder is the csjmedevac.pbo. Will I delete this one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
csj 0 Posted November 12, 2005 I think I have the problem sometimes O2 doubles up on textures for some reason. it has done this with the mentioned models so leave it with me for a whiel and I will go thru them all again. Sorry for inconvenience Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
csj 0 Posted November 13, 2005 Birds are fixed - just waiting on hosting sites to post the fix. Turned out that the new mini's pushed the limits a bit so I had to do some doctoring. Works fine on my pc which tops 22 fps and thats on the map page so it should work on most pc's. ofpInfo has fixed pbo here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hawkins 8 Posted November 13, 2005 Fixed version from Hawknam here: http://hawknam.net/csjHueysUpdate.zip Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gunfighter-6 0 Posted November 13, 2005 Yes, great... i love these babies... Excellent Addon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eddyd 0 Posted November 13, 2005 i cant start the test , script is missing in the choppers it self "script\CSJUH1\csj11.sqs not found" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
csj 0 Posted November 13, 2005 You are trying to use the "Uh1-C M22", its all there. If you have the old csjHueyD.pbo in your addons this will throw up a number of errs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gunfighter-6 0 Posted November 19, 2005 Well, i finally figured out some minor bugs: - the dustoff UH-1s are missing some of their interior textures; - the M6 armament system on the B- and C-Gunships (hardmounted double M60s) has minigun sounds... Another thing: Does someone have a source for different nose arts and unit patches? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
csj 0 Posted November 19, 2005 Quote[/b] ]- the dustoff UH-1s are missing some of their interior textures; they will do now coz they are a different package altogether but use the UH1 pack for their textures. So until I update them... (which will be soon). Quote[/b] ]- the M6 armament system on the B- and C-Gunships (hardmounted double M60s) has minigun sounds... Yes they do. re noseart and patches these links may help find what you want http://www.vhfcn.org/unitlinks.html http://www.blu.org/vhcma/unit2.html http://members.aol.com/minutman27/rscheck_noseart.htm http://www.geocities.com/pentagon/quarters/1517/links1.html http://www.armyaircrews.com/huey.html Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gunfighter-6 0 Posted November 19, 2005 they will do now coz they are a different package altogether but use the UH1 pack for their textures. So until I update them... (which will be soon). Good to hear that... Quote[/b] ]Quote[/b] ]- the M6 armament system on the B- and C-Gunships (hardmounted double M60s) has minigun sounds... Yes they do. Well, i thought, the guns are firing a bit to slow for a minigun sound... And thanks for the links, now i finally can do some fine unit patches... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
john_mcclane 0 Posted November 20, 2005 Your work is very much appreciated! These are excellent Hueys. The only tiny issue I still notice are the flashing textures when viewed from above with the rotors turning (the windscreen and the nose art flash/blink). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
csj 0 Posted November 20, 2005 MedEvac Update is available at HawkNam thanks to Hawkins for mirror. pic by Hawkins  featuring his edited 'Nam units and A Shau valley. Some of the Dustoffs units in Vietnam donned a med symbol  on the belly of their birds, so I have added this which can be implemented simular way as the UH1 insignia. I have enclosed sqs files in the old demo mission. These activated by placing the usual exec line in the chopper's init. this exec "MedSig.sqs" for D & H or "MedSigC.sqs" for B & C models ------ @John_McClane The fix Cpt. FrostBite suggested worked to a point and I am grateful for his input. Unfortunately on some of the models and with nose art it has not solved the flicker when viewing from above. I don't know why - if I did it would have been fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gunfighter-6 0 Posted November 20, 2005 Thanks CSJ for the update, your hueys are great... now i can update my evac-mission... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cpt. FrostBite 0 Posted November 20, 2005 @John_McClaneThe fix Cpt. FrostBite suggested worked to a point and I am grateful for his input. Unfortunately on some of the models and with nose art it has not solved the flicker when viewing from above. I don't know why - if I did it would have been fixed. Remember that this is because you're viewing a Paa texture (the noseart or one of the other textures) through a Paa texture (the rotor blur). The rotorblade-blur texture needs to be the top face after the entire model has been finished and all textures placed. After it's all in place you select the blur texture and make it the top face (Faces -> move top). This should also work for the nose art. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted November 30, 2005 Closed at Author's request, new thread imminent Share this post Link to post Share on other sites