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Bushranger BETA release

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First of all, thanks for these fantastic copters. It's certainly the most comprehensive helicopter addon pack that I've seen.

The problem that I've got is that they just do not want to attack anything on the ground, paticularly infantry. Every time that I've tried them, bar once, they fly past the opposition and come to a halt about 1km away. The type of waypoint or their skill level doesn't seem to affect this. To be fair this does seem to happen to other copters as well, but nowhere near as often as with these. I don't know whether it's a config issue (if so maybe have a look at the Sebnam pack copters config, as they engage infantry perfectly) or to do with the fact that the view arc of the pilots and the in-cabin gunners seems quite limited compared to other helicopter models.

It may be just something that I'm experiencing, but if not, I hope that you'll be able to sort it out, as these should be fantastic for close air support.  smile_o.gif

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Thanks for input. smile_o.gif

There are still a number of Hueys I have lined up to add to the pack.

Unfortunately most of these require some scripting which is beyond my capabilities ATM.

Getting scripting assistance from the community can be like pulling hens teeth sometimes, with ppl's schooling and other commitments. sad_o.gif

Birds with the XM52 (smoker) I had thought about but could not see it getting sufficient use in game.

At this stage no more will be added until I am happy with the general flight model.

@Evil Weasel

Fair comment, this has concerned me also.

I have been and still am working on it.

Unfortunately all the answers do not lay in 'Sebnam Hueys'.

I construct my cpp from the 'com config', I also find now that things I thought would be generic thru a class are not.

Always learning, slowly but surely. rock.gif

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hmm, perhaps post someting on the breathe/addon conifg and scripting topic to get you some help with thse things (including config)

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The firing rate of the M60 and Dual M60 is a little bit high rock.gif

I like the Huey and this one is very nice smile_o.gif ´

Please help this guy with scripting !!!

I would help you put I'm too stupid to script tounge_o.gifwink_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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Very nice looking choppers.

I was wondering if it would be possible to include som unmarked versions (maybe armed with M2) in the next version. Would be nice to have som generic forces airsupport, especially since the Huey was used in so many countries around the world.

Anyway, I'm already looking forward to the next release biggrin_o.gif

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I did supply unmarked but yes unarmed D's and C's.

It is a simple alteration you ask - can be done.

Forgot to mention crazy_o.gif

New sound for hueys is thanks to Bill Janes

191st Assault Helicopter Company "Boomerangs"


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had no joy with that link sad_o.gif

@Evil Weasel

Check PM

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Unfortunately in down town Bli Bli it still aint.

I did an extensive search through the Smithsonian site before and came up empty as well.

Maybe you have entered via password? Dunno why its ot working.

You have me curiuos to see what this has to show that nothing else seems to have covered. rock.gif

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I'm in danger of taking this thread along off-topic lines that Placebo et al deplore... is anyone else able to see the Smithsonian link? My ISP is particularly prone to blocking sites, so I'm surprised I can see something not visible to Godzone country. Link still works for me - do you have the appropriate prog for viewing .mov files? I use Quicktime, but there are muningi others out there.

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OK. I will wait and try again later.

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OK. I will wait and try again later.

I've mirrored it, see if you can get it now smile_o.gif


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Thanks placebo, I have viewed. rock.gif

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I did supply unmarked but yes unarmed D's and C's.

It is a simple alteration you ask - can be done.

Excellent.. smile_o.gif

Glad to finally see a decent nondescript armed Huey. The seb spec op one is armed with a M60, and not many countries use that.

Now if only someone could make some Nam-era Aussies. The Bushrangers lack some cargo wink_o.gif

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um, got a bug for you...

i cant really reproduce a special event where they always appear thugh... but sometimes when one of the choppers in this pack (any of them it seams) and i turn to look at them or to look in the direction they are i get a CTD with the erromessage "Missing texture" (it doesnt say wich texture, just missing texture)

and it doesnt happen every time, but it seams the more action goeing on (lower FPS and lower LOD) the more likely it is to get the crash...

most times it has happened i have used the Dustoff versions (both A2 and the others) and they have been inbound to land at the same time as there is some minor firefight goeing on.. (not always a firefight though) and FPS dropping below 10 FPS (or somewhere about that number)

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um, got a bug for you...

i cant really reproduce a special event where they always appear thugh... but sometimes when one of the choppers in this pack (any of them it seams) and i turn to look at them or to look in the direction they are i get a CTD with the erromessage "Missing texture" (it doesnt say wich texture, just missing texture)

and it doesnt happen every time, but it seams the more action goeing on (lower FPS and lower LOD) the more likely it is to get the crash...

most times it has happened i have used the Dustoff versions (both A2 and the others) and they have been inbound to land at the same time as there is some minor firefight goeing on.. (not always a firefight though) and FPS dropping below 10 FPS (or somewhere about that number)

I've had the same problem. Plus some of the gun-effect istill grey = no texture.

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Back-ground info;

Normally this would not happen and it would just show a white surface. It would show a grey surface it the face is not textured at all.

I had this problem before on a small addon I once made and it seems that the problem was the format of one of the textures (paa, pac). It seemed one of the textures was just corrupted and caused a crash. It even crashed Bulldozer with the same message (missing texure) when I tried to look at it.

Perhaps this helps a bit CSJ.

But it's a pain in the ass, if you don't which texture it is. Perhaps Bulldozer does say which texture is the problem, but I can't remember.

10 fps should mean it's one of the lower LOD's, which means you have (hopefully) less textures to check. Try opening them in Texview. If I remember correctly it wouldn't open them if the texture was corrupted (although the right size and format it was just fucked it in my case)

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Thanks, Cpt. FrostBite

I just combed through the lot, found a changed couple of suspects.

Have sent speeder and the_shadow an update to test.

So I will just have to wait and see on the outcome.

If this fails then the only other possibilty may be texture name length. Though I had no warnings in O2.

Re Zalesh. Deffinitely all textured. Dunno bout that one.

Mybe slowing firing rate down could help, but all guns are set on the correct RPM.

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ok, i have just made a "quick" test (infact, the same as where i had the latest CTD, even tried to make the miossion "heavier" to force out the bug, and so far... nothing smile_o.gif

cant be 100% sure yet though since i havnt tried all choppers.

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Hey there ...

I like to remove the seats ^^ ...


Ask BAS to use there CargoAnims, that in a huey would be great!!! ... remove the seats and bring the soldiers on the floor ... sitting, also pending there legs out of the chopper and all that, just look in the Blackhawk config ;)

plz, do that, thx ...


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Either of those posi's in top 2 pics would be cool animations.

Agreed, much better then the one currently used.

I will have a look into improving animations but its all new to me so could be slow process. crazy_o.gif


Thanks for encouraging report, keep pushing the limits and we will see how it handles.

Replacement pbo of the others I gave you will be in the mail soon. smile_o.gif



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bug. On one of the medic helicopter theres the RAAF symbol on the door and United States Army sign on the back. But I dont know much about vietnam so it might to true.

Anyway, new animations would be cool. wink_o.gif

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